Once and for all, can Nazi's be "very fine people" like Trump says?

I don't know Nazis, but I do know that those who protested removing the confederate statutes and oppose sanitizing our history to remove the civil war are very fine people. I'm one of them. Of course Trump never said Nazis can be very fine people. That's why there's no link or quote of his saying that "Nazis can be very fine people". This is democrat insanity. It's part of the delusion.

Another part of the delusion is that Trump said that all mexicans are rapists and murderers. He never said that. He said that Mexico doesn't send us their best, they send us rapists and murderers. And, of course, Mexico does. It's how they keep their prison population under control.

David Duke was there, and he literally used to be a Nazi before he started dressing up in white sheets.

Of course, Rump couldn't have been talking about Duke since... "did he endorse me or what? Because I have no idea what you're even talking about, I know nothing of white supremacists" even though Duke directly chastised Rump whining about "remember who voted for you", immediately after which Rump caved in and described his contingent as "very fine people". Even though he knows nothing of David Duke, even though fifteen years before saying that he denounced Duke by name because the memory is the second thing to go, maybe the third thing if you count skin pallor.

Regardless of all that, Charlottesville, or any other city, choosing to not let itself be used as a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Revisionism movement, and I do mean movement, has nothing to do with "sanitizing any history", because history doesn't live in statues and monuments, least of all those that have been put where they are specifically TO sanitize that history.

No, let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home the correct answer, which is that history lives in history books. And nothing about moving any statues changes that one iota.

Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .

I'm not aware of any statues of Martin van Buren around here, but --- what difference does it make how long they've been there? If your doctor finds cancer in your finger is he going to leave it there because "it's been there 100 weeks"?

They move them because they're taking advantage of the site to imply an endorsement by the city and/or community, that's why. And that city decides it's not going to be used in that way any more. Which is their right to do.

Just like the plaque put on the building in Pulaski Tennessee by --- again --- the same group putting up all those other monuments, the UDC --- that commemorated the founding there of the Ku Klux Klan. When that building was sold to a new owner in the '90s, he turned that plaque backwards so it shows a blank, his way of showing the town "turns its back on" that dubious honor. Again, his right to do as the building owner.

And even though that plaque today shows nothing, the history that was put there was, amazingly, totally unaffected. Because plaques and monuments and statue are not where we keep history. Never has been.

Symbols are for the symbolminded.
Remember when he said that Mexicans were rapists and murders, but there were a couple that could be fine people?
Now there you go again. He was referring to Mexicans illegally entering the US not Mexican people in general. He loves Mexican people which he proved with his famous taco bowl Tweet and his Mexican maids Consuelo and Conchita. OK I'm just making up stuff now, but Donald Trump loves Mexicans, believe me. :biggrin:
I used to work for a company that had a plastic extruder machine made by a German company who also made the ovens , it freaked me out when someone told me .

That's creepy. Japanese Zeros made by Mitsubishi also bombed Pearl Harbor in WW2.

And tanks made by Ford and driven by Nazis rolled over Europe too.

IIRC Henry Ford received the highest civilian honor from Nazi Germany that it gave anybody.
Papa Joe Kennedy was a big fan, too.

Yep, and Prescott Bush even bigger.
------------------------------------------------------------------ AW maybe 'prescott' but i only know the new ones from 'ghwb' and onward and they do suck pretty good . 'bush' conservatives are worse than liberal progressive dems because some boneheads expect them to be 'conservative' Pogo .

Prescott was HW's father, W's grandfather. Also one of the architects of the CIA. And in that time a financier of Nazi Germany, until his Union Bank was stopped by the Trading with the Enemy Act.
I don't know Nazis, but I do know that those who protested removing the confederate statutes and oppose sanitizing our history to remove the civil war are very fine people. I'm one of them. Of course Trump never said Nazis can be very fine people. That's why there's no link or quote of his saying that "Nazis can be very fine people". This is democrat insanity. It's part of the delusion.

Another part of the delusion is that Trump said that all mexicans are rapists and murderers. He never said that. He said that Mexico doesn't send us their best, they send us rapists and murderers. And, of course, Mexico does. It's how they keep their prison population under control.

David Duke was there, and he literally used to be a Nazi before he started dressing up in white sheets.

Of course, Rump couldn't have been talking about Duke since... "did he endorse me or what? Because I have no idea what you're even talking about, I know nothing of white supremacists" even though Duke directly chastised Rump whining about "remember who voted for you", immediately after which Rump caved in and described his contingent as "very fine people". Even though he knows nothing of David Duke, even though fifteen years before saying that he denounced Duke by name because the memory is the second thing to go, maybe the third thing if you count skin pallor.

Regardless of all that, Charlottesville, or any other city, choosing to not let itself be used as a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Revisionism movement, and I do mean movement, has nothing to do with "sanitizing any history", because history doesn't live in statues and monuments, least of all those that have been put where they are specifically TO sanitize that history.

No, let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home the correct answer, which is that history lives in history books. And nothing about moving any statues changes that one iota.

Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .
Why? So people like you have fewer places to taunt blacks. What other reason could you have for caring about the statues?
Statues that have been up for a 100 years is now taunting blacks?

How is it taunting? By reminding them they are so stupid they vote for the party that held them in chains?

That's called trying to erase history of the evil Democratic party...
That's creepy. Japanese Zeros made by Mitsubishi also bombed Pearl Harbor in WW2.

And tanks made by Ford and driven by Nazis rolled over Europe too.

IIRC Henry Ford received the highest civilian honor from Nazi Germany that it gave anybody.
Papa Joe Kennedy was a big fan, too.

Yep, and Prescott Bush even bigger.
------------------------------------------------------------------ AW maybe 'prescott' but i only know the new ones from 'ghwb' and onward and they do suck pretty good . 'bush' conservatives are worse than liberal progressive dems because some boneheads expect them to be 'conservative' Pogo .

Prescott was HW's father, W's grandfather. Also one of the architects of the CIA. And in that time a financier of Nazi Germany, until his Union Bank was stopped by the Trading with the Enemy Act.
-------------------------- thanks Pogo , course i do know of him , can't imagine that he is any better that any of the 'bush' clan who ALL suck Pogo .
I don't know Nazis, but I do know that those who protested removing the confederate statutes and oppose sanitizing our history to remove the civil war are very fine people. I'm one of them. Of course Trump never said Nazis can be very fine people. That's why there's no link or quote of his saying that "Nazis can be very fine people". This is democrat insanity. It's part of the delusion.

Another part of the delusion is that Trump said that all mexicans are rapists and murderers. He never said that. He said that Mexico doesn't send us their best, they send us rapists and murderers. And, of course, Mexico does. It's how they keep their prison population under control.

David Duke was there, and he literally used to be a Nazi before he started dressing up in white sheets.

Of course, Rump couldn't have been talking about Duke since... "did he endorse me or what? Because I have no idea what you're even talking about, I know nothing of white supremacists" even though Duke directly chastised Rump whining about "remember who voted for you", immediately after which Rump caved in and described his contingent as "very fine people". Even though he knows nothing of David Duke, even though fifteen years before saying that he denounced Duke by name because the memory is the second thing to go, maybe the third thing if you count skin pallor.

Regardless of all that, Charlottesville, or any other city, choosing to not let itself be used as a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Revisionism movement, and I do mean movement, has nothing to do with "sanitizing any history", because history doesn't live in statues and monuments, least of all those that have been put where they are specifically TO sanitize that history.

No, let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home the correct answer, which is that history lives in history books. And nothing about moving any statues changes that one iota.

Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .

I'm not aware of any statues of Martin van Buren around here, but --- what difference does it make how long they've been there? If your doctor finds cancer in your finger is he going to leave it there because "it's been there 100 weeks"?

They move them because they're taking advantage of the site to imply an endorsement by the city and/or community, that's why. And that city decides it's not going to be used in that way any more. Which is their right to do.

Just like the plaque put on the building in Pulaski Tennessee by --- again --- the same group putting up all those other monuments, the UDC --- that commemorated the founding there of the Ku Klux Klan. When that building was sold to a new owner in the '90s, he turned that plaque backwards so it shows a blank, his way of showing the town "turns its back on" that dubious honor. Again, his right to do as the building owner.

And even though that plaque today shows nothing, the history that was put there was, amazingly, totally unaffected. Because plaques and monuments and statue are not where we keep history. Never has been.

Symbols are for the symbolminded.

Quit trying to justify libtards being a bunch of pussy's in the year 2017 and everything offends them grow a set of balls
I don't know Nazis, but I do know that those who protested removing the confederate statutes and oppose sanitizing our history to remove the civil war are very fine people. I'm one of them. Of course Trump never said Nazis can be very fine people. That's why there's no link or quote of his saying that "Nazis can be very fine people". This is democrat insanity. It's part of the delusion.

Another part of the delusion is that Trump said that all mexicans are rapists and murderers. He never said that. He said that Mexico doesn't send us their best, they send us rapists and murderers. And, of course, Mexico does. It's how they keep their prison population under control.

David Duke was there, and he literally used to be a Nazi before he started dressing up in white sheets.

Of course, Rump couldn't have been talking about Duke since... "did he endorse me or what? Because I have no idea what you're even talking about, I know nothing of white supremacists" even though Duke directly chastised Rump whining about "remember who voted for you", immediately after which Rump caved in and described his contingent as "very fine people". Even though he knows nothing of David Duke, even though fifteen years before saying that he denounced Duke by name because the memory is the second thing to go, maybe the third thing if you count skin pallor.

Regardless of all that, Charlottesville, or any other city, choosing to not let itself be used as a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Revisionism movement, and I do mean movement, has nothing to do with "sanitizing any history", because history doesn't live in statues and monuments, least of all those that have been put where they are specifically TO sanitize that history.

No, let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home the correct answer, which is that history lives in history books. And nothing about moving any statues changes that one iota.

Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .

I'm not aware of any statues of Martin van Buren around here, but --- what difference does it make how long they've been there? If your doctor finds cancer in your finger is he going to leave it there because "it's been there 100 weeks"?

They move them because they're taking advantage of the site to imply an endorsement by the city and/or community, that's why. And that city decides it's not going to be used in that way any more. Which is their right to do.

Just like the plaque put on the building in Pulaski Tennessee by --- again --- the same group putting up all those other monuments, the UDC --- that commemorated the founding there of the Ku Klux Klan. When that building was sold to a new owner in the '90s, he turned that plaque backwards so it shows a blank, his way of showing the town "turns its back on" that dubious honor. Again, his right to do as the building owner.

And even though that plaque today shows nothing, the history that was put there was, amazingly, totally unaffected. Because plaques and monuments and statue are not where we keep history. Never has been.

Symbols are for the symbolminded.

Quit trying to justify libtards being a bunch of pussy's in the year 2017 and everything offends them grow a set of balls

I don't know any "libtards". What I know is "history" and I just gave you a taste. Grow some eyeballs and read it, and speaking of balls quit running away from your own point.
I don't know Nazis, but I do know that those who protested removing the confederate statutes and oppose sanitizing our history to remove the civil war are very fine people. I'm one of them. Of course Trump never said Nazis can be very fine people. That's why there's no link or quote of his saying that "Nazis can be very fine people". This is democrat insanity. It's part of the delusion.

Another part of the delusion is that Trump said that all mexicans are rapists and murderers. He never said that. He said that Mexico doesn't send us their best, they send us rapists and murderers. And, of course, Mexico does. It's how they keep their prison population under control.

David Duke was there, and he literally used to be a Nazi before he started dressing up in white sheets.

Of course, Rump couldn't have been talking about Duke since... "did he endorse me or what? Because I have no idea what you're even talking about, I know nothing of white supremacists" even though Duke directly chastised Rump whining about "remember who voted for you", immediately after which Rump caved in and described his contingent as "very fine people". Even though he knows nothing of David Duke, even though fifteen years before saying that he denounced Duke by name because the memory is the second thing to go, maybe the third thing if you count skin pallor.

Regardless of all that, Charlottesville, or any other city, choosing to not let itself be used as a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Revisionism movement, and I do mean movement, has nothing to do with "sanitizing any history", because history doesn't live in statues and monuments, least of all those that have been put where they are specifically TO sanitize that history.

No, let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home the correct answer, which is that history lives in history books. And nothing about moving any statues changes that one iota.

Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .
Why? So people like you have fewer places to taunt blacks. What other reason could you have for caring about the statues?
Statues that have been up for a 100 years is now taunting blacks?

How is it taunting? By reminding them they are so stupid they vote for the party that held them in chains?

That's called trying to erase history of the evil Democratic party...

Again Sparky, not only is history permanent, i.e. not only can it be "erased" by removing a statue --- but none of these statues were about any political party anyway. The UDC that put them up wasn't commemorating any kind of "politics" -- it was revising history, specifically the causations and purpose of the Civil War. They were, no pun intended, whitewashing it. And they stuck them where they stuck them-- public parks, city buildings, high traffic areas --- so that they would stand there and, in part, remind black people "who's in charge". So you have that part right at least.

It was the same time, and from the same impetus, that the Jim Crow laws reminded black people "who's in charge", rampant lynchings reminded black people "who's in charge", "colored" and "white only" signs in public places reminded black people "who's in charge", the novel "The Clansman", the film "Birth of a Nation" reminded black people "who's in charge", the re-formation of the Ku Klux Klan reminded black people "who's in charge", and even the baseball "color line" reminded black people "who's in charge". They all spring from the same well, and they all did so for the same reason.

Yet somehow I don't see anyone like the "boo hoo they're erasing history" wags here moaning and groaning that those "colored" signs were taken down. I don't see anybody crying the blues that lynchings rarely happen. I don't see baseball fans pelting a player because he's black. Isn't that all 'history" too? How the hell do I know about these things if they've been "removed"?
I don't know Nazis, but I do know that those who protested removing the confederate statutes and oppose sanitizing our history to remove the civil war are very fine people. I'm one of them. Of course Trump never said Nazis can be very fine people. That's why there's no link or quote of his saying that "Nazis can be very fine people". This is democrat insanity. It's part of the delusion.

Another part of the delusion is that Trump said that all mexicans are rapists and murderers. He never said that. He said that Mexico doesn't send us their best, they send us rapists and murderers. And, of course, Mexico does. It's how they keep their prison population under control.

David Duke was there, and he literally used to be a Nazi before he started dressing up in white sheets.

Of course, Rump couldn't have been talking about Duke since... "did he endorse me or what? Because I have no idea what you're even talking about, I know nothing of white supremacists" even though Duke directly chastised Rump whining about "remember who voted for you", immediately after which Rump caved in and described his contingent as "very fine people". Even though he knows nothing of David Duke, even though fifteen years before saying that he denounced Duke by name because the memory is the second thing to go, maybe the third thing if you count skin pallor.

Regardless of all that, Charlottesville, or any other city, choosing to not let itself be used as a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Revisionism movement, and I do mean movement, has nothing to do with "sanitizing any history", because history doesn't live in statues and monuments, least of all those that have been put where they are specifically TO sanitize that history.

No, let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home the correct answer, which is that history lives in history books. And nothing about moving any statues changes that one iota.

Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .
Why? So people like you have fewer places to taunt blacks. What other reason could you have for caring about the statues?
Statues that have been up for a 100 years is now taunting blacks?

How is it taunting? By reminding them they are so stupid they vote for the party that held them in chains?

That's called trying to erase history of the evil Democratic party...

Again Sparky, not only is history permanent, i.e. not only can it be "erased" by removing a statue --- but none of these statues were about any political party anyway. The UDC that put them up wasn't commemorating any kind of "politics" -- it was revising history, specifically the causations and purpose of the Civil War. They were, no pun intended, whitewashing it. And they stuck them where they stuck them-- public parks, city buildings, high traffic areas --- so that they would stand there and, in part, remind black people "who's in charge". So you have that part right at least.

It was the same time, and from the same impetus, that the Jim Crow laws reminded black people "who's in charge", rampant lynchings reminded black people "who's in charge", "colored" and "white only" signs in public places reminded black people "who's in charge", the novel "The Clansman", the film "Birth of a Nation" reminded black people "who's in charge", the re-formation of the Ku Klux Klan reminded black people "who's in charge", and even the baseball "color line" reminded black people "who's in charge". They all spring from the same well, and they all did so for the same reason.

Yet somehow I don't see anyone like the "boo hoo they're erasing history" wags here moaning and groaning that those "colored" signs were taken down. I don't see anybody crying the blues that lynchings rarely happen. I don't see baseball fans pelting a player because he's black. Isn't that all 'history" too? How the hell do I know about these things if they've been "removed"?

Say what?

"They were put there to say who was in charge"

Are you out of your mind crazy that's what you have been indocterated to think?

Unbelievable I would expect Rderp to post that comment but you?
What if someone comes along in a 100 years and wants to remove all of Obama's statues because they were offended would you say it's ok?

Its just damn history
What if someone comes along in a 100 years and wants to remove all of Obama's statues because they were offended would you say it's ok?

Its just damn history
Obama owned slaves? I didn't know. Link?
What if someone comes along in a 100 years and wants to remove all of Obama's statues because they were offended would you say it's ok?

Its just damn history

O'bama presided over a Civil War?
What if someone comes along in a 100 years and wants to remove all of Obama's statues because they were offended would you say it's ok?

Its just damn history

O'bama presided over a Civil War?

That's what you two got out of my post?

What kind of foolsh spin is that?

What if in a 100 years some fruit loops like you decide your offended by mount Rushmore and blow it up would that be ok with you since it's on public lands?

Get the fuck out of here with your nonsense.
David Duke was there, and he literally used to be a Nazi before he started dressing up in white sheets.

Of course, Rump couldn't have been talking about Duke since... "did he endorse me or what? Because I have no idea what you're even talking about, I know nothing of white supremacists" even though Duke directly chastised Rump whining about "remember who voted for you", immediately after which Rump caved in and described his contingent as "very fine people". Even though he knows nothing of David Duke, even though fifteen years before saying that he denounced Duke by name because the memory is the second thing to go, maybe the third thing if you count skin pallor.

Regardless of all that, Charlottesville, or any other city, choosing to not let itself be used as a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Revisionism movement, and I do mean movement, has nothing to do with "sanitizing any history", because history doesn't live in statues and monuments, least of all those that have been put where they are specifically TO sanitize that history.

No, let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home the correct answer, which is that history lives in history books. And nothing about moving any statues changes that one iota.

Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .
Why? So people like you have fewer places to taunt blacks. What other reason could you have for caring about the statues?
Statues that have been up for a 100 years is now taunting blacks?

How is it taunting? By reminding them they are so stupid they vote for the party that held them in chains?

That's called trying to erase history of the evil Democratic party...

Again Sparky, not only is history permanent, i.e. not only can it be "erased" by removing a statue --- but none of these statues were about any political party anyway. The UDC that put them up wasn't commemorating any kind of "politics" -- it was revising history, specifically the causations and purpose of the Civil War. They were, no pun intended, whitewashing it. And they stuck them where they stuck them-- public parks, city buildings, high traffic areas --- so that they would stand there and, in part, remind black people "who's in charge". So you have that part right at least.

It was the same time, and from the same impetus, that the Jim Crow laws reminded black people "who's in charge", rampant lynchings reminded black people "who's in charge", "colored" and "white only" signs in public places reminded black people "who's in charge", the novel "The Clansman", the film "Birth of a Nation" reminded black people "who's in charge", the re-formation of the Ku Klux Klan reminded black people "who's in charge", and even the baseball "color line" reminded black people "who's in charge". They all spring from the same well, and they all did so for the same reason.

Yet somehow I don't see anyone like the "boo hoo they're erasing history" wags here moaning and groaning that those "colored" signs were taken down. I don't see anybody crying the blues that lynchings rarely happen. I don't see baseball fans pelting a player because he's black. Isn't that all 'history" too? How the hell do I know about these things if they've been "removed"?

Say what?

"They were put there to say who was in charge"

Are you out of your mind crazy that's what you have been indocterated to think?

Unbelievable I would expect Rderp to post that comment but you?

That is all you got is it? Good, then I know I've prevailed. Now sit still while I turn the knife---- ahem, so to speak. Conveniently, we just did this in another thread:

>> ..... a lucid summary of this propaganda movement is articulated as long ago as 1868, by US Army General George Henry Thomas:

[T]he greatest efforts made by the defeated insurgents since the close of the war have been to promulgate the idea that the cause of liberty, justice, humanity, equality, and all the calendar of the virtues of freedom, suffered violence and wrong when the effort for southern independence failed. This is, of course, intended as a species of political cant, whereby the crime of treason might be covered with a counterfeit varnish of patriotism, so that the precipitators of the rebellion might go down in history hand in hand with the defenders of the government, thus wiping out with their own hands their own stains; a species of self-forgiveness amazing in its effrontery, when it is considered that life and property—justly forfeited by the laws of the country, of war, and of nations, through the magnanimity of the government and people—was not exacted from them.16] <<
And as regards the physical manifestations alluded to earlier --- from the analyses of two historians:

>> UDC leaders were determined to assert women's cultural authority over virtually every representation of the region's past. This they did by lobbying for state archives and museums, national historic sites, and historic highways; compiling genealogies; interviewing former soldiers; writing history textbooks; and erecting monuments, which now moved triumphantly from cemeteries into town centers. More than half a century before women's history and public history emerged as fields of inquiry and action, the UDC, with other women's associations, strove to etch women's accomplishments into the historical record and to take history to the people, from the nursery and the fireside to the schoolhouse and the public square.[43] <<

>> These women architects of whites' historical memory, by both explaining and mystifying the historical roots of white supremacy and elite power in the South, performed a conspicuous civic function at a time of heightened concern about the perpetuation of social and political hierarchies. Although denied the franchise, organized white women nevertheless played a dominant role in crafting the historical memory that would inform and undergird southern politics and public life.[48] <<
From here --- and way more here --- Lost Cause of the Confederacy

It's exactly what Mayor Landrieu is talking about here, where he alludes to it by name:


At 1:06 "Very Fine People".

Liar he never said nazis retard and MOST of the people in charlotte were just conservatives VERY few were nazis you piece of human excrement.

Really? You must have some evidence of that. Because all the evidence I could fine proves the opposite.

So you finnaly decided to post in your most embarrassing thread of 2017?

That takes balls idiot when your video in the OP proves you have been lying
Then why move statues that have been up for a 100 years? It's heritage your heritage pogo you should honor your democrat founders ..not bash them .
Why? So people like you have fewer places to taunt blacks. What other reason could you have for caring about the statues?
Statues that have been up for a 100 years is now taunting blacks?

How is it taunting? By reminding them they are so stupid they vote for the party that held them in chains?

That's called trying to erase history of the evil Democratic party...

Again Sparky, not only is history permanent, i.e. not only can it be "erased" by removing a statue --- but none of these statues were about any political party anyway. The UDC that put them up wasn't commemorating any kind of "politics" -- it was revising history, specifically the causations and purpose of the Civil War. They were, no pun intended, whitewashing it. And they stuck them where they stuck them-- public parks, city buildings, high traffic areas --- so that they would stand there and, in part, remind black people "who's in charge". So you have that part right at least.

It was the same time, and from the same impetus, that the Jim Crow laws reminded black people "who's in charge", rampant lynchings reminded black people "who's in charge", "colored" and "white only" signs in public places reminded black people "who's in charge", the novel "The Clansman", the film "Birth of a Nation" reminded black people "who's in charge", the re-formation of the Ku Klux Klan reminded black people "who's in charge", and even the baseball "color line" reminded black people "who's in charge". They all spring from the same well, and they all did so for the same reason.

Yet somehow I don't see anyone like the "boo hoo they're erasing history" wags here moaning and groaning that those "colored" signs were taken down. I don't see anybody crying the blues that lynchings rarely happen. I don't see baseball fans pelting a player because he's black. Isn't that all 'history" too? How the hell do I know about these things if they've been "removed"?

Say what?

"They were put there to say who was in charge"

Are you out of your mind crazy that's what you have been indocterated to think?

Unbelievable I would expect Rderp to post that comment but you?

That is all you got is it? Good, then I know I've prevailed. Now sit still while I turn the knife---- ahem, so to speak. Conveniently, we just did this in another thread:

>> ..... a lucid summary of this propaganda movement is articulated as long ago as 1868, by US Army General George Henry Thomas:

[T]he greatest efforts made by the defeated insurgents since the close of the war have been to promulgate the idea that the cause of liberty, justice, humanity, equality, and all the calendar of the virtues of freedom, suffered violence and wrong when the effort for southern independence failed. This is, of course, intended as a species of political cant, whereby the crime of treason might be covered with a counterfeit varnish of patriotism, so that the precipitators of the rebellion might go down in history hand in hand with the defenders of the government, thus wiping out with their own hands their own stains; a species of self-forgiveness amazing in its effrontery, when it is considered that life and property—justly forfeited by the laws of the country, of war, and of nations, through the magnanimity of the government and people—was not exacted from them.16] <<
And as regards the physical manifestations alluded to earlier --- from the analyses of two historians:

>> UDC leaders were determined to assert women's cultural authority over virtually every representation of the region's past. This they did by lobbying for state archives and museums, national historic sites, and historic highways; compiling genealogies; interviewing former soldiers; writing history textbooks; and erecting monuments, which now moved triumphantly from cemeteries into town centers. More than half a century before women's history and public history emerged as fields of inquiry and action, the UDC, with other women's associations, strove to etch women's accomplishments into the historical record and to take history to the people, from the nursery and the fireside to the schoolhouse and the public square.[43] <<

>> These women architects of whites' historical memory, by both explaining and mystifying the historical roots of white supremacy and elite power in the South, performed a conspicuous civic function at a time of heightened concern about the perpetuation of social and political hierarchies. Although denied the franchise, organized white women nevertheless played a dominant role in crafting the historical memory that would inform and undergird southern politics and public life.[48] <<
From here --- and way more here --- Lost Cause of the Confederacy

It's exactly what Mayor Landrieu is talking about here, where he alludes to it by name:

So now you have the gall to post about a history revisionist...

You just proved my point on how the left wants to revise history.
Remember when he said that Mexicans were rapists and murders, but there were a couple that could be fine people?
He also said that Mexico "sends" them here. What an a-hole.
----------------------------------------- from what i hear mexico does send their poor to the USA . mexico provides mexican border hoppers with info , comic books and advice to cross the desert and invade the USA . Thats picture comic books because many border hoppers don't know how to read from what i hear August .
------------------------------------------------------- here is some info for you on 'mexican' government helping mexicans invade and then live off the fruits of American taxpayers BEAR . --- A Mexican Manual for Illegal Migrants Upsets Some in U.S. --- article is from 2006 , all that an American needs to know is that 'mexico' is the USA's enemy Bear .

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