Our Goverment Was Overthrown!

It is an undeniable fact that the government of the United States of Amerca, the government established and given to us by the Founders no longer exists because it was overthrown from within. To learn how and when this transpired, go to and read "The Trashing of a Republic" at:

The Trashing of a Republic
I stopped reading on second paragraph " it is reasonable to conclude that somewhere along the way a change in government took place" if they don't know the year it happened, it should study more before writing articles. it was 1913.
Paragraph 6...

" The foregoing does not constitute a willful intent to commit a crime. However, it does when you listen to the words of Mayer Anselm Rothschild, perhaps the most influential Bankster of them all who said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a Nation and I care not who makes its laws”. The legislative process, without question, is a prime function of government. If as Mr. Rothschild said, this prime function is trumped by a group of people who issue and control our money, then it follows that the Jekyll Island conspirators knew and understood that by getting control our money supply, they would also be getting control of our government. "

Those fucking Jews.
The takers have undermined us; they have given the power to the redistributors!
My apologies if I stepped on your toes. Weren't you supposed to be rounding them up while I collected wood for the ovens?

Holy Horse Manure! Did I have you all wrong. Instead of being an agent for our enslavers, you really are a Jew hating Nazi. Assuming this is true, please make no mistake about considering me a comrade in arms. First of all and most important, by spewing venom and hate like you do, you are grievously hurting our cause. No sane person thinks like you and for to associate yourself with the movenment to restore our Republic is a grave disservice to us. Secondly you have the Jewish question all wrong. While many of the super rich bank families are Jewish, not all are.

Secondly, even though some of these families are Jewish, it is totally wrong to condemn an entire religion or a group of people because of the few rotten apples as the top. Hitler hated the Jews because of what their leaders did to Germany, but the average Jew in the street had nothing to do with this. His venom, less all his his insane actions of course, should have been aimed at Zionism, which is not Judaism but instead, a political movement. It is the Zionists who brought down Germany but by doing so they also bear responsibility for the 6 million Jews that the Naizis murdered. In the final analysis, the Jewish people were as much victims of the Zionists as the rest of the world was and this is still true today.

The issues this nation faces today are clouded and obscure because the Zionism has wrapped itself in Judaism and uses it as shield to confuse, confound, and obstruct. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Jews support the state of Israel. Unfortunately for us all, your Jew bating plays right into their hands and further complicates and already very complicated situation. I truly wish you would learn the error of your ways and I pray that you do, not just for your sake, but for the sake of all that is good in the world.
I stopped reading on second paragraph

It's too bad you stopped reading, you might have learned something because you stopped reading one of the most important statements made by a citizen of this Nation since the early days of our Republic. I can deal with PaintMyHouse because he is just ignorant. However, what I can't deal with very well is apathy and egotism.
Our Goverment Was Overthrown!

They are called elections. That is how it works here. You get to try in another two years.
It wasn't overthrown. We voted for it. Next time pay more attention.

It's time for you to pay attention.

We did not vote for it per se. Yes, our elected representatives voted for it. However, many of them were not there at the time and the ones that were had been fooled, cajould, and bribed into doing so by the Banksters. Okay, a mistake was made. This being the case, why in one-hundred years have we not correct the mistake. I'll tell you why, for the same reason the Federal Reserve Act was enacted in the first place only this time they do not need Congressmen of good will to go home because we live in a nation where almost all of Congess is bought and paid for. Furthermore, what Congressman in his right mind would standup to the ruling establishment. Ross Perot and Ron Paul did and look what happened to them.

What you fail to realize is the power that money and unconscienable wealth has in our Society. It enables them to control the media, our entertainment industries, and every other institution in our Society. And the crying shame is that it is our money which they use to enslave us that they garnered through the fractional reserve banking system and the fact that the Federal Reserve Act enpowered them to create money out of thin air that must be paid back by the diligence and hard work of Americans.

Our monetary system has enslaved us and now they are using our resources and military to enslave the rest of the world. And you smugly declare that we voted for this. No American in his right mind would vote for this unless it was in his best interest to do so and unfortunately, the Federal Reserve Act gave these people the wealth they need to ensure that it always in a Congressman's best interest to vote for their best interest.
It is an undeniable fact that the government of the United States of Amerca, the government established and given to us by the Founders no longer exists because it was overthrown from within. To learn how and when this transpired, go to and read "The Trashing of a Republic" at:

Actually it can be traced back to the election of one Lincoln, Abraham to by the POTUS in 1860.

This country is no longer a good for your kind. You should vote with your feet. Try Russia, you'd fit right in.

Unfortunately, due to the verbosity of people like you, most of the places that people like us would move to WON'T TAKE US because of our US Citizenship.
Those fucking Jews.

NO! NOT THOSE FUCKING JEWS! Judaism had nothing to do with this. At the turn of the century it was those fucking Zionists, but now you cannot rightfully say this today because supporting the stare of Israel is not wrong. Today, Zionism prevails within mainstream Judaism and no group of people are inherantly bad. We are all equal in the eyes of God and we all want the same things. However, this cannot be said of the Banksters. The banksters are evil demented murderers who use Judaism as their shield and by saying "Those Fucking Jews" you are a perfect example of how well this works. It's not the fucking jews that are the problem. Instead, it is your fucking ignorance and attitude that is the problem.
This country is no longer a good for your kind. You should vote with your feet. Try Russia, you'd fit right in.
Why are you such an ass? Is it a hobby or a natural talent? Paint your own house.

first of all, he is a lying liberal, hence.., liarberal.., which in turn makes him a bag of scum hence a scumbag.

as far as painting his house he is too fucking lazy, as are most liarberals, besides, what good would it do to paint cardboard boxes ? :lmao: ..... :up:
"Us guys" want the Constitution to be obeyed. YOU move. I'm staying right here and fight for MY country.

But it's not yours. We founded it and you hate what it's become, so start packing.

And the Constitution is obeyed. It just means more than it did 220 years ago. Times change, try changing with them, it will do you some good.

"We founded it".., who the fuck are "We" ??? you and your kind have done everything you can dream up to destroy this once great REPUBLIC.., so.., take your kind and pack it right out of our (PATRIOTS) country.

go to fucking Cuba where your kind flourishes :up:
Note how when somebody questions the role of today's FEDERAL RESERVE they are almost immediately attacked as anti-semites?

That's happens even if the poster questioning the role and influence the FED has over all of us, never even mentions Jews.

I find that rather odd, don't y:eusa_shifty:u?
If we had the same govt. by the founders no citizen would vote for president, tariffs would pay taxes and corporations would not be considered as individuals..and we would have a standing army of only 10k..

Where in the hell do you nutjobs come up with the theory that liberal government requires popular voting for presidents and/or senators? Nor, does the original Constitution require that the government be funded only by tariffs. Not to mention, that you cannot seem to separate fovernment form from its functions.

Without the power to collect income taxes (17th amendment), the congress would have to assess the states for the money it needs to operate. The states would then have to determine how they would collect that money from their citizens. Wow! Revenue sharing in reverse.

Democracy applies to the soverign state that you live in. You get to vote for governor, senators, and representatives. The federal government is designed to be a contractor that carries out the functions specified in the contract established between itself and the 50soverign states. The fact that left wingers seem not to understand such basic tenets of Republican government, testifies to their ignorance of why the United States of America is special.
Those fucking Jews.

NO! NOT THOSE FUCKING JEWS! Judaism had nothing to do with this. At the turn of the century it was those fucking Zionists, but now you cannot rightfully say this today because supporting the stare of Israel is not wrong. Today, Zionism prevails within mainstream Judaism and no group of people are inherantly bad. We are all equal in the eyes of God and we all want the same things. However, this cannot be said of the Banksters. The banksters are evil demented murderers who use Judaism as their shield and by saying "Those Fucking Jews" you are a perfect example of how well this works. It's not the fucking jews that are the problem. Instead, it is your fucking ignorance and attitude that is the problem.

I'm going with Fucking Jews. That's how your kind thinks.
Note how when somebody questions the role of today's FEDERAL RESERVE they are almost immediately attacked as anti-semites?

That's happens even if the poster questioning the role and influence the FED has over all of us, never even mentions Jews.

I find that rather odd, don't y:eusa_shifty:u?

It's not so odd in light of the fact that many of the Banksters behind the Fed are Jews. However, you are right! In order to properly assess, evaluate, and address issues concerning the FED we must be very carefull about not letting religious issue seep in and cloud the picture.

However, having said the above, it is also true that some of these same filthy rich Jewish families are the Zionists who, through their meddling and designs, played a key role in involving America in two World Wars and our present perpetual war on terror. This is where the wicket gets sticky and this is why supporters of the FED play the anti-Semite card when the FED is attacked. They know if they can make an issue of the attackers motives, then anything else the attacker says is discredited. They fear attacks on the FED, but what they fear most is the outing of the role some of the key FED players played in fueling and perpetuating the Wars which have cursed mankind for the past 100 years.
It is mine. You're just a filthy commie troll and you can kiss my butt. Have a wonderful day. You're on ignore now. Ta ta.

Trinnity, PaintMyHouse is not necessarily a communist. The tatics he uses are no different from and other Facist who wants to fight rather than discuss and who uses disparagement to discourage rational discourse. In short, he is a spoiler and either does this out of insecurity because how he was treated by his mother or because he is being paid to do it by some government agency. Either way, do not lower yourself to his level by name calling.
It's okay. I'm not even mad. I've simply shut him down so I'm not bothered by his presence - like a gnat buzzing. He's no more of a thought to me than that.

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