Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

I think Avi is lying. I really do.
Where is Avi's vote right now? Would he lie not only to protect himself, but also to protect his scum partner?

I stick with FA for now. He is scummy...and probably won't comment if he get's to L-1 (again)
You guys should lynch on the wagon. Lynch me, have Avi hide behind Aye. If he is alive the next day, Aye is town and he will have proven both Aye and Rosie are town and he'll have no choice but to be shown to be fakeclaiming scum because with me gone, he's the only possible scum on the wagon or he's lying about his claim. This backs him into a corner. Alternatively, if you lynch me, and Avi gets shot and is shown to be telling the truth, then the only possible scum left alive on the wagon will be Aye.

I think this is best. Thoughts?
I still don't know if there are 3 scum in this game but if Avi is telling the truth and there are that many powerful town PR's in play, it could be true that there are 2 scum plus a traitor that can kill. It's crazy but not impossible.

That said if there are 3 and we mislynch me, then town will lose because it will be lylo.
I don't believe Avi, he's trying to save his own hide. I don't believe there are 3 scum either. If we lynch Avi and I'm wrong, then town loses. If I sacrifice myself to catch Avi, town could lose since I'm town. I'm willing to bet money Avi is lying but the chance he is telling the truth would be too harmful to risk at this point in the game.

So town has to make a choice. I think House was scum off the wagon. If there are 3 it's FA who is the 3rd but if there are 2, he's innocent.

I really don't know what to think about all this now.

I need the input of everyone else playing this game except Avi. What is the best move here?
I think we vote FA. Let's put him at L-1 and force him to claim...if he does, we can reconsider...but I don't think he will because his strategy seems to be to remain silent - confusing the issue even more.

You have some experience with moderating. Is it possible to have two investigative roles like this in a game of this size?

I really don't think Avi is telling the truth. If he is, in my view Aye is confscum but I think he's lying.
FA needs to come in and explain why he shouldn't be lynched.

He was mirroring many of House's posts early in the game.
Well, I am a little wide in the hips to hide behind. It's All About That Bass.

By stating I have no PR role, that is claiming.

I dunno if Avi is Scum or if he hid behind me. He could have, because I am Town.

A vote for FA is a vote for TWO Scum off wagon and I was wrong about Wake.

So I should believe Wake.

So tentatively my vote will be on Wolf, but not officially until.I am more sure.

Regards from Rosie
I don't know if we should vote off the wagon. We can't afford another mislynch. I'd rather NL, have Avi hide behind Aye and if he's alive the next day, then he's confscum to me but not to you guys because I'll still be here as a possibility which is why I'm offering up a lynch of myself but unfortunately that could screw town. And that is exactly what Avi wants if he's scum. My death. If he's town telling the truth, I don't think he'd target me right away knowing town could lose when he's said Aye's behavior is off.
FA needs to come in and explain why he shouldn't be lynched.

He was mirroring many of House's posts early in the game.
He won't. He will remain silent and let minds wander. He won't even comment when he goes L-1. Someone please put FA at L-1

You have some experience with moderating. Is it possible to have two investigative roles like this in a game of this size?

I really don't think Avi is telling the truth. If he is, in my view Aye is confscum but I think he's lying.

From what I have seen with the roles that have been confirmed from the Day 1 lynch, NK, and what I have, I would not be surprised that Avi's role is in the game.
I think lynching me is best. Get me out of the way. Then Avi absolutely positively has to hide behind Aye tonight. If he gets shot and is proven to be telling the truth then Aye is confscum and needs to be lynched. If he's still alive the next day he's going to have to explain how he's just proven Aye is town and Rosie is town, I will be dead and flipped town, and how he could be town also when Wake is obviously telling the truth due to his flip.

I think this is the best plan. Can you guys agree? Lynch me to prove if it is either Avi or Aye as scum? Lynch the proven scum tomorrow. Town wins.

Sound good? I am always fine with sacrificing myself to the greater good as town and have done it twice before here and once offsite.

I'm willing to do it again if everyone agree's to it. OK?
My take on the hider role:

If I were a hider, I would not pick someone that I thought scum would go after, since that would be 2 kills for scum that night. I'd go for someone that they wouldn't suspect, giving a greater chance of only 1 townie being killed that night.

Please tell us why you chose to hide behind Rosie N1.
My plan is foolproof. If the game isn't won and there's a 3rd scum, lynch FA at that time and town still wins.

Let's do this unless anyone who is town sees a flaw in my thinking.

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