On this, I'd side with Trump....

Ramos was out of line.

Trump was an ass.

Trump never answered the questions.

Result....Trump gave his supporters a woody while assisting the eventual Democratic nominee in his or her bid to win the WH.
If anything Ramos was giving T-Rump a taste of his own medicine and T-Rump didn't like it at all.

By grandstanding Ramos managed to focus the attention on himself instead of T-Rump.

He did what T-Rump does and simply talked over him.

So my question to the OP is why is it fine for T-Rump to be an obnoxious bully but not for Ramos?

Interesting to note that T-Rump then lied about Ramos after he had him evicted. (T-Rump is suing Ramos personally in his $500 million lawsuit against Univision so he does know who he is even though he told reporters that he didn't.) T-Rump even lied about having Ramos evicted when he clearly signaled to his security team to evict him.

Ramos might not have covered himself with glory by acting like T-Rump but he stood up to a bully and for that he deserves credit IMO.

A reporters job is to ask questions, not make statements.

I have a third grade grand-daughter that could explain it to you if you'd like?

Wouldn't it be awesome if reporters did that?
If anything Ramos was giving T-Rump a taste of his own medicine and T-Rump didn't like it at all.

By grandstanding Ramos managed to focus the attention on himself instead of T-Rump.

He did what T-Rump does and simply talked over him.

So my question to the OP is why is it fine for T-Rump to be an obnoxious bully but not for Ramos?

Interesting to note that T-Rump then lied about Ramos after he had him evicted. (T-Rump is suing Ramos personally in his $500 million lawsuit against Univision so he does know who he is even though he told reporters that he didn't.) T-Rump even lied about having Ramos evicted when he clearly signaled to his security team to evict him.

Ramos might not have covered himself with glory by acting like T-Rump but he stood up to a bully and for that he deserves credit IMO.

So you watched the Rachel Maddow show too?
That is exactly what she said on her show.
I know my left-leaning friends on here would disagree with me, but what Jorge Ramos did last night at Trump's IA news conference should be unacceptable to all.
Ramos, I felt, was not there as a reporter, but as a provocateur for his own self-aggrandizement. We all know that at news conferences reporters ask questions that should end with a question mark.....Ramos instead made statements regarding what Trump could not (or should not) do.

Although Trump at first reacted as a bully toward Ramos, the later exchange showed some measure of reconciliation.

I am FAR, FAR from a supporter of Trump's campaign tactics and antics, but self-serving reporters like Ramos (and M. Kelly, for that matter) actually help Trump's image and the kind of boisterous attitude that has actually propelled this guy to the top of the polls where he should not be.
It doesn't have anything to do with 'left' or 'right,' it doesn't have anything to do with Ramos being 'right or 'wrong,' it has to do with the fact that Trump once again mishandled the situation, and provided further confirmation of the fact that the GOP is fundamentally hostile to Hispanic immigrants, driving more of the Latino vote from republicans and into the arms of democrats.

"The lasting image will be that of Ramos -- who serves as Univision's lead anchor and is effectively one of the (if not the) most powerful newsmen on Spanish-language TV -- being hustled out of the room after trying to ask Trump a question. Ramos, whose nightly newscast has been known to post ratings that top those of all three major English-language network news programs, has a history of holding presidential candidates very close to fire on issues he believes to be of deep concern to Latinos, such as immigration."

Donald Trump kicked TV’s most influential Latino newsman out of a press conference
If anything Ramos was giving T-Rump a taste of his own medicine and T-Rump didn't like it at all.

By grandstanding Ramos managed to focus the attention on himself instead of T-Rump.

He did what T-Rump does and simply talked over him.

So my question to the OP is why is it fine for T-Rump to be an obnoxious bully but not for Ramos?

Interesting to note that T-Rump then lied about Ramos after he had him evicted. (T-Rump is suing Ramos personally in his $500 million lawsuit against Univision so he does know who he is even though he told reporters that he didn't.) T-Rump even lied about having Ramos evicted when he clearly signaled to his security team to evict him.

Ramos might not have covered himself with glory by acting like T-Rump but he stood up to a bully and for that he deserves credit IMO.

So you watched the Rachel Maddow show too?
That is exactly what she said on her show.

T-Rump mentioned that he was suing Ramos and Univision during the press conference and it was also reported in the Wapo article that I read this morning.

First, Trump booted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos out of his news conference. Then things got interesting.

When Ramos pressed Trump on polls showing his unpopularity with Latinos, Trump would not accept the premise of the question. First, he interrupted Ramos and turned the question on him: "How much am I suing Univision for right now? Do you know the number? I know you're part of the lawsuit."

Trump filed suit against the network in June, alleging defamation and breach of contract, after Univision ended its relationship with him and canceled plans to broadcast the Miss Universe pageant he owns following his controversial comments about Mexican immigrants.

"I'm a reporter," Ramos said.

"Five hundred million dollars," Trump replied. "And they're very concerned about it, by the way. I'm very good at this."​
Now that I've seen the whole thing, I'm a little surprised at the relative restraint Trump showed, and how much effort he put into answering the obviously hostile questions.

I would have expected him to lay into the guy.

Ramos obviously suffers from the same malady as many in the American press, a need to push an agenda and make himself part of the story at any cost.
Now that I've seen the whole thing, I'm a little surprised at the relative restraint Trump showed, and how much effort he put into answering the obviously hostile questions.

I would have expected him to lay into the guy.

Ramos obviously suffers from the same malady as many in the American press, a need to push an agenda and make himself part of the story at any cost.

T-Rump, to give him credit where it is due, picked up on the fact that the rest of the press corp were not happy about evicting Ramos so he was trying to be make amends. He knew that he had overstepped the bounds and was trying not to make it any worse. Besides which he had just told them that he would answer Ramos's questions so he had boxed himself in.
Ramos outgamed DT. He wanted to show DT as 'hostile' to Latino questions. Guess what. Ramos ggggooooaaaallllllll! Trump cannot win without the Hispanic vote; shoot he cannot even look believable.
Now that I've seen the whole thing, I'm a little surprised at the relative restraint Trump showed, and how much effort he put into answering the obviously hostile questions.

I would have expected him to lay into the guy.

Ramos obviously suffers from the same malady as many in the American press, a need to push an agenda and make himself part of the story at any cost.

T-Rump, to give him credit where it is due, picked up on the fact that the rest of the press corp were not happy about evicting Ramos so he was trying to be make amends. He knew that he had overstepped the bounds and was trying not to make it any worse. Besides which he had just told them that he would answer Ramos's questions so he had boxed himself in.
Agreed, but I'm STILL surprised he didn't go ape shit on the guy. It's been interesting to see the pundits giving him some grudging respect for the way he's "handling the media". Personally I don't see it, but I guess that's how they're perceiving it.
Now that I've seen the whole thing, I'm a little surprised at the relative restraint Trump showed, and how much effort he put into answering the obviously hostile questions.

I would have expected him to lay into the guy.

Ramos obviously suffers from the same malady as many in the American press, a need to push an agenda and make himself part of the story at any cost.

That's awesome.

Do you think saying "Go back to Univision" makes sense? The guy works for Univision. What does Trump mean by that? "Go back to Univision"?

Was Trump's tine and facial expression presidential when he told the guy to sit down?

Restraint? Trump never answers the man's questions.....and instead ASKED questions of the reporter. That isn't restraint.
If anything Ramos was giving T-Rump a taste of his own medicine and T-Rump didn't like it at all.

By grandstanding Ramos managed to focus the attention on himself instead of T-Rump.

He did what T-Rump does and simply talked over him.

So my question to the OP is why is it fine for T-Rump to be an obnoxious bully but not for Ramos?

Interesting to note that T-Rump then lied about Ramos after he had him evicted. (T-Rump is suing Ramos personally in his $500 million lawsuit against Univision so he does know who he is even though he told reporters that he didn't.) T-Rump even lied about having Ramos evicted when he clearly signaled to his security team to evict him.

Ramos might not have covered himself with glory by acting like T-Rump but he stood up to a bully and for that he deserves credit IMO.
He was there to REPORT the news IDIOT not make the news.
No he was there as an activist shouting out opinions not questions.
If anything Ramos was giving T-Rump a taste of his own medicine and T-Rump didn't like it at all.

By grandstanding Ramos managed to focus the attention on himself instead of T-Rump.

He did what T-Rump does and simply talked over him.

So my question to the OP is why is it fine for T-Rump to be an obnoxious bully but not for Ramos?

Interesting to note that T-Rump then lied about Ramos after he had him evicted. (T-Rump is suing Ramos personally in his $500 million lawsuit against Univision so he does know who he is even though he told reporters that he didn't.) T-Rump even lied about having Ramos evicted when he clearly signaled to his security team to evict him.

Ramos might not have covered himself with glory by acting like T-Rump but he stood up to a bully and for that he deserves credit IMO.
He was there to REPORT the news IDIOT not make the news.
No he was there as an activist shouting out opinions not questions.
Indeed, and he succeeded at what he was doing: demonizing Trump to the Latinos.
Well good folks, for me the bottom line is this:

If Trump wanted to show his base that he was "tough" on anyone who challenges his policies.......He got that point across.

If Ramos wanted to show Latinos that Trump was a bully, he "sacrificed" his reporter's credentials.......and got that point across.
Well good folks, for me the bottom line is this:

If Trump wanted to show his base that he was "tough" on anyone who challenges his policies.......He got that point across.

If Ramos wanted to show Latinos that Trump was a bully, he "sacrificed" his reporter's credentials.......and got that point across.
Nope, everybody in the business knows who and what Jorge was about. Morning Joe's folks criticized him, but basically said "jorge being jorge", and Jorge's credentials in the Hispanic world is sky high.
Yeah but...

...this is politics, whatever else it is, and this is about an election, and Trump has now made it 99% impossible for him to be elected president.
He was there to REPORT the news IDIOT not make the news.

Asking questions is a legitimate aspect of being a reporter.

O'Reilly used obnoxious "ambush reporting" to make a name for himself. Why was it OK for him to be obnoxious but not a Hispanic reporter?
What's with this STRAWMAN argument using O'Reilly? He does not even belong in the debate. You got the issue and there IS a tape of it. OH, your just avoiding the topic by TRYING to derail the subject and PROJECT another way so YOU don't have to face facts.

Grow up clown trash, would you?

Using an example is a perfectly legitimate means to make a point in a debate, baby huey.

That you can't refute the point says volumes.
It's NOT legit clown trash now get on topic. That reporter was there to REPORT the news right IDIOT?
Are reporter supposed to make the news IDIOT?
It was a press conference. The presses job at a press conference is to ask questions. Which is what Ramos did.

Bullshit. He kept shouting and interrupting another reporter that was called on.

That's why he was temporarily removed.

Extremely unprofessional. But then he's not a real journalist. He's an asshole activist.
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Ramos is an attention whore, looking to glom on to Trump for a ratings boost.

He's a shitbird who needs to stop pretending he's a "journalist".....
Even MSNBC gets it right, unlike the pond scum leftists in here! Not just lecturing, haranguing.


Breitbart ^
On Wednesday, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski said that “Just like Fox” Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos was lecturing GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, not asking him questions. After fellow co-host former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough stated, “he gave a lecture, he wasn’t asking a question. And i don’t know what politician would have been — actually I wouldn’t have been that patient with him. I would have said, ‘You got a question?'” Brzezinski added, “Just like Fox, the debate.” Panelist Mike Barnicle added that Ramos was engaging in a “debate” with Trump, not a Q&A. Scarborough...
One more time we have a so called journalist who wanted to be the star of the show.

What egos these assholes have! They want the headlines for themselves because we should all know that so called journalists like Megyn Kelly and Jorge Ramos are far more important than anyone running for President of the USA.

We should bow down to the opinions of the likes of Megyn Kelly and Jorge Ramos because hell's bells they are far more important in the grand political scheme of things than just the lowly candidates.


Glad Trump bitch slapped both of them.

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