Pelosi, Schiff complain Trump didn't consult them

And this

President Trump on Saturday night sent a warning shot to Iran, vowing to strike "52 Iranian sites," and to do so "VERY FAST AND VERY HARD," if Iran retaliates against the U.S. for the killing of Iranian Gen. Soleimani by striking "any Americans or American assets":

Trump: U.S. has "targeted 52 Iranian sites," will strike them "very fast and very hard" if Iran retaliates for Soleimani killing
More bluster out of Trump
Typical schoolyard bully
How is your obama suck mode? Still sucking I see... or have you graduated to taking it in the ass yet?

You fools cant see that appeasing the Mullah's is a fools errand.. Bend Over Fool!
It was always a courtesy to inform the other party

So now Republicans have no reason to complain if they are not consulted in the future

Like Obammy did when he used troops to support Al Qaeda in Libya? Killed the head of state over there, which IS an act of war.

But that's different, laws are only for Republicans.

Obama did not kill the head of state

Obama murdered Muammar Gaddafi, who was head of state of Libya. He needed to clear the way for Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood to take control of the country. part of his ISIS spring campaign.
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?

Puhleeze....Trump carries that around for loose change...

At least Melania isn't flying an gaggle of her friends on AF2 to countries in Europe for vacation on our dime like RuPaul did...

Melania does not have friends
Neither does Fat Donnie

What a stupid thing to say....Do you have anything about the topic? Or are you just in here to show your ass?
Pelosi mad her merry band of circus show freak acts don't need to be notified.
They have also been shown to be security risks by leaking sensitive information.. It would be like throwing leaflets into the wind notifying the enemy when and where we were going to bomb.... Oh wait, that is exactly what Obama did allowing the enemy to leave (I wonder if Obama was a terrorist sympathizer even back then?).

In any event, these people are not trust worthy and should never see this kind of information. Under the War Powers Act, the president can act unilaterally, in our nations defense, for 90 days before he is required to tell them anything.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.

The Communists in the house think they are dictators and the president must bow and beg their leave.

They can eat shit. The Stalinists will be shown the door at the polls in 11 months and tossed out an airlock in 13. (wish it were literal)
If Republicans want to set the precedent that Presidents don’t need to consult with the opposition party, they have no reason to complain if they are not consulted by future Presidents
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Trust is earned.

And Democrats lying for 3 years about Trump show why.

In Trumplandia said "Trust" means Loyalty To whatever the FUCK he wants to do.'

Sorry fuknuts .. NO CAN DO

My aren't you just the baddest little boi here!!!!

Obama sent Iran their OWN FUCKING MONEY and obtained an agreement that Donald's own Intel said they were adhering to?

Ohh the POUTRAGE!!! :D

Was it necessary? Of course not. What did they use the money for? Training and supplying more terrorists and funding massive demonstrations against America. Great job!

This might be too complex a response for Trumptards, but what they do with their money is their business. Unlikely much of it was spent as you claim. That is, until War Criminal Trump decided to assassinate the second most powerful leader in their country. NOW watch that money flow to all corners of the universe and pay for a cyberwar against us. Great job!
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Obama sent Iran their OWN FUCKING MONEY and obtained an agreement that Donald's own Intel said they were adhering to?

Ohh the POUTRAGE!!! :D
ROFL! When did leftwingers become so obsessed with property rights? Iran lost the right to that money when they kidnapped our embassy employees in Tehran. Many Americans have claims against it.

Interesting - Can you provide us with a list of kidnapped Americans with claims against their money? Much was held back to compensate families and pay for the health care of 911 victims. But for those who were kidnapped? Evidence please.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Trust is earned.

And Democrats lying for 3 years about Trump show why.

In Trumplandia said "Trust" means Loyalty To whatever the FUCK he wants to do.'

Sorry fuknuts .. NO CAN DO
Just 5 more years!

We'll block off ALL stairwells to high-rises to prevent Trumptards such as yourself from the jump
All this winning is driving us CRAZY!!!

I believe you meant to say WHINING not winning - Typo? Yep, it's driving us normal Americans crazy too!

I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!

Bullshittery? Like all those investigations in to Hillary Clinton?


I mean why investigate democrats when we know they are above the law.

Imagine if Trump used a secret and unsecured server, you Stalinists would impeach him.
How many Trump Republican billionaires at Mar-a-Lago leaked information to the MSM?

Dunno, when was the last time the Gang of Eight (who review classified information all the damn time) leaked to the MSM.

Answer: NEVER

Okay, so let's create the scenario: Trump approaches them and explains his plans. The Democrats forbid him from carrying it out because they predict it would be a success. Trump give them the finger and carries out the attack anyway. Then the Democrats want to impeach him again.

Trump is too smart to put himself in that situation.
There's no law requiring Trump to inform them. Hence, they can whine until doomsday, but he's not going to inform them. It's as simple as that.

Study the fuck up and stop posting stupid shit. ;)

Informing Congress of Intelligence Activities

Quote the material that supports your point or shut the fuck up.

I just did. So maybe you should STFU :)
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?
Doesn't even scratch the surface of the every weekend vacations Michelle took with the kids... 698 million dollars over 8 years...

We'll need a link on that. Oh never mind - You pulled that number out of your butt.
The Obama family's travel costs topped $114 million and Trump's are $10 million so far, according to new documents

Hell, Donald has spent that much on golf alone in his first three years.
Trump Golf Costs Top $110 Million -- More Than 1 Estimate For All Of Obama’s Travel | HuffPost

Please stop lying Trumpublicans. It does not become you.
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?
Doesn't even scratch the surface of the every weekend vacations Michelle took with the kids... 698 million dollars over 8 years...

We'll need a link on that. Oh never mind - You pulled that number out of your butt.
The Obama family's travel costs topped $114 million and Trump's are $10 million so far, according to new documents

Hell, Donald has spent that much on golf alone in his first three years.
Trump Golf Costs Top $110 Million -- More Than 1 Estimate For All Of Obama’s Travel | HuffPost

Please stop lying Trumpublicans. It does not become you.
689 million was for ONE TRIP to PARIS/ROME by Michelle and 24 others including her daughters, where they shopped until they dropped for two weeks. Now Fuck Off..

Your MSDNC sites are full of lies...

Look back at the Obama family's big trips over the last eight years before Trump takes office
I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?

Puhleeze....Trump carries that around for loose change...

At least Melania isn't flying an gaggle of her friends on AF2 to countries in Europe for vacation on our dime like RuPaul did...

Melania does not have friends
Neither does Fat Donnie

That's not QUITE true
Fat Donnie's best friend is Donald (maybe Rudy on occasion)
Melania's BFF is Macron.
Mmmm - Emmanuel! :)

I wouldn’t tell Schitt head a damn thing. He’s an idiot who has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money with his bullshittery!
Compared to the $120 million dollars Trump has milked the taxpayers for his golf outings? Like that?
Doesn't even scratch the surface of the every weekend vacations Michelle took with the kids... 698 million dollars over 8 years...

We'll need a link on that. Oh never mind - You pulled that number out of your butt.
The Obama family's travel costs topped $114 million and Trump's are $10 million so far, according to new documents

Hell, Donald has spent that much on golf alone in his first three years.
Trump Golf Costs Top $110 Million -- More Than 1 Estimate For All Of Obama’s Travel | HuffPost

Please stop lying Trumpublicans. It does not become you.
689 million was for ONE TRIP to PARIS/ROME by Michelle and 24 others including her daughters, where they shopped until they dropped for two weeks. Now Fuck Off..

Your MSDNC sites are full of lies...

Look back at the Obama family's big trips over the last eight years before Trump takes office

Link it or your lying out your ass. Breitbart and Gateway Pundit will not suffice.

Oh wait - I see you have things backwards. Take your meds.

Here’s How Much Melania Trump’s Military Flights Cost Taxpayers

Oh - Is Judicial Watch right wingy nuff for ya? :113:

Judicial Watch: New Obama Travel Costs Bring Eight-Year Total over $96 Million - Judicial Watch
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