People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans. roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
Incumbents always have an advantage over challengers.

If the Republicans had been the incumbents this could have been much worse than it was.

Think about that.....:biggrin:
We still live in a free country.

too bad for some of you eh?

gawd what excuse haven't we heard for the Democrats getting their asses kicked?
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What good is voting if your elected official never carries out his duty? Kinda renders voting a moot point. I voted, though, for the lesser of two evils. I believe voting has a purpose, but also that not voting sends a message.
One can hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering both parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.
Last edited: roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.

I wonder how many people are lying to me when I ask them if they are going to vote or if they voted?
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering both parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.
If the parties were the same the libs wouldn't be so outraged all the time.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

What good is voting if your elected official never carries out his duty? Kinda renders voting a moot point. I voted, though, for the lesser of two evils. I believe voting has a purpose, but also that not voting sends a message.

Inaction is also action.

I'm waiting for my conservative friends who sat home in 2012 AND on Tuesday to finally figure that out.

A non-vote is a vote FOR the person you don't like.
I don't remember libs complaining about this when the non voters handed the election to obama, twice.

Do you really believe conservatives sat it out in 2008 or 2012? They showed up. Its the young and poor who don't show up for midterms.

You lost those general elections because more people showed up. Republicans always lose when voter turn out is high. That is why they want to suppress and/or discourage voting. Like when they say it doesn't matter. They want you to believe that but they know it matters.

For example, the economy is doing great! How come that hasn't won over any conservatives? Because they don't care how good the economy does. In fact, for the economy to do better, we'd need to take some of the money the rich are sitting on and spread it out to the masses. In other words, tax the rich and corporations more.
What good is voting if your elected official never carries out his duty? Kinda renders voting a moot point. I voted, though, for the lesser of two evils. I believe voting has a purpose, but also that not voting sends a message.
Agreed. Voting for evil is still wrong.



One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering both parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.
If the parties were the same the libs wouldn't be so outraged all the time.
Which party stands against immigration reform. I mean, there are two positions to most issues, right - pro and con. The Democrats are very pro immigration reform. How about the Republican? Not the Republican voters, but the politicians, are they anti immigration reform?

Where is the party which favors mass deportations of illegal infiltrators?
Instead of asking us to pay for infrastructure repair, get it from the rich who've been getting massive tax breaks since 2001. Those tax breaks were suppose to be temporary anyways, right?
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering both parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.
If the parties were the same the libs wouldn't be so outraged all the time.

That is a two way street. I don't expect those with blind loyalty to either party to notice they are hardly different. Different side of the same coin.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

What good is voting if your elected official never carries out his duty? Kinda renders voting a moot point. I voted, though, for the lesser of two evils. I believe voting has a purpose, but also that not voting sends a message.

Inaction is also action.

I'm waiting for my conservative friends who sat home in 2012 AND on Tuesday to finally figure that out.

A non-vote is a vote FOR the person you don't like.

I don't believe for a minute that anyone who labels themselves a "conservative" stayed home Tuesday. Just like no liberal stayed home. Unfortunately there are more self proclaimed "conservatives" than there are "liberals" in America. It's the independents who tend to sit midterm elections out.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

I grew up dirt poor on a farm but yes I am very comfortable now. It's because I work my ass off and invested wisely.

If you really think either party as our best interest at heart then you are living in fantasy world. The two party system has brought us nothing but crushing debt, endless wars, rampant corruption, and crony capitalism. So yes, one can understand why more folks aren't rushing off to the polls.
I don't remember libs complaining about this when the non voters handed the election to obama, twice.

Do you really believe conservatives sat it out in 2008 or 2012? They showed up. Its the young and poor who don't show up for midterms.

You lost those general elections because more people showed up. Republicans always lose when voter turn out is high. That is why they want to suppress and/or discourage voting. Like when they say it doesn't matter. They want you to believe that but they know it matters.

For example, the economy is doing great! How come that hasn't won over any conservatives? Because they don't care how good the economy does. In fact, for the economy to do better, we'd need to take some of the money the rich are sitting on and spread it out to the masses. In other words, tax the rich and corporations more.
Romney and McCain did not energize the base. Many conservatives sat home because they weren't conservative enough, you are entitled to your fantasies, especially your Marxist ones. Higher tax rates don't boost the economy, the people that earned the big bucks pull back, which is why we are still limping along.

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