"parents" of 5 year old sue religious school because they said NO!

This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?

I stand with the school. Our children attend private schools and I would stand with theirs if this happened. It part of the reason we chose private schools, that and to keep them away from the leftist indoctrination

Yet your own "leftist indoctrination" is showing...punishing children for the lack of political or religious correctness of the parents is from the leftist playbook, dear.
I knoe right? These hard left adultress feminsts are always pointing the finger at gays.

I'm no feminist, chump. It's obvious they give you grief thouugh
Sounds like you approve of your lesbian feminst sisters giving me grief.

why is that? Also you got defnsive enough over them to insult me.


LOL I'm not a lesbian either....here is a thought, why don't you stop your infantile projecting and stay on topic? You're becoming an annoying troll
I asked my husband about it, he said the same thing, they need better attorneys, bad advice because they can't win this one

This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?

I stand with the school. Our children attend private schools and I would stand with theirs if this happened. It part of the reason we chose private schools, that and to keep them away from the leftist indoctrination

Yet your own "leftist indoctrination" is showing...punishing children for the lack of political or religious correctness of the parents is from the leftist playbook, dear.

The disconnect of this convo is astounding. Sassy wants political correctness and says that she wants it to get away from the LEFTIST!!! The this guy says that Sassy, a republican, is playing the leftist playbook.

Did it occur to you that Sassy is not a leftist so the play she is making ISNT LEFTIST at all? LOL...You guys are hilarious.

Nothing political correct about the school's actions. You have failed....again[/QUOTE]
No not at all, except all the biracial kids. Nothing political correct about that.:lmao:
I asked my husband about it, he said the same thing, they need better attorneys, bad advice because they can't win this one

This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?

I stand with the school. Our children attend private schools and I would stand with theirs if this happened. It part of the reason we chose private schools, that and to keep them away from the leftist indoctrination

Yet your own "leftist indoctrination" is showing...punishing children for the lack of political or religious correctness of the parents is from the leftist playbook, dear.

Like I said, whine away, the lesbians should have known better and they will lose this case. I suspect they knew it going in but hey gotta keep it in the news and push that agenda, right?

With good Catholics like you...who needs evil people...or leftists?

Fuck the parents, fuck the school and fuck narrow-minded hypocrites like you who enable them all.

Nooooow you're getting it....She has to either be a leftist OR Republicans ALSO want political correctness but only when its about one of THEIR groups.

But you think it has somethign to do with politics tho :badgrin::badgrin:
I asked my husband about it, he said the same thing, they need better attorneys, bad advice because they can't win this one

This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?

I stand with the school. Our children attend private schools and I would stand with theirs if this happened. It part of the reason we chose private schools, that and to keep them away from the leftist indoctrination

Yet your own "leftist indoctrination" is showing...punishing children for the lack of political or religious correctness of the parents is from the leftist playbook, dear.

The disconnect of this convo is astounding. Sassy wants political correctness and says that she wants it to get away from the LEFTIST!!! The this guy says that Sassy, a republican, is playing the leftist playbook.

Did it occur to you that Sassy is not a leftist so the play she is making ISNT LEFTIST at all? LOL...You guys are hilarious.

Nothing political correct about the school's actions. You have failed....again
No not at all, except all the biracial kids. Nothing political correct about that.:lmao:[/QUOTE]

You're about one more stupid comment away from ignore, troll
Private schools can do pretty much whatever the hell they please. This case should and will very likely get tossed out of court.

They shouldnt be allowed to discriminate, period

It is a religious institution and they are allowed to discriminate against all those that do not meet the spiritual criteria set forth by the school.

Then why have they been letting all these feminsts in for the last half century? Whatever hapened to, "better off drowned in the deepest ocean than lead someone away from God"?

I fail to see anyone who fits that description more than a feminist.

Totally irrelevant to the story. This religious school is allowed to admit, or not admit, students for any damn reason they choose.

Yes, they are...but that still doesn't mean what they are doing is right, moral or Christian.

It doesn't matter if they are right, moral, or even Christian. My issue with story remains that this a private religious school and the lawsuit is a foolish waste of time.
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.
I stand with the school. Our children attend private schools and I would stand with theirs if this happened. It part of the reason we chose private schools, that and to keep them away from the leftist indoctrination

Yet your own "leftist indoctrination" is showing...punishing children for the lack of political or religious correctness of the parents is from the leftist playbook, dear.
I knoe right? These hard left adultress feminsts are always pointing the finger at gays.

I'm no feminist, chump. It's obvious they give you grief thouugh
Sounds like you approve of your lesbian feminst sisters giving me grief.

why is that? Also you got defnsive enough over them to insult me.


LOL I'm not a lesbian either....here is a thought, why don't you stop your infantile projecting and stay on topic? You're becoming an annoying troll
when thought policing is the issue, feminism is the heart of the topic. You got your thirty shekels, why can't others? I got mine, every one else can get stuffed- typical adulterer attitude. So how many times have you cheated on a partner.

you se I'm old fashioned, I have this crazy notion that if something hurts worse than being stolen from or bashed up, then it IS worse.
This reminds me of when gay teachers get fired from Catholic schools for violating their morality clause they willingly and knowingly sign. Don't come crying to me for sympathy b/c you violated your contract. lol.

Not the same at all. An adult is responsible for his/her actions. In this case there is a child being held to account for the actions of the parents. The child didn't do a damned thing but be born.
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.
It was incumbent on these two parents to take every precaution for that child prior to placing that child into this situation. It is not up to a private entity to change its rules to adapt to someone else requirements. Surely if those parents had the best in mind for the child they would have known what the rules of the school were before placing the child into that situation. They will have to find a place with different rules for their child that accepts their chosen lifestyle.
This reminds me of when gay teachers get fired from Catholic schools for violating their morality clause they willingly and knowingly sign. Don't come crying to me for sympathy b/c you violated your contract. lol.

Not the same at all. An adult is responsible for his/her actions. In this case there is a child being held to account for the actions of the parents. The child didn't do a damned thing but be born.

The outcome will sure as hell be the same.
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.

You're asking Christians to forgo their beliefs because the parents knowingly broke the rules for questionable reasons?
I feel bad for the kid for a multitude of reasons,but these so called parents are completely at fault here.
They should have picked a different school and the child wouldnt be going through this.
They shouldnt be allowed to discriminate, period

It is a religious institution and they are allowed to discriminate against all those that do not meet the spiritual criteria set forth by the school.

Then why have they been letting all these feminsts in for the last half century? Whatever hapened to, "better off drowned in the deepest ocean than lead someone away from God"?

I fail to see anyone who fits that description more than a feminist.

Totally irrelevant to the story. This religious school is allowed to admit, or not admit, students for any damn reason they choose.

Yes, they are...but that still doesn't mean what they are doing is right, moral or Christian.

It doesn't matter if they are right, moral, or even Christian. My issue with story remains that this a private religious school and the lawsuit is a foolish waste of time.

As long as you remember what you said here when some private institution kicks you or yours out due to some other silly thing...like a t-shirt with some flag on it. ;)
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.
It was incumbent on these two parents to take every precaution for that child prior to placing that child into this situation. It is not up to a private entity to change its rules to adapt to someone else requirements. Surely if those parents had the best in mind for the child they would have known what the rules of the school were before placing the child into that situation. They will have to find a place with different rules for their child that accepts their chosen lifestyle.

The parents are using their child as a pawn, I'm sorry but that's lousy parenting
It is a religious institution and they are allowed to discriminate against all those that do not meet the spiritual criteria set forth by the school.

Then why have they been letting all these feminsts in for the last half century? Whatever hapened to, "better off drowned in the deepest ocean than lead someone away from God"?

I fail to see anyone who fits that description more than a feminist.

Totally irrelevant to the story. This religious school is allowed to admit, or not admit, students for any damn reason they choose.

Yes, they are...but that still doesn't mean what they are doing is right, moral or Christian.

It doesn't matter if they are right, moral, or even Christian. My issue with story remains that this a private religious school and the lawsuit is a foolish waste of time.

As long as you remember what you said here when some private institution kicks you or yours out due to some other silly thing...like a t-shirt with some flag on it. ;)

The thing about being awesomely consistent is the fact that I am awesomely consistent. lol
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.

You're asking Christians to forgo their beliefs because the parents knowingly broke the rules for questionable reasons?
I feel bad for the kid for a multitude of reasons,but these so called parents are completely at fault here.
They should have picked a different school and the child wouldnt be going through this.

How is allowing this kid to go to school somehow "asking Christians to forgo their beliefs"? Using your logic, I should have been kicked out of Catholic school because my dad rarely went to church.

You want to deal with someone, deal with the parents, don't take it out on the kid like some liberal bully.
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.
It was incumbent on these two parents to take every precaution for that child prior to placing that child into this situation. It is not up to a private entity to change its rules to adapt to someone else requirements. Surely if those parents had the best in mind for the child they would have known what the rules of the school were before placing the child into that situation. They will have to find a place with different rules for their child that accepts their chosen lifestyle.

The parents are using their child as a pawn, I'm sorry but that's lousy parenting

The school is also using the child as a pawn, I'm sorry but that is lousy Christianity.
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.
It was incumbent on these two parents to take every precaution for that child prior to placing that child into this situation. It is not up to a private entity to change its rules to adapt to someone else requirements. Surely if those parents had the best in mind for the child they would have known what the rules of the school were before placing the child into that situation. They will have to find a place with different rules for their child that accepts their chosen lifestyle.

The parents are using their child as a pawn, I'm sorry but that's lousy parenting

The school is also using the child as a pawn, I'm sorry but that is lousy Christianity.

The school is exercising it's rights and protecting the other children. I'd bet a dollar if the other parents were surveyed they would support the school....that;s why their children attend the school.
Then why have they been letting all these feminsts in for the last half century? Whatever hapened to, "better off drowned in the deepest ocean than lead someone away from God"?

I fail to see anyone who fits that description more than a feminist.

Totally irrelevant to the story. This religious school is allowed to admit, or not admit, students for any damn reason they choose.

Yes, they are...but that still doesn't mean what they are doing is right, moral or Christian.

It doesn't matter if they are right, moral, or even Christian. My issue with story remains that this a private religious school and the lawsuit is a foolish waste of time.

As long as you remember what you said here when some private institution kicks you or yours out due to some other silly thing...like a t-shirt with some flag on it. ;)

The thing about being awesomely consistent is the fact that I am awesomely consistent. lol

Me too. ;) I'd have a hard time not raising holy hell if some school kicked my kid out because I am an NRA member.
Private schools can do pretty much whatever the hell they please. This case should and will very likely get tossed out of court.

Yep, this is just another case of people thinking their alleged rights are more important than another person's actual rights. Quite sad.
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If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.

Assuming the parents did this for political purposes, yes I agree. But what if the parents simply wanted the best education for their child and felt that this was the school that could provide that? Obviously it isn't, based on their actions here. The motivations of the parents are irrelevant to the actions of the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.
It was incumbent on these two parents to take every precaution for that child prior to placing that child into this situation. It is not up to a private entity to change its rules to adapt to someone else requirements. Surely if those parents had the best in mind for the child they would have known what the rules of the school were before placing the child into that situation. They will have to find a place with different rules for their child that accepts their chosen lifestyle.

The parents are using their child as a pawn, I'm sorry but that's lousy parenting

The school is also using the child as a pawn, I'm sorry but that is lousy Christianity.

The school is exercising it's rights and protecting the other children. I'd bet a dollar if the other parents were surveyed they would support the school....that;s why their children attend the school.

Exercising rights, yes, but don't start with that utter liberal bullshit of "protecting the other kids". If you feel that a kid who has two mom's is some kind of a threat to your beliefs or your safety, the problem is you, not the kid or parents.

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