Oil companies right now have 9,000 leases they can drill on. Why are they not drilling?

1. KeystoneXL was about 10% complete when Xiden stopped it. Most of the time spent on pipelines is design and getting Right-of-Way. The ROW usually includes court battles. Laying pipe is the easy part. It can be done with many contractors working at the same time and just tying in to each other at pump stations. That a $10b project stupid Joe killed, and his admin is toast because of it.
March 24 2017
The Trump administration gave the Keystone XL pipeline its key federal permit Friday, clearing a major hurdle for the project that former President Obama rejected in 2015.

The State Department announced Friday morning that its undersecretary for political affairs, Tom Shannon, issued the permit, two months after President Trump signed a memorandum to revive the project after Obama’s rejection.

“In making his determination that issuance of this permit would serve the national interest, the under secretary considered a range of factors, including but not limited to foreign policy; energy security; environmental, cultural, and economic impacts; and compliance with applicable law and policy,” State said.

January 23 2020
The controversial $8 billion Keystone XL pipeline is a step closer to construction after the Trump administration on Wednesday approved a right-of-way allowing the line to be built across U.S. land.
The approval signed by Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and obtained by The Associated Press covers 46 miles (74 kilometers) of the pipeline’s route across land in Montana that’s controlled by the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, said Casey Hammond, assistant secretary of the Interior Department.
Those segments of federal land are a small fraction of the pipeline’s 1,200-mile (1,930-kilometer) route, but the right-of-way was crucial for a project that’s obtained all the needed permits at the state and local levels.

It took the Trump regime 3 years to approve of the ROW for 46 miles of pipeline.

So, it took 4 years to complete 10% of the pipeline but you insinuate the other 90% could be completed in two years?

2. Xiden's EOs hurt the oil industry
"Last week the administration also issued Secretarial Order No. 3395, which implemented a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water.
This week President Biden followed that action up with Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. The biggest takeaway from this order was an indefinite “pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands” until a comprehensive review on the climate change impacts can be completed."

You just don't get how many moving parts there are to getting more oil. There are permits, drill crews, pipelines to get the oil to market. All of which can get tied up in court, where the DOJ is on the side opposing the oil companies.
If selling oil is so easy and so profitable, go ahead and start drilling, its easy money.
As soon as I get my first subsidy (SOCIALISM) check from the federal government, I will.
You'd soon see how tough that job is.
Prove Trump is a drug smuggler, Ashley already said Joe is a child molester
That's how it works in this universe.
NOT how it works in Trumplandia.
You have to prove Trump ISN'T a drug smuggler.
It's hilarious how some still think they find oil by running around randomly drilling holes n stuff.
You have any proof that Biden is pedophile and a liar.

Well, he's a politician, so the latter is true. The former is clearly false.

Doesn't really matter, you know when someone resorts to such things, he doesn't have an argument.
So Einstein if they do not bid on a lease then exactly how do they find out if there is oil on that lease? Use the Vulcan mind meld on the earth? Have someone read chicken bones?
the lease is given out by the federal government it only allows a company to explore for oil. In an area. It does not give them permission to be on land that is owned by a rancher or farmer. So exactly how do they get to the lease if it is not accessible because a farmer says they are not allowed to cross his land? I imagine in your world you just drive on paved roads. But in the real world roads to rural areas have to be built.
They use a variety of methods.........................chicken bones topped the list.
Now the rest.

Oil is found nearby.
Core samples from nearby.
Satellite images.
Pictures from the air.
The correct rock formations is spotted, from the air.
Sound waves, from the air.
Magnetic images from the air.

All can be done without the owner's permission.
Well, he's a politician, so the latter is true. The former is clearly false.
Doesn't really matter, you know when someone resorts to such things, he doesn't have an argument.
Why is the former clearly false? Why is the FBI searching for Ashley's diary if its clearly false?
So you admit that lies are all the democrats ever have against Trump, thx.
So why was the FBI invading journalist's homes looking for Ashley's diary?

The theft of the president's daughters, diary.

"According to O’Keefe, the diary was given to Project Veritas by an anonymous source, who claimed it was obtained legally".

Of course.

Just like all suspects claim when they receive stolen property.
They use a variety of methods.........................chicken bones topped the list.
Now the rest.

Oil is found nearby.
Core samples from nearby.
Satellite images.
Pictures from the air.
The correct rock formations is spotted, from the air.
Sound waves, from the air.
Magnetic images from the air.

All can be done without the owner's permission.
So basically you have no clue you are just making things up as you go.
it is done by a geologic survey which uses geophones placed on the ground. Then the use of blasts or shaking of heavy equipment causes the vibration of the surrounding earth to show the earths structure. Much as sonar works in water. From that data they decide if the geological formation is there that may hold oil. At least that was the way it was done all the way up until 3 years ago when I stopped following it. The fact that there was the right geological formation was only an indication that there maybe oil not a certainty.
I did enjoy the laugh. I had from your imagination though.
Even if that were true tech how does one get in to drill? Oh of course teleportation or space based lasers and long distance extreme pumping. Right?
So you approve of Biden shutting down the KeystoneXL pipeline, and reducing Canada's oil output by about 500,000 bbls/day? The fact is that democrats want gas high to get everyone into Teslas.

So, shutting down a pipeline that was never actually in operation reduced Canada's oil output by about 500,000 bbls/day?

Don't suppose you have a source for that bullshit
The theft of the president's daughters, diary.
"According to O’Keefe, the diary was given to Project Veritas by an anonymous source, who claimed it was obtained legally".
Of course.
Just like all suspects claim when they receive stolen property.
LOL!! How do you know Ashley didn't leave it to be found on purpose?
You don't know.
The better question is "why are democrats still defending the pervert-pedo in the WH"?
So, shutting down a pipeline that was never actually in operation reduced Canada's oil output by about 500,000 bbls/day?
Don't suppose you have a source for that bullshit
If Xiden didn't shut down the KeystoneXL pipeline it would be pumping oil by the end of 2022.
Xiden's "war on energy" has consequences. Runaway inflation is only one of them. More are coming.
If Xiden didn't shut down the KeystoneXL pipeline it would be pumping oil by the end of 2022.
Xiden's "war on energy" has consequences. Runaway inflation is only one of them. More are coming.

so, you do not have a source for your bullshit claim

Trump developed vaccines in record time, you're welcome.
Obama's economy was coming out of a recession, its called "a recovery".
Xiden is a disaster no matter where you look.

What good did Trumps rapid vaccines do when MAGA refused to take them?
The rights boycott of vaccines allowed COVID to continue to spread

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