Pelosi, Schiff complain Trump didn't consult them

The President is not subserviant to the House...See bolded.

The Democrats should impeach him for this...and send it to the Senate :)

For what? Exercising his authority? You people are delusional.
For the same thing as last time...kicking their asses in an election.

I'm confused....I may have gotten your post wrong....

my fault entirely. I was being sarcastic because I get a kick out of their never ending almost impeachment. What a bunch of losers in the DNC.
View attachment 298371

Ok, still kind of new here, and haven't quite got everyone down yet...
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?
It was always a courtesy to inform the other party

So now Republicans have no reason to complain if they are not consulted in the future

Like Obammy did when he used troops to support Al Qaeda in Libya? Killed the head of state over there, which IS an act of war.

But that's different, laws are only for Republicans.

Obama did not kill the head of state
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?
Doesn't even scratch the surface of the every weekend vacations Michelle took with the kids... 698 million dollars over 8 years...
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?

Puhleeze....Trump carries that around for loose change...

At least Melania isn't flying an gaggle of her friends on AF2 to countries in Europe for vacation on our dime like RuPaul did...
Dem's are such whiny cry babies these days. Where did all the Dem's with balls disappear to?
In Hillary’s purse. They are led by geriatric old women so I wouldn’t expect balls.
However they replace balls with chutzpah.
It was always a courtesy to inform the other party

So now Republicans have no reason to complain if they are not consulted in the future

Many times they were not consulted in the past. Nobody made a big deal out of it.

You have a group of people who's only focus is to get Trump out of office, and now you expect Trump to play nice with them?
hermanos y hermanas: Pelosi es un liberal illuminati, esclavo de Soros, el capitalismo y el neoliberalismo.

brothers and sisters: Pelosi is a liberal illuminati, a neoliberal slave to Soros
It was always a courtesy to inform the other party

So now Republicans have no reason to complain if they are not consulted in the future

Like Obammy did when he used troops to support Al Qaeda in Libya? Killed the head of state over there, which IS an act of war.

But that's different, laws are only for Republicans.

Obama did not kill the head of state
No just gave a terrorist state billions in the night and didn't ask first.
The President said the USA has 52 Iranian targets, one for every hostage from 1979. Pretty cool.
And this

President Trump on Saturday night sent a warning shot to Iran, vowing to strike "52 Iranian sites," and to do so "VERY FAST AND VERY HARD," if Iran retaliates against the U.S. for the killing of Iranian Gen. Soleimani by striking "any Americans or American assets":

Trump: U.S. has "targeted 52 Iranian sites," will strike them "very fast and very hard" if Iran retaliates for Soleimani killing
I wonder if Trump sought out congressional approval for site selection?

I doubt it as that would be like Obama dropping leaflets telling them were going to strike here so get out...
Can I suggest the first target to be the centrifuges used to refine U-235 into U-239... a nice dirty bomb that would leave the area uninhabitable for centuries... And would stop their nuclear ambitions for decades..

Actual cost of a MOAB.PNG
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?

Puhleeze....Trump carries that around for loose change...

At least Melania isn't flying an gaggle of her friends on AF2 to countries in Europe for vacation on our dime like RuPaul did...

Melania does not have friends
Neither does Fat Donnie

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