Pence: "I'm a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican, in that order"

You have religious liberty, but that liberty is restrained when your beliefs harm others.
The ACA is being dealt with now not because of any religious views but because it is COLLAPSING. It is a failure. It was designed by socialist-agenda-pushing liberal ass-clowns TO FAIL, according to Harry Reid.
Since Jesus supposedly had the power to magically heal the sick and raise the dead for free,

that really wouldn't have been an issue to him, would it?

Jesus can do what he wants, we on the other hand have to follow the Constitution and our own common sense.

and turning healthcare into a Nationwide DMV is not common sense.

common sense is synonymous with pragmatism. You've never shown to have common sense in any of your ideologically biased posts.

Being pragmatic means not wanting to turn over your health care to a bunch of blameless and unaccountable bureaucratic assholes.

Wrong. Being pragmatic, health care begins before birth, and continues for life. It begins with education, when pregnant women eat well and do not smoke, drink alcohol or use illicit and homopahtic drugs without a doctors approval.

It requires preventive medicine, which IMO ought to be provided by the Federal Government to every citizen from cradle to grave. COTUS authorizes to collect taxes to provide for the common Defence and general Welfare. What is more common than preventable diseases?

Maybe they should tell us what churches to go to, what job to do, what food to eat, and how to breathe 60 breaths per minute, not more not less.

Of course if you violate any of these "guidelines", the punishment will be severe.

I don't want government controlling my health care. I don't want chickenshit drone assholes like you deciding how I get treated and how much i get treated. and I surely don't want you to game the system for your cronies and buddies so only the proles have to deal with the bullshit.

Fuck off and ruin your own life, stay the fuck away from mine.

Thanks so much for sharing, your every post is informative and telling.
You have religious liberty, but that liberty is restrained when your beliefs harm others.
The ACA is being dealt with now not because of any religious views but because it is COLLAPSING. It is a failure. It was designed by socialist-agenda-pushing liberal ass-clowns TO FAIL, according to Harry Reid.

Nice echo of the Republican meme. Don't or can't you think for yourself?

Perspective | The Affordable Care Act is neither imploding nor collapsing

Trump says Obamacare 'is collapsing.' Here's what he's getting wrong

GOP's Obamacare Obituary: Premature -

Obamacare Is Not Collapsing Unless Republicans Kill It. Here’s Proof.
Nice echo of the Republican meme.
Why must snowflakes always accuse others of what THEY are plainly seen doing? Your attack was purely based on your opinion of the ACA. Attack Pence / others for their beliefs...just be honest about why you are doing it .
Jesus can do what he wants, we on the other hand have to follow the Constitution and our own common sense.

and turning healthcare into a Nationwide DMV is not common sense.

common sense is synonymous with pragmatism. You've never shown to have common sense in any of your ideologically biased posts.

Being pragmatic means not wanting to turn over your health care to a bunch of blameless and unaccountable bureaucratic assholes.

Wrong. Being pragmatic, health care begins before birth, and continues for life. It begins with education, when pregnant women eat well and do not smoke, drink alcohol or use illicit and homopahtic drugs without a doctors approval.

It requires preventive medicine, which IMO ought to be provided by the Federal Government to every citizen from cradle to grave. COTUS authorizes to collect taxes to provide for the common Defence and general Welfare. What is more common than preventable diseases?

Maybe they should tell us what churches to go to, what job to do, what food to eat, and how to breathe 60 breaths per minute, not more not less.

Of course if you violate any of these "guidelines", the punishment will be severe.

I don't want government controlling my health care. I don't want chickenshit drone assholes like you deciding how I get treated and how much i get treated. and I surely don't want you to game the system for your cronies and buddies so only the proles have to deal with the bullshit.

Fuck off and ruin your own life, stay the fuck away from mine.

Thanks so much for sharing, your every post is informative and telling.

You get nothing! You Lose! Good day sir!
Never mind coops failing, Exchanges failing, insurers pulling out and double and triple digit increases.. Nothing to see here.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
How far down the line in his priorities is being VP--VP for ALL Americans, not just Christians and Republcans?
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
How far down the line in his priorities is being VP--VP for ALL Americans, not just Christians and Republcans?

LOL, you lost. Deal with it.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow, attacking the man's faith based on your disagreement with his political beliefs.
Nice move, snowflake. :p

For those to whom politics is everything, it is impossible to conceive of anything being non-political.

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First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
A Christian first, eh?

I guess that's why Pence joined up with a serial adulterer who made his fortune from gambling dens and contests of the flesh, lusted after his own daughter, hosted a television show which encouraged contestants to display the worst of human failings of greed, lust and envy, bilked seniors out of their nest eggs at his fake University, slandered and libeled anyone who was in his way to the highest office of the land, Republicans and Democrats alike, and courts our enemies and offends our friends.

This is who Pence cleaved himself to. Forever in hell.

Pence sold his soul to the devil to be Trump's bitch.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow, attacking the man's faith based on your disagreement with his political beliefs.
Nice move, snowflake. :p

Hypocrite ^^^! I have a very good reason to question his faith, his vote yesterday belies everything Jesus taught.

Jesus taught we have free will. Not that we should be forced to do things.

He taught us to do good. Not make others do good.

He taught to give our money. Not to steal others money
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow, attacking the man's faith based on your disagreement with his political beliefs.
Nice move, snowflake. :p

Hypocrite ^^^! I have a very good reason to question his faith, his vote yesterday belies everything Jesus taught.

Jesus taught we have free will. Not that we should be forced to do things.

He taught us to do good. Not make others do good.

He taught to give our money. Not to steal others money
You gotcher Red Jesus, and then you gotcher Blue Jesus.

Blue Jesus wears a WWOD (What Would Obama Do?) bracelet.

Red Jesus: I will not heal you, blind man, until you show me some ID.

Blue Jesus: I want you to listen to me. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Magdalene...

Red Jesus: I have a wide stance!
Red Jesus: And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed." But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us." But He answered and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Moral of the story: Red Jesus would support building a wall to keep out aliens so they don't suck up holy resources.

Blue Jesus: And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.

Moral of the story: Blue Jesus hates profit, and believes health care should be free.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow, attacking the man's faith based on your disagreement with his political beliefs.
Nice move, snowflake. :p

Hypocrite ^^^! I have a very good reason to question his faith, his vote yesterday belies everything Jesus taught.

jesus said help the sinner, not make government help the sinner.
Fortunately, Jesus is kept out of government.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
I wouldn't qualify Pence as a Christian. Nominal one at best.

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Passing judgement ? Are we ?
It's hard to get a handle on left wing (agnostic?) hatred. Do lefties claim that Jews are of no concern to Christians? This is the same left wing propaganda nonsense that they have been peddling since Hillary wrote her thesis praising Alinsky
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

Only if you are allowed to set the standard for what it means to be a Christian. Which you are not.

So you first comment is a fallacy.

Next, you call him callous. He is of an opinion and if it seems be it. There is nothing wrong with his opinion.

How is your last claim even close to supportable ?
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

Only if you are allowed to set the standard for what it means to be a Christian. Which you are not.

So you first comment is a fallacy.

Next, you call him callous. He is of an opinion and if it seems be it. There is nothing wrong with his opinion.

How is your last claim even close to supportable ?

My first comment was an opinion, based on The Catechism; to love thy neighbor and do no harm. Pence is no friend of Jesus.
Snowflake, butthurt, loser... in that order.

I mean the extreme leftists commenting here.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

Only if you are allowed to set the standard for what it means to be a Christian. Which you are not.

So you first comment is a fallacy.

Next, you call him callous. He is of an opinion and if it seems be it. There is nothing wrong with his opinion.

How is your last claim even close to supportable ?

My first comment was an opinion, based on The Catechism; to love thy neighbor and do no harm. Pence is no friend of Jesus.

How do you love your neighbor by forcing them to buy insurance they can't use?

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