Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized Sex-Change Operations

First the state should never pay for this. And second you should be an adult before you are allowed to do this stupidity.
In either case it should be illegal because medical doctors are supposed to "do no harm". Mutilating healthy organs is harmful. Ergo: illegal.
I do have a problem with this. No 15-year-olds should be allowed to undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery. These are permanent changes and sometimes they don't turn out very well. A 15-year-old is still a child in the mind (despite what some of the sickos will claim) and not able to consent to such life-changing surgeries. I find this to be wrong. It is easy to see how a 15-year-old child can be just "confused" about his or her sexual identity and have plenty of time to learn how to deal with these things in a healthy and productive manner and more than likely will have things figured out by the time they are into their 20s.
But Chris, aren't you aware that you will be apologizing for what you just said in just a couple years and be forced to make that apology public? Then you will be fully assimilated into the Rainbow Borg; at which time you will then become part of the persecution team. Kind of like how bees change their duties throughout their lifespan without thinking or questioning the edicts of the queen's reaching mandates...

Here, let's take the case of Elton John "then and now".

Elton John 2010 (saying "marriage should be traditional, hetero, man/woman, mother/father..)
"What is wrong with Proposition 8 is that they went for marriage. Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage...I don't want to be married. I'm very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership... You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships." - Elton John 2010 What YOU Have In Common With Rush and Elton Fox News
Elton John 2015 (atttacking gay designers for being in favor of traditional families, father/mother as parents)
After running afoul of Elton John and fellow celebrities who jumped on the #boycottdolceandgabbana hashtag he started (including Courtney Love and Ryan Murphy), Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce issued a formal apology for their comments regarding IVF. (The designers had given an interview to an Italian magazine in which they deplored what they called "synthetic children" and "rented wombs.") Last night, the duo appeared on CNN to further discuss their comments...When asked whether he supports IVF, Dolce struck an ambiguous note. "I think today we don't support [or] not support. You think what you think. Basta!" Dolce Gabbana Clarify Their Comments About IVF -- The Cut

Prediction for 2017 Headline: Dolce & Gabbana Lambaste Fellow Rainbow Celebrity For Their Stance Against Sex Change Operations on Infants.

Ah, rapid, unreflected social progression for it's own sake! To quote Alfred E. Newman of Mad Magazine: "What me worry?"
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Nothing this country would do or allow (legalize) would shock me anymore.

I'm ready to go home to be with the Lord!!!
Is that code for "if your Christian you should just kill yourself"?

Hmmm no we need to be here to stand up for God.
but absent from the body, present with the Lord sounds good to me! I'm tired!
Nothing this country would do or allow (legalize) would shock me anymore.

I'm ready to go home to be with the Lord!!!
Is that code for "if your Christian you should just kill yourself"?

Hmmm no we need to be here to stand up for God.
but absent from the body, present with the Lord sounds good to me! I'm tired!
Yeah, you're a Christian. That's why your avatar has a demonic look to it. You people suck. You don't even try to be good at the ruse. If we stop your cult from carving up kids in another of your twisted sex fantasies you going to keel over from a panic attack are you? Swine.
Nothing this country would do or allow (legalize) would shock me anymore.

I'm ready to go home to be with the Lord!!!
Is that code for "if your Christian you should just kill yourself"?

Hmmm no we need to be here to stand up for God.
but absent from the body, present with the Lord sounds good to me! I'm tired!
Yeah, you're a Christian. That's why your avatar has a demonic look to it. You people suck. You don't even try to be good at the ruse. If we stop your cult from carving up kids in another of your twisted sex fantasies you going to keel over from a panic attack are you? Swine.

It's a cartoon from Batman. She is a bad guy, that being said. But I like her mischievous look and the gun she is holding is only a pop-gun (harmless). Either way, I am not perfect, admittedly. Nor do I always come off representing Christ well (ashamedly).

But opinions vary, and, hopefully you will run into a Christian that you will admire and see Christ in them.
Oregon seems to heading the way of Detroit. they seem to think everyone's monies in the state Belongs to them to do with as they want

I am so glad I don't Live in a state the has a commie government stepping all over you

just like California
It's a cartoon from Batman. She is a bad guy, that being said. But I like her mischievous look and the gun she is holding is only a pop-gun (harmless). Either way, I am not perfect, admittedly. Nor do I always come off representing Christ well (ashamedly).

But opinions vary, and, hopefully you will run into a Christian that you will admire and see Christ in them.

Bullshit. You're a Christian poser. There are a LOT of you on the internet exploiting the "herd instinct" hoping to edge real Christians away from their faith by "popular new trends in today's Christianity". You always have a way of outing yourselves though. Cutesy little revealing comments or in your case, just a blatant avatar that a real Christian with deep convictions would never portray.

Two years from now you'll be posing as a Christian "concerned that minors can't change what God gave their mind to be by doing sex change operations"
It's a cartoon from Batman. She is a bad guy, that being said. But I like her mischievous look and the gun she is holding is only a pop-gun (harmless). Either way, I am not perfect, admittedly. Nor do I always come off representing Christ well (ashamedly).

But opinions vary, and, hopefully you will run into a Christian that you will admire and see Christ in them.

Bullshit. You're a Christian poser. There are a LOT of you on the internet exploiting the "herd instinct" hoping to edge real Christians away from their faith by "popular new trends in today's Christianity". You always have a way of outing yourselves though. Cutesy little revealing comments or in your case, just a blatant avatar that a real Christian with deep convictions would never portray.

Two years from now you'll be posing as a Christian "concerned that minors can't change what God gave their mind to be by doing sex change operations"

You certainly know me quite well - people must be amazed at your mad skillz!

I can't change what you think, but, know that I do hope you will find Christ, and, if you don't want the free gift of salvation, that is always your choice.
Don't you also wish "as a Christian" to "leave this world" from the despair of it all? You're aware that suicide is a mortal sin I assume...you being Christian and all? Egging others to do themselves in from despair are you?
Don't you also wish "as a Christian" to "leave this world" from the despair of it all? You're aware that suicide is a mortal sin I assume...you being Christian and all? Egging others to do themselves in from despair are you?

No, that was just me venting my frustration at how the world is. I have no desire to commit suicide (however, if God chose to take me to heaven, I'm ready!) -

Christians need to stay on Earth to keep proclaiming the Gospel. It is for God's glory.
First the state should never pay for this. And second you should be an adult before you are allowed to do this stupidity.
In either case it should be illegal because medical doctors are supposed to "do no harm". Mutilating healthy organs is harmful. Ergo: illegal.
I do have a problem with this. No 15-year-olds should be allowed to undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery. These are permanent changes and sometimes they don't turn out very well. A 15-year-old is still a child in the mind (despite what some of the sickos will claim) and not able to consent to such life-changing surgeries. I find this to be wrong. It is easy to see how a 15-year-old child can be just "confused" about his or her sexual identity and have plenty of time to learn how to deal with these things in a healthy and productive manner and more than likely will have things figured out by the time they are into their 20s.
But Chris, aren't you aware that you will be apologizing for what you just said in just a couple years and be forced to make that apology public? Then you will be fully assimilated into the Rainbow Borg; at which time you will then become part of the persecution team. Kind of like how bees change their duties throughout their lifespan without thinking or questioning the edicts of the queen's reaching mandates...

Here, let's take the case of Elton John "then and now".

Elton John 2010 (saying "marriage should be traditional, hetero, man/woman, mother/father..)
"What is wrong with Proposition 8 is that they went for marriage. Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage...I don't want to be married. I'm very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership... You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships." - Elton John 2010 What YOU Have In Common With Rush and Elton Fox News
Elton John 2015 (atttacking gay designers for being in favor of traditional families, father/mother as parents)
After running afoul of Elton John and fellow celebrities who jumped on the #boycottdolceandgabbana hashtag he started (including Courtney Love and Ryan Murphy), Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce issued a formal apology for their comments regarding IVF. (The designers had given an interview to an Italian magazine in which they deplored what they called "synthetic children" and "rented wombs.") Last night, the duo appeared on CNN to further discuss their comments...When asked whether he supports IVF, Dolce struck an ambiguous note. "I think today we don't support [or] not support. You think what you think. Basta!" Dolce Gabbana Clarify Their Comments About IVF -- The Cut

Prediction for 2017 Headline: Dolce & Gabbana Lambaste Fellow Rainbow Celebrity For Their Stance Against Sex Change Operations on Infants.

Ah, rapid, unreflected social progression for it's own sake! To quote Alfred E. Newman of Mad Magazine: "What me worry?"

Lol. I'm very sorry, but I find most of your ideas to be . . . :lol: I don't really take your "warnings" very seriously. Not only that, but I make up my own mind on the issues. Thank you.
I do have a problem with this. No 15-year-olds should be allowed to undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery. These are permanent changes and sometimes they don't turn out very well. A 15-year-old is still a child in the mind (despite what some of the sickos will claim) and not able to consent to such life-changing surgeries. I find this to be wrong. It is easy to see how a 15-year-old child can be just "confused" about his or her sexual identity and have plenty of time to learn how to deal with these things in a healthy and productive manner and more than likely will have things figured out by the time they are into their 20s.
But Chris, aren't you aware that you will be apologizing for what you just said in just a couple years and be forced to make that apology public?
Here, let's take the case of Elton John "then and now".

Elton John 2010 (saying "marriage should be traditional, hetero, man/woman, mother/father..)
"What is wrong with Proposition 8 is that they went for marriage. Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage...I don't want to be married. I'm very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership... You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships." - Elton John 2010 What YOU Have In Common With Rush and Elton Fox News
Elton John 2015 (atttacking gay designers for being in favor of traditional families, father/mother as parents)
After running afoul of Elton John and fellow celebrities who jumped on the #boycottdolceandgabbana hashtag he started (including Courtney Love and Ryan Murphy), Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce issued a formal apology for their comments regarding IVF. (The designers had given an interview to an Italian magazine in which they deplored what they called "synthetic children" and "rented wombs.") Last night, the duo appeared on CNN to further discuss their comments...When asked whether he supports IVF, Dolce struck an ambiguous note. "I think today we don't support [or] not support. You think what you think. Basta!" Dolce Gabbana Clarify Their Comments About IVF -- The Cut

Prediction for 2017 Headline: Dolce & Gabbana Lambaste Fellow Rainbow Celebrity For Their Stance Against Sex Change Operations on Infants.

Lol. I'm very sorry, but I find most of your ideas to be . . . :lol: I don't really take your "warnings" very seriously. Not only that, but I make up my own mind on the issues. Thank you.

And your thoughts on how quickly Elton John changed his mind on a rainbow-decree? The insincere nature of the economic forced-apology of Dolce & Gabbana not bother you either? Do you think your heretical comments about carving up kids genitals in the misdiagnosed "gender-dysphoria" craze will go unpunished?

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