Our country was formed by....immigrants!

“When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

Same bullshit, different century.


We learned the language.

True Story Bro
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?

By Bible-reading-church-going Christian Fundamentalists.
Not by jews, not by chinks, not by negro, not by spics, but by hardly-working european whites.
"Hardly-working"! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Freudian slip!

Merka was not built by ballot-stealing micks and krauts, but by hard working anglo-saxons.

As everyone knows, Irish immigrants are terrified of soap and water:


The Catholic immigrants and their Pope hate the Holy Bible and want it out of our schools!


I'm not the one that brought the subject into the discussion sweetheart, I believe that was You.
It was him, and he is the only one to claim somebody here believes Mexican immigrants are coming here to own slaves...it is the typical left wing tactic of answering a question or point they do not like by attributing it to a question or point they pretend was asked or made so they can play their ever ready race card
At the time of the revolution 24% of the population of the 13 colonies were foreign born. If you count 2nd and 3rd generation, that would bring it up to well above 60%, so, yes, our country was formed by immigrants.
so it was mostly immigrants responsible for slavery and taking land from the Indians?

Yes. You afraid Mexicans want to have slaves?

You understand that the American Indian tribes were notorious for enslavement, right? Given enough time and resources, they would have had African American slaves as well.

Are either Mexicans or American Indians really trying to enact slavery? If not, how does your post have anything to do with the subject?

I'm not the one that brought the subject into the discussion sweetheart, I believe that was You.

No, actually it wasn't. I was discussing immigrants forming the country. Some RWNJ brought up Indians having slaves.
Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these assholes are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
so it was mostly immigrants responsible for slavery and taking land from the Indians?

Yes. You afraid Mexicans want to have slaves?

You understand that the American Indian tribes were notorious for enslavement, right? Given enough time and resources, they would have had African American slaves as well.

Are either Mexicans or American Indians really trying to enact slavery? If not, how does your post have anything to do with the subject?

I'm not the one that brought the subject into the discussion sweetheart, I believe that was You.

No, actually it wasn't. I was discussing immigrants forming the country. Some RWNJ brought up Indians having slaves.

Yes. You afraid Mexicans want to have slaves?

If you don't want a discussion on the subject, then don't. If you do, then post as you did. But don't try to act all innocent after doing so.
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
If you weren't a product of public indoctrination centers that call themselves *schools* you would know.

Our country was founded by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns.

Our original SETTLERS were immigrants.

But the majority of those who fought the revolutionary war were uneducated, born in the US, farmers, trappers, and small land holders.

So yeah. Our country was founded by common citizens owning and bearing military grade weapons.

"...The Continental Army was supplemented by about 145,000 militiamen.

How many Continental Soldiers Died in the Revolutionary War?"

"The majority of Continental soldiers were young men, usually around 17 or 18 years old. Older soldiers had more responsibilities at home, such as families to raise and farms to tend to, so they usually joined the local militias instead because the militia was a part-time commitment that worked locally and didn’t have to march off to war like the Continental Army did."

"When the Continental Army was first formed in 1775, about 16,449 of the 37,363 soldiers were from Massachusetts. This is not all that surprising though seeing that the American Revolution started in Massachusetts and the British army occupied the area since the beginning.

"However, Massachusetts soldiers continued to make up the bulk of the Continental Army in almost every year of the Revolutionary War, except for 1779 and 1780 when the ranks were mostly Pennsylvania soldiers."

So far I'm not seeing any references to IMMIGRANTS being the primary revolutionary force....

"...black soldiers served alongside white soldiers, making the Continental Army a desegregated, integrated army, which would it would not be again until 1948."

So it looks like primarily our revolutionaries were home bred poor boys who were members of the militia, and thus armed with their own military grade weapons.


You anti-historian lefties just don't speak or write unless it's to lie.
At the time of the revolution 24% of the population of the 13 colonies were foreign born. If you count 2nd and 3rd generation, that would bring it up to well above 60%, so, yes, our country was formed by immigrants.
so it was mostly immigrants responsible for slavery and taking land from the Indians?

Yes. You afraid Mexicans want to have slaves?

You understand that the American Indian tribes were notorious for enslavement, right? Given enough time and resources, they would have had African American slaves as well.

NOBODY had transcontinental shipped-across-the-ocean slaves before Europeans did it.

And there's no reason to expect any part of the body of Native Americans -- who are a bicontinental race and not an organized political body on the order of a Spain or an England --- would have suddenly upped and sailed to Africa to capture humans they didn't need. No more than there's reason to expect the fucking Maoris would have sailed to Alaska to enslave Inuits.

This fantasy of yours is not only abjectly ignorant but just profoundly stupid.

There's a YUGE difference between "slavery" and the transoceanic European model that used human resources from a continent that wasn't even theirs to go exploit another continent that wasn't even theirs.
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At the time of the revolution 24% of the population of the 13 colonies were foreign born. If you count 2nd and 3rd generation, that would bring it up to well above 60%, so, yes, our country was formed by immigrants.
so it was mostly immigrants responsible for slavery and taking land from the Indians?

Yes. You afraid Mexicans want to have slaves?

You understand that the American Indian tribes were notorious for enslavement, right? Given enough time and resources, they would have had African American slaves as well.

We didn't tho...white people did.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
At the time of the revolution 24% of the population of the 13 colonies were foreign born. If you count 2nd and 3rd generation, that would bring it up to well above 60%, so, yes, our country was formed by immigrants.
so it was mostly immigrants responsible for slavery and taking land from the Indians?

Yes. You afraid Mexicans want to have slaves?

You understand that the American Indian tribes were notorious for enslavement, right? Given enough time and resources, they would have had African American slaves as well.

We didn't tho...white people did.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

From the link:

Slavery among Native Americans in the United States - Wikipedia

Many Native American tribes practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America.[1]

Native American groups often enslaved war captives whom they primarily used for small-scale labor.[1] Others however, were used in ritual sacrifice,[1] usually involving torture as part of religious rites, and these sometimes involved ritual cannibalism

I think they did.
At the time of the revolution 24% of the population of the 13 colonies were foreign born. If you count 2nd and 3rd generation, that would bring it up to well above 60%, so, yes, our country was formed by immigrants.
so it was mostly immigrants responsible for slavery and taking land from the Indians?

Yes. You afraid Mexicans want to have slaves?

You understand that the American Indian tribes were notorious for enslavement, right? Given enough time and resources, they would have had African American slaves as well.

NOBODY had transcontinental shipped-across-the-ocean slaves before Europeans did it.

And there's no reason to expect any part of the body of Native Americans -- who are a bicontinental race and not an organized political body on the order of a Spain or an England --- would have suddenly upped and sailed to Africa to capture humans they didn't need.

Your suggestion is beyond absurd. And there's a YUGE difference between "slavery" and the transoceanic European model that used human resources from a continent that wasn't even theirs to go exploit another continent that wasn't even theirs.

No reason to believe they would have don anything so dastardly?

Slavery among Native Americans in the United States - Wikipedia

Many Native American tribes practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America.[1]

Native American groups often enslaved war captives whom they primarily used for small-scale labor.[1] Others however, were used in ritual sacrifice,[1] usually involving torture as part of religious rites, and these sometimes involved ritual cannibalism

The Irish may have been drunk and smell kinda bad, but I don't think they ever enslaved and ate their captives.

Of course that may have been prior to the invention of the sandwich!
If the Indians had built a wall then they wouldn't be alcoholics living on a reservation hoping to get a janitor's job at the casino.

We aren't alcoholics.
We don't all live on reservations.
We don't all work at casinos.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

To solve alcoholism, Native Americans must look inside reservations

Not much for reading are you.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
If the Indians had built a wall then they wouldn't be alcoholics living on a reservation hoping to get a janitor's job at the casino.

We aren't alcoholics.
We don't all live on reservations.
We don't all work at casinos.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

To solve alcoholism, Native Americans must look inside reservations

Not much for reading are you.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Did you or did you not say "we aren't alcoholics"?

Once again public education fails the victims forced to submit to their nonsense.

Case in point, public educated moron misses the fact that he actually posted "we aren't alcoholics" and then tells me, when I respond to it, that I'm not much for reading.

In reality, he either didn't read, doesn't remember, or doesn't understand what he himself wrote. The person with a reading problem is, naturally, the leftist fool who arrogantly asserts that people who respond to his nitwittery appropriately are the ones with the reading problem.

That's because in today's indoctrination centers, kids are no longer taught how to communicate effectively. But they are TOLD that they are. So they're just confused, dumb rats.
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