Open Minded Agnostic Atheist

I was simply offering it as an exception to the rule. And, yes, her parents are still kicking. My wife and I both adore them now and visit often. Her brother remains my best friend. She just went nuts. I forgave her long ago and just feel sorry for her now. But, yeah, as a rule? Lawyer up! Definitely! LOL
You know why you forgave her? Jesus.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior. So is being thankful and humble.

One could argue they are the father, son and holy ghost of behaviors who come together to form objectivity.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior.
your comment leads one to disbelieve the remorsefulness of the one forgiven. as having not been the experience gained by the forgiver. howabout justice rendered. first.
I was simply offering it as an exception to the rule. And, yes, her parents are still kicking. My wife and I both adore them now and visit often. Her brother remains my best friend. She just went nuts. I forgave her long ago and just feel sorry for her now. But, yeah, as a rule? Lawyer up! Definitely! LOL
You know why you forgave her? Jesus.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior. So is being thankful and humble.

One could argue they are the father, son and holy ghost of behaviors who come together to form objectivity.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior.
your comment leads one to disbelieve the remorsefulness of the one forgiven. as having not been the experience gained by the forgiver. howabout justice rendered. first.
You see it that way because you are douchebag.

But please feel free to not believe that forgiveness is a successful behavior.
I was simply offering it as an exception to the rule. And, yes, her parents are still kicking. My wife and I both adore them now and visit often. Her brother remains my best friend. She just went nuts. I forgave her long ago and just feel sorry for her now. But, yeah, as a rule? Lawyer up! Definitely! LOL
You know why you forgave her? Jesus.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior. So is being thankful and humble.

One could argue they are the father, son and holy ghost of behaviors who come together to form objectivity.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior.
your comment leads one to disbelieve the remorsefulness of the one forgiven. as having not been the experience gained by the forgiver. howabout justice rendered. first.
You see it that way because you are douchebag.

But please feel free to not believe that forgiveness is a successful behavior.
But please feel free to not believe that forgiveness is a successful behavior.
you claim too many generalities, bing. for yourself.
Something you and Catholics agree on
Oh my word! I didn't know I couldn't preach! Why didn't someone stop me! And the last time was so recent! Woe is me! Shame! Shame! Shame! (Now I'll stop laughing.)
The guy even sited passages in the Bible that talked against women preachers.

Now upyou see you can find a passage in the Bible for anything. I even found where it said being gay doesn’t matter but most Christians disagree with my interpretation of two women grinding

True Christians are those who actually follow what Jesus taught. For example, as Gandhi noted, Jesus taught us to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). We do love our enemies - one reason we do not go to war.
I was simply offering it as an exception to the rule. And, yes, her parents are still kicking. My wife and I both adore them now and visit often. Her brother remains my best friend. She just went nuts. I forgave her long ago and just feel sorry for her now. But, yeah, as a rule? Lawyer up! Definitely! LOL
You know why you forgave her? Jesus.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior. So is being thankful and humble.

One could argue they are the father, son and holy ghost of behaviors who come together to form objectivity.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior.
your comment leads one to disbelieve the remorsefulness of the one forgiven. as having not been the experience gained by the forgiver. howabout justice rendered. first.
You see it that way because you are douchebag.

But please feel free to not believe that forgiveness is a successful behavior.
But please feel free to not believe that forgiveness is a successful behavior.
you claim too many generalities, bing. for yourself.
I make no such claims for myself. I am no saint.

You are the one who claims to be a saint.
1. Yes, in a free country people can get divorced. Sorry if that bothered your religion.
:) Now that I have calmed down a bit....Do you know why this riles me? Divorce has nothing to do with belief in or worship of God (definition of religion). What effects does divorce have on society? Are you happy to send a blase "sorry" to those whose finances and education take a blow. Not to mention that careless "sorry" for any emotional upheaval.

Living in a free country should not equate to freely shedding responsibility. So forget about religion. Tell me how extremely relaxed divorce laws benefit society
1. Yes, in a free country people can get divorced. Sorry if that bothered your religion.
:) Now that I have calmed down a bit....Do you know why this riles me? Divorce has nothing to do with belief in or worship of God (definition of religion). What effects does divorce have on society? Are you happy to send a blase "sorry" to those whose finances and education take a blow. Not to mention that careless "sorry" for any emotional upheaval.

Living in a free country should not equate to freely shedding responsibility. So forget about religion. Tell me how extremely relaxed divorce laws benefit society

They don't - they encourage family breakdown.

The only grounds for divorce in the Bible is Greek pornea = fornication/adultery; homosexual acts; beastiality.
I was simply offering it as an exception to the rule. And, yes, her parents are still kicking. My wife and I both adore them now and visit often. Her brother remains my best friend. She just went nuts. I forgave her long ago and just feel sorry for her now. But, yeah, as a rule? Lawyer up! Definitely! LOL
You know why you forgave her? Jesus.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior. So is being thankful and humble.

One could argue they are the father, son and holy ghost of behaviors who come together to form objectivity.
You can make fun of it but forgiveness is a successful behavior.
your comment leads one to disbelieve the remorsefulness of the one forgiven. as having not been the experience gained by the forgiver. howabout justice rendered. first.
You see it that way because you are douchebag.

But please feel free to not believe that forgiveness is a successful behavior.
I forgive you douchbag
2. I would blame the womens lib movement if I were you. So do you wish we could go back to the good old days where women were powerless and couldn't get a divorce? You know as soon as women could start making their own money is when divorce started happening more and why less people today get married. Women don't need men anymore. Not financially anyways. Isn't that a good thing?
Do you know what I resent about this statement: "The good old days where women were powerless..." Do you, or the individual members of the women's lib movement, even have a clue as to what their ancestors (both male and female) were doing in their own day and age? If you think women were sitting around letting themselves be oppressed by mere males, think again. And if you think all men had to do was sit around and think up ways to oppress others, think that over again as well. Working on your own family genealogy lines might be a real eye-opener. Bet you anything you run into something where, "Great-great-great grandma couldn't have done that! Modern history books say she wasn't allowed!"

Are women powerless today? Then what makes you think they were in yesteryear? Have some respect.
3. Yes, today Catholics and other Christians get along. Kind of hard to call bullshit on their story when your story is basically the same story right? So I can see why you don't call them out for the stupid shit they believe. Same way you guys don't call bullshit on the Muslim or Mormon religions. But the truth is, the Mormon story is that your religion is no longer valid. That's pretty insulting no?
No, it is not insulting. When a student gets a math problem wrong, it is simply wrong, it is not insulting. Same thing when people get things wrong about a religious principle. When a student gets a math problem wrong, they are still able to live their lives. When they get too many math problems wrong, then usually their lives begin to center around something other than math.

I find even when people get one principle wrong, lives move along just fine, centering on principles they find that are correct. So some religions get Catholic principles wrong. They are making it through life just fine anyway, are they not?
Something you and Catholics agree on
Oh my word! I didn't know I couldn't preach! Why didn't someone stop me! And the last time was so recent! Woe is me! Shame! Shame! Shame! (Now I'll stop laughing.)
The guy even sited passages in the Bible that talked against women preachers.

Now upyou see you can find a passage in the Bible for anything. I even found where it said being gay doesn’t matter but most Christians disagree with my interpretation of two women grinding

All forms of Greek pornea, including homosexual acts, are condemned in both the Hebrew and Christian Greek Scriptures - for example:

Romans 1:24-27
Therefore, God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, so that their bodies might be dishonored among them. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated* and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the Creator, who is praised forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them over to disgraceful sexual passion,+ for their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature;+ 27 likewise also the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males,+ working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full penalty, which was due for their error.+

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom?+ Do not be misled.* Those who are sexually immoral,+ idolaters,+ adulterers,+ men who submit to homosexual acts,+ men who practice homosexuality,+ 10 thieves, greedy people,+ drunkards,+ revilers, and extortioners+ will not inherit God’s Kingdom.+ 11 And yet that is what some of you were.+ But you have been washed clean;+ you have been sanctified;+ you have been declared righteous+ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.+

However, same sex friendships are encouraged in the Bible - a good example is Ruth and Naomi:

Ruth 1:16,17
But Ruth said: “Do not plead with me to abandon you, to turn back from accompanying you; for where you go I will go, and where you spend the night, I will spend the night. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.+ 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May Jehovah do so to me and add to it if anything but death should separate me from you.”

Note that Naomi was Ruth's mother-in-law and that they were both widows, though Naomi had lost both her
sons in death.

In Greek there are 4 words for love - only one of these is to be between husband and wife (or betrothed as in the example in the Song of Solomon) - namely romantic love and affection:

1. Eros - romantic love
2. Agape - love based on principles (wide range e.g. love for God (Mt.22:37-40) and for one's enemies (Mt.5:44)
3. Philia - brotherly affection (this includes spiritual brothers and sisters)
4. Storge - family love. (this includes one's spiritual family).
5. My mom always said if she were to join another church she'd become a Jew too. I love it. You remind me of my mom and grandmother. Both were fun to talk to about things like religion and politics.
Thank you. They also raised someone who is fun to talk with about religion! :)
4. So Iran and Saudi Arabia are in a better place than we are? I mean, they don't have separation of church and state. Are they better than us? They probably don't allow abortion and they probably have less divorces. Do you want to move to one of those countries? I don't think so.
It seems my response to this post got lost somewhere in the netherworld. ;)

In brief: I am not for the unification of Church and State. We saw in the years of the Enlightenment where when the ruler changed, so did the religion people were required to practice. Individuals should be able to choose their own religion, hence separation of Church and State. Congress shall make no law..., remember? Yet government tendrils all over our practice of religion. I am for removing all tendrils.
3. Yes, today Catholics and other Christians get along. Kind of hard to call bullshit on their story when your story is basically the same story right? So I can see why you don't call them out for the stupid shit they believe. Same way you guys don't call bullshit on the Muslim or Mormon religions. But the truth is, the Mormon story is that your religion is no longer valid. That's pretty insulting no?
No, it is not insulting. When a student gets a math problem wrong, it is simply wrong, it is not insulting. Same thing when people get things wrong about a religious principle. When a student gets a math problem wrong, they are still able to live their lives. When they get too many math problems wrong, then usually their lives begin to center around something other than math.

I find even when people get one principle wrong, lives move along just fine, centering on principles they find that are correct. So some religions get Catholic principles wrong. They are making it through life just fine anyway, are they not?
Getting a math problem wrong usually doesn't have consequences that involve eternal damnation or, as the more excitable religious people threaten: "lakes of fire''.

It's a mistake to suggest that ''They are making it through life just fine anyway''. I don't think that angry, religious fundamentalist types realize the damage they do to children when those children are subjected to the kind of indoctrination that instills irrational fear and self-loathing, that they are born base and evil.
Congress shall make no law..., remember?
Clearly, and thanks for asking:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Yet government tendrils all over our practice of religion. I am for removing all tendrils.
These "tendrils" however? Those are news to me. Do go on. You mean like this?
Getting a math problem wrong usually doesn't have consequences that involve eternal damnation or, as the more excitable religious people threaten: "lakes of fire''.

It's a mistake to suggest that ''They are making it through life just fine anyway''. I don't think that angry, religious fundamentalist types realize the damage they do to children when those children are subjected to the kind of indoctrination that instills irrational fear and self-loathing, that they are born base and evil.
Sealybobo specifically mentioned the LDS Church saying that the Catholic Church had gone off track, and that is what I was addressing. Your bring up the religious upbringing of angry, fundamentalist types. Now, keep in mind, many will think this is where I am wrong, but it seems to me many of today's atheists are the result of such an upbringing. Others seem to stem from the insistence (primarily from Evangelicals) that everything in the Bible be taken literally as transcribed in modern day English. This includes Young Earth, Planet Wide Flood, etc. People want truth, and when truth shows a much older planet and no planet-wide flood, some people feel their only choice is to choose either Bible or Science.

I feel badly that they do not consider that modern teachers may have been (perhaps unknowingly) incorrectly presenting Biblical teachings. They should use science to help redirect them.
You already gave several good ones. ;)

But if you want more, let's start with a Supreme Court Decision of no prayer in school. Congress had made no law. People were simply praying. In the same way the only thing the Supreme Court needed to do was to assure all parents, students, and teachers that participation in prayer was never required, either.

Go out into the public square: Instead of no sign of religion, we should have signs from all religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity because in this country we have freedom of religion. We should proudly have that freedom on display.

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