Parents Of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Charged With Four Counts Of Involuntary Manslaughter

I'm not a "gunner" (never owned one), but this isn't a gun issue. It's a mental health and shitty parenting issue. He might have chosen to drive his car into a crowd instead. Would you start screaming for vehicle regulation in that case?
I wasn't suggesting 'you'.
There are two others who are totally obsessed with guns and promoting the 2a agenda. I find it quite curious that anybody would suggest that guns can't be left lying around all over the house.
Now you are weaseling out of your previous position

You laughed and called me stupid when I held the school board accountable for not protecting the children
You still haven't told me how these school board members are responsible for the shooting

None of them were at the school at the time of the shooting....Maybe you mean the faculty at the school...which is TOTALLY not the same as a school board
At least one is a nut job trumpanzee. A complete nut job. So yeah these uncivilized beasts are capable of anything.

Kids who do things like this have parents with all sorts of backgrounds. I think we need to get more information.

I find it sad how often the first thing so many seem to think is "how can I use this to promote my politics".

Saw this on reddit.

He looks like your typical commercial for Ritalin
Wow, the parents are now facing four charges of involuntary manslaughter.

I don't know much about this case but from what I have read, those parents weren't very responsible.

I want to be really clear that these charges are meant to hold the individuals who contributed to this tragedy accountable and also send a message that gun owners have a responsibility,” McDonald said at a Friday presser. “When they fail to uphold that responsibility, there are serious and criminal consequences.”

That's a highly improper statement and could make these charges malicious in nature. A prosecutor's job is not to send messages.
This is COMPLETELY unfair to the parents!!! Now what are they supposed to do with the "Rittenhouse Signature Edition" AR-15 they were going to give their bloated bastard for Christmas?!??! Progs and their wars on Christmas and the 2nd!!!!:mad:
I thought not. But thanks for playing.
I will add, though, that if his parents knew he was mentally ill and had communicated to them or they knew through the school that the kid wanted to kill people and he used their vehicle of which he was given the keys, then yes, the parents would be up for involuntary manslaughter as well. However, the defense will have their chance to throw the case out. That is if these trumpanzee nut jobs dont off themselves or someone else before they are caught.
For some odd reason, the left want to demonize and harass innocent people when it comes to guns.

It's lunacy.

I noticed no one is talking about charging the parents of the "Red SUV" (LOL) that mowed down a crowd of people in Wisconsin. Despite the fact his mother admitted they knew he had mental issues his entire life and done nothing about it.
Who are the innocent people being "harrassed when it comes to guns???"
I am not saying you would support any terrorism label...

I am saying that if the situation was the same....and the only difference is that the kid was a muslim.....all of the people whining about these parents being charged -- will not be saying shit...

I don't think the parents should be charged with anything.....However, I think the mother is a shitty mother.....

The school should be sued tho....

Well it's mostly me asking why. As I've also noted, I've said there could be very good reasons as to why.

Now to the bigger picture argument asking how many would be condemning a large number of people totally unrelated if he has been Muslim, that would be a lot. But that is one reason I despise why we throw around the "terrorism" label so freely.
Probably some overkill to try to charge the parents...pretty sure these charges will be dropped at some point....

As for Ethan.....if he was bullied....he may have a good case for self defense or at least temporary insanity....however, I doubt he will be a viable Congressional candidate in the GOP for quite some time...

Who was President at the time? Let's charge Joe too!
Yes! And that goes for all other parents who are guilty of the same or SIMILAR criminal negligence!

To offer up an example, any parent allowing a mentally unstable child to get their hands on a gun.
Maybe revisit the question of background checks that keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

See the danger in the precedences that could be set in the court?

p.s. maybe not the 'rest' of their days?
Too bad it is prosecutorial misconduct to "offer up examples."

And fuck all the rest of that shit.
So anyone here wondering why the police are having to search for the parents??

I don't think the parents should be charged but I also wouldn't be wanting the police to "search" for me either.....Turn yourself in and state your case....

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