People on Twitter Tell Trump No One Wants To Come To His ‘Shithole Country’

We have an honest President. And that's a shock to the system for most Americans. Trump's correct on Immigration. Accepting folks in from only 'shithole' nations doesn't benefit American Citizens. It actually only makes things tougher for them.

Time to rebuild our dismantled Immigration System. It needs to be rebuilt into a system designed to benefit American Citizens. We aren't obligated to accept anyone into our nation. It's time for a dramatic shift in how we manage Immigration.
HONEST? Are you from fn Mars? This pos doesn't have an honest bone in his body and that was way before you elected the AH ,,,2000 lies since he entered?? Now he says he didn't say shithole Sen Durbin said he not only said it bus repeated it too Who are u going to believe Durbin or the world class liar?? Never mind I know your answer

He's honest and Spot On when it comes to Immigration. We're at a tipping-point with Immigration now. Is this mass Immigration benefiting American Citizens? I would say no at this point. It's costing us $Billions and American Citizens are losing their jobs.

We shouldn't be forced to accept more in from all those 'shitholes', when it becomes a detriment to our own People. And that's where we're at with Immigration now. We're not obligated to accept people into our country. It's our choice. It's now time to end Illegal Immigration for good, and place serious limits on Immigration all-together.
American citizens losing their jobs ?? Are you as big a fn liar as Trump? Our unemployment # is just around 4% It was over 9% with bush

We've reached a tipping-point on Immigration. It's no longer benefiting American Citizens. It's costing us $Billions and costing us American Jobs. We aren't obligated to accept people in, if it becomes a detriment to our own People. It's time to end Illegal Immigration period, and set new stringent requirements on Immigration all-together.
We have an honest President. And that's a shock to the system for most Americans. Trump's correct on Immigration. Accepting folks in from only 'shithole' nations doesn't benefit American Citizens. It actually only makes things tougher for them.

Time to rebuild our dismantled Immigration System. It needs to be rebuilt into a system designed to benefit American Citizens. We aren't obligated to accept anyone into our nation. It's time for a dramatic shift in how we manage Immigration.
HONEST? Are you from fn Mars? This pos doesn't have an honest bone in his body and that was way before you elected the AH ,,,2000 lies since he entered?? Now he says he didn't say shithole Sen Durbin said he not only said it bus repeated it too Who are u going to believe Durbin or the world class liar?? Never mind I know your answer

He's honest and Spot On when it comes to Immigration. We're at a tipping-point with Immigration now. Is this mass Immigration benefiting American Citizens? I would say no at this point. It's costing us $Billions and American Citizens are losing their jobs.

We shouldn't be forced to accept more in from all those 'shitholes', when it becomes a detriment to our own People. And that's where we're at with Immigration now. We're not obligated to accept people into our country. It's our choice. It's now time to end Illegal Immigration for good, and place serious limits on Immigration all-together.
American citizens losing their jobs ?? Are you as big a fn liar as Trump? Our unemployment # is just around 4% It was over 9% with bush

Unemployment around 4%, yes indeed...thank you President Trump.
yeah 4.7 down from 9 under obama
As often as you bad mouth still came crawling here looking for a "better" life.....interesting

Or are you a bunch of criminals Norway rejected? (Most likely)

If the USA is so "awful" and Norway is so "great".....
Go the fuck home already.

Typical fucking hypocrites.
Always have their hands out sucking off someone elses hard work and prosperity.....but NEVER appreciating anything.
oh they appreciate America ,,,,,the way it was before you put a racist prick of misery in our WH A moron who has no knowledge of how gov't runs or how to talk to people

Yep, Obama was certainly a racist prick who had no idea how government works and wanted to destroy this great country.
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
oh they appreciate America ,,,,,the way it was before you put a racist prick of misery in our WH A moron who has no knowledge of how gov't runs or how to talk to people

Yep, Obama was certainly a racist prick who had no idea how government works and wanted to destroy this great country.
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
honestly speaking ,don't think I could do half as well with Hillary I just hate Trump and everything he stands for He acts like a real stupid man would in our WH
Yep, Obama was certainly a racist prick who had no idea how government works and wanted to destroy this great country.
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
honestly speaking ,don't think I could do half as well with Hillary I just hate Trump and everything he stands for He acts like a real stupid man would in our WH

just curious, what specifically does he stand for that you hate?
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
honestly speaking ,don't think I could do half as well with Hillary I just hate Trump and everything he stands for He acts like a real stupid man would in our WH

just curious, what specifically does he stand for that you hate?
I'm a New Yorker and he has a racist history as well as ripping off people who worked for him His comments about grabbing pussy didn't endear me to him either AND THEN all the lies he spouted when he was up against 17 others looking for the job other words he has no filter
People of the world, please do not judge the vast majority of American Citizens by the words of Trump, and how they are defended by a minority of bigots who post hateful and disgusting comments.

The vast majority of American Citizens are warm, welcoming and compassionate; the words of some, the loud, the vulgar and the ignorant are a minority, and are an embarrassment to Main Street Americans.

Yeah just judge America by this guy

Bear surely you must know this AH in the WH now is delusional Gave great speeches, people wrote letters extolling him Greatest speech to the boy scouts etc etc ALL BS... he has a warped mind

He does that to troll you, it works everytime and it's fucking hilarious
so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
honestly speaking ,don't think I could do half as well with Hillary I just hate Trump and everything he stands for He acts like a real stupid man would in our WH

just curious, what specifically does he stand for that you hate?
I'm a New Yorker and he has a racist history as well as ripping off people who worked for him His comments about grabbing pussy didn't endear me to him either AND THEN all the lies he spouted when he was up against 17 others looking for the job other words he has no filter
racist history to whom?
Was it when he forced Palm Beach (leftwing city) to allow blacks and jews in their golf club?
or was it when he hired the first woman to head a construction project......because she was white.....he's such a racist
or was it when Jesse Jackson praised What Trump had done and was doing for black folks?

A shithole....

A record never to be broken ,,2000 lies in just one year Can he beat that this year?? Stay tuned

Ah a talking point, and it's never verified
We have an honest President. And that's a shock to the system for most Americans. Trump's correct on Immigration. Accepting folks in from only 'shithole' nations doesn't benefit American Citizens. It actually only makes things tougher for them.

Time to rebuild our dismantled Immigration System. It needs to be rebuilt into a system designed to benefit American Citizens. We aren't obligated to accept anyone into our nation. It's time for a dramatic shift in how we manage Immigration.
HONEST? Are you from fn Mars? This pos doesn't have an honest bone in his body and that was way before you elected the AH ,,,2000 lies since he entered?? Now he says he didn't say shithole Sen Durbin said he not only said it bus repeated it too Who are u going to believe Durbin or the world class liar?? Never mind I know your answer

You looked the other way when O was telling you sweet lies. No one cares and your concerns fall on deaf ears.
there are small lies big lies and damn lies brownie,,,you repubs are the masters of damn lies

Wrong, dems lied us into 8trillion more in debt. Both parties hate this country.
oh they appreciate America ,,,,,the way it was before you put a racist prick of misery in our WH A moron who has no knowledge of how gov't runs or how to talk to people

Yep, Obama was certainly a racist prick who had no idea how government works and wanted to destroy this great country.
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.

Will you still be pleased when amnesty comes and no big beautiful wall gets built?

the wall will be built. as to amnesty, it depends on the details. If the DACA kids have to get in line behind those applying legally, I am fine with it.

Here is where aTeump lacks spine. They are here illegally. Period. It doesn’t matter how they got here illegally, they did. Trump campaigned on getting rid of the DACA amnesty and deporting them back to Mexico. What I don’t get is how rabid the Trumpkins were about Trump when it was pointed out that all he would do is make noise about not granting amnesty, yet here he is all but promising amnesty. He did it right there on TV in front of god and everyone. So then, here we are watching the ruling class deal with the DACA illegals, yet not a peep about security. None. There is no law protecting these DACA people no court has any say unless it’s a criminal court. Trumpkins need to hold Trump to his word. You guys already gave him a pass on 99% of his bull shit. Like the Goldman Sachs thing. They were so evil, yet he hired all their washouts to work in his cabinet. Whatever, Trump said no amnesty, he is waiting to sign it in.
We have an honest President. And that's a shock to the system for most Americans. Trump's correct on Immigration. Accepting folks in from only 'shithole' nations doesn't benefit American Citizens. It actually only makes things tougher for them.

Time to rebuild our dismantled Immigration System. It needs to be rebuilt into a system designed to benefit American Citizens. We aren't obligated to accept anyone into our nation. It's time for a dramatic shift in how we manage Immigration.
HONEST? Are you from fn Mars? This pos doesn't have an honest bone in his body and that was way before you elected the AH ,,,2000 lies since he entered?? Now he says he didn't say shithole Sen Durbin said he not only said it bus repeated it too Who are u going to believe Durbin or the world class liar?? Never mind I know your answer

You looked the other way when O was telling you sweet lies. No one cares and your concerns fall on deaf ears.
there are small lies big lies and damn lies brownie,,,you repubs are the masters of damn lies

Wrong, dems lied us into 8trillion more in debt. Both parties hate this country.

You won the internet.
We have an honest President. And that's a shock to the system for most Americans. Trump's correct on Immigration. Accepting folks in from only 'shithole' nations doesn't benefit American Citizens. It actually only makes things tougher for them.

Time to rebuild our dismantled Immigration System. It needs to be rebuilt into a system designed to benefit American Citizens. We aren't obligated to accept anyone into our nation. It's time for a dramatic shift in how we manage Immigration.
HONEST? Are you from fn Mars? This pos doesn't have an honest bone in his body and that was way before you elected the AH ,,,2000 lies since he entered?? Now he says he didn't say shithole Sen Durbin said he not only said it bus repeated it too Who are u going to believe Durbin or the world class liar?? Never mind I know your answer

He's honest and Spot On when it comes to Immigration. We're at a tipping-point with Immigration now. Is this mass Immigration benefiting American Citizens? I would say no at this point. It's costing us $Billions and American Citizens are losing their jobs.

We shouldn't be forced to accept more in from all those 'shitholes', when it becomes a detriment to our own People. And that's where we're at with Immigration now. We're not obligated to accept people into our country. It's our choice. It's now time to end Illegal Immigration for good, and place serious limits on Immigration all-together.
American citizens losing their jobs ?? Are you as big a fn liar as Trump? Our unemployment # is just around 4% It was over 9% with bush

We've reached a tipping-point on Immigration. It's no longer benefiting American Citizens. It's costing us $Billions and costing us American Jobs. We aren't obligated to accept people in, if it becomes a detriment to our own People. It's time to end Illegal Immigration period, and set new stringent requirements on Immigration all-together.
Liar. We’ve not reached any “ tipping point.”
Starting about 2013 more undocumented workers were leaving the US than coming in.
Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.
Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

Keep up with your fantasy. The only loon bats listening to you are the propaganda news outlets, cnn, msnbc, abc, fox, nbc, cbs.
so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
honestly speaking ,don't think I could do half as well with Hillary I just hate Trump and everything he stands for He acts like a real stupid man would in our WH

just curious, what specifically does he stand for that you hate?
I'm a New Yorker and he has a racist history as well as ripping off people who worked for him His comments about grabbing pussy didn't endear me to him either AND THEN all the lies he spouted when he was up against 17 others looking for the job other words he has no filter
The lengthy list of examples off his racism is well known to all educated people.

POS racist prez: I love my uneducated base.
Looks like Norway has similar feelings about immigration like Trump.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

"The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted"

Norway's migration policy is similar to its attitude towards the European Union (EU). Though it has not joined the EU and remains outside the reach of most EU policy, many of its independent decisions — particularly regarding its relationship to European borders and migration policy management — have a uniquely European character.

The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted, together with its commitment to ensuring social equality for those who arrive, closely fits the model to which many other European countries (with varying degrees of success) aspire.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

Norway is well on it's way to being a muslim shithole.

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