Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

I already did. Your game is off. Everyone has already discussed that at length day one. And then both you and wolf want to give me to noon less than 48 hrs into day two before you will flash lynch me. It's pretty scummy.

but I'm leaning more to wolf. She went out of her way screeching about how wake needs to scan her today. Why? Because she knew he would be dead today without ever being able to do it.

not to mention it took forever to use basic logic and statistics to realize that the town move yesterday was to look for one on the off wagon

vote wolf

I think she is better choice.

my phones giving me issues. If you lynch me give me time to claim and let me talk in twighlight. I've got three other games to worry about too but i don't want town to lose if I'm dead

This is an OMGUS vote on the one pushing hardest for you lynch because you are caught scum and it's obvious.

I never said noon, I said one day today. Aye said noon but it really doesn't matter as I was the one yesterday who said you needed a chance to speak before we voted you off. I also already explained why I wanted to be scanned several times now. Nope, I was trying to save Wake for that exact reason. Also, to prove if he was lying or not. Now it took forever for me to realize going after one off the wagon is bad logic? I don't even know where I resisted that idea because I didn't. I wanted one on the wagon because 100% positively there is scum on Wake's wagon and House was the scum off.

I don't buy the logic there are 3 scum in the game. I don't see anyone else in this game even close to as scummy as you are and even if I didn't feel that way, you'd be a PoE scumread. Your arguments today have all been totally weak as well. You are acting like caught scum. I am not moving my vote to anyone else. If the rest of town wants to discuss it more, they may but I think we won this with your lynch.
As for Wolf...I can appreciate Avi's reasoning - but I don't want to give her a negative mark for being an active participant in this game. Is she always active and a controlling force?

Read the other games. Yes, I'm active as town and yes, I'm loud about what I think. And I try to quit as both alignments actually but my scum game here was the worst because I was dealing with a lot of other issues and I ended up getting myself modkilled. That isn't how I'd play as scum now as I've improved some in that area but me trying to quit is honestly not alignment indicative at all.
Aye's game may very well be off - I think she might be distracted by my beauty.

It's that animal magnetism you have! Just so damn intriguing! (and fishing for compliments, are you?)
I am having fish dinner tonight. I am just trying to get you to focus.

And just what are you trying to get me focused on? I was talking about the game until you jumped in with the above. LOL

VOTE: Avatar4321

The next vote for him is the lynch vote.

He needs to be given time to come in and claim.
As for Wolf...I can appreciate Avi's reasoning - but I don't want to give her a negative mark for being an active participant in this game. Is she always active and a controlling force?

Read the other games. Yes, I'm active as town and yes, I'm loud about what I think. And I try to quit as both alignments actually but my scum game here was the worst because I was dealing with a lot of other issues and I ended up getting myself modkilled. That isn't how I'd play as scum now as I've improved some in that area but me trying to quit is honestly not alignment indicative at all.
And you are 100% against FA? being scum?
Aye's game may very well be off - I think she might be distracted by my beauty.

It's that animal magnetism you have! Just so damn intriguing! (and fishing for compliments, are you?)
I am having fish dinner tonight. I am just trying to get you to focus.

And just what are you trying to get me focused on? I was talking about the game until you jumped in with the above. LOL
Trying to get you focused on being a winner.
Aye's game may very well be off - I think she might be distracted by my beauty.

It's that animal magnetism you have! Just so damn intriguing! (and fishing for compliments, are you?)
I am having fish dinner tonight. I am just trying to get you to focus.

And just what are you trying to get me focused on? I was talking about the game until you jumped in with the above. LOL
Trying to get you focused on being a winner.

I already am a winner, dear.
2 shot hider

hid behind Rosie last night. So I know she is town. If she was scum I would have been killed
Aye's game may very well be off - I think she might be distracted by my beauty.

It's that animal magnetism you have! Just so damn intriguing! (and fishing for compliments, are you?)
I am having fish dinner tonight. I am just trying to get you to focus.

And just what are you trying to get me focused on? I was talking about the game until you jumped in with the above. LOL
Trying to get you focused on being a winner.

I already am a winner, dear.
That s yet to be seen.
OK so we have another investigative role in the game along with Wake's? In an 8 player game we have 2 roles that act like cops? I really don't buy it. I think he's lying. That said I'm not sure lynching that claim is a good idea. Does everyone in this game have a PR? Aye hinted at having one also.
OK so we have another investigative role in the game along with Wake's? In an 8 player game we have 2 roles that act like cops? I really don't buy it. I think he's lying. That said I'm not sure lynching that claim is a good idea. Does everyone in this game have a PR? Aye hinted at having one also.

I will claim mine if you want.
Also, this was what Avi was in the last game he had a PR in hider, it seems like a very convienent fakeclaim for scum.

Hider - MafiaWiki

I don't buy it at all but if we lynch and I'm wrong that screws us.

I don't know what to think. I wish he would of hid behind me, would of made things a lot easier today. He never even suspected Rosie so I have no idea why he would pick her.

Fuck, I don't know.

OK so we have another investigative role in the game along with Wake's? In an 8 player game we have 2 roles that act like cops? I really don't buy it. I think he's lying. That said I'm not sure lynching that claim is a good idea. Does everyone in this game have a PR? Aye hinted at having one also.
Damn...everyone has a fun role but me...Can I vote lulz?
OK so we have another investigative role in the game along with Wake's? In an 8 player game we have 2 roles that act like cops? I really don't buy it. I think he's lying. That said I'm not sure lynching that claim is a good idea. Does everyone in this game have a PR? Aye hinted at having one also.

I will claim mine if you want.

Don't. If you actually have one, keep it hidden. I really don't know what to think now. I'm tempted to let you guys lynch me to prove Avi is lying because when I flip town, he'll probably be shot tonight if he's telling the truth and if he's lying, he'll be back the next day and it will be between him, Rosie, and Aye for who is scum on the wagon and will be turbolynched for the win.

I have to think about this now.

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