Pence: "I'm a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican, in that order"

First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow. American doesn't even make his list.

Like so many on the right, it's party and/or ideology over country.

If Pence had his way he'd add the Bible to the Constitution as an amendment, with the stipulation that Bible rules trumped all else in the Constitution.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow. American doesn't even make his list.

Like so many on the right, it's party and/or ideology over country.

If Pence had his way he'd add the Bible to the Constitution as an amendment, with the stipulation that Bible rules trumped all else in the Constitution.

I have come to the conclusion that some apparently believe that wearing a foil helmet gives one mind reading abilities.

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Trump claims to be Christian too. A Presbyterian, in fact.

Problem is, the Presbyterians support same sex marriage and are pro-choice on abortion.

Question: can the Presbyterian Church even BE Christian with those beliefs?

A Church can have any beliefs, that's the joy of the 1st amendment.

How many people or actual congregations REMAIN in a church that has those beliefs is another thing.

Schisms have happened over far far less.

Presbyterian Church schism over gay ordination splits congregations
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

God made All plants on Earth and proclaimed them, not just good, but very good.

Marijuana is a plant.

Only Infidels, protestants, and renegades to a Holy Bible, claim marijuana is Bad and not Good.

Pence would do well to smoke a joint, it might expand his thinking.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

Jesus said to do unto others as you would had do unto you, not "force people to pay for a bloated government to answer the whims of a bunch of prissy progressive asshats"

Since Jesus supposedly had the power to magically heal the sick and raise the dead for free,

that really wouldn't have been an issue to him, would it?

Jesus can do what he wants, we on the other hand have to follow the Constitution and our own common sense.

and turning healthcare into a Nationwide DMV is not common sense.
not even good sense
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow. American doesn't even make his list.

Like so many on the right, it's party and/or ideology over country.

If Pence had his way he'd add the Bible to the Constitution as an amendment, with the stipulation that Bible rules trumped all else in the Constitution.

Technically if the Bible was added to the end of the constitution as an amendment it would trump everything else. because it would by default repeal anything prior to the amendment.

But there is no evidence pence wants to do something like that. Like most Christians who follow the Bible we want religious liberty.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow, attacking the man's faith based on your disagreement with his political beliefs.
Nice move, snowflake. :p
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

Jesus said to do unto others as you would had do unto you, not "force people to pay for a bloated government to answer the whims of a bunch of prissy progressive asshats"

Since Jesus supposedly had the power to magically heal the sick and raise the dead for free,

that really wouldn't have been an issue to him, would it?

Jesus can do what he wants, we on the other hand have to follow the Constitution and our own common sense.

and turning healthcare into a Nationwide DMV is not common sense.

common sense is synonymous with pragmatism. You've never shown to have common sense in any of your ideologically biased posts.

Being pragmatic means not wanting to turn over your health care to a bunch of blameless and unaccountable bureaucratic assholes.

Wrong. Being pragmatic, health care begins before birth, and continues for life. It begins with education, when pregnant women eat well and do not smoke, drink alcohol or use illicit and homopahtic drugs without a doctors approval.

It requires preventive medicine, which IMO ought to be provided by the Federal Government to every citizen from cradle to grave. COTUS authorizes to collect taxes to provide for the common Defence and general Welfare. What is more common than preventable diseases?
5th .. behind Russia

Did he get some energy rich deal for his foundation?? OOOOOPPPss that was the Hildebeast but since she is Democrat she is above the law for the most part. Go fly a kite.

Non sequitur which has zero relevance to this thread. Reported.

Reported? For what?

This is wrybaby at home:


Stupid question, not surprising given the source.

Sorry you are such a butt hurt little bitch, again, what part of his post was reportable?

Fuck you.
Jesus said to do unto others as you would had do unto you, not "force people to pay for a bloated government to answer the whims of a bunch of prissy progressive asshats"

Since Jesus supposedly had the power to magically heal the sick and raise the dead for free,

that really wouldn't have been an issue to him, would it?

Jesus can do what he wants, we on the other hand have to follow the Constitution and our own common sense.

and turning healthcare into a Nationwide DMV is not common sense.

common sense is synonymous with pragmatism. You've never shown to have common sense in any of your ideologically biased posts.

Being pragmatic means not wanting to turn over your health care to a bunch of blameless and unaccountable bureaucratic assholes.

Wrong. Being pragmatic, health care begins before birth, and continues for life. It begins with education, when pregnant women eat well and do not smoke, drink alcohol or use illicit and homopahtic drugs without a doctors approval.

It requires preventive medicine, which IMO ought to be provided by the Federal Government to every citizen from cradle to grave. COTUS authorizes to collect taxes to provide for the common Defence and general Welfare. What is more common than preventable diseases?

Maybe they should tell us what churches to go to, what job to do, what food to eat, and how to breathe 60 breaths per minute, not more not less.

Of course if you violate any of these "guidelines", the punishment will be severe.

I don't want government controlling my health care. I don't want chickenshit drone assholes like you deciding how I get treated and how much i get treated. and I surely don't want you to game the system for your cronies and buddies so only the proles have to deal with the bullshit.

Fuck off and ruin your own life, stay the fuck away from mine.
Did he get some energy rich deal for his foundation?? OOOOOPPPss that was the Hildebeast but since she is Democrat she is above the law for the most part. Go fly a kite.

Non sequitur which has zero relevance to this thread. Reported.

Reported? For what?

This is wrybaby at home:


Stupid question, not surprising given the source.

Sorry you are such a butt hurt little bitch, again, what part of his post was reportable?

Fuck you.

Awww, did I hurt your feeeewings you cocksucking government stoodge?
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow, attacking the man's faith based on your disagreement with his political beliefs.
Nice move, snowflake. :p

Hypocrite ^^^! I have a very good reason to question his faith, his vote yesterday belies everything Jesus taught.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow, attacking the man's faith based on your disagreement with his political beliefs.
Nice move, snowflake. :p

Hypocrite ^^^! I have a very good reason to question his faith, his vote yesterday belies everything Jesus taught.

jesus said help the sinner, not make government help the sinner.
Did he get some energy rich deal for his foundation?? OOOOOPPPss that was the Hildebeast but since she is Democrat she is above the law for the most part. Go fly a kite.

Non sequitur which has zero relevance to this thread. Reported.

Reported? For what?

This is wrybaby at home:


Stupid question, not surprising given the source.

Sorry you are such a butt hurt little bitch, again, what part of his post was reportable?

Fuck you.

That's the wonderful tolerance that we've learned to deal with from you wackos.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow. American doesn't even make his list.

Like so many on the right, it's party and/or ideology over country.

If Pence had his way he'd add the Bible to the Constitution as an amendment, with the stipulation that Bible rules trumped all else in the Constitution.

Technically if the Bible was added to the end of the constitution as an amendment it would trump everything else. because it would by default repeal anything prior to the amendment.

But there is no evidence pence wants to do something like that. Like most Christians who follow the Bible we want religious liberty.

You have religious liberty, but that liberty is restrained when your beliefs harm others.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
Wow. American doesn't even make his list.

Like so many on the right, it's party and/or ideology over country.

If Pence had his way he'd add the Bible to the Constitution as an amendment, with the stipulation that Bible rules trumped all else in the Constitution.

Technically if the Bible was added to the end of the constitution as an amendment it would trump everything else. because it would by default repeal anything prior to the amendment.

But there is no evidence pence wants to do something like that. Like most Christians who follow the Bible we want religious liberty.

You have religious liberty, but that liberty is restrained when your beliefs harm others.

A person is not harmed when they have to spend 30 minutes finding another baker for their wedding cake.
Non sequitur which has zero relevance to this thread. Reported.

Reported? For what?

This is wrybaby at home:


Stupid question, not surprising given the source.

Sorry you are such a butt hurt little bitch, again, what part of his post was reportable?

Fuck you.

That's the wonderful tolerance that we've learned to deal with from you wackos.

To be fair I triggered his wussy ass, he has no ability to take any punishment.

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