People of color

In 2008, its communications director Carla Sims said "the term 'colored' is not derogatory, [the NAACP] chose the word 'colored' because it was the most positive description commonly used [in 1909, when the association was founded].

Colored - Wikipedia
WTF??? Black wasn't GOOD enough back then bro???

Dont make me keep you "after school" to drops some knowledge about YOUR cultural heritage.. M'Kay??

Can black people ONE TIME get to define what we call ourselves without whites thinking they get to have a say?

We didn't make up the term white. Whites did that. Thenthey decided what they could call us. How about you just call us what WE say we are instead of what you whites decide you want to call us.
Can black people ONE TIME get to define what we call ourselves without whites thinking they get to have a say?

i wont boost text size or bold this but -- IT WAS BLACK PEOPLE in the NAACP that I quoted. In fact, the quote came from NAACP in 2008. Their "one time" to decide what they called themselves is STILL BEING DEFENDED to this day. Go fire those oreos and hire REAL blacks.

Wasn't me saying all that. You don't know the history of the term apparently.
I mean an AI can quite easily pick out your "race" so i'm not sure that's true

Race doesn't really exist in sub saharan Africa relative to the rest of the world...But it pretty obviously exists

This is a map of our paternal lines. Pretty clear with this information alone that if race doesn't exist lineages certainly do. Just playing semantic games. We have obvious genetic and phenotypical differences. You can be mixed. But pre ~1500 CE these maps worked really really well as predictors. Still do in much of the world although not the Americas

An AI is still programmed by people.

And superficial differences in skin color and eye shape are the entire basis for the social construct of race.

I don't know how many time I have to say it and link to sources that say race has absolutely no basis in biology before you people so stuck on skin color realize that race is a made up human social construct designed to marginalize entire popuations
Actually science made up those terms for race. AND they still are valuable in medicine, legal, historical contexts.

If you want to call me a Caucasian -- I dont care. Science is racist aint it?
Actually race is a social construct with no basis in biology or genetics

An AI is still programmed by people.

And superficial differences in skin color and eye shape are the entire basis for the social construct of race.

I don't know how many time I have to say it and link to sources that say race has absolutely no basis in biology before you people so stuck on skin color realize that race is a made up human social construct designed to marginalize entire popuations

I should have been more clear, just looking at your bone structure, no skin/hair/eye color etc

AI can tell
Can black people ONE TIME get to define what we call ourselves without whites thinking they get to have a say?

We didn't make up the term white. Whites did that. Thenthey decided what they could call us. How about you just call us what WE say we are instead of what you whites decide you want to call us.

You're trying to define what the whites call you not what you call yourselves

Last i checked many prefer ******, lol
And who programs it what to look for?

It's just data driven, there is a lot less human interaction than I think you're imagining.

Just like the algos you do with captchas to identify things on the road for self driving cars.

The goal is to create an algo that accurately identifies people with their self reported race. Which again an AI can do with great accuracy with just bone structure. Which implies race very much exists. And that calipers are a legitimate way to measure it.
It's just data driven, there is a lot less human interaction than I think you're imagining.

Just like the algos you do with captchas to identify things on the road for self driving cars.

The goal is to create an algo that accurately identifies people with their self reported race. Which again an AI can do with great accuracy with just bone structure. Which implies race very much exists. And that calipers are a legitimate way to measure it.
Race has no basis in biology.
An AI is still programmed by people.

And superficial differences in skin color and eye shape are the entire basis for the social construct of race.

I don't know how many time I have to say it and link to sources that say race has absolutely no basis in biology before you people so stuck on skin color realize that race is a made up human social construct designed to marginalize entire popuations

Race is ESSENTIAL to medical treatment and diagnosis. The diagnosis part of that is SOMEWHAT a social construct since it includes proclivities to HBPressure, cholesterol, diet, and poor medical access. But the rest of diagnosis and treatment is GENEOLOGY that's specific to gene segments associated with race.

Not a very common disease, but sickle cell anemia is almost exclusively black. About 2 in every 1000 black folks -- for instance.

And it's not just skin color and eye shape. It's muscle, hair, lips, body build and any number other race genetic traits.

None of that should ever BE USED to marginalized anyone, but scientifically, with treatments and diagnoses SPECIFIC to genetics INCREASING, medicine can NOT be "color blind"..
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Race is ESSENTIAL to medical treatment and diagnosis. The diagnosis part of that is SOMEWHAT a social construct since it includes proclivities to HBPressure, cholesterol, diet, and poor medical access. But the rest of diagnosis and treatment is GENEOLOGY that's specific to gene segments associated with race.

Not a very common disease, but sickle cell anemia is almost exclusively black. About 2 in every 1000 black folks -- for instance.

And it's not just skin color and eye shape. It's muscle, hair, lips, body build and any number other race genetic traits.

None of that should ever BE USED to marginalized anyone, but scientifically, with treatments and diagnoses SPECIFIC to genetics INCREASING, medicine can NOT be "color blind"..

Sickle cell is a result of environmental factors, specifically malaria carrying mosquitos not skin color.
I'll take the word of the geneticists.

AIs are programmed by people to recognize race.

If we didn't have any differences...It couldn't pick us out

The geneticists will tell you race exists, lol

They just aren't sure how to define it exactly. What the fuck do you think 23 and me is?
If we didn't have any differences...It couldn't pick us out

The geneticists will tell you race exists, lol

They just aren't sure how to define it exactly. What the fuck do you think 23 and me is?
Physical variations in skin color and bones are the result of environmental factors and are to be expected.

That has nothing to do with race as we define it.

Sickle cell is a result of environmental factors, specifically malaria carrying mosquitos not skin color.

Might be the VECTOR for that disease, but INFECTIONS OUTSIDE black geneology is almost non-existent. And that's just the most recognized disparity in disease. There's DOZENS of others that are treated and diagnosed differently BY RACE because of things like SEVERITY increases by race,.
Physical variations in skin color and bones are the result of environmental factors and are to be expected.

That has nothing to do with race as we define it.

If an AI can accurately categorize us

So can a human

That simple.

Just playing semantic games that are above you. Stop

Annoys me when geniuses do it on this topic. Certainly going to annoy me when you try.
Might be the VECTOR for that disease, but INFECTIONS OUTSIDE black geneology is almost non-existent. And that's just the most recognized disparity in disease. There's DOZENS of others that are treated and diagnosed differently BY RACE because of things like SEVERITY increases by race,.
Because the darker skinned humans lived in areas where malaria was preventable enough long enough to allow natural selection to work.

These things you are ascribing to race are all explainable by environmental causes

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