Paul Ryan is Caught in a Lie

Was he bitching about the Catholic church? Was the Catholic church bitching about Ryan?

The lefty pundit was pointing out, in a partisan rant, that a certain group of Jesuits ( Catholics ) recently took issue with Paul Ryan making claims that his approach to politics is based on his faith as a Catholic and Catholic teachings while at the same time telling others that his approach was based on the Philosophy of Ayn Rand.

The video I linked to clearly shows Ryan claiming the catholic teachings as his inspiration and the leftist pundit gives us audio of Ryan claiming that its all based on Rands teachings.

The Catholics in no way told Ryan to change his politics but pointed out that his proposed budget absolutely did NOT reflect their values. Which they are well within their rights to do.

The pundit was pointing out, in a partisan rhetoric way, the inconsistancies with the two Ryan statements and calling Ryan a liar.

In my opinion, based on the two statements that Ryan has made, he is indeed a liar.

BUT, as the pundit pointed out and I agree with him on this point, its WORSE than that. He actually thinks people like YOU AND I arent going to be able to put two and two together and realize that the statements are totally inconsistant with one another. That they are in fact diametrically opposed.

And ill take it further than the crazy leftist pundit. Basically, Ryan ( and ANY politician for that matter ) that pulls this bullshit, is calling us stupid, man. Theyre saying they can tell us ANYTHING and we'll just believe it because we are too stupid to think for ourselves. We are too stupid, too entrenched in holding the party line to hold their feet to the flames and DEMAND they be truthful with us about the issues.

And no, its not just republicans that do that. Bill Clinton. Barney Frank. Mutha Fuckin Dick Gephardt...oh my god Dick Gephardt was the KING OF LIES. Thank god, he never won the Presidency. We should start a thread that just attacks both sides proving lie after lie after lie showing how they ALL Dem and Rep think we're just mouth breathing morons.

Talk about selective hearing the first 3 minutes of the video was bitching from the idiot in the video about Ryan and the Catholic church bitching about Ryan not listening to the dictates of the catholic church.

Of course its selective. I even said so when I said IGNORE THE CRAZY MAN and judge Ryan on what Ryan said. When I hear pundits talking ODonnell, Schultz, Hannity, Limbaugh, it mostly turns into a low frequency hum after the first three sentences filled with partisan crazy.

I wait until they present their evidence and then listen to that. Thats the starting off point.

Then I went and found OTHER articles that discussed the topic and even the actual letter the Cathoics sent to Congress and read those BEFORE I made a judgement on the subject.

Big, take the first post in a thread as a starting off point. Sure its always gonna have some slant to it. Ignore the slant and go find out about the subject. Fuck, man, we are sitting at computers, with the internet. We have the single greatest access to information ever devised by man. We have the facts at the tips opf our fingers if we are willing to play with a search engine a bit. USE IT.

My last post was the information I found on the internet trhough the lens of the crazy rant. Basically I tried to uncrazy it lol.

The catholics werent bitching that Ryan wasnt listening to them, they were bitching that Ryan was saying he took their teachings and arrived at that budget with it.

hell, even the Atlas Society claims that the budget is in line with Rands teachings. ( I posted that link too )
This prick Ryan should be Romney's VP pick. It's a dream ticket for the Dems

Ryans from Wisconsin. With the backlash against Walker, Ryan could actually hurt the ticket. Plus I think Romney needs a southern VP to work the southern states.

I think he'll choose Nikki Haley. Tea Party Cred, second generation Indian immigrant, Female Governor, from the South.

In fact, thats my prediction. Romney/Haley 2012. That is IF she agrees to run.

If she does, Obama better switch up Biden and Hilary right quick. Or he'll be in trouble.
The lefty pundit was pointing out, in a partisan rant, that a certain group of Jesuits ( Catholics ) recently took issue with Paul Ryan making claims that his approach to politics is based on his faith as a Catholic and Catholic teachings while at the same time telling others that his approach was based on the Philosophy of Ayn Rand.

The video I linked to clearly shows Ryan claiming the catholic teachings as his inspiration and the leftist pundit gives us audio of Ryan claiming that its all based on Rands teachings.

The Catholics in no way told Ryan to change his politics but pointed out that his proposed budget absolutely did NOT reflect their values. Which they are well within their rights to do.

The pundit was pointing out, in a partisan rhetoric way, the inconsistancies with the two Ryan statements and calling Ryan a liar.

In my opinion, based on the two statements that Ryan has made, he is indeed a liar.

BUT, as the pundit pointed out and I agree with him on this point, its WORSE than that. He actually thinks people like YOU AND I arent going to be able to put two and two together and realize that the statements are totally inconsistant with one another. That they are in fact diametrically opposed.

And ill take it further than the crazy leftist pundit. Basically, Ryan ( and ANY politician for that matter ) that pulls this bullshit, is calling us stupid, man. Theyre saying they can tell us ANYTHING and we'll just believe it because we are too stupid to think for ourselves. We are too stupid, too entrenched in holding the party line to hold their feet to the flames and DEMAND they be truthful with us about the issues.

And no, its not just republicans that do that. Bill Clinton. Barney Frank. Mutha Fuckin Dick Gephardt...oh my god Dick Gephardt was the KING OF LIES. Thank god, he never won the Presidency. We should start a thread that just attacks both sides proving lie after lie after lie showing how they ALL Dem and Rep think we're just mouth breathing morons.

Talk about selective hearing the first 3 minutes of the video was bitching from the idiot in the video about Ryan and the Catholic church bitching about Ryan not listening to the dictates of the catholic church.

Of course its selective. I even said so when I said IGNORE THE CRAZY MAN and judge Ryan on what Ryan said. When I hear pundits talking ODonnell, Schultz, Hannity, Limbaugh, it mostly turns into a low frequency hum after the first three sentences filled with partisan crazy.

I wait until they present their evidence and then listen to that. Thats the starting off point.

Then I went and found OTHER articles that discussed the topic and even the actual letter the Cathoics sent to Congress and read those BEFORE I made a judgement on the subject.

Big, take the first post in a thread as a starting off point. Sure its always gonna have some slant to it. Ignore the slant and go find out about the subject. Fuck, man, we are sitting at computers, with the internet. We have the single greatest access to information ever devised by man. We have the facts at the tips opf our fingers if we are willing to play with a search engine a bit. USE IT.

My last post was the information I found on the internet trhough the lens of the crazy rant. Basically I tried to uncrazy it lol.

The catholics werent bitching that Ryan wasnt listening to them, they were bitching that Ryan was saying he took their teachings and arrived at that budget with it.

hell, even the Atlas Society claims that the budget is in line with Rands teachings. ( I posted that link too )

I was referring to your selective hearing.
Paul Ryan, Randian Nitwit, is a gift from the gods for the Democrats

I always assume Ryan is lying when I see his lips moving - as with most wingnuts.

yeah, it's like they're all a bunch of Bill-O's

Previously, O'Reilly Factor host Bill O'Reilly similarly falsely claimed that "the Democrats in charge of the finance committees" resisted efforts by the Bush administration to regulate the mortgage industry and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in particular.

As Media Matters for America has repeatedly noted, in early 2007, as the new chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Frank sponsored H.R. 1427, a bill to create the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), granting that agency "general supervisory and regulatory authority over" Fannie and Freddie and directing it to reform the companies' business practices and regulate their exposure to credit and market risk.

The FHFA was eventually created after Congress incorporated provisions that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said were "similar" to those of H.R. 1427 into the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, which Bush signed into law on July 30, 2008.

Morris falsely claimed Frank "killed" Bush's "proposed measures to rein in Fannie Mae" | Media Matters for America

and notice when they attack mediamatters, they rarely if ever address the facts
Talk about selective hearing the first 3 minutes of the video was bitching from the idiot in the video about Ryan and the Catholic church bitching about Ryan not listening to the dictates of the catholic church.

Of course its selective. I even said so when I said IGNORE THE CRAZY MAN and judge Ryan on what Ryan said. When I hear pundits talking ODonnell, Schultz, Hannity, Limbaugh, it mostly turns into a low frequency hum after the first three sentences filled with partisan crazy.

I wait until they present their evidence and then listen to that. Thats the starting off point.

Then I went and found OTHER articles that discussed the topic and even the actual letter the Cathoics sent to Congress and read those BEFORE I made a judgement on the subject.

Big, take the first post in a thread as a starting off point. Sure its always gonna have some slant to it. Ignore the slant and go find out about the subject. Fuck, man, we are sitting at computers, with the internet. We have the single greatest access to information ever devised by man. We have the facts at the tips opf our fingers if we are willing to play with a search engine a bit. USE IT.

My last post was the information I found on the internet trhough the lens of the crazy rant. Basically I tried to uncrazy it lol.

The catholics werent bitching that Ryan wasnt listening to them, they were bitching that Ryan was saying he took their teachings and arrived at that budget with it.

hell, even the Atlas Society claims that the budget is in line with Rands teachings. ( I posted that link too )

I was referring to your selective hearing.

Yeah I know. I was the one who originally brought up ignoring the pundit and only dealing with the facts. I even discussed it in my last post. Fuck man can't you get out of " Got my dukes up" mode long enough to realize when someone isnt attacking you?
Totally pathetic.
I mean, it isn't like Ryan attended a church and heard weekly sermons denouncing whites and Jews or anything and then claimed he knew nothing about it.

I would start a thread on lies Obama and the Democrats told but bandwidth is limited.

When you ask a Republican to list Obama's lies, turns out they are things they "imagined" Obama said than what he actually said.

They are always threatening us with their list of Obama sayings. I say, "Where is that fucking list?"
Totally pathetic.
I mean, it isn't like Ryan attended a church and heard weekly sermons denouncing whites and Jews or anything and then claimed he knew nothing about it.

I would start a thread on lies Obama and the Democrats told but bandwidth is limited.

When you ask a Republican to list Obama's lies, turns out they are things they "imagined" Obama said than what he actually said.

They are always threatening us with their list of Obama sayings. I say, "Where is that fucking list?"

You mean like "My health care plan will not add one dime to the deficit"? Or
"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like your doctor, you can keep him"
Shit like that?
Interesting, so capitalism is bad and everyone should do as the catholic church dictates. I think we played that game a long time ago. Ayn Rand simply understood that greed and desire to better ones lot in life would not come from the government or church, only through hard work, greed, self interest, and that when one becomes dependent upon another they are doomed to a life of mediocre existence. Is the left isle now turning from atheism to organized religion or just trolling to divert attention from the travail and failings of the progressive movement and their ordained minister, father Obama? One final thought, why is it that those evil capitalists are the largest block of philanthropists?
Interesting, so capitalism is bad and everyone should do as the catholic church dictates. I think we played that game a long time ago. Ayn Rand simply understood that greed and desire to better ones lot in life would not come from the government or church, only through hard work, greed, self interest, and that when one becomes dependent upon another they are doomed to a life of mediocre existence. Is the left isle now turning from atheism to organized religion or just trolling to divert attention from the travail and failings of the progressive movement and their ordained minister, father Obama? One final thought, why is it that those evil capitalists are the largest block of philanthropists?

You lost me at "spewing imagined bullshit".

I say "let him die". Republicans could use that for the next election. I think it fits their ideology.
OH so what your saying is that the church should influence what a politician does and believes in??

Ryan does, thats why he threw his hero under the bus once his job was in jeopardy :lol: Disgusting isnt it? :lol:

In the video I presume you didn't listen to the video was about the Catholic church bitching about Ryan worshiping Rand. Again do you support the church dictating to a politician?

Also in the video showed that Ryan loved Rand until the Catholic Church called him on it. Once Ryan realized he wouldnt be keeping his job unless he played nice. The courageous Ryan threw his idol since grade school under the bus.

Again, Disgusting isnt it?
Ryan does, thats why he threw his hero under the bus once his job was in jeopardy :lol: Disgusting isnt it? :lol:

In the video I presume you didn't listen to the video was about the Catholic church bitching about Ryan worshiping Rand. Again do you support the church dictating to a politician?

Also in the video showed that Ryan loved Rand until the Catholic Church called him on it. Once Ryan realized he wouldnt be keeping his job unless he played nice. The courageous Ryan threw his idol since grade school under the bus.

Again, Disgusting isnt it?

what about his staff? he made his staff read all that Randian Idiocy. Doesn't this warrant a torture investigation?
Interesting, so capitalism is bad and everyone should do as the catholic church dictates. I think we played that game a long time ago. Ayn Rand simply understood that greed and desire to better ones lot in life would not come from the government or church, only through hard work, greed, self interest, and that when one becomes dependent upon another they are doomed to a life of mediocre existence. Is the left isle now turning from atheism to organized religion or just trolling to divert attention from the travail and failings of the progressive movement and their ordained minister, father Obama? One final thought, why is it that those evil capitalists are the largest block of philanthropists?

How is it that do many are getting this backasswards?

The only thing the Catholics are telling Ryan is to stop telling people that HIS actions are in accordance with THEIR beliefs.
Imagine that, a politician lying!

And in Breaking news: the dinosaurs are officially extinct.

"they all do it!!!"

possibly the dumbest comment you've ever made.
Why? Reagan was a member of his Washington church for all 8 years of his administration and never once went to a service.

And the best explanation is that both men are not particularly religious, but know that in American politics you must project an image of religiosity. Same with every president of the past 100 years, save Carter and JFK.

Note the operative word "seldom."

President Reagan's spokesman said that the President seldom attended church services because he disliked inconveniencing parishioners. He also said that Mr. Reagan did not intend to make morality a campaign issue.

And, Bill Clinton waving his family bible around, was always getting a photo op coming out of church.

Nope. He never went to services.

And his excuse was bullshit. Reagan was not a religious man.
Paul Ryan's Medicare Mastermind: The Plan Won't Work

Henry Aaron, Inventor Of Paul Ryan's Medicare Reform Concept, Explains Why It's Wrong

Just more proof that Ryan is a total zero.

as yes from the hufferpost..
No, you fucking moron. HuffPo just re-publishes from other sites.

I would use the proper term - aggregate - but you're a fucking idiot and wouldn't understand.

How about the words from the man himself?

[ame=] - YouTube[/ame]
Based on the fact that Thomas Aquinas believed that all material possession were in fact not owned by the individual but by the group, and Ryan says he follows THAT philosophy, does that mean Allen West will now be gunning for that communist, Paul Ryan?
Paul Ryan's Medicare Mastermind: The Plan Won't Work

Henry Aaron, Inventor Of Paul Ryan's Medicare Reform Concept, Explains Why It's Wrong

Just more proof that Ryan is a total zero.

as yes from the hufferpost..
No, you fucking moron. HuffPo just re-publishes from other sites.

I would use the proper term - aggregate - but you're a fucking idiot and wouldn't understand.

How about the words from the man himself?

[ame=] - YouTube[/ame]

as yes, the typical lefty...a raving hysterical douche
If you doublt them then that makes you a, moron...
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