Patriot Sarah Palin Storms D.C., Riot Police Show Up!


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
What a beautiful American patriot she is going to D.C. to side with the WW2 veterans at the memorial. She is what you call a true natural born Citizen that loves her country and shares deep love for all of our troops and veterans. We need more like her. We need her in the White House in 2016 so she can bring back America from the brink of destruction caused by Obama who is not a natural born Citizen that the founders did not want occupying the White House.

Sunday’s rally at the WWII memorial in Washington, D.C., which was headlined by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has broken out in utter chaos, as both D.C. Metro and Park police attempted to shut down the event.

According to one of the Shark Tank’s correspondent on the ground, ‘Special K,’ two police cruiser blocked entrance into WWII memorial, in an effort to stop truckers from arriving from the highway.

Four marked Secret Service vehicles had arrived on the scene, joining dozens of law enforcement assets, who had already arrived, including a SWAT team dressing in full riot gear.

Prior to SWAT arriving, the crowd was chanting “move those cars, move those cars,” which was possibly the reason why riot control was called in.

Police blocked the road leading up to the WWII memorial from both directions, and had also detained, questioned, and subsequently released, a man dressed in full Muslim dress.

Sarah Palin, along with a few hundred of her closest friends, including Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, headed over to the Lincoln memorial, and busted down Obama’s barricades. Palin also engaged police.



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Wonderful, Sarah is patriotic for sure...He son served in Iraq and she ran a state with people that is very patriotic to their country, Alaska

and then people run her down for some reason or another and just can't understand how some people admire her
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Wonderful, Sarah is patriotic for sure...He son served in Iraq and she ran a state with people that is very patriotic to their country, Alaska

and then people run her down for some reason or another and just can't understand how some people admire her

And she couldn't even find Iraq on the map so she didn't even know where Track Palin was going, and she quit 1.5 years into her term as governor so she could cash in on cheap publicity and steal airtime by threatening to run for president.

SHe's not stupid, and she sure knows how to work those who are, for every dime she can get (SarahPAC).
well didn't take long for uncouth low class haters to show up

not a surprise though, they have a special hate for WOMEN.... especially one who is an former, governor and candidate for Vice President of OUR COUNTRY
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Oh for god's sake.....The uber media whore shows up for a photo op and the trained seals sit up and start clapping.

It's a good thing all that armed police presence showed up to protect America from those danger, radical World War II veterans, huh?

That's right, move the topic off Sarah Barracuda, former beauty queen contestant and lipsticked pit bull.

I didn't close down the war memorials, silly. Ted Cruz did.
The same "Patriot" who quit her job as Governor?

The same "Patriot" who left Wasilla broke?

The same "Patriot" who got her boob job from faux snooze.

You are one person in desperate need of hero.
What a beautiful American patriot she is going to D.C. to side with the WW2 veterans at the memorial. She is what you call a true natural born Citizen that loves her country and shares deep love for all of our troops and veterans. We need more like her. We need her in the White House in 2016 so she can bring back America from the brink of destruction caused by Obama who is not a natural born Citizen that the founders did not want occupying the White House.

Sunday’s rally at the WWII memorial in Washington, D.C., which was headlined by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has broken out in utter chaos, as both D.C. Metro and Park police attempted to shut down the event.

According to one of the Shark Tank’s correspondent on the ground, ‘Special K,’ two police cruiser blocked entrance into WWII memorial, in an effort to stop truckers from arriving from the highway.

Four marked Secret Service vehicles had arrived on the scene, joining dozens of law enforcement assets, who had already arrived, including a SWAT team dressing in full riot gear.

Prior to SWAT arriving, the crowd was chanting “move those cars, move those cars,” which was possibly the reason why riot control was called in.

Police blocked the road leading up to the WWII memorial from both directions, and had also detained, questioned, and subsequently released, a man dressed in full Muslim dress.

Sarah Palin, along with a few hundred of her closest friends, including Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, headed over to the Lincoln memorial, and busted down Obama’s barricades. Palin also engaged police.




Well, she just gained a lot of points in my book....and I don't even like her.
Oh for god's sake.....The uber media whore shows up for a photo op and the trained seals sit up and start clapping.

It's a good thing all that armed police presence showed up to protect America from those danger, radical World War II veterans, huh?

Yeah, I've been watching the pictures on Facebook. Somebody wanna tell me what those gas masks are for????
you just knew this thread couldn't stay about something good

let them trash it like they always do all the others here
No, the admin did.

It costs more to close them to the public than it does to run them.

Remember when you yahoos said we were paranoid to be alarmed at the extent to which this admin was arming our park rangers? Guess what...this is why they're armed. They're the new SS.
Wonderful, Sarah is patriotic for sure...He son served in Iraq and she ran a state with people that is very patriotic to their country, Alaska

and then people run her down for some reason or another and just can't understand how some people admire her

And she couldn't even find Iraq on the map so she didn't even know where Track Palin was going, and she quit 1.5 years into her term as governor so she could cash in on cheap publicity and steal airtime by threatening to run for president.

SHe's not stupid, and she sure knows how to work those who are, for every dime she can get (SarahPAC).

And in this case, she did the right thing. Every American should be doing that and if I lived in DC, that's where I'd be right now.
The same "Patriot" who quit her job as Governor?

The same "Patriot" who left Wasilla broke?

The same "Patriot" who got her boob job from faux snooze.

You are one person in desperate need of hero.

You know, I think you're right.....About the breast augmentation.
Oh for god's sake.....The uber media whore shows up for a photo op and the trained seals sit up and start clapping.

It's a good thing all that armed police presence showed up to protect America from those danger, radical World War II veterans, huh?

That's right, move the topic off Sarah Barracuda, former beauty queen contestant and lipsticked pit bull.


I didn't close down the war memorials, silly. Ted Cruz did.
Really? The National Park Service works for Ted Cruz?
Oh for god's sake.....The uber media whore shows up for a photo op and the trained seals sit up and start clapping.

It's a good thing all that armed police presence showed up to protect America from those danger, radical World War II veterans, huh?

That's right, move the topic off Sarah Barracuda, former beauty queen contestant and lipsticked pit bull.

I didn't close down the war memorials, silly. Ted Cruz did.

No, Obama did. The National Parks fall under the executive branch and this is the first time in history with 17 previous government shutdowns, that our memorials were closed.
Wonderful, Sarah is patriotic for sure...He son served in Iraq and she ran a state with people that is very patriotic to their country, Alaska

and then people run her down for some reason or another and just can't understand how some people admire her

And she couldn't even find Iraq on the map so she didn't even know where Track Palin was going, and she quit 1.5 years into her term as governor so she could cash in on cheap publicity and steal airtime by threatening to run for president.

SHe's not stupid, and she sure knows how to work those who are, for every dime she can get (SarahPAC).

And in this case, she did the right thing. Every American should be doing that and if I lived in DC, that's where I'd be right now.

I would too. I have three brothers who served in Viet Nam. But Sarah is there for publicity. Sarah does nothing unless it benefits Sarah, period, the end.
The same "Patriot" who quit her job as Governor?

The same "Patriot" who left Wasilla broke?

The same "Patriot" who got her boob job from faux snooze.

You are one person in desperate need of hero.

And you don't seem to understand that when a person does something like this, it's worthy of making a statement about her character. I've always thought she was a bimbo, but this action is the right action and I can admit that.

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