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One Good Reason Al Gore May Not Run.Anguish Of Facing Live Questions Regarding Global Warming.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:argue: Right? If Al Gore runs for President, how will he be able to answer so many questions regarding Global Warming after the last two winters and other "Sub-Freezing" and "Above Normal Ice Growth" in both poles? What's he going to do? just talk to the blockheads on CNN and make his list of questions not to be asked? and demand that all interviews are to be pre-recorded so that they can be edited to make Al Gore seem "Normal" to the Average American Voter? :bang3:
And who wouldn't love to ask Al Gore how Global Warming caused the most chaotic winter in decades this January/February.:dunno:
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Mr. Gore: If the center of the earth is "Several Million Degrees", wouldn't it be a fair assumption that the earth would of exploded and dispersed into space 5 billion years ago?
:argue: Right? If Al Gore runs for President, how will he be able to answer so many questions regarding Global Warming after the last two winters and other "Sub-Freezing" and "Above Normal Ice Growth" in both poles? What's he going to do? just talk to the blockheads on CNN and make his list of questions not to be asked? and demand that all interviews are to be pre-recorded so that they can be edited to make Al Gore seem "Normal" to the Average American Voter? :bang3:
And who wouldn't love to ask Al Gore how Global Warming caused the most chaotic winter in decades this January/February.:dunno:

You're actually suggesting a politician would stay away because of ...... Danth's Law??

Weird post. It is a new moon though...
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I would love to see George Poopacrodgulous ask Gore: Mr. Vice President. Can you explain the 75.3 per-cent increase of the population of Polar Bears in the Frantartica along with another 9 Trillion to the 10th power cubic square miles of new "Frozen Ice" formed in the north pole over the last 7 years?
Right? If Al Gore runs for President, how will he be able to answer so many questions regarding Global Warming after the last two winters and other "Sub-Freezing" and "Above Normal Ice Growth" in both poles?
Your info is incorrect. The last two winters haven't been colder than normal and the ice at the poles is continuing to melt. You're listening to propaganda. Looking out your window at the weather isn't global. Listening to deniers and parroting what they have to say isn't research, either. Why would they know more than the majority of climate scientists? Remember, they're being funded by companies who have an interest in the status quo. They love to say the warmers are doing it for the money, but if that were true wouldn't they go to the denier side? The money on the industry-funded side is MUCH greater than the grants regular scientists get.
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Right? If Al Gore runs for President, how will he be able to answer so many questions regarding Global Warming after the last two winters and other "Sub-Freezing" and "Above Normal Ice Growth" in both poles?
Your info is incorrect. The last two winters haven't been colder than normal and the ice at the poles is continuing to melt. You're listening to propaganda. Looking out your window at the weather isn't global. Listening to deniers and parroting what they have to say isn't research, either. Why would they know more than the majority of climate scientists? Remember, they're being funded by companies who have an interest in the status quo. They love to say the warmers are doing it for the money, but if that were true wouldn't they go to the denier side? The money on the industry-funded side is MUCH greater than the grants regular scientists get.
i can still remember some of the vicious winters of the 70's as a child.(grew up in Massachusetts) but even to this day, i havent seen much change in the seasons. I live in Florida and every summer has been pretty much the same. about 88-94 every day, and it rains almost every day.
Yet another wag who doesn't understand the distinction between climate and weather... SMH....

It was six men of Indostan (Hindustan)
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.

The First approach'd the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
"God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -"Ho! what have we here?
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me 'tis mighty clear...
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!"

The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a snake!"

The Fourth reached out his eager hand,
And felt about the knee.
"What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain," quoth he,
"'Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said: "E'en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!"

The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Then, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!


So oft in theologic wars,
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!
-- John Godfrey Saxe, "The Blind Men and the Elephant",
after an ancient Asian parable about conflating the parts with the whole

Or as we know it today,

Yes, it's funny how Gore has repeatedly avoided even hearing the other side, much less discussing his claims with the other side.

By the way, this year saw the setting of scores of new records for cold temperatures in the U.S. and some areas also had record amounts of snow.
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Yes, it's funny how Gore has repeatedly avoided even hearing the other side, much less discussing his claims with the other side.

By the way, this year saw the setting of scores of new records for cold temperatures in the U.S. and some areas also had record amounts of snow.

The last several years have been unusual, and I'd include last summer.
What's your point?
Yes, it's funny how Gore has repeatedly avoided even hearing the other side, much less discussing his claims with the other side.

By the way, this year saw the setting of scores of new records for cold temperatures in the U.S. and some areas also had record amounts of snow.
and soon we will hear from Al as soon as Tornadoes start taking out towns in the deep south, yet he was never around when Boston was under 6 feet of snow.
Yes, it's funny how Gore has repeatedly avoided even hearing the other side, much less discussing his claims with the other side.

By the way, this year saw the setting of scores of new records for cold temperatures in the U.S. and some areas also had record amounts of snow.
and soon we will hear from Al as soon as Tornadoes start taking out towns in the deep south, yet he was never around when Boston was under 6 feet of snow.

I suspect from this recurring willful ignorance conflating weather with climate, the Revisionistas are hard at work on another word shift --- just as in the McCarthy era they tried to dumb-down the word "Liberal" into something it does not mean, here the same tactic is at work on the word Climate.

It takes a special kind of Stupid to postulate that "if we all pretend to be idiots, then everyone else will too"...
Yes, it's funny how Gore has repeatedly avoided even hearing the other side, much less discussing his claims with the other side. By the way, this year saw the setting of scores of new records for cold temperatures in the U.S. and some areas also had record amounts of snow.
Once again the U.S. isn't the world, Also, when Boston was getting all that snow the temps were higher than average in Alaska.

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