Pence Tries To Distance Himself From The Trump Family Cesspool. How Will It End?

The work of Special Counsel Mueller continues... tick... tick... tick...
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.

Donald Trump Jr. appears to be in real legal jeopardy. Federal campaign finance law prohibits political campaigns from soliciting any “thing of value” from foreign nationals. By that standard, Mr. Trump’s acceptance of the offer to see Ms. Veselnitskaya certainly looks bad. Any charges along these lines could be filed by Robert Mueller III, the special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation, or by the Justice Department under the direction of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who took over all Russia-related matters after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself in March.“ Opinion | Donald Trump Jr. Makes the Russian Connection

Donald Trump Jr. Emails Paint Serious Case of Campaign Finance Violations
Posted on July 11, 2017 8:28 am by Rick Hasen
Just to recap where we are:

It is illegal for a person to solicit a contribution to a campaign from a foreign individual or entity. To solicit:

means to ask, request, or recommend, explicitly or implicitly, that another person make a contribution, donation, transfer of funds, or otherwise provide anything of value. A solicitation is an oral or written communication that, construed as reasonably understood in the context in which it is made, contains a clear message asking, requesting, or recommending that another person make a contribution, donation, transfer of funds, or otherwise provide anything of value. A solicitation may be made directly or indirectly. The context includes the conduct of persons involved in the communication. A solicitation does not include mere statements of political support or mere guidance as to the applicability of a particular law or regulation. Donald Trump Jr. Emails Paint Serious Case of Campaign Finance Violations | Election Law Blog
The work of Special Counsel Mueller continues... tick... tick... tick...
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
The work of Special Counsel Mueller continues... tick... tick... tick...
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family


View attachment 138342

A criminal president and his whole crooked family.

If it gets really bad, he'll be President
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
You ain't got shit. You never will because they are all lies.
The work of Special Counsel Mueller continues... tick... tick... tick...
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
It is also possible other laws were broken, such as the laws against coordinating with a foreign entity on an expenditure. There could also be related obstruction, racketeering, or conspiracy charges, but these are really outside my area of specialization and I cannot say.

But there’s a lot for prosecutors to sink their teeth into. Pretty close to the smoking gun people were looking for.
Donald Trump Jr. Emails Paint Serious Case of Campaign Finance Violations | Election Law Blog
The work of Special Counsel Mueller continues... tick... tick... tick...
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
It is also possible other laws were broken, such as the laws against coordinating with a foreign entity on an expenditure. There could also be related obstruction, racketeering, or conspiracy charges, but these are really outside my area of specialization and I cannot say.

But there’s a lot for prosecutors to sink their teeth into. Pretty close to the smoking gun people were looking for.
Donald Trump Jr. Emails Paint Serious Case of Campaign Finance Violations | Election Law Blog
"It is also possible...", Now that's what I call proof!
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
You ain't got shit. You never will because they are all lies.
Name a single lie, sweetie pie!
The work of Special Counsel Mueller continues... tick... tick... tick...
I hope you keep laughing when the indictments are handed down.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
It is also possible other laws were broken, such as the laws against coordinating with a foreign entity on an expenditure. There could also be related obstruction, racketeering, or conspiracy charges, but these are really outside my area of specialization and I cannot say.

But there’s a lot for prosecutors to sink their teeth into. Pretty close to the smoking gun people were looking for.
Donald Trump Jr. Emails Paint Serious Case of Campaign Finance Violations | Election Law Blog

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda.
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
For what? Quote the law that was broken.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
You ain't got shit. You never will because they are all lies.
Name a single lie, sweetie pie!
You claim indictments will come. That's a lie.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
You ain't got shit. You never will because they are all lies.
Name a single lie, sweetie pie!
You claim indictments will come. That's a lie.
Why exactly is it a lie? There is no ongoing investigation of Trump, his campaign, and his entire white house?
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
You ain't got shit. You never will because they are all lies.
Name a single lie, sweetie pie!
You claim indictments will come. That's a lie.
Why exactly is it a lie? There is no ongoing investigation of Trump, his campaign, and his entire white house?
I'm finished with your traitor ass.
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
You ain't got shit. You never will because they are all lies.
Name a single lie, sweetie pie!
You claim indictments will come. That's a lie.
Why exactly is it a lie? There is no ongoing investigation of Trump, his campaign, and his entire white house?
I'm finished with your traitor ass.
You are defending the involvement of a foreign country in our elections, and I am the traitor?? You are one sick, demented phyuck.
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Ask the special prosecutor, honey bunch- he will give you an earfull.
You are the ones making the claims, Stop playing games and answer the question. You said indictments will be handed down, what indictments, or more likely, are you lying?
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
You ain't got shit. You never will because they are all lies.
Name a single lie, sweetie pie!
You claim indictments will come. That's a lie.
It appears that you don't understand the definition of "lie" A prediction cannot be a lie just because you don't like it. In fact it can never be a lie.
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
Libs get worse anyway. Which is what I voted for. Thanks.
Cant imagine what the next revelation will be, but its not far away. If only we had a REAL President back in office
We do and your constant threats, going on 8 months now, are comical.
No threats at all, just the facts as I see them. its going to get a whole lot worse for the trump cabal.
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family


View attachment 138342

A criminal president and his whole crooked family.

There's nothing to deny, moron. No crime has been uncovered. There's no "there" there.
Just how do you know that no crime has been uncovered. The special prosecutor has a whole lot more facts than you could ever imagine.
ROFL! Where's the evidence, moron? Constantly bleating that we don't know what Mewler has uncovered only shows you have no evidence. You got nothing.
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family


View attachment 138342

A criminal president and his whole crooked family.

There's nothing to deny, moron. No crime has been uncovered. There's no "there" there.
Just how do you know that no crime has been uncovered. The special prosecutor has a whole lot more facts than you could ever imagine.
ROFL! Where's the evidence, moron? Constantly bleating that we don't know what Mewler has uncovered only shows you have no evidence. You got nothing.
Am I the one who is supposed to have the evidence, Homer? you are more desperate by the day honey bunch.
Just my opinion, honey bunch. It gets worsese and worse each day.
Libs get worse anyway. Which is what I voted for. Thanks.
Cant imagine what the next revelation will be, but its not far away. If only we had a REAL President back in office
We do and your constant threats, going on 8 months now, are comical.
No threats at all, just the facts as I see them. its going to get a whole lot worse for the trump cabal.
Your brain is a filter that screens out all facts not relevant to your delusions.

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