Parallels of another era


Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"

The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

All of Trump’s rhetoric is fucking bullshit. This whole notion that the people MUST respect Trump and his authority is bullshit. Respect is earned and with his lying, his greed and his misogyny, Trump has earned disdain not trust.

I have not heard anyone saying that this is about Trump's authority being respected.

THis is not about his Authority, but about the merit of his argument.

The kneelers have insulted this nation and it's citizens, and they deserve to be judged on that.

Taking a knee is not showing disrespect for your country or your flag. That YOU see it as wrong shows that you respect things more than people.

During a ritual where standing is done as a sign of respect, kneeling is showing disrespect.

It is absurd of you to deny this obvious fact.

That YOU see it as wrong shows that you respect things more than people.

NO, it doesn't. It shows that I consider the flag to be the symbol of this nation and for disrespect shown to it to be intended as disrespect to the nation and it's citizens.

It is one thing to disagree with me. It is another to say stupid shit, like, "you respect things more than people"

A flag is a piece of cloth but your people are your nation.

And the flag is a symbol of the nation. Please stop pretending not to know that.

A significant number of your people feel disrespected. They feel that their concerns, their very lives are being disrespected. They’re trying to tell you that.

I am aware of their stated reason for their disrespect.

Their motive does not change their action.

You’re not listening. You’re proclaiming them to be wrong and you’re refusing to listen. It is YOU who should be censured for not standing up for their RIGHT to protest.

Drop the shit about their right to protest. They have the right to say what they want.

They have a right to state that they disrespect American and Americans, which is what they said.

They do NOT have a right to say that, and not be judged or treated accordingly.

You complain all the time about your Second Amendment rights and yet you are attacking these players for using their First Amendment rights.

NO ONE is saying they do not have the right to say what they said, since their employers were fine with them doing it on company time.

SO drop the shit that someone did.

Even worse, you support a President who attacks those who are expressing their First Amendment rights.

THey get to say what they want. They do not get to not be judged on what they say.

You support a President who lies and denigrates the press for DOING THEIR JOBS as stated in the Constitution.

The Press is not doing their job. They are vile liars.

You are seeking to destroy the Constitution of the United States and you’ve elected a man who is in violation of his oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

Bullshit, compounded with more bullshit. Not supporting football because the players and the league insulted America, is not "Destroying the constitution" and it is pathetic that you think that lie will fly.

No right in any Democracy is more important than the right to criticize your government. Without it, you’re Putin's Russia. Xi’s China, or Erdogan’s Turkey.

The Flag is not the symbol of the Government, but the symbol of the nation.

But thanks for admitting that they players were "criticizing" it.

That is a step towards reality for you.

Go back to Russia, asshole. We’re not buying your bullshit.

i'm not the one pretending that staying away from football games because the players are assholes, is a threat to democracy.
They voice their views.............we voice ours..........Their opinions do not outweigh ours.............

If they choose to disrespect our Flag and our Anthem we are under no obligation to watch these teams anymore..........If the Owners of the team want to back them.............Then suffer the consequences of Americans who will not put up with that BS......................

Again.........disrespect the Flag and our Anthem..........and watch your RATINGS DIE................that's the deal........and it is doing EXACTLY what it was meant to do............Sting them in the pocket book.

Same as Starbuck's will cost them money........Their stupidity of playing politics instead of just serving coffee will cost them money. Are they so stupid that they don't realize that other places make Good coffee.........REAP WHAT YOU SEW.

No, I agree that people can voice their views as much as anyone else.

That's not the point here. The point is that people are so political and so partisan, that they've been driven to be so vocal about things that they can't even accept other people's views.

Players kneeling for the anthem doesn't do anything to you. It doesn't change football, it doesn't impact your life. Yes you can choose to stop watching a rubbish sport. Whatever. But why would you? Why would you stop watching football because of someone kneeling at the beginning?

That makes no sense to me.

The only reason I can think of is that you're so partisan that you can't think normally.
/——/ Using I recently learned I have ancestors who came to America as early as 1726. Several fought in the Revolution, others fought in the Civil War on both sides, WWI and WWII. I see the kneeling as spitting in the face of those who sacrificed to make our country free. A bunch of pampered, over paid athletes who can do maybe one or two things in a sport better than anyone else are trying to make themselves relevant. Disgusting.
Those who fought in the Revolution fought in protest
They protested the way they were being treated by the government.

Atheletes are rich and pampered. They shouldn’t be risking careers to protest the treatment of blacks......but they are

"Protest" is a very broad term.

Slapping it on both the Kneelers and the Founding Fathers does not justify the KNeelers actions, nor

change the fact that they insulted the nation as a whole.

For some reason, conservatives use that as a justification to condemn all protest.
They pulled it out in Vietnam,Civil Rights, worker rights

We are a great DARE you protest

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that lefties always are about insulting the nation, and use whatever issue is at hand to do it.

Instead of focusing on the issue itself.

I've certainly seem my share of lefties arguing the Vietnam was "proof" that the US was a bad nation.

Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"

The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump.

This has nothing to do with Trump.

Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect.

Kneeling during the Anthem is showing disrespect.

Kaepernick himself stated that he was kneeling because he would not show respect to the nation by standing.

Your denial of this fact is absurd.

We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.

No one is asking you to.

Hell, I'm not even asking you to stand for the Anthem.

If you are an anti-American, I want America and Americans to know it, so they are not fooled into thinking you are one of them.
The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.
To you it's all about Trump 24/7 365 days a year..................this counter protest would have happened regardless of Trump........................We were not influenced by Trump on our actions............We were influenced on those disrespecting our Flag and our Anthem.

Before this every took place, before Trump was even an issue......we had the same attitude towards protests that burned our flag and shit on it in protest..................It was just easier this time to send a message to the NFL..........not so easy on the old events.

how is kneeling before the flag of all of us Americans a sign of disrespect?

Your pretense that you are unaware that standing is expected during the anthem as a sign of respect, is not credible.

You are a liar.
The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.
To you it's all about Trump 24/7 365 days a year..................this counter protest would have happened regardless of Trump........................We were not influenced by Trump on our actions............We were influenced on those disrespecting our Flag and our Anthem.

Before this every took place, before Trump was even an issue......we had the same attitude towards protests that burned our flag and shit on it in protest..................It was just easier this time to send a message to the NFL..........not so easy on the old events.

how is kneeling before the flag of all of us Americans a sign of disrespect?
If you don't know the reason why.........then you are hopeless.

He knows why.

He is just pretending to be stupid, as part of a sophist tactic to create the illusion that he has a point.
To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.


He insulted his own supporters and they ignored it.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

That probably covers most of the country.

This is what the right does. Insults, insults, insults, then one insult from the other side and they're like "Oh, you can't do that, you can't insult us, that's really bad."

It's so fucking boring.

Sorry, can't see the list.

My point stands.

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.

Just has insulted just about everyone.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

What Trump actually said "My supporters are fucking stupid".

He's insulted just about everyone, even his own supporters.

Trump has been insulting the entire nation for a long time now. He threatened to not accept the results of the election. That's an insult to all people who vote.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.

But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.

The people have been distrusting the media more and more well before Trump.

That you think this is about people listening to Trump and just accepting what he said, is your uninformed opinion.

IMO, it is the people seeing the media turn up the hypocrisy and partisan lying to ELEVEN, is leading to an spike in distrust of them.

And it is a good thing.

THe media deserves nothing but contempt.
Sorry, can't see the list.

My point stands.

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.

Just has insulted just about everyone.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

What Trump actually said "My supporters are fucking stupid".

He's insulted just about everyone, even his own supporters.

Trump has been insulting the entire nation for a long time now. He threatened to not accept the results of the election. That's an insult to all people who vote.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.

But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.
I have lived a long time and in all my years I have never seen the level of lies, misquotes and outright untruths told against this president. It is simply breathtaking.

Some people, call them the public, have just stopped believing the media at all. It is all assumed to be a lie. Then when another lie is exposed, like Trump wants to deport US citizens the public smiles, shrugs, says there they go again and goes to a Trump rally.

It makes perfect sense.

Perhaps that's because you didn't know what the lies were.

The internet is a powerful tool.

It can expose lies, it can also be used to spread lies. It's different to how things were in the past.

FDR was in a wheelchair. How many people actually knew about this?

JFK with his womanizing. Who knew?

These are the simple things we know now. What about the things people generally don't know?

The media has always been a tool of the politicians, that you didn't see it, doesn't mean it wasn't so.

As for the lies against Trump, what about the reverse. The lies of Trump against the media, Trump using the media to gain support.

To be aghast at what the media is doing, but to also support the president when he's doing the same, or worse, is just ridiculous.

But I didn't bring up deportation. Trump said they shouldn't be in this country. That's bad enough. Who is Trump to decide which Americans should and should not be in the country? They're as American as he is. He's talking dangerous words.

They have refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to American and their fellow Americans.

Claiming that they are "American" as someone who has not refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to America and Americans,

is a claim that needs some serious support.

Because on the face of it, it appears to be bullshit.


Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"


I quoted what Trump said.

I said there were parallels.

Whatever else you think has been said, is all in your imagination.

MY IMAGINATION? Way to project loser. You're spreading a lie.

Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"


I quoted what Trump said.

I said there were parallels.

Whatever else you think has been said, is all in your imagination.

MY IMAGINATION? Way to project loser. You're spreading a lie.

Ah, insults. Go look at the OP and try and find the word "deportation".
Just has insulted just about everyone.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

What Trump actually said "My supporters are fucking stupid".

He's insulted just about everyone, even his own supporters.

Trump has been insulting the entire nation for a long time now. He threatened to not accept the results of the election. That's an insult to all people who vote.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.

But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.
I have lived a long time and in all my years I have never seen the level of lies, misquotes and outright untruths told against this president. It is simply breathtaking.

Some people, call them the public, have just stopped believing the media at all. It is all assumed to be a lie. Then when another lie is exposed, like Trump wants to deport US citizens the public smiles, shrugs, says there they go again and goes to a Trump rally.

It makes perfect sense.

Perhaps that's because you didn't know what the lies were.

The internet is a powerful tool.

It can expose lies, it can also be used to spread lies. It's different to how things were in the past.

FDR was in a wheelchair. How many people actually knew about this?

JFK with his womanizing. Who knew?

These are the simple things we know now. What about the things people generally don't know?

The media has always been a tool of the politicians, that you didn't see it, doesn't mean it wasn't so.

As for the lies against Trump, what about the reverse. The lies of Trump against the media, Trump using the media to gain support.

To be aghast at what the media is doing, but to also support the president when he's doing the same, or worse, is just ridiculous.

But I didn't bring up deportation. Trump said they shouldn't be in this country. That's bad enough. Who is Trump to decide which Americans should and should not be in the country? They're as American as he is. He's talking dangerous words.

They have refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to American and their fellow Americans.

Claiming that they are "American" as someone who has not refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to America and Americans,

is a claim that needs some serious support.

Because on the face of it, it appears to be bullshit.


Ah, now it's about respecting other people?

As if the right respects other people. The whole damn protest was about a lack of respect towards black people. Now in order to protest this they're expected to be respectful in a manner the right isn't?


So, how have the kneelers disrespected the nation?

No one has actually bothered to explain this yet.

Ah, set up a ritual and expect people to behave in a certain way. If they don't accept your ritual, then you brand them as bad.

The problem here is the anthem isn't yours. It's not yours to start demanding people do this or that with it. The anthem represents something, it represents the government of the country, it's a power message, it's something made by the government to instill something in the people.

The whole problem is that people who make these symbols of patriotism try and make it FORCED patriotism.
Problem for you is that in the US it's not like that. It should not be forced, because of freedom of speech.
So, when the anthem is played, it's a legitimate target for people to protest. It's exactly what's written in the Constitution about protesting the government.

The reality is, your ritual is in the wrong place. It shouldn't be at a football game in the first place. To bring the government into a sport, why?

For those people who get pounded on by the government, it shows a complete lack of respect.

Again, the flag is a symbol of the country, and the First Amendment is a part of the country. So for you to say that protesting something that represents the country is disrespectful is deeply disrespectful on your part.

Go read the First Amendment, PLEASE.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.

But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.
I have lived a long time and in all my years I have never seen the level of lies, misquotes and outright untruths told against this president. It is simply breathtaking.

Some people, call them the public, have just stopped believing the media at all. It is all assumed to be a lie. Then when another lie is exposed, like Trump wants to deport US citizens the public smiles, shrugs, says there they go again and goes to a Trump rally.

It makes perfect sense.

Perhaps that's because you didn't know what the lies were.

The internet is a powerful tool.

It can expose lies, it can also be used to spread lies. It's different to how things were in the past.

FDR was in a wheelchair. How many people actually knew about this?

JFK with his womanizing. Who knew?

These are the simple things we know now. What about the things people generally don't know?

The media has always been a tool of the politicians, that you didn't see it, doesn't mean it wasn't so.

As for the lies against Trump, what about the reverse. The lies of Trump against the media, Trump using the media to gain support.

To be aghast at what the media is doing, but to also support the president when he's doing the same, or worse, is just ridiculous.

But I didn't bring up deportation. Trump said they shouldn't be in this country. That's bad enough. Who is Trump to decide which Americans should and should not be in the country? They're as American as he is. He's talking dangerous words.

They have refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to American and their fellow Americans.

Claiming that they are "American" as someone who has not refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to America and Americans,

is a claim that needs some serious support.

Because on the face of it, it appears to be bullshit.


Ah, now it's about respecting other people?

I've been discussing how the act of kneeling during the Anthem is disrespecting the Flag and the nation it stands for, for page after page.

Your dishonest pretense of surprise, and that this is something new, is dismissed as dishonest garbage.

As if the right respects other people. The whole damn protest was about a lack of respect towards black people. Now in order to protest this they're expected to be respectful in a manner the right isn't?

THe motive for their actions are not in dispute. I did not ask for them to be respectful. I merely am judging them on their active disrespect. YOur comment on the "Right" is dismissed as meaningless partisan shit.

So, how have the kneelers disrespected the nation?

Your dishonest pretense that this has not been repeatedly explained to you, is dismissed.

No one has actually bothered to explain this yet.

And that is just you showing everyone that you are a liar. I may refer back to you demonstrating that you are a liar.

Ah, set up a ritual and expect people to behave in a certain way. If they don't accept your ritual, then you brand them as bad.

Their actions show that they DO accept the ritual. THey did not wander off and play twiddly winks. THey purposefully, again and again, did the exact OPPOSITE of the action that would show respect to America and Americans.

They made that statement. I am just discussing what they said, and what that says about them.

The problem here is the anthem isn't yours. It's not yours to start demanding people do this or that with it. The anthem represents something, it represents the government of the country, it's a power message, it's something made by the government to instill something in the people.

I never claimed the anthem was mine. THAT IS BULLSHIT YOU MADE UP.

I'm not demanding they do anything. THAT IS BULLSHIT YOU MADE UP.

The anthem represents the nation as a whole, not the government. THAT IS JUST A LIE YOU ARE TELLING. LIAR.

The whole problem is that people who make these symbols of patriotism try and make it FORCED patriotism.
Problem for you is that in the US it's not like that. It should not be forced, because of freedom of speech.
So, when the anthem is played, it's a legitimate target for people to protest. It's exactly what's written in the Constitution about protesting the government.

Your desire that anti-American assholes should be allowed to show disrespect to America and Americans, and not be called on being anti-American assholes, is noted and denied.


The reality is, your ritual is in the wrong place. It shouldn't be at a football game in the first place. To bring the government into a sport, why?

Irrelevant to the actions of the Kneelers, and the League that supported them.

For those people who get pounded on by the government, it shows a complete lack of respect.

No, it did not. THe anthem is about the nation as a whole.

Again, the flag is a symbol of the country,

Funny, just above you repeatedly claimed it represented the government, not the country. I guess that was just more lies from the LIAR.

and the First Amendment is a part of the country. So for you to say that protesting something that represents the country is disrespectful is deeply disrespectful on your part.

Sophist nonsense. They knelt to show disrespect to the Nation as a whole, and Americans.

Go read the First Amendment, PLEASE.

You have utterly failed to make any reasonable claim that judging someone on what they say, is a challenge to the First Amendment.
But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.
I have lived a long time and in all my years I have never seen the level of lies, misquotes and outright untruths told against this president. It is simply breathtaking.

Some people, call them the public, have just stopped believing the media at all. It is all assumed to be a lie. Then when another lie is exposed, like Trump wants to deport US citizens the public smiles, shrugs, says there they go again and goes to a Trump rally.

It makes perfect sense.

Perhaps that's because you didn't know what the lies were.

The internet is a powerful tool.

It can expose lies, it can also be used to spread lies. It's different to how things were in the past.

FDR was in a wheelchair. How many people actually knew about this?

JFK with his womanizing. Who knew?

These are the simple things we know now. What about the things people generally don't know?

The media has always been a tool of the politicians, that you didn't see it, doesn't mean it wasn't so.

As for the lies against Trump, what about the reverse. The lies of Trump against the media, Trump using the media to gain support.

To be aghast at what the media is doing, but to also support the president when he's doing the same, or worse, is just ridiculous.

But I didn't bring up deportation. Trump said they shouldn't be in this country. That's bad enough. Who is Trump to decide which Americans should and should not be in the country? They're as American as he is. He's talking dangerous words.

They have refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to American and their fellow Americans.

Claiming that they are "American" as someone who has not refused to stand to show respect and loyalty to America and Americans,

is a claim that needs some serious support.

Because on the face of it, it appears to be bullshit.


Ah, now it's about respecting other people?

I've been discussing how the act of kneeling during the Anthem is disrespecting the Flag and the nation it stands for, for page after page.

Your dishonest pretense of surprise, and that this is something new, is dismissed as dishonest garbage.

As if the right respects other people. The whole damn protest was about a lack of respect towards black people. Now in order to protest this they're expected to be respectful in a manner the right isn't?

THe motive for their actions are not in dispute. I did not ask for them to be respectful. I merely am judging them on their active disrespect. YOur comment on the "Right" is dismissed as meaningless partisan shit.

So, how have the kneelers disrespected the nation?

Your dishonest pretense that this has not been repeatedly explained to you, is dismissed.

No one has actually bothered to explain this yet.

And that is just you showing everyone that you are a liar. I may refer back to you demonstrating that you are a liar.

Ah, set up a ritual and expect people to behave in a certain way. If they don't accept your ritual, then you brand them as bad.

Their actions show that they DO accept the ritual. THey did not wander off and play twiddly winks. THey purposefully, again and again, did the exact OPPOSITE of the action that would show respect to America and Americans.

They made that statement. I am just discussing what they said, and what that says about them.

The problem here is the anthem isn't yours. It's not yours to start demanding people do this or that with it. The anthem represents something, it represents the government of the country, it's a power message, it's something made by the government to instill something in the people.

I never claimed the anthem was mine. THAT IS BULLSHIT YOU MADE UP.

I'm not demanding they do anything. THAT IS BULLSHIT YOU MADE UP.

The anthem represents the nation as a whole, not the government. THAT IS JUST A LIE YOU ARE TELLING. LIAR.

The whole problem is that people who make these symbols of patriotism try and make it FORCED patriotism.
Problem for you is that in the US it's not like that. It should not be forced, because of freedom of speech.
So, when the anthem is played, it's a legitimate target for people to protest. It's exactly what's written in the Constitution about protesting the government.

Your desire that anti-American assholes should be allowed to show disrespect to America and Americans, and not be called on being anti-American assholes, is noted and denied.


The reality is, your ritual is in the wrong place. It shouldn't be at a football game in the first place. To bring the government into a sport, why?

Irrelevant to the actions of the Kneelers, and the League that supported them.

For those people who get pounded on by the government, it shows a complete lack of respect.

No, it did not. THe anthem is about the nation as a whole.

Again, the flag is a symbol of the country,

Funny, just above you repeatedly claimed it represented the government, not the country. I guess that was just more lies from the LIAR.

and the First Amendment is a part of the country. So for you to say that protesting something that represents the country is disrespectful is deeply disrespectful on your part.

Sophist nonsense. They knelt to show disrespect to the Nation as a whole, and Americans.

Go read the First Amendment, PLEASE.

You have utterly failed to make any reasonable claim that judging someone on what they say, is a challenge to the First Amendment.
/——/ Thank you for calling out the Liar and exposing his Strawman arguments. Well done.
It comes down to intent

They are kneeling for a specific reason. They are not kneeling in a gesture of “I hate America”
They are kneeling in silent protest of unarmed blacks being killed by police

Now, if you are in favor of police shooting unarmed blacks, you have a reason to be offended

The National Anthem is a ritual to show loyalty and respect to the Nation as a whole, and to your fellow Americans.

Kneeling during that, is thus a statement AGAINST you nation as a whole.

Keapernick verbally stated that for anyone that managed to delude themselves otherwise.
This Great Nation was built on protest

That would be an excellent bumper sticker.

My point stands. Address it if you dare.

The National Anthem is a ritual to show loyalty and respect to the Nation as a whole, and to your fellow Americans.

Kneeling during that, is thus a statement AGAINST you nation as a whole.

Keapernick verbally stated that for anyone that managed to delude themselves otherwise.

Our constitutional right to protest is more important than the purity of our cerimonies

Despotic powers arrest for insulting the flag, national anthem or leaders

Our nation has thrived on it

1. NOTHING being discussed in any way infringes on anyone's right to protest. STOP LYING.

2. "Purity of ceremonies"? WTF are you talking about?

3. THey have expressed their contempt for America and Americans. Judging them on that action is completely called for.

4. It is not "despotic" to not give your money to someone who has insulted you. That is all that has happened or is going to happen. Save your hysteria for your lib friends who might pretend to believe it.

5. Support your claim that insulting the flag, the national anthem and the nation it stands for, has lead to our nation thriving.
I remember the sixties when conservatives used the same argument

How DARE blacks not love how this country is treating them?
The bottom line is these players should not be using the leagues' time, nor the fans time to protest anything, and bring politics into entertainment. If they want to protest, do it on their own time. They are famous people, and can get on any talk show they want. Or better yet, go to any street corner, and stand on a soap box.
The National Anthem is a ritual to show loyalty and respect to the Nation as a whole, and to your fellow Americans.

Kneeling during that, is thus a statement AGAINST you nation as a whole.

Keapernick verbally stated that for anyone that managed to delude themselves otherwise.
This Great Nation was built on protest

That would be an excellent bumper sticker.

My point stands. Address it if you dare.

The National Anthem is a ritual to show loyalty and respect to the Nation as a whole, and to your fellow Americans.

Kneeling during that, is thus a statement AGAINST you nation as a whole.

Keapernick verbally stated that for anyone that managed to delude themselves otherwise.

Our constitutional right to protest is more important than the purity of our cerimonies

Despotic powers arrest for insulting the flag, national anthem or leaders

Our nation has thrived on it

1. NOTHING being discussed in any way infringes on anyone's right to protest. STOP LYING.

2. "Purity of ceremonies"? WTF are you talking about?

3. THey have expressed their contempt for America and Americans. Judging them on that action is completely called for.

4. It is not "despotic" to not give your money to someone who has insulted you. That is all that has happened or is going to happen. Save your hysteria for your lib friends who might pretend to believe it.

5. Support your claim that insulting the flag, the national anthem and the nation it stands for, has lead to our nation thriving.
I remember the sixties when conservatives used the same argument

How DARE blacks not love how this country is treating them?

You just tacitly admitted that the kneeling is about this country. You will want to retract that.

When you do, you might as well address my 5 points that you blew off before.

Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"
it's awful hard to realize when something is actually extreme when you make everything extreme.

parallels of another era - using the gov to "spy" on the other party. but no - that's fine. and it may well in time be. i still have my doubts but if so, then the cat is out of the bag and trump or another president on down the line is gonna AT LEAST put a "spy" into the other side and make up reasons we can fight about to do anything but ensure we DON'T do this shit.

but now that everything is racist, nazi, hitler, and the like - you make us all out to be assholes all around. you, me, everyone we don't know...just because you need to validate how you feel about something - you make it extreme when it really isn't.

normalizing the extremes really needs to die a horrible death.

and while trump may bitch and moan all he wants (and yes i wish he'd shut the fuck up) this is a business decision, and last i checked, football is not run by the state or government. if the business does not wish to have this represent them, then go protest or have a die in with goodell or something.

Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"

The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The fans WANTED to be insulted.

The fans who were insulted, insult the players all the time.

The fans did not want to be insulted. That is an absurd claim to make.

ALL the American fans were insulted. It is absurd to claim they insult the players all the time.

It never bothered me. Saluting or not saluting the flag? No big deal really. When I went into the military, while this little bitch trump got deferments over his boo boos and scratches, he proved where his values lay. I believe that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel and trump is becoming a scoundrel for sure. He needs to show us his tax returns and then tell us who funded his campaign to become president. Who is he really working for?

Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"

The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The fans WANTED to be insulted.

The fans who were insulted, insult the players all the time.

The fans did not want to be insulted. That is an absurd claim to make.

ALL the American fans were insulted. It is absurd to claim they insult the players all the time.

It never bothered me. Saluting or not saluting the flag? No big deal really. When I went into the military, while this little bitch trump got deferments over his boo boos and scratches, he proved where his values lay. I believe that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel and trump is becoming a scoundrel for sure. He needs to show us his tax returns and then tell us who funded his campaign to become president. Who is he really working for?

But I say that of all our presidents and politicians. Who are they really working for. Need to get money out of politics. This back and forth repub good, dem bad, gets us nowhere. Who's really calling the shots? I know that the koch brothers have more influence than all us voters combined for sure.

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