Zone1 Opinion : Biden : corrupt. Trump, too. So who should get elected?

Nikki who? She cares, has passion & has the heart of a servant: Indian-American friends
In a series of interviews over the past few days ahead of Wednesday's GOP presidential debate, the Indian-American friends and major donors of Nikki Haley said that the former governor of South Carolina brings calmness to the highly polarised nation and is the only candidate to win over a major section of the Democrats without any compromise on the Republican principles and ideology.

Remote : 2023-08-21T12:02:42+05:30
Local : 2023-08-21(Monday) 08 : 32 : 42
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can the topic switch to 'alternative candidates' now, please?! :p :D
Sure, what’s her position on the Right of Privacy.
it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
Your read on President Biden is too convenient for you as a republic voter.
There is no probative evidence.
Oh, yes there is:

The Constitution states that United States employees may not accept gifts of any kind from foreign countries.
It also says United States employees must not interfere with government employees of any other country.
Biden got the man fired. The other two viral videos that were around in 2018-19 are so telling the Democrats scrubbed them.

Now do you believe there is probative evidence that President Biden disobeys the Constitution's requirements?​
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And what do you think this proves?

That for the good of Ukraine a Russian puppet was fired.
Video description:

2018 Video of Joe Biden Bragging About Getting a Ukraine Prosecutor Fired When He Was Vice President​

Can't you read? President Biden broke with the United States Constitution when he got the Top prosecutor in the Ukraine fired from his job. And he bragged to his billionaire boys club members with derisive laughter about his "power" using his Vice Presidency title and his official airplane, Air Force Two, to go to the Ukraine and make demands to fire a Ukrainian official. It's a disgrace of disgraces. :cranky:
Can't you read? President Biden broke with the United States Constitution when he got the Top Cop in the Ukraine fired from his job. And he talked to his billionaire boys club members with derisive laughter about his "power" using his Vice Presidency title and his official airplane, Air Force Two, to go to the Ukraine and make demands to fire a Ukrainian official. It's a disgrace of disgraces. :cranky:
Can't you stop lying? Vice-Prresident Biden was carrying out the official US policy set by the President. Also, that policy was backed by the EU and IMF as Shokin wasn't investigating any corruption.

Also, your whole conservative POS timeline and no understanding of facts make you little sean handity whine session pathetic.

If you think this is the evidence that convinces on President Biden you're fucked in the head.
Video description:

2018 Video of Joe Biden Bragging About Getting a Ukraine Prosecutor Fired When He Was Vice President​

Can't you read? President Biden broke with the United States Constitution when he got the Top prosecutor in the Ukraine fired from his job. And he bragged to his billionaire boys club members with derisive laughter about his "power" using his Vice Presidency title and his official airplane, Air Force Two, to go to the Ukraine and make demands to fire a Ukrainian official. It's a disgrace of disgraces. :cranky:
Thank you, VP Biden, for getting rid of garbage.
Quit projecting. You just lied about and jabbed the best woman on USMB. She has too much class to give you what you deserve.
"Donald Trump has not used his office for personal gain."

Anyone who thinks that is either congenitally dishonest or is on crack. Or both.
Let's just quit delaying the inevitable. Let AI run things, what could go wrong...

Can't you stop lying? Vice-Prresident Biden was carrying out the official US policy set by the President. Also, that policy was backed by the EU and IMF as Shokin wasn't investigating any corruption.

Also, your whole conservative POS timeline and no understanding of facts make you little sean handity whine session pathetic.

If you think this is the evidence that convinces on President Biden you're fucked in the head.
Mr. otto105, I know that people can get cranky when hearing something unpleasant about a person you hold dear as President Biden, but Vice President Biden received scrubbing treatment on the three viral videos of him bragging about his Foreign Aid extortion, but he disenfranchised the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution's Article 1, Section 9 responsibilities as I understand it.
I'm sure you may vaguely recollect it from school days, or maybe you forgot about it too, but here it is:

The Foreign Emoluments Clause is a provision in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution,[1] that prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility, and restricts members of the federal government from receiving gifts, emoluments, offices or titles from foreign states and monarchies without the consent of the United States Congress. Also known as the Titles of Nobility Clause, it was designed to shield the federal officeholders of the United States against so-called "corrupting foreign influences". The clause is reinforced by the corresponding prohibition on state titles of nobility in Article I, Section 10, and more generally by the Republican Guarantee Clause in Article IV, Section 4.[2]
The firing of the Prosecutor in the Ukraine who questioned Hunter Biden's qualification for being on the Board of Directors of The Burisma Company at the behest of Biden was an emolument that enabled young Mr. Biden to collect millions of dollars while Biden holds high office.
Your leftist lockstep pressmasters feign any wrongful act the Bidens committed is quite absent on the MSM. You're fooling only yourself if you think the Bidens haven't hit a foul ball in the Burisma fiasco that divided President Biden pledged to uphold his Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and provide for the common defense of the American people.
Mr. otto105, I know that people can get cranky when hearing something unpleasant about a person you hold dear as President Biden, but Vice President Biden received scrubbing treatment on the three viral videos of him bragging about his Foreign Aid extortion, but he disenfranchised the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution's Article 1, Section 9 responsibilities as I understand it.
I'm sure you may vaguely recollect it from school days, or maybe you forgot about it too, but here it is:

The Foreign Emoluments Clause is a provision in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution,[1] that prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility, and restricts members of the federal government from receiving gifts, emoluments, offices or titles from foreign states and monarchies without the consent of the United States Congress. Also known as the Titles of Nobility Clause, it was designed to shield the federal officeholders of the United States against so-called "corrupting foreign influences". The clause is reinforced by the corresponding prohibition on state titles of nobility in Article I, Section 10, and more generally by the Republican Guarantee Clause in Article IV, Section 4.[2]
The firing of the Prosecutor in the Ukraine who questioned Hunter Biden's qualification for being on the Board of Directors of The Burisma Company at the behest of Biden was an emolument that enabled young Mr. Biden to collect millions of dollars while Biden holds high office.
Your leftist lockstep pressmasters feign any wrongful act the Bidens committed is quite absent on the MSM. You're fooling only yourself if you think the Bidens haven't hit a foul ball in the Burisma fiasco that divided President Biden pledged to uphold his Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and provide for the common defense of the American people.
Show the evidence that Shokin was investigating either Burisma or Hunter Biden.

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

And hell yeah, That corrupt russian tool shokin was part of the problem as he wasn't going after corruption, but was shilling for the russian puppet government overthrown in 2014.
Thank you, VP Biden, for getting rid of garbage.

So, you think it's okay to break the law if you believe the cause is just? You think it's okay for any gov't official to make that call without due process, much less the VPOTUS? What you are supporting is the exact same thing you and the democrats accused Trump of doing and you impeached him for it. But you won't apply the same standard to Biden cuz he's on your side. And you're fine with that? You are a disgusting, hypocritical SOB, you know that?
So, you think it's okay to break the law if you believe the cause is just? You think it's okay for any gov't official to make that call without due process, much less the VPOTUS? What you are supporting is the exact same thing you and the democrats accused Trump of doing and you impeached him for it. But you won't apply the same standard to Biden cuz he's on your side. And you're fine with that? You are a disgusting, hypocritical SOB, you know that?
You would have a point if you had a point. But you don't. Good for Dark Brandon.
So, you think it's okay to break the law if you believe the cause is just? You think it's okay for any gov't official to make that call without due process, much less the VPOTUS? What you are supporting is the exact same thing you and the democrats accused Trump of doing and you impeached him for it. But you won't apply the same standard to Biden cuz he's on your side. And you're fine with that? You are a disgusting, hypocritical SOB, you know that?
That's what you said, not me. Implied nothing. He got rid of criminal garbage, as we are getting rid of Trump and his crime associates.

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