PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans ‘Not a Justification’ for Stricter Border Security Rules

Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.
We don't know what is in her mind, sometimes even she doesn't. Like Trump, she and Schumer are getting painted into corners, and they are having trouble defending their positions and things they have said. Maybe what we need is a negotiator to work with them, say someone like Denzel Washington.

It's simple:

1. Border security is absolutely no justification for shutting down the government. They are unrelated.

2. Congress will not be blackmailed - "Buy this magazine or we'll shoot this dog!" is no way to run a government.

3. A wall across the entire Mexican border is an idiotic idea on so many levels!

4. Border security and illegal immigration are serious issues and should be treated as such. Catering to a spoiled brat that just wants a monument to himself is not how to deal with these issues.

It's not a monument to himself, it's a monument of keeping a promise to his voters; something Democrats seldom do.

It would be a monument only to the IDIOCY of Trump and his supporters.

Only to a liberal would bringing a stop to a problem be idiocy.
Why is it that Trumpbots care so much about people that are murdered by illegal immigrants, but could care less about people who are victims of mass murders committed by white Americans?

It doesn't make sense to you because as a Dim of today you do not care whether someone is an American citizen or an illegal.

We on the other hand see it like this. We are especially pissed when an illegal kills someone, because they shouldn't have been here in the first place, and if our immigration laws would have been enforced the murder would not have happened.

Exactly. When an American kills another American, we have to deal with it the best we can. In many cases, it was not preventable.

However if we stop criminals from crossing our border, the murders they would have committed were prevented.

And if we had common sense guns laws a lot of Americans would not be killing other Americans.

We certainly are NOT dealing with it the best we can - or anything close.

Gun laws only work on the good people--not the bad. They would be just like our drug laws.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

Let's be honest, Bri. NOTHING would be a justification for stricter border security to her. She doesn't recognize that there IS a justification for that.
Of those illegals who killed . How many would a wall have prevented from coming into the US ?

It doesn't matter. It's a fake excuse. These are just ignorant rednecks who are afraid they'll lose their job to a Mexican who is smarter and works harder, for less money, than they do. "Protect me Daddy Trump!"

"Mexican who is smarter"

Lol !! Yeah, that's why Mexicans pour over our border instead of staying in their own country, where everyone is "smarter". How many trips to the moon has Mexico made ? The phone was invented in Mexico by Mexicans, right ? Planes ? Cars ? Televisions ? Lol, shall I go on ?

Yeah. I don't get it either. I don't know why they're so insecure, but that's what they say - they think Mexicans will "take our jarbs".

And that's exactly what they are doing. In fact at my last stop today is a good example. After I backed into a dock and went inside, the shipper asked me if I would tell the guy in the truck next to me he was finished being loaded. So when I went back to my truck, that's exactly what I tried to do. Two Mexicans in the truck and one of them rolled down the window when I approached it. I told him his load was ready. He looked at me like he was legally deaf. I told him again, and he still looked at me with a stupid look on his face. So finally I put my finger to my throat like a knife and showed him I was cutting my head off. Then he finally figured it out.

I couldn't help but to look where he was from. His truck said Laredo, Texas. They drove a tractor-trailer all the way from Texas to Ohio and don't know a single word of English between them. No wonder the shipper didn't want to talk to them and sent me out instead.
Why is it that Trumpbots care so much about people that are murdered by illegal immigrants, but could care less about people who are victims of mass murders committed by white Americans?

Because that's not really their concern. They're worried Mexicans will steal their jobs - because they know that they are overpaid cowards.
You're mistaken. The wall is not about ill will you have toward Conservative Americans nor is it about our alleged discourtesy to Mexico, which deserves a lot less than courtesy. It's about Mexico taking care of the business of sharing their wealth with people they refer to as 'pisanos.' Mexico has untold wealth but it is centered into a handful of uber wealthy families and arrangements for a cut of drug money for drug mules to smuggle drugs over their northern border which paralyzes many American kids who become addicted to drugs quickly with an oversupply delivered by drug mules not content with the wealth they glean from people they smuggle in over here by many means. The wall that Mexico refused to help pay for will now stand not for our unacceptance of foreigners onto our soil, but for Mexico's reconciliation to reality that it has to take care of its own problems, we're halting the passing of Mexico's inmates, drug addicts, and the lot from their responsibility. We aren't going to take Mexico's infantile expulsion of Mexican citizens to our expenses. They've handed American educators the responsibility of educating their young who receive no education there. We're spending so much money educating their country's children, they're causing us to fall down educating our own people to accommodate 5th grade aged students who cannot speak English and have never had a day of formal education. We have to take each child and place him or her in an environment that teaches them how to read, write, and do arithmetic at grade level 1, and we have to get them up to snuff with a high school graduation in six years, not twelve years. That's a lot of overtime and teaching them with people who have Master's degrees to accomplish this minor miracle. But we're doing it, and it's costing by preventing us to focus on our own children. Ask any education manager in a border state about the financial impact on public school systems with this heavy burden.

Mexico is likely to continue to do stupid stuff to maintain the status quo for its wealthy class, but if they connect with certain other countries instead of us, let them mop their floors twice a day with the bad stuff manufactured there to annoy Americans--coffee pots designed to drip like mad all over the kitchen, etc. etc. And America will gain the bilingual students, even if money in our school systems is a headache, these kids who can speak two languages will understand more words, more reading material, and they will solve the problems that will help and not harm us.

Mexico, in losing its prison population will have the adults in the United States working overtime trying to integrate them into a society that rewards good behaviors, and in the next generation, we will benefit from these poor kids' innovations since necessity is often the mother of invention, after all. We are spending about 25 billion per annum on integrating the millions who poured across the border for the last 10 years. That will soon end. The one-time fee of $5 billion for the wall will pay for itself in one quarter of the year the flow stops. And it will stop.

When it does, we will have fewer of our children addicted to the overabundance of drugs the mules foist on traders of iniquity here. There will be competitive cooperation in the schools initially, which means our kids will become lovers of learning again once they fail to be poisoned into taking drugs by making bad people rich. The poor kids will be able to think more clearly with a good education under their belts, and they will ambitiously be the best that they can be.

With the wall, everybody wins, and if nothing else works to teach Mexico to take care of its own, this will do it. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Hooray for President Donald Trump. :up:

A wall is not going to stop the flow of drugs into this country. Most of the drugs come in via ports of entry - not by impoverished illegals crossing the border. Consider the vloume of drugs - the tons that enter everyday - there's no way it is physically possible for people crossing to carry anything close to that volume of drugs. It's coming in by shipping containers to multiple ports of entry all over the country.

Secondly, a wall will only stop a small percentage of illegal coming into this country. The vast majority come in thru airports and over stay their visas. A wall will not help at all.

Third, most of the people entering this country illegally over the Mexican border are not Mexicans. They're from a variety of central American countries - so you anti-Mexican rant holds no water.

Fourth, while you complain about drugs coming from Mexico, why aren't you complaining about the massive amounts of opioids manufactured by American companies and distributed by American pharmacists? That is by far the greatest cause of drug addictions and overdoses

Finally, you forget to mention the huge contribution the immigrant labor makes to our economy. Immigrant labor has always been one of our economic strengths. Their contribution to our GDP is enormous.

What you have really said is that your just a whining old goat that hates Mexicans and nothing more.
Secondly, a wall will only stop a small percentage of illegal coming into this country. The vast majority come in thru airports and over stay their visas. A wall will not help at all.

Then how do you explain our border patrol apprehending over 300,000 illegals in 2017 alone? I call that a lot of people.

Visa overstays are less of a problem because at least they've been checked out by our government; we know who they are. Border jumpers have not. They could be criminals, carrying horrible diseases, child rapists, who knows?

Third, most of the people entering this country illegally over the Mexican border are not Mexicans. They're from a variety of central American countries - so you anti-Mexican rant holds no water.

Nobody is against people from Mexico. We are against people who come here and break our laws no matter where they came from.

Fourth, while you complain about drugs coming from Mexico, why aren't you complaining about the massive amounts of opioids manufactured by American companies and distributed by American pharmacists? That is by far the greatest cause of drug addictions and overdoses

Drugs are not distributed by our pharmacists, they are distributed by doctors. A pharmacist merely fills the orders of a doctor.

But thanks to people who blame our doctors for the opioid problem in this country instead of the Democrats, millions of Americans now suffer from chronic pain because doctors are very timid in prescribing opioid products. a few million Americans are in what? At least we are not building a wall to help stop the flow of illegal drugs into this country.
Of those illegals who killed . How many would a wall have prevented from coming into the US ?

It doesn't matter. It's a fake excuse. These are just ignorant rednecks who are afraid they'll lose their job to a Mexican who is smarter and works harder, for less money, than they do. "Protect me Daddy Trump!"

"Mexican who is smarter"

Lol !! Yeah, that's why Mexicans pour over our border instead of staying in their own country, where everyone is "smarter". How many trips to the moon has Mexico made ? The phone was invented in Mexico by Mexicans, right ? Planes ? Cars ? Televisions ? Lol, shall I go on ?

Yeah. I don't get it either. I don't know why they're so insecure, but that's what they say - they think Mexicans will "take our jarbs".

And that's exactly what they are doing. In fact at my last stop today is a good example. After I backed into a dock and went inside, the shipper asked me if I would tell the guy in the truck next to me he was finished being loaded. So when I went back to my truck, that's exactly what I tried to do. Two Mexicans in the truck and one of them rolled down the window when I approached it. I told him his load was ready. He looked at me like he was legally deaf. I told him again, and he still looked at me with a stupid look on his face. So finally I put my finger to my throat like a knife and showed him I was cutting my head off. Then he finally figured it out.

I couldn't help but to look where he was from. His truck said Laredo, Texas. They drove a tractor-trailer all the way from Texas to Ohio and don't know a single word of English between them. No wonder the shipper didn't want to talk to them and sent me out instead.

I don't get it Ray. If they're so stupid and lazy and brown and yada, yada, yada - how are they able to "steal" your job?
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

Let's be honest, Bri. NOTHING would be a justification for stricter border security to her. She doesn't recognize that there IS a justification for that.
There's a reason they call her "Nazi Pelosi."
Why is it that Trumpbots care so much about people that are murdered by illegal immigrants, but could care less about people who are victims of mass murders committed by white Americans?

Because that's not really their concern. They're worried Mexicans will steal their jobs - because they know that they are overpaid cowards.
You're mistaken. The wall is not about ill will you have toward Conservative Americans nor is it about our alleged discourtesy to Mexico, which deserves a lot less than courtesy. It's about Mexico taking care of the business of sharing their wealth with people they refer to as 'pisanos.' Mexico has untold wealth but it is centered into a handful of uber wealthy families and arrangements for a cut of drug money for drug mules to smuggle drugs over their northern border which paralyzes many American kids who become addicted to drugs quickly with an oversupply delivered by drug mules not content with the wealth they glean from people they smuggle in over here by many means. The wall that Mexico refused to help pay for will now stand not for our unacceptance of foreigners onto our soil, but for Mexico's reconciliation to reality that it has to take care of its own problems, we're halting the passing of Mexico's inmates, drug addicts, and the lot from their responsibility. We aren't going to take Mexico's infantile expulsion of Mexican citizens to our expenses. They've handed American educators the responsibility of educating their young who receive no education there. We're spending so much money educating their country's children, they're causing us to fall down educating our own people to accommodate 5th grade aged students who cannot speak English and have never had a day of formal education. We have to take each child and place him or her in an environment that teaches them how to read, write, and do arithmetic at grade level 1, and we have to get them up to snuff with a high school graduation in six years, not twelve years. That's a lot of overtime and teaching them with people who have Master's degrees to accomplish this minor miracle. But we're doing it, and it's costing by preventing us to focus on our own children. Ask any education manager in a border state about the financial impact on public school systems with this heavy burden.

Mexico is likely to continue to do stupid stuff to maintain the status quo for its wealthy class, but if they connect with certain other countries instead of us, let them mop their floors twice a day with the bad stuff manufactured there to annoy Americans--coffee pots designed to drip like mad all over the kitchen, etc. etc. And America will gain the bilingual students, even if money in our school systems is a headache, these kids who can speak two languages will understand more words, more reading material, and they will solve the problems that will help and not harm us.

Mexico, in losing its prison population will have the adults in the United States working overtime trying to integrate them into a society that rewards good behaviors, and in the next generation, we will benefit from these poor kids' innovations since necessity is often the mother of invention, after all. We are spending about 25 billion per annum on integrating the millions who poured across the border for the last 10 years. That will soon end. The one-time fee of $5 billion for the wall will pay for itself in one quarter of the year the flow stops. And it will stop.

When it does, we will have fewer of our children addicted to the overabundance of drugs the mules foist on traders of iniquity here. There will be competitive cooperation in the schools initially, which means our kids will become lovers of learning again once they fail to be poisoned into taking drugs by making bad people rich. The poor kids will be able to think more clearly with a good education under their belts, and they will ambitiously be the best that they can be.

With the wall, everybody wins, and if nothing else works to teach Mexico to take care of its own, this will do it. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Hooray for President Donald Trump. :up:

A wall is not going to stop the flow of drugs into this country. Most of the drugs come in via ports of entry - not by impoverished illegals crossing the border. Consider the vloume of drugs - the tons that enter everyday - there's no way it is physically possible for people crossing to carry anything close to that volume of drugs. It's coming in by shipping containers to multiple ports of entry all over the country.

Secondly, a wall will only stop a small percentage of illegal coming into this country. The vast majority come in thru airports and over stay their visas. A wall will not help at all.

Third, most of the people entering this country illegally over the Mexican border are not Mexicans. They're from a variety of central American countries - so you anti-Mexican rant holds no water.

Fourth, while you complain about drugs coming from Mexico, why aren't you complaining about the massive amounts of opioids manufactured by American companies and distributed by American pharmacists? That is by far the greatest cause of drug addictions and overdoses

Finally, you forget to mention the huge contribution the immigrant labor makes to our economy. Immigrant labor has always been one of our economic strengths. Their contribution to our GDP is enormous.

What you have really said is that your just a whining old goat that hates Mexicans and nothing more.
More open-borders lies. We've heard this shit a million times. When are you morons going to come up with new material?
Of those illegals who killed . How many would a wall have prevented from coming into the US ?

It doesn't matter. It's a fake excuse. These are just ignorant rednecks who are afraid they'll lose their job to a Mexican who is smarter and works harder, for less money, than they do. "Protect me Daddy Trump!"

"Mexican who is smarter"

Lol !! Yeah, that's why Mexicans pour over our border instead of staying in their own country, where everyone is "smarter". How many trips to the moon has Mexico made ? The phone was invented in Mexico by Mexicans, right ? Planes ? Cars ? Televisions ? Lol, shall I go on ?

Yeah. I don't get it either. I don't know why they're so insecure, but that's what they say - they think Mexicans will "take our jarbs".

And that's exactly what they are doing. In fact at my last stop today is a good example. After I backed into a dock and went inside, the shipper asked me if I would tell the guy in the truck next to me he was finished being loaded. So when I went back to my truck, that's exactly what I tried to do. Two Mexicans in the truck and one of them rolled down the window when I approached it. I told him his load was ready. He looked at me like he was legally deaf. I told him again, and he still looked at me with a stupid look on his face. So finally I put my finger to my throat like a knife and showed him I was cutting my head off. Then he finally figured it out.

I couldn't help but to look where he was from. His truck said Laredo, Texas. They drove a tractor-trailer all the way from Texas to Ohio and don't know a single word of English between them. No wonder the shipper didn't want to talk to them and sent me out instead.

I don't get it Ray. If they're so stupid and lazy and brown and yada, yada, yada - how are they able to "steal" your job?

Because they'll work for next to nothing. That brings down wages for our citizens in this country. But the point you missed is that these people are dangerous. I've been a tractor-trailer driver for over 25 years. I couldn't imagine doing my job in a country where I couldn't communicate without it being a danger to the people there. If you can't speak a word of English, I seriously doubt you can read it, and all our highway signs are in English. Of course left up to people like you, our government can spend another few million bucks making bilingual road signs.
It doesn't matter. It's a fake excuse. These are just ignorant rednecks who are afraid they'll lose their job to a Mexican who is smarter and works harder, for less money, than they do. "Protect me Daddy Trump!"

"Mexican who is smarter"

Lol !! Yeah, that's why Mexicans pour over our border instead of staying in their own country, where everyone is "smarter". How many trips to the moon has Mexico made ? The phone was invented in Mexico by Mexicans, right ? Planes ? Cars ? Televisions ? Lol, shall I go on ?

Yeah. I don't get it either. I don't know why they're so insecure, but that's what they say - they think Mexicans will "take our jarbs".

And that's exactly what they are doing. In fact at my last stop today is a good example. After I backed into a dock and went inside, the shipper asked me if I would tell the guy in the truck next to me he was finished being loaded. So when I went back to my truck, that's exactly what I tried to do. Two Mexicans in the truck and one of them rolled down the window when I approached it. I told him his load was ready. He looked at me like he was legally deaf. I told him again, and he still looked at me with a stupid look on his face. So finally I put my finger to my throat like a knife and showed him I was cutting my head off. Then he finally figured it out.

I couldn't help but to look where he was from. His truck said Laredo, Texas. They drove a tractor-trailer all the way from Texas to Ohio and don't know a single word of English between them. No wonder the shipper didn't want to talk to them and sent me out instead.

I don't get it Ray. If they're so stupid and lazy and brown and yada, yada, yada - how are they able to "steal" your job?

Because they'll work for next to nothing. That brings down wages for our citizens in this country. But the point you missed is that these people are dangerous.

Ahh yes....Of course. The standard liberal, statist appeal for regulation (because, you know, they're dangerous!!!, not because they "took our jarbs").
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

This is what her ilk believe! At least she’s honest...
Why does anyone get excited when Democrats express their hatred, even to the death, of all living things by ANY means or anyone? After all, their disregard for life is so impatient to kill that they don't even wait until a child is born before they're busy killing it.
Why is it that Trumpbots care so much about people that are murdered by illegal immigrants, but could care less about people who are victims of mass murders committed by white Americans?

Because that's not really their concern. They're worried Mexicans will steal their jobs - because they know that they are overpaid cowards.
You're mistaken. The wall is not about ill will you have toward Conservative Americans nor is it about our alleged discourtesy to Mexico, which deserves a lot less than courtesy. It's about Mexico taking care of the business of sharing their wealth with people they refer to as 'pisanos.' Mexico has untold wealth but it is centered into a handful of uber wealthy families and arrangements for a cut of drug money for drug mules to smuggle drugs over their northern border which paralyzes many American kids who become addicted to drugs quickly with an oversupply delivered by drug mules not content with the wealth they glean from people they smuggle in over here by many means. The wall that Mexico refused to help pay for will now stand not for our unacceptance of foreigners onto our soil, but for Mexico's reconciliation to reality that it has to take care of its own problems, we're halting the passing of Mexico's inmates, drug addicts, and the lot from their responsibility. We aren't going to take Mexico's infantile expulsion of Mexican citizens to our expenses. They've handed American educators the responsibility of educating their young who receive no education there. We're spending so much money educating their country's children, they're causing us to fall down educating our own people to accommodate 5th grade aged students who cannot speak English and have never had a day of formal education. We have to take each child and place him or her in an environment that teaches them how to read, write, and do arithmetic at grade level 1, and we have to get them up to snuff with a high school graduation in six years, not twelve years. That's a lot of overtime and teaching them with people who have Master's degrees to accomplish this minor miracle. But we're doing it, and it's costing by preventing us to focus on our own children. Ask any education manager in a border state about the financial impact on public school systems with this heavy burden.

Mexico is likely to continue to do stupid stuff to maintain the status quo for its wealthy class, but if they connect with certain other countries instead of us, let them mop their floors twice a day with the bad stuff manufactured there to annoy Americans--coffee pots designed to drip like mad all over the kitchen, etc. etc. And America will gain the bilingual students, even if money in our school systems is a headache, these kids who can speak two languages will understand more words, more reading material, and they will solve the problems that will help and not harm us.

Mexico, in losing its prison population will have the adults in the United States working overtime trying to integrate them into a society that rewards good behaviors, and in the next generation, we will benefit from these poor kids' innovations since necessity is often the mother of invention, after all. We are spending about 25 billion per annum on integrating the millions who poured across the border for the last 10 years. That will soon end. The one-time fee of $5 billion for the wall will pay for itself in one quarter of the year the flow stops. And it will stop.

When it does, we will have fewer of our children addicted to the overabundance of drugs the mules foist on traders of iniquity here. There will be competitive cooperation in the schools initially, which means our kids will become lovers of learning again once they fail to be poisoned into taking drugs by making bad people rich. The poor kids will be able to think more clearly with a good education under their belts, and they will ambitiously be the best that they can be.

With the wall, everybody wins, and if nothing else works to teach Mexico to take care of its own, this will do it. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Hooray for President Donald Trump. :up:

A wall is not going to stop the flow of drugs into this country. Most of the drugs come in via ports of entry - not by impoverished illegals crossing the border. Consider the vloume of drugs - the tons that enter everyday - there's no way it is physically possible for people crossing to carry anything close to that volume of drugs. It's coming in by shipping containers to multiple ports of entry all over the country.

Secondly, a wall will only stop a small percentage of illegal coming into this country. The vast majority come in thru airports and over stay their visas. A wall will not help at all.

Third, most of the people entering this country illegally over the Mexican border are not Mexicans. They're from a variety of central American countries - so you anti-Mexican rant holds no water.

Fourth, while you complain about drugs coming from Mexico, why aren't you complaining about the massive amounts of opioids manufactured by American companies and distributed by American pharmacists? That is by far the greatest cause of drug addictions and overdoses

Finally, you forget to mention the huge contribution the immigrant labor makes to our economy. Immigrant labor has always been one of our economic strengths. Their contribution to our GDP is enormous.

What you have really said is that your just a whining old goat that hates Mexicans and nothing more.
All bullshit.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

I hear we already do them like we do americans who kill americans. You need more for some than others?

Or do you just not like her, I can get with ya on that bit.
We wouldn't have to "do them" at all if they never got into the country, moron.
So americans kill too but you're not scared of them?

That argument is shit. “Americans kill Americans too! The more the merrier!”
More open-borders lies. We've heard this shit a million times. When are you morons going to come up with new material?

The truth doesn't need to be updating. Statists want control. We're fighting them.
What the fuck does "The truth doesn't need to be updating" mean?

You are the statist, dumbass. How can a snowflake possibly claim he believes in freedom and small government with a straight face?
More open-borders lies. We've heard this shit a million times. When are you morons going to come up with new material?

The truth doesn't need to be updating. Statists want control. We're fighting them.
What the fuck does "The truth doesn't need to be updating" mean?
You were asking for "new material". There's not much to add. You're wrong and won't admit it.

You are the statist, dumbass.

LOL - you're demanding government wall off the border because you're afraid you'll lose your job to poor Mexicans. That's totally a Libertarian position. I remember just last week reading it on their platform - "Libertarians demand that government build walls and protect bripat's job". I don't see it now though. They must have just taken it down.
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Why is it that Trumpbots care so much about people that are murdered by illegal immigrants, but could care less about people who are victims of mass murders committed by white Americans?

We could turn that argument around, no problem. Americans have a right to be here, different from illegals who don’t. Also none of you seem to get that not all illegals are innocent women and children like the Dems and their media lackeys continually say. It’s as simple as this: we already have enough rapists and murderers; we don’t need another county’s as well—make sense? And I’m not even talking about Latinos, but those who can’t be vetted. If we don’t know where they came from or anything about them there is no good reason to allow them in.

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