People on Twitter Tell Trump No One Wants To Come To His ‘Shithole Country’

Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

Keep up with your fantasy. The only loon bats listening to you are the propaganda news outlets, cnn, msnbc, abc, fox, nbc, cbs.
All those stations are listening to me?
I just looked out my window and didn’t see any news trucks.
Where are they?
Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

you say that everytime..........and then the truth comes out and you guys look ever more stupid
Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

Keep up with your fantasy. The only loon bats listening to you are the propaganda news outlets, cnn, msnbc, abc, fox, nbc, cbs.
All those stations are listening to me?
I just looked out my window and didn’t see any news trucks.
Where are they?

Of course, you and those propaganda networks radical lib fringe are parrots of each other. The rest of the country doesn't care.
Looks like Norway has similar feelings about immigration like Trump.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

"The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted"

Norway's migration policy is similar to its attitude towards the European Union (EU). Though it has not joined the EU and remains outside the reach of most EU policy, many of its independent decisions — particularly regarding its relationship to European borders and migration policy management — have a uniquely European character.

The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted, together with its commitment to ensuring social equality for those who arrive, closely fits the model to which many other European countries (with varying degrees of success) aspire.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

Norway is well on it's way to being a muslim shithole.

Norway has the happiest people in the world as per year after year.
They tell the truth about ur POS racist prez.... you must attack.
Your masters taught you well.
Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

Keep up with your fantasy. The only loon bats listening to you are the propaganda news outlets, cnn, msnbc, abc, fox, nbc, cbs.
All those stations are listening to me?
I just looked out my window and didn’t see any news trucks.
Where are they?

Of course, you and those propaganda networks radical lib fringe are parrots of each other. The rest of the country doesn't care.
The only propaganda network is Fox and everyone knows it.
Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

I recommend comend some weed for that hyperbole thing you do. Calm down and. or you will pop a blood vessel in your eye or something.
oh they appreciate America ,,,,,the way it was before you put a racist prick of misery in our WH A moron who has no knowledge of how gov't runs or how to talk to people

Yep, Obama was certainly a racist prick who had no idea how government works and wanted to destroy this great country.
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
So have you broken $ 12,000 year yet?
Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

Keep up with your fantasy. The only loon bats listening to you are the propaganda news outlets, cnn, msnbc, abc, fox, nbc, cbs.
All those stations are listening to me?
I just looked out my window and didn’t see any news trucks.
Where are they?

Of course, you and those propaganda networks radical lib fringe are parrots of each other. The rest of the country doesn't care.
The only propaganda network is Fox and everyone knows it.

Nope, all of them are. You're just gullibe and ignorant.
Has the anonymous source been verified yet? No? I didn't think so.

Oh fuck, I thought they had tape, it was an anonymous source? Oh shit, this is about to backfire in the dems face again.......they never learn
You wish. The damage is done and the only thing left is the carnage the racist POS president and the GOP has to deal with.

I recommend comend some weed for that hyperbole thing you do. Calm down and. or you will pop a blood vessel in your eye or something.
If I was any calmer I’d be asleep. You’re a terrible judge of people HEY.. you support a racist POS president.
“@realDonaldTrump no one from Norway wants to come to this shithole country. They have healthcare for all, family leave, free education and real gun control.”

Hit him where it hurts... on Twitter..

People On Twitter Tell Trump No One In Norway Wants To Come To His 'Shithole Country' | HuffPost

Who cares.
Who cares? Most of the world including the USA.
said who? I say black people like fried chicken you guys tout me as a racist because not 100% do
so did you talk to every person in the world......

and if so...we should have no one coming in.......but we don' you're full of shit....
Yep, Obama was certainly a racist prick who had no idea how government works and wanted to destroy this great country.
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
So have you broken $ 12,000 year yet?
I make way more than a few years I could own Haiti
You're free to leave. But if this was true we wouldn’t have illegal immigration or legal immigration
This racist piece of shit president( and that’s the ONLY name he deserves to be called) has managed to unite the world and United States AGAINST him!!!
Well done.
Many Republican congressmen are taking deep sighs of frustration today knowing their careers will over come November.
yes and trump gives the greatest speeches lol all in his fked up mind

so you don't like Trump, that's your right. I am very pleased with what he has done so far. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. He is not a smooth politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a normal person who talks like a normal person talks.

He has been very successful in business and has raised successful normal children who love this country and have a work ethic.

some of his speeches have been very good. You just don't like his message because it might cause you to have to work or loose some of your freebees. Leeches never like the person that stops them from sucking blood.
Here Red some of my freebees You gotta throw that crap at some one else

1-Year Change

good for you, thanks to Trump my net worth has also increased significantly last year.
So have you broken $ 12,000 year yet?
I make way more than a few years I could own Haiti
Yeah that’s why you’re on this forum in the middle of the day.. because you make so much money.
How long have you been unemployed?

Before u come back at me, I retired early because I don’t need to work anymore.
The outrage, particularly and predictably by the media, is obviously meant, at its core, to damage Trump and the GOP at the polls. We'll see what voters really think of this stuff, in November. At least Trump is doing everything he can to sharpen the contrast.
Trump is damaging himself ( and the country) way more than the media can..
That's my guess, but we'll see. My guess was wrong in 2016.
That was another lifetime ago.
He conned enough people to vote for him. THAT won’t happen again.
The holier-than-thou OP needs to wake up about his home country. It seems Norway has it's own share of xenophobia.

Norway's problem with immigration

Media and politicians spread fear about immigration and foreign cultures. This is a new form of racism, says a researcher who studied the public discourse in Norway before and after the terror attacks in 2011.

Terrorist Ander Behring Breivik expressed political motives for his atrocities on July 22 2011, claiming they were acts of “self-defense” against an “Islamic colonisation” of Europe. He elaborates on his world view in a 1500 page, largely plagiarised manifesto. Breivik is now in prison.

The man's sanity was a pivotal topic in the public debate which followed, but so were possible influences on his extreme right-wing ideology. Breivik was a member of the anti-immigrant and politically populist Progress Party in his young adulthood, but quit in 2007.

A recent study suggests that xenophobia is strong in Norway.

Norway's problem with immigration
Norway continues to be one of the best places in the world to live and its people are the happiest. Slamming Norway because they told the truth about your RACIST POS prez isn’t going to work any more.

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