On this, I'd side with Trump....

So my question to the OP is why is it fine for T-Rump to be an obnoxious bully but not for Ramos?

My friend, reporters (or at least, wanna-be reporters) should NOT act like Trump in his bellicose way; to do so, only helps Trump's image as a "courageous" candidate...perpetuating the delusion for right wing voters of a non-nonsense "messiah" (remember that term as it was used on Obama?)
Ramos' poor performance only helped Trump's image.

T-Rump's messiah image with the rabid extremist rightwingers can't be harmed and/or enhanced by anything that Ramos, or anyone else, does IMO.

They will worship T-Rump even if it turns out that he screws goats. ;)

Ramos made a point, albeit an obnoxious one, and he ended up scoring points with the press corp. Hopefully some will take heed of the lesson and no longer allow themselves to be bullied by T-Rump even though they are under no obligation to follow Ramos's example on how to do it.
He was there to REPORT the news IDIOT not make the news.

Asking questions is a legitimate aspect of being a reporter.

O'Reilly used obnoxious "ambush reporting" to make a name for himself. Why was it OK for him to be obnoxious but not a Hispanic reporter?
What's with this STRAWMAN argument using O'Reilly? He does not even belong in the debate. You got the issue and there IS a tape of it. OH, your just avoiding the topic by TRYING to derail the subject and PROJECT another way so YOU don't have to face facts.

Grow up clown trash, would you?

Using an example is a perfectly legitimate means to make a point in a debate, baby huey.

That you can't refute the point says volumes.
It's NOT legit clown trash now get on topic. That reporter was there to REPORT the news right IDIOT?
Are reporter supposed to make the news IDIOT?
It was a press conference. The presses job at a press conference is to ask questions. Which is what Ramos did.
He did NOT ask a question. He made a statement and if you review the tape you will find he interrupted another reporter THREE TIMES with his statement while Trump WAS trying to reply to that reporter.
Asking questions is a legitimate aspect of being a reporter.

O'Reilly used obnoxious "ambush reporting" to make a name for himself. Why was it OK for him to be obnoxious but not a Hispanic reporter?
What's with this STRAWMAN argument using O'Reilly? He does not even belong in the debate. You got the issue and there IS a tape of it. OH, your just avoiding the topic by TRYING to derail the subject and PROJECT another way so YOU don't have to face facts.

Grow up clown trash, would you?

Using an example is a perfectly legitimate means to make a point in a debate, baby huey.

That you can't refute the point says volumes.
It's NOT legit clown trash now get on topic. That reporter was there to REPORT the news right IDIOT?
Are reporter supposed to make the news IDIOT?
It was a press conference. The presses job at a press conference is to ask questions. Which is what Ramos did.
He did NOT ask a question. He made a statement and if you review the tape you will find he interrupted another reporter THREE TIMES with his statement while Trump WAS trying to reply to that reporter.
I've listened to the tape and read the transcript. You cannot hear what he said at the beginning when Trump shouted him down. When he comes back later, he asks questions.
What Trump did to Ramos played right into Ramos' hands with the Hispanic community. That's all that matters. They love Ramos. I can assure you that Hispanics and rightwinger whites saw that exchange much differently.
The statements were very good and spoken with cachet by one who had the moral integrity to ask them. Ravi, I heard him clearly, so did Trump.
What's with this STRAWMAN argument using O'Reilly? He does not even belong in the debate. You got the issue and there IS a tape of it. OH, your just avoiding the topic by TRYING to derail the subject and PROJECT another way so YOU don't have to face facts.

Grow up clown trash, would you?

Using an example is a perfectly legitimate means to make a point in a debate, baby huey.

That you can't refute the point says volumes.
It's NOT legit clown trash now get on topic. That reporter was there to REPORT the news right IDIOT?
Are reporter supposed to make the news IDIOT?
It was a press conference. The presses job at a press conference is to ask questions. Which is what Ramos did.
He did NOT ask a question. He made a statement and if you review the tape you will find he interrupted another reporter THREE TIMES with his statement while Trump WAS trying to reply to that reporter.
I've listened to the tape and read the transcript. You cannot hear what he said at the beginning when Trump shouted him down. When he comes back later, he asks questions.
Did you count how many times he interrupted Trump during his reply to another reporter?
The statements were very good and spoken with cachet by one who had the moral integrity to ask them. Ravi, I heard him clearly, so did Trump.
Then link it.
I can't. It was on Morning Joe.
I just listened to the clip on Morning Joe. There was nothing played nor any transcript read that made it possible to understand what Ramos was saying when Trump shut him down.

Just because Morning Joe says something doesn't make it true.
I wouldn't say that I "side with Trump", but you're right that Ramos' outburst plays right into Trump's hands.
As did Megyn Kelly's performance at the debates. Thank you for your honesty.

In retrospect, it seems to have.

But that's more of a commentary on Trump's fanclub than anything else.
Actually, I think it was a reflection of the people and their anger at the establishment Republican party. It was seen a manipulating the result of the debate and that just was not sitting well with the voters. Trump was not popular until that night. For them, it was opening Pandora's box.
Less than 1/3d of polled GOP voters select Trump. That is about 10% of the electorate. Ramos will not make Trump any more popular. DT has to finesse the immigration issue more than he has been able.
Big gap there between 33% and 10 %. Link please
The statements were very good and spoken with cachet by one who had the moral integrity to ask them. Ravi, I heard him clearly, so did Trump.
Then link it.
I can't. It was on Morning Joe.
I just listened to the clip on Morning Joe. There was nothing played nor any transcript read that made it possible to understand what Ramos was saying when Trump shut him down.

Just because Morning Joe says something doesn't make it true.
I heard Ramos ask the questions. Well, they were statements. You can't deport 11 mm people, you can't build a wall. The better half heard him as well.
I wouldn't say that I "side with Trump", but you're right that Ramos' outburst plays right into Trump's hands.
As did Megyn Kelly's performance at the debates. Thank you for your honesty.

In retrospect, it seems to have.

But that's more of a commentary on Trump's fanclub than anything else.
Actually, I think it was a reflection of the people and their anger at the establishment Republican party. It was seen a manipulating the result of the debate and that just was not sitting well with the voters. Trump was not popular until that night. For them, it was opening Pandora's box.
Less than 1/3d of polled GOP voters select Trump. That is about 10% of the electorate. Ramos will not make Trump any more popular. DT has to finesse the immigration issue more than he has been able.
Big gap there between 33% and 10 %. Link please
Not at all. If the GOP makes up about 25% of the electorate, than 30% of the GOP makes up less than 10% of the voters nation wide.
He was there to REPORT the news IDIOT not make the news.

Asking questions is a legitimate aspect of being a reporter.

O'Reilly used obnoxious "ambush reporting" to make a name for himself. Why was it OK for him to be obnoxious but not a Hispanic reporter?
What's with this STRAWMAN argument using O'Reilly? He does not even belong in the debate. You got the issue and there IS a tape of it. OH, your just avoiding the topic by TRYING to derail the subject and PROJECT another way so YOU don't have to face facts.

Grow up clown trash, would you?

Using an example is a perfectly legitimate means to make a point in a debate, baby huey.

That you can't refute the point says volumes.
It's NOT legit clown trash now get on topic. That reporter was there to REPORT the news right IDIOT?
Are reporter supposed to make the news IDIOT?
It was a press conference. The presses job at a press conference is to ask questions. Which is what Ramos did.

He was making a series of statements. Arguments in legal terms.
I know my left-leaning friends on here would disagree with me, but what Jorge Ramos did last night at Trump's IA news conference should be unacceptable to all.
Ramos, I felt, was not there as a reporter, but as a provocateur for his own self-aggrandizement. We all know that at news conferences reporters ask questions that should end with a question mark.....Ramos instead made statements regarding what Trump could not (or should not) do.

Although Trump at first reacted as a bully toward Ramos, the later exchange showed some measure of reconciliation.

I am FAR, FAR from a supporter of Trump's campaign tactics and antics, but self-serving reporters like Ramos (and M. Kelly, for that matter) actually help Trump's image and the kind of boisterous attitude that has actually propelled this guy to the top of the polls where he should not be.

The fact that Ramos did not introduce a question is very astute of you. I felt that Ramos was more of an activist wanting his share of the limelight. Journalism was an after thought.

Yeah...he was acting like someone from Fox...

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