PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans ‘Not a Justification’ for Stricter Border Security Rules

By the logic i’m Seeing here... since a white male kidnapped that 13 yr old and killed her parents...if we had only jailed or deported every white male....those poor people would never have been killed or that poor girl kidnapped.

Pretty ridiculous huh?
More open-borders lies. We've heard this shit a million times. When are you morons going to come up with new material?

The truth doesn't need to be updating. Statists want control. We're fighting them.
What the fuck does "The truth doesn't need to be updating" mean?
You were asking for "new material". There's not much to add. You're wrong and won't admit it.

You are the statist, dumbass.

LOL - you're demanding government wall of the border because you're afraid you'll lose your job to poor Mexicans. That's totally a Libertarian position. I remember just last week reading it on their platform - "Libertarians demand that government build walls and protect bripat's job". I don't see it now though. They must have just taken it down.
Guarding the border is one of the few legitimate government functions, moron. Providing healthcare, retirement and education are not legitimate government functions.

Why should I admit I'm wrong when I am right?
By the logic i’m Seeing here... since a white male kidnapped that 13 yr old and killed her parents...if we had only jailed or deported every white male....those poor people would never have been killed or that poor girl kidnapped.

Pretty ridiculous huh?
Who would issue your welfare check then?
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

Guns are what is killing Americans. What does the GOP do about that ? Nothing !

So take away people's guns and allow rapist and murderers in from another country. Only a leftist would come up with that as a solution.

Only taking guns away from criminals and dangerous people .

How many of these killings by illegals involved an “illegal “ gun?

Why, so you can blame it on the guns? ILLEGALS SHOULDN’T BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. What is so hard to understand about that? So guns have to go but invite loads of foreigners into the country and we’ll be safe? One doesn’t need a gun to rape or murder.

I’m all for gun control that works, but at the end of the day it’s people who kill, not guns.
By the logic i’m Seeing here... since a white male kidnapped that 13 yr old and killed her parents...if we had only jailed or deported every white male....those poor people would never have been killed or that poor girl kidnapped.

Pretty ridiculous huh?

It is. But it's also pretty scary, because these stupid fuckers really think that way.
should we ban lettuce?

I’d dare this bitch to say that to the face of a person who’s lost a loved one to an illegal. Think she’d have the guts? In her puny little mind, does this make illegals murdering Americans okay? Bc that’s how it sounds. Kinda like when Obama said more people die falling out of the bathtub than from Islamic terrorists... well thought out Barry! That just erases the problem of Islamic terrorism! I just can’t even.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

She’s right.

You’re wrong.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

She’s right.

You’re wrong.
Piglosi has never been right about anything.
Oh so NOW you guys want to pretend to care about Americans being killed.

Guns account for far more deaths than illegal aliens. What do you propose we do about that?

We'll meet you halfway and offer you thoughts and prayers.
Oh so NOW you guys want to pretend to care about Americans being killed.

Guns account for far more deaths than illegal aliens. What do you propose we do about that?

We'll meet you halfway and offer you thoughts and prayers.
How many lives would be saved if guns were outlawed huh?
Oh so NOW you guys want to pretend to care about Americans being killed.

Guns account for far more deaths than illegal aliens. What do you propose we do about that?

We'll meet you halfway and offer you thoughts and prayers.

Vehicles kill more Americans than guns. So what?

Want to see what America will look like without guns? Do this: Get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that on your front porch. Get back to us in a month or two (if you're still alive) and let us know how it worked out.
should we ban lettuce?

I’d dare this bitch to say that to the face of a person who’s lost a loved one to an illegal. Think she’d have the guts? In her puny little mind, does this make illegals murdering Americans okay? Bc that’s how it sounds. Kinda like when Obama said more people die falling out of the bathtub than from Islamic terrorists... well thought out Barry! That just erases the problem of Islamic terrorism! I just can’t even.

As far as Nancy is concerned, dead Americans are just collateral damage.
You seem to understand the absurdity of your attacks on immigrants without actually acknowledging it
By the logic i’m Seeing here... since a white male kidnapped that 13 yr old and killed her parents...if we had only jailed or deported every white male....those poor people would never have been killed or that poor girl kidnapped.

Pretty ridiculous huh?

The only thing that's ridiculous is your comparison.

Every society has their problems, and when they arise, you deal with it the best you can because those problems can't be avoided. However invaders coming here and killing our people can be totally avoided because none of them (criminals or not) are supposed to be here. Therefore if we stopped all the people that shouldn't be here, those foreigners who kill our people will not be here either.
She was invited to Officer Singhs funeral but didn't have the decency to show up....than you dems for making her speaker again....

Is Trump going?

Prolly not.

Trump called McCain a "loser" because McCain was a POW.

Trump prolly thinks Singh is a loser because Signh got murdered.

That's Trump logic for ya.

Yeah; Trump aint goin' either.
As far as Nancy is concerned, dead Americans are just collateral damage.

So all those gun deaths are just collateral damage in your gun hugging fantasy life?

Guns are like the internet: they can be used for good and they can be used for evil. But because the internet is used for evil is no reason to get rid of it making the good suffer. You can never take away guns from bad people like you can't recreational narcotics. Those laws only work on law abiding people. Criminals don't listen to laws. That's why they're criminals in the first place.

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