Pentagon Officials:Russian Bounty Program NOT Corroborated

Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
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Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.

It never happened. But again, if it did, we have to stop thinking that we can do to others but it's wrong for them to do the same to us in return.

If it's wrong, it's wrong. It's wrong when we do it also.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
Prove that Russian "bounties" exist, if you can't, you're the lying sack of shit:
1. Show us the flyer advertising the Russian "bounty" (if its not advertised, how does the Tailban know its real?)
2. What is the "proof" of the kill? Everyone would be claiming "kills".
3. When did the "bounty" start? The war is ongoing for 19-years. Why wasn't the bounty happening for Obama and Biden????
4. After Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the Steele Dossier, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news"(like the Russian bounty), Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the deep state leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, and now the Russian "bounty", we know bullshit when we see it.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.
I wonder what kind of illness makes people like you two assign the “warmonger” label to people who despise war and seek diplomacy and international cooperation to avoid it?

You have actual warmongers in America who you could spend time attacking. You also have morons like Trump who would go to war in a moment if he thought it would earn him a second term.

But no. You wouldn’t want to do that. That would leave you exposed.

Can I assume that I am not going to find out who these people I'm supposed to be supporting are?
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

Is there the glimmer of an idea there or is this just a drive by slagging?

1000 post a month posters.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

No they don't. The intel agencies would NOT put such items in the Presidential brief unless they believed the intel was correct and factual. In this case, the intel included proof of the transfer of funds to Taliban bank accounts by the Russian government following American deaths.

You can google it. You're on track for 19,000 posts here in your first year. That's 52 posts per day, none of which is backup with anything other than your snotty remarks. Start backing up your bullshit bucko.

1000 post a month posters are suspect. Posters who post 1500 times are month aren't "suspect". We know who and what you are. Please note that future demands for verification of my posts will be ignored. Google it A$$hat.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

Is there the glimmer of an idea there or is this just a drive by slagging?

1000 post a month posters.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

No they don't. The intel agencies would NOT put such items in the Presidential brief unless they believed the intel was correct and factual. In this case, the intel included proof of the transfer of funds to Taliban bank accounts by the Russian government following American deaths.

You can google it. You're on track for 19,000 posts here in your first year. That's 52 posts per day, none of which is backup with anything other than your snotty remarks. Start backing up your bullshit bucko.

1000 post a month posters are suspect. Posters who post 1500 times are month aren't "suspect". We know who and what you are. Please note that future demands for verification of my posts will be ignored. Google it A$$hat.

One can not google what does not exist.
Americans are quite literally paying in blood for Trump's pandering to Putin

Something has been off about that Trump-Putin bromance since the beginning...and i say this as someone who usually supports bromances
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Americans are quite literally paying in blood for Trump's pandering to Putin

Something has been off about that Trump-Putin bromance since the beginning...and i say this as someone who usually supports bromances
The AFG war has been ongoing for 19-years. Trump spent 3-years getting us out. We should be all the way out by November.
So who spent US blood and who is saving US blood? Fuck-off with that "Putin" horseshit. We wasted more than enough time and money on the Mueller Hoax. The real Putin coxuckers are the democrats, the DNC/Hillary campaign paid Russians for the Steele Dossier, that's a fact.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

Is there the glimmer of an idea there or is this just a drive by slagging?

1000 post a month posters.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

No they don't. The intel agencies would NOT put such items in the Presidential brief unless they believed the intel was correct and factual. In this case, the intel included proof of the transfer of funds to Taliban bank accounts by the Russian government following American deaths.

You can google it. You're on track for 19,000 posts here in your first year. That's 52 posts per day, none of which is backup with anything other than your snotty remarks. Start backing up your bullshit bucko.

1000 post a month posters are suspect. Posters who post 1500 times are month aren't "suspect". We know who and what you are. Please note that future demands for verification of my posts will be ignored. Google it A$$hat.
. The intel agencies would NOT put such items in the Presidential brief unless they believed the intel was correct and factual.

Exactly. That's why it was never in a PDB, you raving lunatic.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

Is there the glimmer of an idea there or is this just a drive by slagging?

1000 post a month posters.
Russia had nothing to gain with 2-3 dead soldiers. Besides as I said before, even if they did, turn about is fair play.

Yet another 1000 post a month poster is defending Putin and the Russians paying bounties on American soldiers. What kind of an American is OK with your military being targetted in this way?

Thank you for outing yourself, you lying piece of shit.
The story is shit, like you.

Everyone in intel says there is no evidence. Lefty media spews buy it like the mindless sheep you are.

No they don't. The intel agencies would NOT put such items in the Presidential brief unless they believed the intel was correct and factual. In this case, the intel included proof of the transfer of funds to Taliban bank accounts by the Russian government following American deaths.

You can google it. You're on track for 19,000 posts here in your first year. That's 52 posts per day, none of which is backup with anything other than your snotty remarks. Start backing up your bullshit bucko.

1000 post a month posters are suspect. Posters who post 1500 times are month aren't "suspect". We know who and what you are. Please note that future demands for verification of my posts will be ignored. Google it A$$hat.
Please note that future demands for verification of my posts will be ignored. Google it A$$hat.

Google says you are full of shit too.

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