Parallels of another era

The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.
To you it's all about Trump 24/7 365 days a year..................this counter protest would have happened regardless of Trump........................We were not influenced by Trump on our actions............We were influenced on those disrespecting our Flag and our Anthem.

Before this every took place, before Trump was even an issue......we had the same attitude towards protests that burned our flag and shit on it in protest..................It was just easier this time to send a message to the NFL..........not so easy on the old events.

Ah, you're telling me what I think again.

Fucking hell.
You spin the topic to skew what is transpiring...................There are 2 sides to this argument..........those against kneeling to our Anthem...........and those for it...........perhaps with a shade of non committal comments that you disagree with the kneeling but want them to have the right to do so.................

That would be they have the right versus the owners of the business they are paid for protecting it's profits.........which they are doing from the back lash of the protest.

I understand there are two sides to the topic.

The problem here is that I am willing to discuss those. You're not.

I make my case. You talk about what "my side" thinks. Not what I think. But what you think "my side" thinks. But you don't even know what my side is.

You can't do this without making it easy for yourself by making me the same as everyone else.

I am perfectly willing to discuss this issue with you. But it has to be ME AND YOU.

Not YOU and some side you think I'm on. It can't be you deciding you know what I think when you don't know what I think.

Can you do that?
THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.
To you it's all about Trump 24/7 365 days a year..................this counter protest would have happened regardless of Trump........................We were not influenced by Trump on our actions............We were influenced on those disrespecting our Flag and our Anthem.

Before this every took place, before Trump was even an issue......we had the same attitude towards protests that burned our flag and shit on it in protest..................It was just easier this time to send a message to the NFL..........not so easy on the old events.

Ah, you're telling me what I think again.

Fucking hell.
You spin the topic to skew what is transpiring...................There are 2 sides to this argument..........those against kneeling to our Anthem...........and those for it...........perhaps with a shade of non committal comments that you disagree with the kneeling but want them to have the right to do so.................

That would be they have the right versus the owners of the business they are paid for protecting it's profits.........which they are doing from the back lash of the protest.

I understand there are two sides to the topic.

The problem here is that I am willing to discuss those. You're not.

I make my case. You talk about what "my side" thinks. Not what I think. But what you think "my side" thinks. But you don't even know what my side is.

You can't do this without making it easy for yourself by making me the same as everyone else.

I am perfectly willing to discuss this issue with you. But it has to be ME AND YOU.

Not YOU and some side you think I'm on. It can't be you deciding you know what I think when you don't know what I think.

Can you do that?
No................I believe in the side that I have amount of words will sway me from thinking that kneeling to the flag is a sign of you..........perhaps is worthless to engage further.

They kneel............they lose more's that simple.
You couldn't just disagree with calling nearly half your fellow citizens fascists.

You had to attack them yourself, and then make silly claims about the President.

It seems you are the one that doesn't deal well with dissent.

It's funny. You're complaining about people insulting, and then defending Trump.... do you not see the irony here?

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.


He insulted his own supporters and they ignored it.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

That probably covers most of the country.

This is what the right does. Insults, insults, insults, then one insult from the other side and they're like "Oh, you can't do that, you can't insult us, that's really bad."

It's so fucking boring.

Sorry, can't see the list.

My point stands.

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.

Just has insulted just about everyone.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

What Trump actually said "My supporters are fucking stupid".

He's insulted just about everyone, even his own supporters.

Trump has been insulting the entire nation for a long time now. He threatened to not accept the results of the election. That's an insult to all people who vote.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.
I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.
To you it's all about Trump 24/7 365 days a year..................this counter protest would have happened regardless of Trump........................We were not influenced by Trump on our actions............We were influenced on those disrespecting our Flag and our Anthem.

Before this every took place, before Trump was even an issue......we had the same attitude towards protests that burned our flag and shit on it in protest..................It was just easier this time to send a message to the NFL..........not so easy on the old events.

Ah, you're telling me what I think again.

Fucking hell.
You spin the topic to skew what is transpiring...................There are 2 sides to this argument..........those against kneeling to our Anthem...........and those for it...........perhaps with a shade of non committal comments that you disagree with the kneeling but want them to have the right to do so.................

That would be they have the right versus the owners of the business they are paid for protecting it's profits.........which they are doing from the back lash of the protest.

I understand there are two sides to the topic.

The problem here is that I am willing to discuss those. You're not.

I make my case. You talk about what "my side" thinks. Not what I think. But what you think "my side" thinks. But you don't even know what my side is.

You can't do this without making it easy for yourself by making me the same as everyone else.

I am perfectly willing to discuss this issue with you. But it has to be ME AND YOU.

Not YOU and some side you think I'm on. It can't be you deciding you know what I think when you don't know what I think.

Can you do that?
No................I believe in the side that I have amount of words will sway me from thinking that kneeling to the flag is a sign of you..........perhaps is worthless to engage further.

They kneel............they lose more's that simple.

Ah, you "believe". Believe means you just made it all up.

So, you're on here, you're complaining that I won't discuss things, and you've just admitted you won't discuss things.

What's the point?

All you'll do is deflect from what I've said.

You tell me I'm not listening to you, and yet you've just said you won't accept anything I'll say to you.

You make up stuff about be so you'll always be right. Because you have your pre-prepared arguments for what you "believe" I'm going to say.

Yet I have other things to say and you don't want to discuss them because no paid shrill has told you the right answer to regurgitate.

Yes, you're a military man. You do as you're told and you don't question.


Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"

The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.

Who ever asked you to kneel before trump? Go easy, emo.
It's funny. You're complaining about people insulting, and then defending Trump.... do you not see the irony here?

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.


He insulted his own supporters and they ignored it.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

That probably covers most of the country.

This is what the right does. Insults, insults, insults, then one insult from the other side and they're like "Oh, you can't do that, you can't insult us, that's really bad."

It's so fucking boring.

Sorry, can't see the list.

My point stands.

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.

Just has insulted just about everyone.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

What Trump actually said "My supporters are fucking stupid".

He's insulted just about everyone, even his own supporters.

Trump has been insulting the entire nation for a long time now. He threatened to not accept the results of the election. That's an insult to all people who vote.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.

But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.
A message was sent to the NFL.................stop this crap or lose money...........lose ratings.............

And now ......................after feeling some pain...............they are doing something about it..............We'll see if the players want to continue the BS..................If they do the boycott will continue............the NFL will lose money and those kneeling will be looking for new jobs.

If you want to protest the issue...........Do it on your time.............Not company time............

The NFL is a job........whether you like it or not...........and most Americans would be fired on ANY JOB if they pushed politics at the Work Place.............Who the hell gave the NFL players a pass on what the rest of the country has to do............

And so the crazy ass BS will continue..........and until it ends I will continue to not watch any Pro Football.

A message has been said that partisan politics is seeping into all areas of US society. No company is safe, no company is allowed to have an opinion, is allowed to be anything other than "the customer is always right".

It's pretty sad. The same people who hark that being PC is nonsense, DEMAND others are so PC it's ridiculous.
They voice their views.............we voice ours..........Their opinions do not outweigh ours.............

If they choose to disrespect our Flag and our Anthem we are under no obligation to watch these teams anymore..........If the Owners of the team want to back them.............Then suffer the consequences of Americans who will not put up with that BS......................

Again.........disrespect the Flag and our Anthem..........and watch your RATINGS DIE................that's the deal........and it is doing EXACTLY what it was meant to do............Sting them in the pocket book.

Same as Starbuck's will cost them money........Their stupidity of playing politics instead of just serving coffee will cost them money. Are they so stupid that they don't realize that other places make Good coffee.........REAP WHAT YOU SEW.

No, I agree that people can voice their views as much as anyone else.

That's not the point here. The point is that people are so political and so partisan, that they've been driven to be so vocal about things that they can't even accept other people's views.

Players kneeling for the anthem doesn't do anything to you. It doesn't change football, it doesn't impact your life. Yes you can choose to stop watching a rubbish sport. Whatever. But why would you? Why would you stop watching football because of someone kneeling at the beginning?

That makes no sense to me.

The only reason I can think of is that you're so partisan that you can't think normally.
/——/ Using I recently learned I have ancestors who came to America as early as 1726. Several fought in the Revolution, others fought in the Civil War on both sides, WWI and WWII. I see the kneeling as spitting in the face of those who sacrificed to make our country free. A bunch of pampered, over paid athletes who can do maybe one or two things in a sport better than anyone else are trying to make themselves relevant. Disgusting.

I love it when you asshats play that “my ancestors founded this country” card. Like it makes your opinion so much more “American” than others.

My ancestor, an architect landed in 1741. I didn’t find that out from My family held a 275 year celebration in the town he built where he landed.

This doesn’t mean shit to your opinion or to mine. Neither you nor I had any hand in the work our antecedents did in building our countries. We’re just the beneficiaries, like everyone else.

You claim to be proud of the nation, and yet you take offence at the tiniest hint of criticism. This isn’t rioting in the streets, destroying property, physically attacking authority, or any of the less restrained methods of protest, but you’re going bat shit crazy because someone is taking a knee??

Talk about your thin skinned snowflakes.
To you it's all about Trump 24/7 365 days a year..................this counter protest would have happened regardless of Trump........................We were not influenced by Trump on our actions............We were influenced on those disrespecting our Flag and our Anthem.

Before this every took place, before Trump was even an issue......we had the same attitude towards protests that burned our flag and shit on it in protest..................It was just easier this time to send a message to the NFL..........not so easy on the old events.

Ah, you're telling me what I think again.

Fucking hell.
You spin the topic to skew what is transpiring...................There are 2 sides to this argument..........those against kneeling to our Anthem...........and those for it...........perhaps with a shade of non committal comments that you disagree with the kneeling but want them to have the right to do so.................

That would be they have the right versus the owners of the business they are paid for protecting it's profits.........which they are doing from the back lash of the protest.

I understand there are two sides to the topic.

The problem here is that I am willing to discuss those. You're not.

I make my case. You talk about what "my side" thinks. Not what I think. But what you think "my side" thinks. But you don't even know what my side is.

You can't do this without making it easy for yourself by making me the same as everyone else.

I am perfectly willing to discuss this issue with you. But it has to be ME AND YOU.

Not YOU and some side you think I'm on. It can't be you deciding you know what I think when you don't know what I think.

Can you do that?
No................I believe in the side that I have amount of words will sway me from thinking that kneeling to the flag is a sign of you..........perhaps is worthless to engage further.

They kneel............they lose more's that simple.

Ah, you "believe". Believe means you just made it all up.

So, you're on here, you're complaining that I won't discuss things, and you've just admitted you won't discuss things.

What's the point?

All you'll do is deflect from what I've said.

You tell me I'm not listening to you, and yet you've just said you won't accept anything I'll say to you.

You make up stuff about be so you'll always be right. Because you have your pre-prepared arguments for what you "believe" I'm going to say.

Yet I have other things to say and you don't want to discuss them because no paid shrill has told you the right answer to regurgitate.

Yes, you're a military man. You do as you're told and you don't question.


Nobody told me to do this.................Your major malfunction......Nobody told the millions of people like me to do was a reaction to the kneeling............has nothing to do with Trump.........has everything to do with we see it as disrespect.............

And in that regards we made a decision to flip off the NFL.............they noticed.........they felt it..........and now it is in their court................They can choose to operate as a business and leave the politics aside or pay a price for allowing these actions.

It's their decision............Your only upset that we have beaten you at this ................and your Whining like a beaten bitch.
Ah, you're telling me what I think again.

Fucking hell.
You spin the topic to skew what is transpiring...................There are 2 sides to this argument..........those against kneeling to our Anthem...........and those for it...........perhaps with a shade of non committal comments that you disagree with the kneeling but want them to have the right to do so.................

That would be they have the right versus the owners of the business they are paid for protecting it's profits.........which they are doing from the back lash of the protest.

I understand there are two sides to the topic.

The problem here is that I am willing to discuss those. You're not.

I make my case. You talk about what "my side" thinks. Not what I think. But what you think "my side" thinks. But you don't even know what my side is.

You can't do this without making it easy for yourself by making me the same as everyone else.

I am perfectly willing to discuss this issue with you. But it has to be ME AND YOU.

Not YOU and some side you think I'm on. It can't be you deciding you know what I think when you don't know what I think.

Can you do that?
No................I believe in the side that I have amount of words will sway me from thinking that kneeling to the flag is a sign of you..........perhaps is worthless to engage further.

They kneel............they lose more's that simple.

Ah, you "believe". Believe means you just made it all up.

So, you're on here, you're complaining that I won't discuss things, and you've just admitted you won't discuss things.

What's the point?

All you'll do is deflect from what I've said.

You tell me I'm not listening to you, and yet you've just said you won't accept anything I'll say to you.

You make up stuff about be so you'll always be right. Because you have your pre-prepared arguments for what you "believe" I'm going to say.

Yet I have other things to say and you don't want to discuss them because no paid shrill has told you the right answer to regurgitate.

Yes, you're a military man. You do as you're told and you don't question.


Nobody told me to do this.................Your major malfunction......Nobody told the millions of people like me to do was a reaction to the kneeling............has nothing to do with Trump.........has everything to do with we see it as disrespect.............

And in that regards we made a decision to flip off the NFL.............they noticed.........they felt it..........and now it is in their court................They can choose to operate as a business and leave the politics aside or pay a price for allowing these actions.

It's their decision............Your only upset that we have beaten you at this ................and your Whining like a beaten bitch.

Okay, I'm officially bored with your nonsense.

You spin the topic to skew what is transpiring...................There are 2 sides to this argument..........those against kneeling to our Anthem...........and those for it...........perhaps with a shade of non committal comments that you disagree with the kneeling but want them to have the right to do so.................

That would be they have the right versus the owners of the business they are paid for protecting it's profits.........which they are doing from the back lash of the protest.

I understand there are two sides to the topic.

The problem here is that I am willing to discuss those. You're not.

I make my case. You talk about what "my side" thinks. Not what I think. But what you think "my side" thinks. But you don't even know what my side is.

You can't do this without making it easy for yourself by making me the same as everyone else.

I am perfectly willing to discuss this issue with you. But it has to be ME AND YOU.

Not YOU and some side you think I'm on. It can't be you deciding you know what I think when you don't know what I think.

Can you do that?
No................I believe in the side that I have amount of words will sway me from thinking that kneeling to the flag is a sign of you..........perhaps is worthless to engage further.

They kneel............they lose more's that simple.

Ah, you "believe". Believe means you just made it all up.

So, you're on here, you're complaining that I won't discuss things, and you've just admitted you won't discuss things.

What's the point?

All you'll do is deflect from what I've said.

You tell me I'm not listening to you, and yet you've just said you won't accept anything I'll say to you.

You make up stuff about be so you'll always be right. Because you have your pre-prepared arguments for what you "believe" I'm going to say.

Yet I have other things to say and you don't want to discuss them because no paid shrill has told you the right answer to regurgitate.

Yes, you're a military man. You do as you're told and you don't question.


Nobody told me to do this.................Your major malfunction......Nobody told the millions of people like me to do was a reaction to the kneeling............has nothing to do with Trump.........has everything to do with we see it as disrespect.............

And in that regards we made a decision to flip off the NFL.............they noticed.........they felt it..........and now it is in their court................They can choose to operate as a business and leave the politics aside or pay a price for allowing these actions.

It's their decision............Your only upset that we have beaten you at this ................and your Whining like a beaten bitch.

Okay, I'm officially bored with your nonsense.

Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.


He insulted his own supporters and they ignored it.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

That probably covers most of the country.

This is what the right does. Insults, insults, insults, then one insult from the other side and they're like "Oh, you can't do that, you can't insult us, that's really bad."

It's so fucking boring.

Sorry, can't see the list.

My point stands.

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.

Just has insulted just about everyone.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

What Trump actually said "My supporters are fucking stupid".

He's insulted just about everyone, even his own supporters.

Trump has been insulting the entire nation for a long time now. He threatened to not accept the results of the election. That's an insult to all people who vote.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.

But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.
I have lived a long time and in all my years I have never seen the level of lies, misquotes and outright untruths told against this president. It is simply breathtaking.

Some people, call them the public, have just stopped believing the media at all. It is all assumed to be a lie. Then when another lie is exposed, like Trump wants to deport US citizens the public smiles, shrugs, says there they go again and goes to a Trump rally.

It makes perfect sense.

Donald Trump Suggests Deporting Kneeling NFL Players After New Policy Revealed

"“You have to stand proudly for national anthem, or shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there,” Trump added. “Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. And the NFL owners did the right thing.”"

The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.

Who ever asked you to kneel before trump? Go easy, emo.
The garbage Trump represents is the United States of America.
The players insulted the fans. The League supported insulting the fans.

The fans were insulted and less supportive.

This cost the League money and they realized that insulting their customers was a bad idea.

And now they want to put this behind them.

ANd to you, this is Nazi Germany.

You are a freaking crazy person.

The players didn’t insult the fans.

THe flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. When the players disrespected the symbol of the nation as a whole, they insulted every single American.

That is part of the definition of a symbol. It is utterly absurd for you to pretend to not get this.

They have not made such a big deal about this, because of a simple piece of cloth. It is about what the Flag represents.

Either this is about the Nation as a whole, or it is about nothing. And it is certainly not about nothing.

What you fail to realize is that a very large percentage of football fans are black and they have issues with over policing and police brutality.

I am well aware of the motive the players have for insulting the nation as a whole.

But I don't like the way you ignore the white players nor the white owners or League officials. They all are part of this anti-American movement, and all deserve to be treated accordingly.

Trump has tried to make this about players disrespecting the military and that’s a lie. Not only is it a lie, service men and women say that freedom of speech is what they’re fighting for.

Trump was wrong to make it about the military. It is about America as a whole.

Disrespecting the symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation as a whole. Finding and quoting some service members dumb enough to not know that, or dishonest enough to lie,

does not change that in the least.

And yes, it harkens back to Naziism. Trump is an authoritarian president, so it’s hardly surprising. Nationalism, particularly white nationalism, is at the heart of Naziism and Trump is a racist, white supremacist.

All of that is fucking bullshit. YOu are an asshole.

I am an American. You try to make our symbol of being an American about being about trump. Kneeling before our flag is NOT disrespect. We Americans do not kneel before trump or any of the garbage he represents.

Who ever asked you to kneel before trump? Go easy, emo.
The garbage Trump represents is the United States of America.

What country do you live in?
A message was sent to the NFL.................stop this crap or lose money...........lose ratings.............

And now ......................after feeling some pain...............they are doing something about it..............We'll see if the players want to continue the BS..................If they do the boycott will continue............the NFL will lose money and those kneeling will be looking for new jobs.

If you want to protest the issue...........Do it on your time.............Not company time............

The NFL is a job........whether you like it or not...........and most Americans would be fired on ANY JOB if they pushed politics at the Work Place.............Who the hell gave the NFL players a pass on what the rest of the country has to do............

And so the crazy ass BS will continue..........and until it ends I will continue to not watch any Pro Football.

A message has been said that partisan politics is seeping into all areas of US society. No company is safe, no company is allowed to have an opinion, is allowed to be anything other than "the customer is always right".

It's pretty sad. The same people who hark that being PC is nonsense, DEMAND others are so PC it's ridiculous.
They voice their views.............we voice ours..........Their opinions do not outweigh ours.............

If they choose to disrespect our Flag and our Anthem we are under no obligation to watch these teams anymore..........If the Owners of the team want to back them.............Then suffer the consequences of Americans who will not put up with that BS......................

Again.........disrespect the Flag and our Anthem..........and watch your RATINGS DIE................that's the deal........and it is doing EXACTLY what it was meant to do............Sting them in the pocket book.

Same as Starbuck's will cost them money........Their stupidity of playing politics instead of just serving coffee will cost them money. Are they so stupid that they don't realize that other places make Good coffee.........REAP WHAT YOU SEW.

No, I agree that people can voice their views as much as anyone else.

That's not the point here. The point is that people are so political and so partisan, that they've been driven to be so vocal about things that they can't even accept other people's views.

Players kneeling for the anthem doesn't do anything to you. It doesn't change football, it doesn't impact your life. Yes you can choose to stop watching a rubbish sport. Whatever. But why would you? Why would you stop watching football because of someone kneeling at the beginning?

That makes no sense to me.

The only reason I can think of is that you're so partisan that you can't think normally.
/——/ Using I recently learned I have ancestors who came to America as early as 1726. Several fought in the Revolution, others fought in the Civil War on both sides, WWI and WWII. I see the kneeling as spitting in the face of those who sacrificed to make our country free. A bunch of pampered, over paid athletes who can do maybe one or two things in a sport better than anyone else are trying to make themselves relevant. Disgusting.

I love it when you asshats play that “my ancestors founded this country” card. Like it makes your opinion so much more “American” than others.

My ancestor, an architect landed in 1741. I didn’t find that out from My family held a 275 year celebration in the town he built where he landed.

This doesn’t mean shit to your opinion or to mine. Neither you nor I had any hand in the work our antecedents did in building our countries. We’re just the beneficiaries, like everyone else.

You claim to be proud of the nation, and yet you take offence at the tiniest hint of criticism. This isn’t rioting in the streets, destroying property, physically attacking authority, or any of the less restrained methods of protest, but you’re going bat shit crazy because someone is taking a knee??

Talk about your thin skinned snowflakes.
/----/ Hey buttsore, I never said " “my ancestors founded this country” I said they have been here since the 1720s and fought to make the country free. You sound like a bitter old Prog and ashamed of your own heritage.

He insulted his own supporters and they ignored it.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

That probably covers most of the country.

This is what the right does. Insults, insults, insults, then one insult from the other side and they're like "Oh, you can't do that, you can't insult us, that's really bad."

It's so fucking boring.

Sorry, can't see the list.

My point stands.

To a small degree.

Trump has never insulted half the nation, nor insulted any significant portion of the nation with any anything as vile as a Godwin.

Just has insulted just about everyone.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

What Trump actually said "My supporters are fucking stupid".

He's insulted just about everyone, even his own supporters.

Trump has been insulting the entire nation for a long time now. He threatened to not accept the results of the election. That's an insult to all people who vote.
Trump was actually quoting a statement in the New York Times. This is just one of those instances where he's being misquoted and distorted. It's why we accuse the media of lying.

But the media has always done this. In fact, being an educated person you ASSUME that the media is distorting things and potentially lying.

Yet, for some people, it's like it only just started happening. Why?

Because Trump just told them that this is the case. So they believe Trump. Yet Trump has shown he lies and distorts MORE than the media, and yet they believe Trump more than the media.

It doesn't make sense.
I have lived a long time and in all my years I have never seen the level of lies, misquotes and outright untruths told against this president. It is simply breathtaking.

Some people, call them the public, have just stopped believing the media at all. It is all assumed to be a lie. Then when another lie is exposed, like Trump wants to deport US citizens the public smiles, shrugs, says there they go again and goes to a Trump rally.

It makes perfect sense.

Perhaps that's because you didn't know what the lies were.

The internet is a powerful tool.

It can expose lies, it can also be used to spread lies. It's different to how things were in the past.

FDR was in a wheelchair. How many people actually knew about this?

JFK with his womanizing. Who knew?

These are the simple things we know now. What about the things people generally don't know?

The media has always been a tool of the politicians, that you didn't see it, doesn't mean it wasn't so.

As for the lies against Trump, what about the reverse. The lies of Trump against the media, Trump using the media to gain support.

To be aghast at what the media is doing, but to also support the president when he's doing the same, or worse, is just ridiculous.

But I didn't bring up deportation. Trump said they shouldn't be in this country. That's bad enough. Who is Trump to decide which Americans should and should not be in the country? They're as American as he is. He's talking dangerous words.
A message has been said that partisan politics is seeping into all areas of US society. No company is safe, no company is allowed to have an opinion, is allowed to be anything other than "the customer is always right".

It's pretty sad. The same people who hark that being PC is nonsense, DEMAND others are so PC it's ridiculous.
They voice their views.............we voice ours..........Their opinions do not outweigh ours.............

If they choose to disrespect our Flag and our Anthem we are under no obligation to watch these teams anymore..........If the Owners of the team want to back them.............Then suffer the consequences of Americans who will not put up with that BS......................

Again.........disrespect the Flag and our Anthem..........and watch your RATINGS DIE................that's the deal........and it is doing EXACTLY what it was meant to do............Sting them in the pocket book.

Same as Starbuck's will cost them money........Their stupidity of playing politics instead of just serving coffee will cost them money. Are they so stupid that they don't realize that other places make Good coffee.........REAP WHAT YOU SEW.

No, I agree that people can voice their views as much as anyone else.

That's not the point here. The point is that people are so political and so partisan, that they've been driven to be so vocal about things that they can't even accept other people's views.

Players kneeling for the anthem doesn't do anything to you. It doesn't change football, it doesn't impact your life. Yes you can choose to stop watching a rubbish sport. Whatever. But why would you? Why would you stop watching football because of someone kneeling at the beginning?

That makes no sense to me.

The only reason I can think of is that you're so partisan that you can't think normally.
/——/ Using I recently learned I have ancestors who came to America as early as 1726. Several fought in the Revolution, others fought in the Civil War on both sides, WWI and WWII. I see the kneeling as spitting in the face of those who sacrificed to make our country free. A bunch of pampered, over paid athletes who can do maybe one or two things in a sport better than anyone else are trying to make themselves relevant. Disgusting.

I love it when you asshats play that “my ancestors founded this country” card. Like it makes your opinion so much more “American” than others.

My ancestor, an architect landed in 1741. I didn’t find that out from My family held a 275 year celebration in the town he built where he landed.

This doesn’t mean shit to your opinion or to mine. Neither you nor I had any hand in the work our antecedents did in building our countries. We’re just the beneficiaries, like everyone else.

You claim to be proud of the nation, and yet you take offence at the tiniest hint of criticism. This isn’t rioting in the streets, destroying property, physically attacking authority, or any of the less restrained methods of protest, but you’re going bat shit crazy because someone is taking a knee??

Talk about your thin skinned snowflakes.
/----/ Hey buttsore, I never said " “my ancestors founded this country” I said they have been here since the 1720s and fought to make the country free. You sound like a bitter old Prog and ashamed of your own heritage.

I’m not ashamed of my heritage, but it doesn’t confer any special rights on me, or on you. You didn’t do the fighting. And now you’re opposing the very thing they fought for: freedom of speech.
They voice their views.............we voice ours..........Their opinions do not outweigh ours.............

If they choose to disrespect our Flag and our Anthem we are under no obligation to watch these teams anymore..........If the Owners of the team want to back them.............Then suffer the consequences of Americans who will not put up with that BS......................

Again.........disrespect the Flag and our Anthem..........and watch your RATINGS DIE................that's the deal........and it is doing EXACTLY what it was meant to do............Sting them in the pocket book.

Same as Starbuck's will cost them money........Their stupidity of playing politics instead of just serving coffee will cost them money. Are they so stupid that they don't realize that other places make Good coffee.........REAP WHAT YOU SEW.

No, I agree that people can voice their views as much as anyone else.

That's not the point here. The point is that people are so political and so partisan, that they've been driven to be so vocal about things that they can't even accept other people's views.

Players kneeling for the anthem doesn't do anything to you. It doesn't change football, it doesn't impact your life. Yes you can choose to stop watching a rubbish sport. Whatever. But why would you? Why would you stop watching football because of someone kneeling at the beginning?

That makes no sense to me.

The only reason I can think of is that you're so partisan that you can't think normally.
/——/ Using I recently learned I have ancestors who came to America as early as 1726. Several fought in the Revolution, others fought in the Civil War on both sides, WWI and WWII. I see the kneeling as spitting in the face of those who sacrificed to make our country free. A bunch of pampered, over paid athletes who can do maybe one or two things in a sport better than anyone else are trying to make themselves relevant. Disgusting.

I love it when you asshats play that “my ancestors founded this country” card. Like it makes your opinion so much more “American” than others.

My ancestor, an architect landed in 1741. I didn’t find that out from My family held a 275 year celebration in the town he built where he landed.

This doesn’t mean shit to your opinion or to mine. Neither you nor I had any hand in the work our antecedents did in building our countries. We’re just the beneficiaries, like everyone else.

You claim to be proud of the nation, and yet you take offence at the tiniest hint of criticism. This isn’t rioting in the streets, destroying property, physically attacking authority, or any of the less restrained methods of protest, but you’re going bat shit crazy because someone is taking a knee??

Talk about your thin skinned snowflakes.
/----/ Hey buttsore, I never said " “my ancestors founded this country” I said they have been here since the 1720s and fought to make the country free. You sound like a bitter old Prog and ashamed of your own heritage.

I’m not ashamed of my heritage, but it doesn’t confer any special rights on me, or on you. You didn’t do the fighting. And now you’re opposing the very thing they fought for: freedom of speech.
/----/ Well gee whiz Spanky, if i had said it confers any special rights on me then your venom would be understandable, but once again you're wrong. I never said that.
When you actively show disrespect to a symbol of the nation as a whole, you are disrespecting the whole nation.

If there was any doubt to that, Keapernick verbally clarified it, that is was about NOT showing respect to the nation as a whole.

Your position is nothing more than a denial of reality. A delusional denial of painfully obvious reality.

WHY is it so important for you to protect Anti-American assholes?

Ask yourself that.
It comes down to intent

They are kneeling for a specific reason. They are not kneeling in a gesture of “I hate America”
They are kneeling in silent protest of unarmed blacks being killed by police

Now, if you are in favor of police shooting unarmed blacks, you have a reason to be offended

The National Anthem is a ritual to show loyalty and respect to the Nation as a whole, and to your fellow Americans.

Kneeling during that, is thus a statement AGAINST you nation as a whole.

Keapernick verbally stated that for anyone that managed to delude themselves otherwise.
This Great Nation was built on protest

That would be an excellent bumper sticker.

My point stands. Address it if you dare.

The National Anthem is a ritual to show loyalty and respect to the Nation as a whole, and to your fellow Americans.

Kneeling during that, is thus a statement AGAINST you nation as a whole.

Keapernick verbally stated that for anyone that managed to delude themselves otherwise.

Our constitutional right to protest is more important than the purity of our cerimonies

Despotic powers arrest for insulting the flag, national anthem or leaders

Our nation has thrived on it

1. NOTHING being discussed in any way infringes on anyone's right to protest. STOP LYING.

2. "Purity of ceremonies"? WTF are you talking about?

3. THey have expressed their contempt for America and Americans. Judging them on that action is completely called for.

4. It is not "despotic" to not give your money to someone who has insulted you. That is all that has happened or is going to happen. Save your hysteria for your lib friends who might pretend to believe it.

5. Support your claim that insulting the flag, the national anthem and the nation it stands for, has lead to our nation thriving.

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