Pelosi, Schiff complain Trump didn't consult them

Obama sent Iran their OWN FUCKING MONEY and obtained an agreement that Donald's own Intel said they were adhering to?

Ohh the POUTRAGE!!! :D
ROFL! When did leftwingers become so obsessed with property rights? Iran lost the right to that money when they kidnapped our embassy employees in Tehran. Many Americans have claims against it.

Interesting - Can you provide us with a list of kidnapped Americans with claims against their money? Much was held back to compensate families and pay for the health care of 911 victims. But for those who were kidnapped? Evidence please.
Who said they were all kidnapped? The people who were kidnapped obviously all have legitimate claims against the government of Iran. There all also numerous other people who have claims against the government. The family of any American killed by Iran has a legitimate claim.

Obama sent Iran their OWN FUCKING MONEY and obtained an agreement that Donald's own Intel said they were adhering to?

Ohh the POUTRAGE!!! :D
ROFL! When did leftwingers become so obsessed with property rights? Iran lost the right to that money when they kidnapped our embassy employees in Tehran. Many Americans have claims against it.

Interesting - Can you provide us with a list of kidnapped Americans with claims against their money? Much was held back to compensate families and pay for the health care of 911 victims. But for those who were kidnapped? Evidence please.
Who said they were all kidnapped? The people who were kidnapped obviously all have legitimate claims against the government of Iran. There all also numerous other people who have claims against the government. The family of any American killed by Iran has a legitimate claim.

No links yet huh? Okay, then beat it.
If Republicans want to set the precedent that Presidents don’t need to consult with the opposition party, they have no reason to complain if they are not consulted by future Presidents

Something is likely to happen before that.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Oh FFS!!!

It's a bit late for that now.
Yeah, it probably is.

Good luck to us.
You democrats gave pelosi and schiff to much liberty.
If Republicans want to set the precedent that Presidents don’t need to consult with the opposition party, they have no reason to complain if they are not consulted by future Presidents

You wrote that as if Democrats never did that in the past. Better look up DumBama and how many times he confided with the Republican Congress when he did similar things. Your precedent has already been set, and not by Trump.
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?

Puhleeze....Trump carries that around for loose change...

At least Melania isn't flying an gaggle of her friends on AF2 to countries in Europe for vacation on our dime like RuPaul did...

Melania does not have friends
Neither does Fat Donnie

That's not QUITE true
Fat Donnie's best friend is Donald (maybe Rudy on occasion)
Melania's BFF is Macron.
Mmmm - Emmanuel! :)

French custom to kiss on the cheek
I thought everybody knew this lol
We'll need a link on that. Oh never mind - You pulled that number out of your butt.
The Obama family's travel costs topped $114 million and Trump's are $10 million so far, according to new documents

Hell, Donald has spent that much on golf alone in his first three years.
Trump Golf Costs Top $110 Million -- More Than 1 Estimate For All Of Obama’s Travel | HuffPost

Please stop lying Trumpublicans. It does not become you.

As you know, Mar-a-Lago is his HOME. What is your problem with him going home from time to time? He owns the golf courses he visits, you don't really care other than the fact he is doing such great things for our country and you're just filled with hate.
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If I remember correctly Bill Clinton didn't consult Congress when he attacked American citizens with tanks and helicopters at Waco Tx. and he didn't consult with Congress when he bombed freaking Europe.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.

Can't blame Trump at all. Pelosi and Schiff would have cheered the missions failure if it would make Trump look bad
Just as the Republicans would have cheered it if Obama had run it.

Let's not deny that.
Not a fucking chance, but that you believe that shows how fucked it is
Oh, that's right, it's only the other tribe.

My tribe is angelic.

My tribe just took out a terrorist. Your tribe lost another "austere scholar".
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.

Can't blame Trump at all. Pelosi and Schiff would have cheered the missions failure if it would make Trump look bad
Just as the Republicans would have cheered it if Obama had run it.

Let's not deny that.
Not a fucking chance, but that you believe that shows how fucked it is
Oh, that's right, it's only the other tribe.

My tribe is angelic.

My tribe just took out a terrorist. Your tribe lost another "austere scholar".
Somehow some here still haven't figured out that I'm against both. It blows my mind.
Somehow some here still haven't figured out that I'm against both. It blows my mind.

You voted for Hillary Clinton. It doesnt get any more left wing than that outside the USSR.
Somehow some here still haven't figured out that I'm against both. It blows my mind.
You voted for Hillary Clinton. It doesnt get any more left wing than that outside the USSR.

I know, I know. Either you're an obedient Trumpster or you're an extreme radical pinko socialist Fascist Stalinist Hitler Nazi commie.

How simple your binary little world must be.

Obama sent Iran their OWN FUCKING MONEY and obtained an agreement that Donald's own Intel said they were adhering to?

Ohh the POUTRAGE!!! :D

Wrong as always idiot. That money had been awarded to the families of your terrorist friend’s victims. And in this country, money used for criminal activity is forfeited. So you lose twice.

No, that money hadn’t been used for criminal activity. That was Iranian money from before the revolution that was intended to buy military equipment that we never delivered.

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