Only Black Senator Not Invited to March on Washington


Someone please tell me this isn't true.

Surely they're better than this.

Yep. They're petty partisans that have claimed the mantle of MLK's dream...while turning it into a continuing nightmare, on purpose.

Gotta keep that division going lest MANY of them lose their relevance in the world. Can't have that.

Yeah, that's precisely where we are. Sad to see.

If that's true someone really dropped the ball on that one.

NO, it was intentional. The organized black community is simply a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party. This gives the lie to the complaints that the GOP doesn't practice "outreach" to the black community. You cannot reach out to people who are innately hostile to your message.
Fortunately there are some blacks who get it and realize that improvement in the black community comes the same way it has come to every other ethnic group in America: hard work and good habits.
Is that guy the palooka that the Republicans put as a fake Democrat and won?

Anyway, it's the Republican's job to reach out to minorities...not the other way around.

Why? Why aren't "minorities" like anyone else in this country? Why aren't they interested in smaller government,lower taxes, more freedom, and the ability to get ahead? Why is it "reach out" comes to mean "pandering and bribing" minorities with more of the policies that have devastated the black community over 40 years? At one point will the black community throw out the race pimps, con men, and extortionists who claim to speak on their behalf and look to a generation of leaders that isnt all about them?
Also notably absent was George W. Bush.

You know, the other former President of the United States?

And the left wonders why we treat their statements about having to reach out to the black community with contempt.

Both Bush's were invited but declined. :D

If true, that makes you happy? Why are you such a hater and a divider?

BTW Both Bushes couldn't attend because of health reasons but I'm assuming people like you enjoy seeing them suffer..... not to mention that you lied when you stated that they declined.
They declined because of health reasons...yes. I know that. So....why do you ASSUME my post is full of hate? I just stated a fact and you got all whiny over it.
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?
Also notably absent was George W. Bush.

You know, the other former President of the United States?

And the left wonders why we treat their statements about having to reach out to the black community with contempt.
Bush, Jr. declined his invitation. Thanks for mentioning him.
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

I agree...what specific insight was an appointed Senator supposed to bring?
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

I agree...what specific insight was an appointed Senator supposed to bring?

Has he done anything significant yet? Or...have all Senators been invited except for him?
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

I agree...what specific insight was an appointed Senator supposed to bring?

Has he done anything significant yet? Or...have all Senators been invited except for him?

Actually, Republicans held their own private MLK celebration on Monday
Relieved them of the burden of having to attend the official celebration on Wednesday

Republicans, who got just 6 percent of the African American vote in 2012, saw this week’s 50th anniversary celebration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s March on Washington passing them by. So they held their own commemoration. They sent an invitation “far and wide,” as one party official put it, asking black conservatives to lunch at party headquarters. About 150 accepted the invitation for chicken, cheesecake and cheeky suggestions that the late civil rights leader would have supported the causes of today’s conservatives.

I did not see any mention of whether Senator Scott was invited to speak at the Republican ceremony either
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The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

lol says the folks who would hand a junior senator "with no real action under his belt" the presidency.

lmao, that is really really rich.
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

I agree...what specific insight was an appointed Senator supposed to bring?

Has he done anything significant yet? Or...have all Senators been invited except for him?

By your standards he is eligible to be president.
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

lol says the folks who would hand a junior senator "with no real action under his belt" the presidency.

lmao, that is really really rich.

The American people did that
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

lol says the folks who would hand a junior senator "with no real action under his belt" the presidency.

lmao, that is really really rich.

"Would hand"? You mean there wasn't an extensive months-long campaign and then a nationwide election? :eek:
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

lol says the folks who would hand a junior senator "with no real action under his belt" the presidency.

lmao, that is really really rich.

The American people did that

"would hand" You've gotta love it! :lol:
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

You're absolutely right. Instead of inviting him to speak they should have just elected him president. Like the present guy.
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

lol says the folks who would hand a junior senator "with no real action under his belt" the presidency.

lmao, that is really really rich.

The American people did that

lol yes they did, and while being so inexperienced isn't good enough to be invited to attend the MLK anniversary it's enough for the presidency to that same element. lol too much
The RW wants a newly appointed Senator with no real action under his belt yet invited to speak at the ceremony. Why? What has he done to earn such a prominent position yet? Or were all junior senators except for him invited?

lol says the folks who would hand a junior senator "with no real action under his belt" the presidency.

lmao, that is really really rich.

"Would hand"? You mean there wasn't an extensive months-long campaign and then a nationwide election? :eek:

You miss the irony of your statement.

The American people feel it is appropriate to elect a junior senator with no real experience to be president......but those same Americans feel that the same, a junior senator with no real experience BUT who has lived life as a black American is not qualified to speak on behalf of the lives of Black Americans.

You really need to look at yourself in the mirror. Your hypocrisy is showing.

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