Pelosi, Schiff complain Trump didn't consult them

The surest way to alert the enemy to our plans is to tell them to Nazi Pelosi and Adolph Schiffler.

Uh huh - Nancy, Adam and Chuck are so much less reliable than clownish Trumpublican billionaires at Mar-a-Lago. :rolleyes:
Yes they are. They're traitorous douchebags who hate America.

You, your Orange Overlord and Dinesh really should stop lying.

Trump Shares Dinesh D'Souza Tweet Likening Schumer to Iran

Btw - the latter is a convicted felon .. Thankfully he is no longer allowed to vote :)


What did Dinesh do specially?

No one?

Spell it out. What did Dinesh do to get a felony conviction and house arrest?

Have any lefties done the same thing?

There's a limit in how much money you can donate to a campaign, $10k I think it is. Dinesh gave $10k to a friend who was running for office, a local office I think, but anyway he gave another $10k to a friend to donate to the same campaign, which is a violation of campaign finance laws. Somebody must've told somebody and he got arrested. Now normally this infraction is a big fine and you don't go to jail, but the judge was a rabid democrat who was aware of Dinesh's political bent and sentenced him to a term in prison, 8 months I think it was. One of those deals where you show up every evening and get locked up and the next morning they cut you loose for the day.

He did make some use of his time while he was there. He wrote a book called 'Stealing America' , comparing the crooks in prison with the Democrat crooks in Washington. President Trump pardoned him in 2018, which is supposed to restore your civil rights. Not sure if that means he can or can't vote.
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A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Trust is earned.

And Democrats lying for 3 years about Trump show why.

In Trumplandia said "Trust" means Loyalty - FUCK THAT
Fair enough, so let Pelosi and Schumer get back to producing their version of Impeachment Theater and let the grown up attend to the serious business of governing and protecting the nation.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Trust is earned.

And Democrats lying for 3 years about Trump show why.

In Trumplandia said "Trust" means Loyalty To whatever the FUCK he wants to do.'

Sorry fuknuts .. NO CAN DO
Just 5 more years!
Uh huh - Nancy, Adam and Chuck are so much less reliable than clownish Trumpublican billionaires at Mar-a-Lago. :rolleyes:
Yes they are. They're traitorous douchebags who hate America.

You, your Orange Overlord and Dinesh really should stop lying.

Trump Shares Dinesh D'Souza Tweet Likening Schumer to Iran

Btw - the latter is a convicted felon .. Thankfully he is no longer allowed to vote :)


What did Dinesh do specially?

No one?

Spell it out. What did Dinesh do to get a felony conviction and house arrest?

Have any lefties done the same thing?

There's a limit in how much money you can donate to a campaign, $10k I think it is. Dinesh gave $10k to a friend who was running for office, a local office I think, but anyway he gave another $10k to a friend to donate to the same campaign, which is a violation of campaign finance laws. Somebody must've told somebody and he got arrested. Now normally this infraction is a big fine and you don't go to jail, but the judge was a rabid democrat who was aware of Dinesh's polital bent and sentenced to a term in prison, 8 months I think it was. One of those deals where you show up every evening and get locked up and the next morning they cut you loose for the day.

He did make some use of his time while he was there. He wrote a book called 'Stealing America' , comparing the crook is prison with the Democrat crooks in Washington.

A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Trust is earned.

And Democrats lying for 3 years about Trump show why.

In Trumplandia said "Trust" means Loyalty To whatever the FUCK he wants to do.'

Sorry fuknuts .. NO CAN DO
Just 5 more years!

We'll block off ALL stairwells to high-rises to prevent Trumptards such as yourself from the jump
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Trust is earned.

And Democrats lying for 3 years about Trump show why.

In Trumplandia said "Trust" means Loyalty To whatever the FUCK he wants to do.'

Sorry fuknuts .. NO CAN DO
Just 5 more years!

We'll block off ALL stairwells to high-rises to prevent Trumptards such as yourself from the jump
All this winning is driving us CRAZY!!!
Uh huh - Nancy, Adam and Chuck are so much less reliable than clownish Trumpublican billionaires at Mar-a-Lago. :rolleyes:

How many Trump Republican billionaires at Mar-a-Lago leaked information to the MSM?

Dunno, when was the last time the Gang of Eight (who review classified information all the damn time) leaked to the MSM.

Answer: NEVER

Okay, so let's create the scenario: Trump approaches them and explains his plans. The Democrats forbid him from carrying it out because they predict it would be a success. Trump give them the finger and carries out the attack anyway. Then the Democrats want to impeach him again.

Trump is too smart to put himself in that situation.
There's no law requiring Trump to inform them. Hence, they can whine until doomsday, but he's not going to inform them. It's as simple as that.

Study the fuck up and stop posting stupid shit. ;)

Informing Congress of Intelligence Activities

Quote the material that supports your point or shut the fuck up.
The surest way to alert the enemy to our plans is to tell them to Nazi Pelosi and Adolph Schiffler.

Uh huh - Nancy, Adam and Chuck are so much less reliable than clownish Trumpublican billionaires at Mar-a-Lago. :rolleyes:
Yes they are. They're traitorous douchebags who hate America.

You, your Orange Overlord and Dinesh really should stop lying.

Trump Shares Dinesh D'Souza Tweet Likening Schumer to Iran

Btw - the latter is a convicted felon .. Thankfully he is no longer allowed to vote :)


What did Dinesh do specially?

No one?

Spell it out. What did Dinesh do to get a felony conviction and house arrest?

Have any lefties done the same thing?
He wasn't under house arrest. He actually had to go to low security federal prison.
The surest way to alert the enemy to our plans is to tell them to Nazi Pelosi and Adolph Schiffler.

Uh huh - Nancy, Adam and Chuck are so much less reliable than clownish Trumpublican billionaires at Mar-a-Lago. :rolleyes:
Yes they are. They're traitorous douchebags who hate America.

You, your Orange Overlord and Dinesh really should stop lying.

Trump Shares Dinesh D'Souza Tweet Likening Schumer to Iran

Btw - the latter is a convicted felon .. Thankfully he is no longer allowed to vote :)


What did Dinesh do specially?

No one?

Spell it out. What did Dinesh do to get a felony conviction and house arrest?

Have any lefties done the same thing?
Of course not. Rosy O'Donnell admitted to doing exactly the same thing numerous times, and she wasn't even charged. All the USMB douchebags defended her.
There is still currently an active AUMF with regards to Iraq. This whole congress needs to be consulted shit is ridiculous. How are people falling for this? Bush and Obama struck targets all the time without consulting congress. It’s absolutely amazing to me how stupid people are.
We were already at war with Iraq when Bush 43 took office. Obama went to war against the democratically elected government of Libya illegally with no authorization from congress.

Huge difference.
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.

The President is not subserviant to the House...See bolded.

The Democrats should impeach him for this...and send it to the Senate :)
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.

The President is not subserviant to the House...See bolded.

The Democrats should impeach him for this...and send it to the Senate :)

For what? Exercising his authority? You people are delusional.
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.

The President is not subserviant to the House...See bolded.

The Democrats should impeach him for this...and send it to the Senate :)

For what? Exercising his authority? You people are delusional.
For the same thing as last time...kicking their asses in an election.
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.

The President is not subserviant to the House...See bolded.

The Democrats should impeach him for this...and send it to the Senate :)

For what? Exercising his authority? You people are delusional.
For the same thing as last time...kicking their asses in an election.

I'm confused....I may have gotten your post wrong....
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.


What a fucking retard; you must be a democrat.

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia

Bear in mind that Bill Clinton challenged this and the courts refused to even uphold the 90 day provision. On it's face, this would limit president Trump to 90 days of military action before requiring congressional approval, but Clinton blew that out of the water when he used American troops in Kosovo to fight for Al Qaeda against the Serbs.
It was always a courtesy to inform the other party

So now Republicans have no reason to complain if they are not consulted in the future
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.

The President is not subserviant to the House...See bolded.

The Democrats should impeach him for this...and send it to the Senate :)

For what? Exercising his authority? You people are delusional.
For the same thing as last time...kicking their asses in an election.

I'm confused....I may have gotten your post wrong....

my fault entirely. I was being sarcastic because I get a kick out of their never ending almost impeachment. What a bunch of losers in the DNC.

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