OUR President of the Uninted States Does a Great Job

Seems like something that would have made sense two months ago. Now it just seems like a pathetic play as the election draws closer.
I can't imagine how one would feel having a compulsive lying narcissist as head of government.
Why imagine? You just had one for 8 years! Or did your neurons collide too much to remember?

But surely the Shutdown advocates will have to give President Trump credit for his bold action to protect us in this time of crisis. ;)

Right after they give him credit for this:

“Cuomo says NY needs 30,000 ventilators, pleads with feds for help

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) begged the Trump administration on Tuesday for more ventilators, warning that the peak of the coronavirus could hit the state in 14 days.

…Cuomo said the administration has only sent 400 to New York.

“What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000?” Cuomo said. “You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.”

Vice President Pence said during a Tuesday interview on Fox News that the federal government is preparing to send 4,000 to New York in the next two days.” Cuomo says NY needs 30,000 ventilators, pleads with feds for help

“Trump downplays need for ventilators as New York begs to differ

“I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators,” the president said. But city and state officials say they require far more than the administration is providing.” Trump downplays need for ventilators as New York begs to differ

“Andrew Cuomo: New York is sending 100 ventilators to Michigan and 50 to Maryland

Andrew Cuomo: New York is sending 100 ventilators to Michigan and 50 to Maryland
Your "president" is an ignorant narcissistic asshole. There is no "our" in this. He's your pig, not mine.

So you'll be sending that relief check back then. Uhhhhhh ........we're gonna needs some proof.
Why should I? Congress voted that I should have it. The filthy little scumbag didn't do anything.
Hahaha...what a turd.
sorry. This was an act of Congress.
OUR President continues to a magnificent job as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Riiiight. He's a disaster. He's not even good at lying, and he damn well should be with all the practice he gets.
OUR President continues to a magnificent job as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
This level of delusion you people have about this complete idiot is beyond my comprehension. I feel like I am taking crazy pills when I visit this forum. It must feel comforting buying into this whack job cult and pretend that everything is going okay.

Well to be fair, almost everything is beyond comprehension with your IQ level.
OUR President continues to a magnificent job as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
The whole country is shut down and deficits are bigger than ever and you say continues to do a magnificent job. Funny stuff.
President Trump smacked the left around, threw them to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing for the past 3 years, good times :laugh:
Huge deficits, less than 3% gdp growth, Mexico not paying for the wall, tariffs slowed manufacturing, country completely shut down... Funny what repubs call good times.
President Trump smacked the left around, threw them to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing for the past 3 years, good times :laugh:
Huge deficits, less than 3% gdp growth, Mexico not paying for the wall, tariffs slowed manufacturing, country completely shut down... Funny what repubs call good times.

Don't care, our top priority was defeating the left and liberal media. God it feels great I have to say. Watching the left lose their shit every other day :auiqs.jpg:
The blob is a complete embarrassment as a president, as a man, and as a person
Rather you guys than me. I can't imagine how one would feel having a compulsive lying narcissist as head of government. When I think about it my neurons collide.
Oh yeah well where in the hell have you been for the last couple of decades and about every friggin democrat you'd care to name.
President Trump smacked the left around, threw them to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing for the past 3 years, good times :laugh:
Huge deficits, less than 3% gdp growth, Mexico not paying for the wall, tariffs slowed manufacturing, country completely shut down... Funny what repubs call good times.

Don't care, our top priority was defeating the left and liberal media. God it feels great I have to say. Watching the left lose their shit every other day :auiqs.jpg:
And destroying the country it seems. You must be one of those russian trolls?
More and more trumpers remind me of the black knight from monty python....
President Trump smacked the left around, threw them to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing for the past 3 years, good times :laugh:
Huge deficits, less than 3% gdp growth, Mexico not paying for the wall, tariffs slowed manufacturing, country completely shut down... Funny what repubs call good times.

Don't care, our top priority was defeating the left and liberal media. God it feels great I have to say. Watching the left lose their shit every other day :auiqs.jpg:
And destroying the country it seems. You must be one of those russian trolls?

No I'm a proud American who hates Dem politicians and the liberal media. If they became infested with fleas and worms I'd probably laugh.

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