Pelosi Tells Mother Whose Son Was Murdered: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Law-Abiding Citizens’

Pelosi tells the mother whose son was TORTURED and MURDERED by illegals in 2010 that Illegal Aliens are 'law abiding citizens'


Laura Wilkerson, whose teenage son was tortured and murdered by an illegal alien in 2010, got into an emotional confrontation with House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a CNN town hall event Tuesday night.

Wilkerson told Pelosi, “In 2010, one the illegals slaughtered my son. He tortured him, he beat him, he tied him up like an animal, and he set him on fire. And I am not a one-story mother. This happens every day because there are no laws enforced at the border. We have to start giving American families first." On the issue of Pelosi and Democrats’ support for sanctuary cities, Wilkerson asked, “How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to disavow the law?”


“There’s nothing, I’m sure, that can compare to the grief that you have, and so I pray for you....“But I do want to say to you that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law...These are law-abiding citizens."

HOW can this twisted, evil, demented, lying bit@h look into the face of the mother whose son was tortured and murdered by illegals and tell her that her beliefs about Illegals are wrong because Illegals are 'law-abiding citizens'?!

There has to be a special place in hell set aside just for her!

Pelosi Tells Mother Whose Son Was Murdered: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Law-Abiding Citizens’ [VIDEO]

You know that normal people exclude being undocumented from "criminality".

But thanks. :cuckoo:

I smoke pot. I think the law is stupid, but I know I am committing a (minor) criminal act whenever I try to score a dime bag (about once a year).

People here illegally are breaking the law just the same. Thinking you can ignore it doesn't make it suddenly not breaking the law.

Pelosi tells the mother whose son was TORTURED and MURDERED by illegals in 2010 that Illegal Aliens are 'law abiding citizens'


Laura Wilkerson, whose teenage son was tortured and murdered by an illegal alien in 2010, got into an emotional confrontation with House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a CNN town hall event Tuesday night.

Wilkerson told Pelosi, “In 2010, one the illegals slaughtered my son. He tortured him, he beat him, he tied him up like an animal, and he set him on fire. And I am not a one-story mother. This happens every day because there are no laws enforced at the border. We have to start giving American families first." On the issue of Pelosi and Democrats’ support for sanctuary cities, Wilkerson asked, “How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to disavow the law?”


“There’s nothing, I’m sure, that can compare to the grief that you have, and so I pray for you....“But I do want to say to you that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law...These are law-abiding citizens."

HOW can this twisted, evil, demented, lying bit@h look into the face of the mother whose son was tortured and murdered by illegals and tell her that her beliefs about Illegals are wrong because Illegals are 'law-abiding citizens'?!

There has to be a special place in hell set aside just for her!

Pelosi Tells Mother Whose Son Was Murdered: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Law-Abiding Citizens’ [VIDEO]

This crap happens all the time, does not sound like torture, and sometimes I have read stories of people accidently killing their own child, or a kid accidently kills their sibling. I have seen this women on the RNC convention and I do feel bad for her story , but it happens.
After being sworn in as a witness, 21 year-old Hermilo Moralez testified classmate Josh Wilkerson offered him a ride to his mom and dad’s house after school on Nov. 16, 2010. When they arrived Moralez said they ended up in the back yard and exchanged blows after Josh kicked his dog.

“We got into a fight about something stupid then it turned serious. We started choking each other,” Moralez testified. “I am a trainer fighter and I was able to put some damage on him.”

Moralez claimed he was defending himself and thought his life was in danger.

“I tried to defend myself more and attempted to inflict more damage. We ended up wrestling on the ground. I don’t know if it was just the adrenaline but I wasn’t thinking; I just acted. I grabbed a closet rod and struck him on the side of the head and the rod shattered into pieces,” he said. “He didn’t get up after that and that’s when I realized he wasn’t alive.”

After the murder Moralez said he bound Wilkerson’s feet and hands, stuffed his body behind the front seat of the truck and drove to a remote field to dump the body. He told jurors he then lit the victim on fire and drove away in his truck.

This crap happens all the time
Yes, unfortunately this happens all the time because of Obama / Liberals' open Borders, refusal to enforce existing law, defense of Sanctuary cities, releasing violent illegals from jail, refusing to take them into custody and deport them, etc...

It SHOULDN'T be happening. As pointed out, her son dies at the hands of an illegal alien...who should not be here but who is because of Barry, Pelosi's, etc....illegal, irresponsible actions, policies, agenda, etc. This man's blood is on Pelosi's and Obama's hands.

Probably the blood of every American listed on the memorial for those killed by Illegals in this country are on their hands. Again, Illegal Immigration is not a 'victimless crime'!

Murder, kidnapping, rape, pedophilia / child molestation, human trafficking, drug trafficking, drunk driving / hit-and-run, theft/robbery, etc... all by illegals. As you pointed out, we have enough of that already - we don't need to import or tolerate it here illegally.

Our politicians swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and to enforce the Rule of Law as well as to represent and defend the citizens of the United states. If they can't ...or won't... then they need to GTFO of office. That means Pelosi, too.
Pelosi is smart and she needs to be in office. They were pals of 5 years, I guess the Mom might of liked to know who her child was friends with, one would think.
We're all being tortured and murdered by this political and economic system.

What the hell does that have to do with the insane fact that Pelosi just told a grieving mother that the illegals who tortured and murdered her son in 2010 are 'law abiding citizens'?

For the non-believers. Here is the actual CNN video

Pelosi is smart and she needs to be in office. They were pals of 5 years, I guess the Mom might of liked to know who her child was friends with, one would think.
Next month, March 26, Pelosi will be 77 years old. The vile bitch needs to be in a nursing home. But I suppose she will be attending House sessions on a hospital gurney while on life support.
I think Pelosi described it well, but I noticed the women forgot to say he was friends with her son and they got in a fight. I am tired of listening to her whine , this happened in 2010, and she whined and made it sound like torture at the RNC convention. She should of paid closer attention to whom who son was buds with.
I think Pelosi described it well, but I noticed the women forgot to say he was friends with her son and they got in a fight. I am tired of listening to her whine , this happened in 2010, and she whined and made it sound like torture at the RNC convention. She should of paid closer attention to whom who son was buds with.

Whoever the last team was that stretched her face cut off the oxygen supply to her brain.
I think Pelosi described it well, but I noticed the women forgot to say he was friends with her son and they got in a fight. I am tired of listening to her whine , this happened in 2010, and she whined and made it sound like torture at the RNC convention. She should of paid closer attention to whom who son was buds with.

No read about it and see for yourself. Hey aren't you Texans Evangelicals ,when is she going to forgive herself and the boy her son fought with? Also does she not believe in the afterlife. Ye of little faith and compassion. Where is her faith.
I think Pelosi described it well, but I noticed the women forgot to say he was friends with her son and they got in a fight. I am tired of listening to her whine , this happened in 2010, and she whined and made it sound like torture at the RNC convention. She should of paid closer attention to whom who son was buds with.

WOW....the peanut Liberal mind and how it works is flat out amazing.
So it was kind of the mothers fault for not knowing exactly who her son was friends with? Always decriminalizing perpetrators and criminals and turning the tables on loonies sure love your bottom feeders. I'll guess you grew up with serious daddy issues?
How about this; her son should have never had the opportunity to be friends with filthy illegal because the spineless U.S. Government should fulfill their obligation to REAL American's by securing out borders and keeping Mexican filth out.
I think Pelosi described it well, but I noticed the women forgot to say he was friends with her son and they got in a fight. I am tired of listening to her whine , this happened in 2010, and she whined and made it sound like torture at the RNC convention. She should of paid closer attention to whom who son was buds with.
and she whined and made it sound like torture at the RNC convention.

Maybe because it WAS torture?

Beat him up, tied him up, set him on fire?

What would you call it?
Mom Of Son Murdered By Illegals Delivers 9 Powerful Words Straight To Senators' Faces

"Wilkerson would go on to read part of the autopsy report she received after her son was murdered: “This body is received in a grey body bag. There’s a tag on his toe that bears the name, Joshua Wilkerson. This is a white male weighing a 100 pounds. He is tied up with braided rope — 13 loops around his neck in a slipknot. It goes behind his back through his back belt loop. It goes to his hands and his feet behind his body. He has multiple fractures in his face and nasal cavity. His throat and his voicebox are crushed."

But, they were just 'playing around'
Pelosi tells the mother whose son was TORTURED and MURDERED by illegals in 2010 that Illegal Aliens are 'law abiding citizens'


Laura Wilkerson, whose teenage son was tortured and murdered by an illegal alien in 2010, got into an emotional confrontation with House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a CNN town hall event Tuesday night.

Wilkerson told Pelosi, “In 2010, one the illegals slaughtered my son. He tortured him, he beat him, he tied him up like an animal, and he set him on fire. And I am not a one-story mother. This happens every day because there are no laws enforced at the border. We have to start giving American families first." On the issue of Pelosi and Democrats’ support for sanctuary cities, Wilkerson asked, “How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to disavow the law?”


“There’s nothing, I’m sure, that can compare to the grief that you have, and so I pray for you....“But I do want to say to you that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law...These are law-abiding citizens."

HOW can this twisted, evil, demented, lying bit@h look into the face of the mother whose son was tortured and murdered by illegals and tell her that her beliefs about Illegals are wrong because Illegals are 'law-abiding citizens'?!

There has to be a special place in hell set aside just for her!

Pelosi Tells Mother Whose Son Was Murdered: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Law-Abiding Citizens’ [VIDEO]

Then she questioned whether the woman's son was even in a sanctuary city, as if that makes a difference. Kate Steinle was murdered in a sanctuary city by a criminal who was released back onto the streets. Thanks, Pelosi.

And the illegal aliens are not our citizens. They are citizens of whatever country they came from.
I think Pelosi described it well, but I noticed the women forgot to say he was friends with her son and they got in a fight. I am tired of listening to her whine , this happened in 2010, and she whined and made it sound like torture at the RNC convention. She should of paid closer attention to whom who son was buds with.

No read about it and see for yourself. Hey aren't you Texans Evangelicals ,when is she going to forgive herself and the boy her son fought with? Also does she not believe in the afterlife. Ye of little faith and compassion. Where is her faith.
I'm not an Evangelical, I'm a heathen. She lost a son to a murderous torturing illegal and she doesn't owe anybody any damn thing. The SOB is in jail for life but he should have been vaccinated.
We're all being tortured and murdered by this political and economic system.
You still breathe! The dead son does not breathe, does not have a future, will never marry, will never have children. Because an asshole entered this country illegally and murdered him.

I have always admitted that I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but Pelosi has the intellectual luminosity of a single birthday candle. The only positive thing I can say about her is that she is smarter than those who continue to vote for her. She cares only about herself and no sacrifice is too great as long as it is others who sacrifice.
Pelosi tells the mother whose son was TORTURED and MURDERED by illegals in 2010 that Illegal Aliens are 'law abiding citizens'


Laura Wilkerson, whose teenage son was tortured and murdered by an illegal alien in 2010, got into an emotional confrontation with House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a CNN town hall event Tuesday night.

Wilkerson told Pelosi, “In 2010, one the illegals slaughtered my son. He tortured him, he beat him, he tied him up like an animal, and he set him on fire. And I am not a one-story mother. This happens every day because there are no laws enforced at the border. We have to start giving American families first." On the issue of Pelosi and Democrats’ support for sanctuary cities, Wilkerson asked, “How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to disavow the law?”


“There’s nothing, I’m sure, that can compare to the grief that you have, and so I pray for you....“But I do want to say to you that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law...These are law-abiding citizens."

HOW can this twisted, evil, demented, lying bit@h look into the face of the mother whose son was tortured and murdered by illegals and tell her that her beliefs about Illegals are wrong because Illegals are 'law-abiding citizens'?!

There has to be a special place in hell set aside just for her!

Pelosi Tells Mother Whose Son Was Murdered: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Law-Abiding Citizens’ [VIDEO]
Immigrants have a lower crime rate than Americans.


15,000 Americans are killed by Americans each year, pants shitter. Better crawl back to safety under your bed!
Pelosi tells the mother whose son was TORTURED and MURDERED by illegals in 2010 that Illegal Aliens are 'law abiding citizens'


Laura Wilkerson, whose teenage son was tortured and murdered by an illegal alien in 2010, got into an emotional confrontation with House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a CNN town hall event Tuesday night.

Wilkerson told Pelosi, “In 2010, one the illegals slaughtered my son. He tortured him, he beat him, he tied him up like an animal, and he set him on fire. And I am not a one-story mother. This happens every day because there are no laws enforced at the border. We have to start giving American families first." On the issue of Pelosi and Democrats’ support for sanctuary cities, Wilkerson asked, “How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to disavow the law?”


“There’s nothing, I’m sure, that can compare to the grief that you have, and so I pray for you....“But I do want to say to you that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law...These are law-abiding citizens."

HOW can this twisted, evil, demented, lying bit@h look into the face of the mother whose son was tortured and murdered by illegals and tell her that her beliefs about Illegals are wrong because Illegals are 'law-abiding citizens'?!

There has to be a special place in hell set aside just for her!

Pelosi Tells Mother Whose Son Was Murdered: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Law-Abiding Citizens’ [VIDEO]
Immigrants have a lower crime rate than Americans.


15,000 Americans are killed by Americans each year, pants shitter. Better crawl back to safety under your bed!
Big effing deal. The crime rate against that woman's son was 100% and all the liberal fucking pukes are trying to make a saint out of that murdering illegal bastard.

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