Our Goverment Was Overthrown!

This country is no longer a good for your kind. You should vote with your feet. Try Russia, you'd fit right in.
Why are you such an ass? Is it a hobby or a natural talent? Paint your own house.

first of all, he is a lying liberal, hence.., liarberal.., which in turn makes him a bag of scum hence a scumbag.

as far as painting his house he is too fucking lazy, as are most liarberals, besides, what good would it do to paint cardboard boxes ? :lmao: ..... :up:

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Something is very wrong. Granny sent a message and asked me to review her thread, “When do we stop being cowards?” I did and in my response, I pooh poohed her concern. However, in retrospect and in light of what transpired on this thread, the question, at least for me, has taken on renewed validity and urgency. When do we stop being cowards?

This focus of this thread is an article written by me entitled “The Trashing of a Republic”. In this article I clearly and cogently establish that our government, the one bequeathed us by the Founders, was overthrown from within as a result of passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. And what kind of reaction did I get from most of the educated and intelligent people who haunt this board; a great big ho hum from some and a great big nothing from most. When do we stop being cowards?

The question on hand is, why did revelation of a development this earth shaking elicit such a nothing response from my fellow board members? There can be any number of reasons why this occurred. Some disagreed with my conclusion because they were not able to understand the thrust of my presentation. Others disagreed with me despite the cogency of my presentation and their inability to refute what I said, because the main conclusion of my article was repugnant to them and too horrible to acknowledge. Then there were those who knew the truth of what I wrote, but did not want to acknowledge same out of fear that the truth may hurt someone. Finally, there were those who knew the truth of what I wrote, but worked to cloud the issue because it was in their personal interest to do so. I am sure many of you can add more reasons to this list but as far as I am concerned, those enumerated will suffice.

The point I am trying to make is that to just ask ‘when will we stop being cowards’ is not sufficient alone to address our dilemma. Instead, we should expand the list and ask the following:

When do we stop being stupid?

When do we stop burying our heads in the sand?

When do we stop being afraid of the truth and acknowledge that it is the only thing which will set us free?

When do we find the courage to stand up for what is right no matter what the cost to us personally?

When do we stop being traitors to our heritage, to our fellow citizens, and to the nation we pledge allegiance to?

When do we stop pledging allegiance to this nation when our true allegiance is to another?

When do we start being Americans again?

These are all good questions and the fact that they are reasonable and address valid issues is testimony to how bad things are in this nation. When do begin to address the issues raised by these questions? From my perspective, it is already too late.

In closing I wish to say to all; have as nice a life as possible while you can because the life that our children will have because of our stupidity, ignorance, cowardice, and treachery will not be worth living.

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