Opinion: Hillary Clinton is Done. Get Ready for Elizabeth Warren


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
I tend to agree with Wayne Root. The Hildabeast is finished and the others don't have a prayer so look for Warren

Hillary Clinton is Done. Get Ready for Elizabeth Warren.

It’s all over for Hillary Clinton. It’s done. Finished. Finito. They are drawing chalk marks on the outline of her political career.

How bad is it? Hillary is now more likely to wind up in “The Big House” than the White House.

How bad is it? The cover-up of and conspiracy in Benghazi is the least of her worries.

How bad is it? No one is even mentioning the Clinton Foundation – where she accepted $2 billion in bribes … I mean donations … while serving as secretary of state, much of it from foreign governments, while quickly awarding contracts to those same countries and companies. Isn’t that called treason? That’s not even on the radar screen … yet.

How bad is it?
This scandal doesn’t even involve 32,000 emails she chose to erase and the server she purposely destroyed.

No, this first of many criminal investigations to come involves top-secret classified documents sent to her, and shared with her staff, on her personal emails. A place where any Chinese or Russian hacker could read the most sensitive U.S. government secrets.

Hillary Clinton is Done. Get Ready for Elizabeth Warren. TheBlaze.com

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They have bernie sanders!!! ;) hahaha That old commie will make the corporations pay for their treason.

I doubt it. My guess is Sanders and a repeat of 1972, or they run plugs.

Biden isn't much of a candidate, but will carry the core Obama crazies.

LOL The democrats have nobody,this is hilarious. An old commie, a crazy VP and a fake Injun

All they had before was a meat puppet with zero accomplishments and no records to justify any of the positions he was given. He was as transparent as granite and the libtard media still managed to get him in office. If they create another cult of personality around fauxcahontas, the republicrats better have a candidate that contrasts with that idiot. She is just another democrook opportunist who will enrich herself and the billionaires who get her elected.

At least with Bernie, you know he'll tax the fuck out of everyone.

All they had before was a meat puppet with zero accomplishments and no records to justify any of the positions he was given. He was as transparent as granite and the libtard media still managed to get him in office. If they create another cult of personality around fauxcahontas, the republicrats better have a candidate that contrasts with that idiot. She is just another democrook opportunist who will enrich herself and the billionaires who get her elected.

At least with Bernie, you know he'll tax the fuck out of everyone.

Tax the shit out of everyone, revoke all civil rights, and put in SCOTUS justices who declare the Constitution unconstitutional.
Slow Joe will make a great candidate for the Democrats. He's very likeable, the way you like a learning disabled person. He's talentless. Has no real accomplishments. He's a lifetime politician. He gives next to nothing to charity. He has a very low net worth, so he's just a "regular Joe!". He'll get plenty of money from bankers and other "former" Hillary supporters who want the gravy train to keep-a-rollin' Plus he is extremely stupid and will be easy to control. As long as he can use Obama's teleprompters whenever he speaks, he'll be great!

Go Slow Joe!! GO!!!

They have bernie sanders!!! ;) hahaha That old commie will make the corporations pay for their treason.

Outsourcing and working to destroy the middle class is treason!!!! They should pay as much taxes as they did in the 1950's.
I doubt hiLIARy will bow out. She doesn't have enough class or self awareness. She'll drag the entire country through the mud, just like her shameless husband.
I doubt hiLIARy will bow out. She doesn't have enough class or self awareness. She'll drag the entire country through the mud, just like her shameless husband.
I'd think the only two things that would get her to bow out would be either some kind of legal action on the emails or if Biden got in and Obama actively endorsed him. Other than that, yeah, she'll stay in regardless of how much shit & drama is around her, because she believes she can still win, and she may be right.
All they had before was a meat puppet with zero accomplishments and no records to justify any of the positions he was given. He was as transparent as granite and the libtard media still managed to get him in office. If they create another cult of personality around fauxcahontas, the republicrats better have a candidate that contrasts with that idiot. She is just another democrook opportunist who will enrich herself and the billionaires who get her elected.

At least with Bernie, you know he'll tax the fuck out of everyone.

Tax the shit out of everyone, revoke all civil rights, and put in SCOTUS justices who declare the Constitution unconstitutional.

Excellent condensation of the Republican party's position.

Well done.
I doubt hiLIARy will bow out. She doesn't have enough class or self awareness. She'll drag the entire country through the mud, just like her shameless husband.

Then she'll be elected and hopefully, leave the country with a nice fat budget surplus.

Just like her husband.

Then you'll get to lie about her too.

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