OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Trump lost millions, if not over a billion. He has $ for 2 reasons:

1. Daddy gave it to him.
2. The government protected him from paying back what he borrowed.

How many losers on welfare, or anyone for that reason, do you know that got a gift of $1 billion from the government?

Bloomberg calculated what Trump would be worth had he instead of investing in real estate, just taken the money he inherited from his father, and parked it in an unmanaged stock fund. He would be worth $4 billion more than he now claims.

I don't know if that's accurate or not, especially since nobody really knows exactly what Donald got in inheritance.
You're an idiot because you think Trump didn't screw his creditors. You're also an idiot because you think I don't understand the difference between personal income and business income.

What else could I think when you say that Donald should have used his own money to repay the debts of a bankrupt company?

Trump has money left, so I'm glad you agree he's a deadbeat. He borrowed money, went to the horse races, pissed it away, and then told the lender to go fuck himself even though he had lots of money to pay back at least some of the debt.

He had lots of personal money--not lots of company money. If the companies had lots of money, they wouldn't be bankrupt in the first place.
They mentored you into a fool who worships and thinks highly of someone just because he was born rich. It doesn't take any ability or hard work to be born rich or accept an inheritance.

No, but it takes work to mange or grow money.

It seems to me you have this extreme jealousy of people that were born into the right family. That begs the question: do you hate all people that have one up on you in life? Do you hate talented athletes, musicians, actors, doctors, lawyers? Or does it just stop an heirs of wealthy people?
I see them for what they are. I don't care about debating your loaded jealousy and hatred questions.

Good choice on your part.
I don't know if that's accurate or not, especially since nobody really knows exactly what Donald got in inheritance.

Harder still is what Trump is currently worth. He claims $10 billion, others calculate it are more like $4 billion. Those figures come from figures based on public tax records.
Yeah, you tell that to the thousands of people that rely on him for their income. A wise man once said if you never fail, you're not trying. Funny how you never call other business failures deadbeats.
I try to stay on topic.
So run along hack, you have nothing to offer.


Trumps business failures have nothing to do with the topic and that pretty much all you've been harping about for a while now.

Someone asked me for proof some rich people are deadbeats, or something to that extent. I picked Trump as my example.

Oh, so now that you've been called out, you changed it to "some" rich people?
I never said they were all deadbeats, so there's nothing to change. "All" was the delusion of some dumbass on this forum. Ask him to prove it.

Sorry, but when you say "people who inherited money are deadbeats" that does mean all.
I don't know if that's accurate or not, especially since nobody really knows exactly what Donald got in inheritance.

Harder still is what Trump is currently worth. He claims $10 billion, others calculate it are more like $4 billion. Those figures come from figures based on public tax records.

To be honest, I don't think Trump even knows what he's worth. It must be nice when you have so much that you don't even know how much that is. :badgrin:
Ask your ESL teacher about commas and how they affect the definition of a sentence.

Ask yours about words and what they mean.
There's more to a sentence than that, kid. Like I said, for the sentence to mean what you think it does, there would have to be more commas.
Fine, then they shouldn't be exempt. I'm OK with that, too.

I'm sure you would be, until it came time for you to pay taxes on it.

Make what argument against you? One involving North Korea or Cuba? Is that what you were arguing with the patients at the mental institution? WTF does any of that have to do with what we're talking about?

What it has to do with is the mentality that government is more important than family; the very idea that family should get less than government upon a family members death.
You can spin it any way you want. The bottom line is everyone else pays money on their income. It doesn't have to be from labor or investments. Line 10 on the 1040 lists income from "Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes." Line 11 is for Alimony. There's also Unemployment compensation. Are you going to tell me these are all either from investments or labor?

I see no reason to give rich kids an exception.
What else could I think when you say that Donald should have used his own money to repay the debts of a bankrupt company?

That's an important point. That Trump sold his deals under the pretext that he was investing his own money, and that people could get a piece of the action. Instead Trump took out his own money and was only using his investors money, and could piss it away without losing a dime.
You're an idiot because you think Trump didn't screw his creditors. You're also an idiot because you think I don't understand the difference between personal income and business income.

What else could I think when you say that Donald should have used his own money to repay the debts of a bankrupt company?

Trump has money left, so I'm glad you agree he's a deadbeat. He borrowed money, went to the horse races, pissed it away, and then told the lender to go fuck himself even though he had lots of money to pay back at least some of the debt.

He had lots of personal money--not lots of company money. If the companies had lots of money, they wouldn't be bankrupt in the first place.
You're moving the goalposts again and grasping at straws like the clown that you are. You put down the criteria and now you're deviating from it for the sake of your hero.
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

The point is he didn't get rich working. Do you understand or do you need me to hold your hand and point out the important lines in the posts?

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

But the lazy rich kid who inherited the money did?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.

Did he say it's the same?

$1000 is more than $0.

How much have you invested so far, $0? And you still complain...

I find that to be a very common trait in wealth haters. Outside of a house or perhaps a company paid IRA, they never invested any of their own hard earned money.
I try to stay on topic.

Trumps business failures have nothing to do with the topic and that pretty much all you've been harping about for a while now.

Someone asked me for proof some rich people are deadbeats, or something to that extent. I picked Trump as my example.

Oh, so now that you've been called out, you changed it to "some" rich people?
I never said they were all deadbeats, so there's nothing to change. "All" was the delusion of some dumbass on this forum. Ask him to prove it.

Sorry, but when you say "people who inherited money are deadbeats" that does mean all.
"All" means "All." "All" is not in that sentence, but it was in a different sentence posted by another illiterate retard like you.
Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.

Did he say it's the same?

$1000 is more than $0.

How much have you invested so far, $0? And you still complain...

I find that to be a very common trait in wealth haters. Outside of a house or perhaps a company paid IRA, they never invested any of their own hard earned money.
Trump invested his daddy's money and that of those people who got screwed.
Back to work
President Donald Trump has been spotted on his West Palm Beach, Florida, golf course on Tuesday and Wednesday, despite his tweet saying he’d be “back to work in order to Make America Great Again” the day after Christmas.

According to pool reports, Trump arrived at the Trump International Golf Club just after 9 a.m. on both days.
They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.

Did he say it's the same?

$1000 is more than $0.

How much have you invested so far, $0? And you still complain...

I find that to be a very common trait in wealth haters. Outside of a house or perhaps a company paid IRA, they never invested any of their own hard earned money.
Trump invested his daddy's money and that of those people who got screwed.
Trump is the king,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,of OPM
Back to work
President Donald Trump has been spotted on his West Palm Beach, Florida, golf course on Tuesday and Wednesday, despite his tweet saying he’d be “back to work in order to Make America Great Again” the day after Christmas.

According to pool reports, Trump arrived at the Trump International Golf Club just after 9 a.m. on both days.
Trump? Work? Maybe he'll be "at work" sooner or later. This is a deadbeat who got some $ from daddy to gamble and made out since he didn't pay people back loans.
serious question:

how much more than 70% of all taxes paid by the top 10% of wealthiest Americans would be "fair"???

the problem with your take on this is that your solution stifles growth & creates more restrictive impediments on the middle class to actually make it into that elusive "wealthy class"

real wealth; like that of the Kennedy's & Soros' of the world, is untouched; but the EARNINGS of the little guy & the great unwashed middle class are assaulted

not to mention that people that make $100,000 are considered "rich"

Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2015 Update - Tax Foundation

The problem here is this.

1) The rich get lots of incentives. Trump was paid nearly $1 billion by New York in his time to do business. Then when he earns money from this, you say he shouldn't be paying much money in taxes. You forget the percentage of what he earns and just look at the amount, which is ridiculous.

2) said incentives prevent other businesses from competing on a level playing field. Which means the rich get richer and richer and then you point out they pay lots in tax. Sure they do, but by paying LESS as a percentage the smaller businesses are paying MORE as a percentage to make up the shortfall, and therefore they're struggling even more to compete with these companies.

Do you think it's fair that the rich should pay less taxes so they can make more money so they can put smaller businesses out of business?

Depends what fair is. Care to define it?

Why you think it's fair that rich pay higher taxes than you do?

And yes, all the laws should effect everyone equally. If I get tax break, rich should get the tax break too.
Oh ? The disparity between rich and middle class isn't enough for you now?? Growing larger the past 30 or so years and STILL you're not satisfied?? Trump Corker etc etc etc laughing all the way to the bank and the middle gets crumbs ? And we should bow down and kiss trumps ring?

So if the government takes more from the rich, how does that help me or any other blue collar worker?
For one,perhaps it saves our social services

The Democrats told me our social programs are just fine!
They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.

Did he say it's the same?

$1000 is more than $0.

How much have you invested so far, $0? And you still complain...

I find that to be a very common trait in wealth haters. Outside of a house or perhaps a company paid IRA, they never invested any of their own hard earned money.
Trump invested his daddy's money and that of those people who got screwed.

Who got screwed?
I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.

Did he say it's the same?

$1000 is more than $0.

How much have you invested so far, $0? And you still complain...

I find that to be a very common trait in wealth haters. Outside of a house or perhaps a company paid IRA, they never invested any of their own hard earned money.
Trump invested his daddy's money and that of those people who got screwed.

Who got screwed?
His creditors.
Trumps business failures have nothing to do with the topic and that pretty much all you've been harping about for a while now.

Someone asked me for proof some rich people are deadbeats, or something to that extent. I picked Trump as my example.

Oh, so now that you've been called out, you changed it to "some" rich people?
I never said they were all deadbeats, so there's nothing to change. "All" was the delusion of some dumbass on this forum. Ask him to prove it.

Sorry, but when you say "people who inherited money are deadbeats" that does mean all.
"All" means "All." "All" is not in that sentence, but it was in a different sentence posted by another illiterate retard like you.

No. If you don't quantify it, then it means all. You didn't say half, or most, or some, you said people who inherit money.

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