Paul Krugman, a once tough Obama critic, says that Obama is one of the greatest presidents

I'll take that challenge. Degree in Economics, lol.
You're saying you have a degree in economics? What kind of degree exactly?

No, making fun of his degree. I have a Masters in Chemical Engineering. Looking at his Bio, he went to MIT for graduate work, but I never figured MIT did something a soft science-y as that.
So within your warped rightwing simple minded thinking, you think economics is just a bullshit degree? Lol you people kill me.

Its a step up from basketweaving and "INSERT OPPRESSED GROUP HERE" Studies, but its not a hard STEM degree.
Oh Christ. You're one of those pretentious assholes who think the soft sciences are bullshit. News flash dude - the scientific method is used the exact same way.

I only think its bullshit when people use them as a shield from any critique, or as a method of making themselves seem smarter than they actually are.
You're saying you have a degree in economics? What kind of degree exactly?

No, making fun of his degree. I have a Masters in Chemical Engineering. Looking at his Bio, he went to MIT for graduate work, but I never figured MIT did something a soft science-y as that.
So within your warped rightwing simple minded thinking, you think economics is just a bullshit degree? Lol you people kill me.

Its a step up from basketweaving and "INSERT OPPRESSED GROUP HERE" Studies, but its not a hard STEM degree.
Oh Christ. You're one of those pretentious assholes who think the soft sciences are bullshit. News flash dude - the scientific method is used the exact same way.

I only think its bullshit when people use them as a shield from any critique, or as a method of making themselves seem smarter than they actually are.
So you think an MIT graduate is using his degree for that purpose?
The Left is really THAT stupid and gullible! It's amazing!
And yet you can't come up with an actual explanation why he is wrong.

Politics of division,Obama wins hands down,a shinning example of great leadership,Obama care is still going to be a divisive issue,far from over. Piss poor foreign policy,he is in way over his head. Slow as a snail recovery,more people on food stamps then ever.

Ya he hit it right out of the park!!
1) If you can't put any blame on republicans for the political division then you are willfully immature.
2) ObamaCare is working whether you like it or not.
3) How is in over his head? Be specific.
4) The economy lost 8 million jobs. The recovery has been a couple of 100k job s a month. How could it possibly go faster than that? We have already regained all the jobs lost anyway. Wake up.
Not talking about repubs,the subject is Obama
O care hasn't been fully implemented,its not working,subsiding plan has been declared unconstitutional.
O is in over his head,the red line BS in Syria,hell the middle east is in flames,now not all his fault,but his fixes have been inept. Noble peace price my ass.
More people not in work force,more people on food stamps and you have the balls to tell others to walk up.??!!
Krugman is a dependable left wing partisan ideologue, so this is no surprise.

Ask a right winger if Reagan was one of the greatest.
Well... then the Krug is picking a bad time to start rolling out this hogwash, because the vast majority of Americans aren't buying it. The kenyan's approval rating is sinking like the Titanic. His own party is avoiding him like the plague because he's toxic. His presidency is an epic failure of historic anti American policies and law breaking, and more people are seeing it every day. Krug needs his fucking head examined.
Lol republican disapproval ratings are at 75%. That is well above Obama's.
Well when the deflections come out ya know it over.
The subject has and is OBAMA!!
When was Krugman critical of anything having to do with Obama? His biggest criticism is that Obama didnt spend enough money.
Krugman has been wrong about virtually everything his whole career.
PaKman has always been a fan of Obama... always. Not to mention he has almost always been wrong on his economic theories. He's only popular because he says what the far progressive left (Obama) wants to hear, like calling for a giant stimulus or say claiming Obama might be the best President like ever!!!

When was Krugman critical of anything having to do with Obama? His biggest criticism is that Obama didnt spend enough money.
Krugman has been wrong about virtually everything his whole career.

Yeah, the only time Krugman has criticized Obama is when Obama wasn't moving left enough.

The Left is really THAT stupid and gullible! It's amazing!
And yet you can't come up with an actual explanation why he is wrong.

Politics of division,Obama wins hands down,a shinning example of great leadership,Obama care is still going to be a divisive issue,far from over. Piss poor foreign policy,he is in way over his head. Slow as a snail recovery,more people on food stamps then ever.

Ya he hit it right out of the park!!
1) If you can't put any blame on republicans for the political division then you are willfully immature.
2) ObamaCare is working whether you like it or not.
3) How is in over his head? Be specific.
4) The economy lost 8 million jobs. The recovery has been a couple of 100k job s a month. How could it possibly go faster than that? We have already regained all the jobs lost anyway. Wake up.
Not talking about repubs,the subject is Obama
O care hasn't been fully implemented,its not working,subsiding plan has been declared unconstitutional.
O is in over his head,the red line BS in Syria,hell the middle east is in flames,now not all his fault,but his fixes have been inept. Noble peace price my ass.
More people not in work force,more people on food stamps and you have the balls to tell others to walk up.??!!
All the evidence shows it is working. It has already been ruled constitutional by SC. More people are on food stamps because of the great recession. The way to fix that is raising the minimum wage to a level people can fucking live off of.
No, making fun of his degree. I have a Masters in Chemical Engineering. Looking at his Bio, he went to MIT for graduate work, but I never figured MIT did something a soft science-y as that.
So within your warped rightwing simple minded thinking, you think economics is just a bullshit degree? Lol you people kill me.

Its a step up from basketweaving and "INSERT OPPRESSED GROUP HERE" Studies, but its not a hard STEM degree.
Oh Christ. You're one of those pretentious assholes who think the soft sciences are bullshit. News flash dude - the scientific method is used the exact same way.

I only think its bullshit when people use them as a shield from any critique, or as a method of making themselves seem smarter than they actually are.
So you think an MIT graduate is using his degree for that purpose?

No, morons like you are using his degree for that purpose. I guess Krugman's dick is next in line for your slurping activity after you have polished off Obama's.
The Left is really THAT stupid and gullible! It's amazing!
And yet you can't come up with an actual explanation why he is wrong.

Politics of division,Obama wins hands down,a shinning example of great leadership,Obama care is still going to be a divisive issue,far from over. Piss poor foreign policy,he is in way over his head. Slow as a snail recovery,more people on food stamps then ever.

Ya he hit it right out of the park!!
1) If you can't put any blame on republicans for the political division then you are willfully immature.
2) ObamaCare is working whether you like it or not.
3) How is in over his head? Be specific.
4) The economy lost 8 million jobs. The recovery has been a couple of 100k job s a month. How could it possibly go faster than that? We have already regained all the jobs lost anyway. Wake up.
Not talking about repubs,the subject is Obama
O care hasn't been fully implemented,its not working,subsiding plan has been declared unconstitutional.
O is in over his head,the red line BS in Syria,hell the middle east is in flames,now not all his fault,but his fixes have been inept. Noble peace price my ass.
More people not in work force,more people on food stamps and you have the balls to tell others to walk up.??!!
All the evidence shows it is working. It has already been ruled constitutional by SC. More people are on food stamps because of the great recession. The way to fix that is raising the minimum wage to a level people can fucking live off of.
You're an idiot. Like thats news.
The SC has not ruled on whether the subsidies are legal. You're an ignoramus.
If the recession ended fucking 4 years ago why are more people on food stamps now than before?
Krugman... a "tough Obama critic"? You gotta be kidding. Krugman is an elitist left wing columnist for the elitist left wing NY Times. He never criticized Obama.
The Left is really THAT stupid and gullible! It's amazing!
And yet you can't come up with an actual explanation why he is wrong.

Politics of division,Obama wins hands down,a shinning example of great leadership,Obama care is still going to be a divisive issue,far from over. Piss poor foreign policy,he is in way over his head. Slow as a snail recovery,more people on food stamps then ever.

Ya he hit it right out of the park!!
1) If you can't put any blame on republicans for the political division then you are willfully immature.
2) ObamaCare is working whether you like it or not.
3) How is in over his head? Be specific.
4) The economy lost 8 million jobs. The recovery has been a couple of 100k job s a month. How could it possibly go faster than that? We have already regained all the jobs lost anyway. Wake up.
Not talking about repubs,the subject is Obama
O care hasn't been fully implemented,its not working,subsiding plan has been declared unconstitutional.
O is in over his head,the red line BS in Syria,hell the middle east is in flames,now not all his fault,but his fixes have been inept. Noble peace price my ass.
More people not in work force,more people on food stamps and you have the balls to tell others to walk up.??!!
All the evidence shows it is working. It has already been ruled constitutional by SC. More people are on food stamps because of the great recession. The way to fix that is raising the minimum wage to a level people can fucking live off of.

O care subsides ruled unconstitutional,look it up.
Min wage isn't meant for you to raise a family on,its entry level.I made min,wage once ,and not for long. The great rescission? yet look at all those jobs he has created,?so what is it high food stamp,or lots of jobs,ya don't get it both ways. now,to quote your fearless leader,"If I can't turn the economy around in 4 I don't deserve another term?? 6 years has been long enough.
The Left is really THAT stupid and gullible! It's amazing!
And yet you can't come up with an actual explanation why he is wrong.

Politics of division,Obama wins hands down,a shinning example of great leadership,Obama care is still going to be a divisive issue,far from over. Piss poor foreign policy,he is in way over his head. Slow as a snail recovery,more people on food stamps then ever.

Ya he hit it right out of the park!!
1) If you can't put any blame on republicans for the political division then you are willfully immature.
2) ObamaCare is working whether you like it or not.
3) How is in over his head? Be specific.
4) The economy lost 8 million jobs. The recovery has been a couple of 100k job s a month. How could it possibly go faster than that? We have already regained all the jobs lost anyway. Wake up.
Not talking about repubs,the subject is Obama
O care hasn't been fully implemented,its not working,subsiding plan has been declared unconstitutional.
O is in over his head,the red line BS in Syria,hell the middle east is in flames,now not all his fault,but his fixes have been inept. Noble peace price my ass.
More people not in work force,more people on food stamps and you have the balls to tell others to walk up.??!!
All the evidence shows it is working. It has already been ruled constitutional by SC. More people are on food stamps because of the great recession. The way to fix that is raising the minimum wage to a level people can fucking live off of.

Then why didn't Obama do that when he had the House and Senate? Skipped right over that one lol. And ending the Iraq war, and closing Guantanamo, and ending the Bush era tax cuts, and getting rid of Homeland security and the patriot act.
Sounds like it's time to have Mr. Krugman committed.

Why would that be? The economy had just fallen off a cliff right before Obama took office. It's much improved in the subsequent 5 years and 9 months.

Umm, not really. The UE number gets better because more people fall off than go on UE every month. Less people are working.

That's nothing new. Be that as it may, it doesn't change the fact that the economy is in better shape now. It's adding jobs compared to the 750,000 jobs a month that were being lost right around the time of the 2008 election. Across the board, the news is upbeat, even if it's not as stellar as it was in the days when growth was more robust. But I don't know anyone who actually believed that the economy would return to those days for a long, long time.

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