over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Why am I lying? He said it himself.

No- President Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Perhaps you are just a gullible fool- and parroting what you were told on RWNJ sites- but he never said he was born in Kenya.

He did say he was born on the planet Krypton though.....he might have been joking at Birthers expense.....

In his own words

If only the audio matched the video. Here's the *actual* video, in its entirety....with video and audio that match.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

So where in the *actual* video does Obama admit to being born in Kenya? Or even mention Kenya?

To me- if a person doesn't have the balls to admit when he made a mistake- and reposted lies about about someone- and is shown specifically how he re-posted lies about someone- and just runs away instead of just admitting his mistake- well that pretty much tells me how little integrity the person has.

I will just add longknife to the list of ball-less lying Birthers.

oh boohoo

Well not as if it is a surprise to anyone that longknife is a liar.

But a liar and a Birther?

Dayem, that video posted by Skylar proves Hussaine was such a fraud. The questions were obviously rehearsed and even then he fucks up with his mutilated style of inverted English grammar when not reading from the teleprompters. Hilariously he said at 27 minutes in that withdrawal from Iraq will by careful when he campaigned saying "the first thing he will do if elected would be to bring all the troops back from Iraq." Is he from Kenyan? Well, what we do know is the "long form birth certificate" from Hawaii is fake. Why people cannot grasp that is so strange. Especially with the recent revelations that the Kenyan weaponized the FBI and MSM to overthrow the election.

What Birthers do 'know'....
I never realized that longknife was a lying Birther too!

Who knew!
Why am I lying? He said it himself.

No- President Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Perhaps you are just a gullible fool- and parroting what you were told on RWNJ sites- but he never said he was born in Kenya.

He did say he was born on the planet Krypton though.....he might have been joking at Birthers expense.....

In his own words

If only the audio matched the video. Here's the *actual* video, in its entirety....with video and audio that match.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

So where in the *actual* video does Obama admit to being born in Kenya? Or even mention Kenya?

To me- if a person doesn't have the balls to admit when he made a mistake- and reposted lies about about someone- and is shown specifically how he re-posted lies about someone- and just runs away instead of just admitting his mistake- well that pretty much tells me how little integrity the person has.

I will just add longknife to the list of ball-less lying Birthers.

And I'll add you to the list of worthless hillary panty-sniffers.
Why am I lying? He said it himself.

No- President Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Perhaps you are just a gullible fool- and parroting what you were told on RWNJ sites- but he never said he was born in Kenya.

He did say he was born on the planet Krypton though.....he might have been joking at Birthers expense.....

In his own words

If only the audio matched the video. Here's the *actual* video, in its entirety....with video and audio that match.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

So where in the *actual* video does Obama admit to being born in Kenya? Or even mention Kenya?

To me- if a person doesn't have the balls to admit when he made a mistake- and reposted lies about about someone- and is shown specifically how he re-posted lies about someone- and just runs away instead of just admitting his mistake- well that pretty much tells me how little integrity the person has.

I will just add longknife to the list of ball-less lying Birthers.

And I'll add you to the list of worthless hillary panty-sniffers.

LOL- Birthers believe in the craziest shit.

The Obama Birth Certificate is FAKE! Get over it! Posting ridiculous meme's won't change that! Accepting reality will!

Liberals cant accept the truth....Obama was a total fraud who rose to power thanks to the media. Trump knew it and was prepared to take down the media as he did
The Obama Birth Certificate is FAKE! Get over it! Posting ridiculous meme's won't change that! Accepting reality will!

Laughing.....the Registar of Hawaii affirmed that it was 100% accurate. And between Sheriff Joe and the Registar of Hawaii, only one has inspected the original vital documents.

And its not Sheriff Joe.
Liberals cant accept the truth....Obama was a total fraud who rose to power thanks to the media. Trump knew it and was prepared to take down the media as he did

Alas, its not Obama I'm citing in Obama's place of Birth. But the State of Hawaii.

And they're far more reliable on their own vital documents than you babbling about 'liberals'.
The Obama Birth Certificate is FAKE! Get over it! Posting ridiculous meme's won't change that! Accepting reality will!

For 8 years I used logic to point out Birther lies- now I am going to just mock you Birther idiots

Liberals cant accept the truth....Obama was a total fraud who rose to power thanks to the media. Trump knew it and was prepared to take down the media as he did

Trump certainly is working hard to destroy the media so that the public will only have Trump's tweets instead of the facts.
No- President Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Perhaps you are just a gullible fool- and parroting what you were told on RWNJ sites- but he never said he was born in Kenya.

He did say he was born on the planet Krypton though.....he might have been joking at Birthers expense.....

In his own words

If only the audio matched the video. Here's the *actual* video, in its entirety....with video and audio that match.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

So where in the *actual* video does Obama admit to being born in Kenya? Or even mention Kenya?

To me- if a person doesn't have the balls to admit when he made a mistake- and reposted lies about about someone- and is shown specifically how he re-posted lies about someone- and just runs away instead of just admitting his mistake- well that pretty much tells me how little integrity the person has.

I will just add longknife to the list of ball-less lying Birthers.

oh boohoo

Well not as if it is a surprise to anyone that longknife is a liar.

But a liar and a Birther?


If that makes you feel better, have a nice day.
So when Trump finally admitted that he believes Obama was born in the US,

was he just lying for political purposes? Or was he saying that the Birthers are full of shit?
It's hard to believe that damn near 40% of white republicans thinks The Blamer WAS born in the U.S.
Where do these worthless leftist clowns find this worthless shit?
So when Trump finally admitted that he believes Obama was born in the US,

was he just lying for political purposes? Or was he saying that the Birthers are full of shit?
He was saying that you worthless leftist clowns are full of shit.

Apparently you haven't heard...

...Jack Daniels, it's not just for breakfast anymore...
Everything about your Messiah is fraudulent. So, surely it is possible he was not born in Hawaii.

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