People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

The problem is low-information voters who follow blindly what their particular political propagandist tells them to do.

Unfortunately, that applies to about 99% of all voters. roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
And guess who's crying today? All the demographics who didn't show up. Blacks, the young, Latinos, Arabs and women. They all had the power to beat trump and today they're blaming the Democrats rather than the people who stayed home.

Your vote matters roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
Actually I disagree

If you voted some asshole into office then you can't complain because you put him there
If I had nothing to do with said asshole being out into office I damn well can complain

But face it folks our politicians are so fucking shitty because they are reflections of the people who put them in office roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
Actually I disagree

If you voted some asshole into office then you can't complain because you put him there
If I had nothing to do with said asshole being out into office I damn well can complain

But face it folks our politicians are so fucking shitty because they are reflections of the people who put them in office
George Carlin said he never complains about the politicians it's the people that suck. roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
Actually I disagree

If you voted some asshole into office then you can't complain because you put him there
If I had nothing to do with said asshole being out into office I damn well can complain

But face it folks our politicians are so fucking shitty because they are reflections of the people who put them in office
George Carlin said he never complains about the politicians it's the people that suck.

There you go roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
And guess who's crying today? All the demographics who didn't show up. Blacks, the young, Latinos, Arabs and women. They all had the power to beat trump and today they're blaming the Democrats rather than the people who stayed home.

Your vote matters

The inherent problem Democrats have is you're dependent on people who want free shit. Inherent in going after people who don't want to work for what they get is getting them to go to the trouble to vote. Republicans always love bad weather in close elections because Democrats won't go out in the rain or snow or cold
The negroes who voted for Obama sat on the porch.
If they had turned out like before today Hillary would be the President elect.
Go back and read my prediction that the negro 'fire wall' was a MSM LIB fantasy.
The LIBs should have clued in when the negro voters stayed home during the Primary in 2014.
But as we've all been reading for months the LIBs and their Pravda MSM are soooooooo 'educated' and politically sophisticated and "smart" they all knew better. roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
And guess who's crying today? All the demographics who didn't show up. Blacks, the young, Latinos, Arabs and women. They all had the power to beat trump and today they're blaming the Democrats rather than the people who stayed home.

Your vote matters

The inherent problem Democrats have is you're dependent on people who want free shit. Inherent in going after people who don't want to work for what they get is getting them to go to the trouble to vote. Republicans always love bad weather in close elections because Democrats won't go out in the rain or snow or cold
The DEMs have advertised their party as the Santa Claus Party.
Now they can't tell an entire race of people with IQs generally in the low eighties that Santa Claus has run out of gifts.
Some of the 'kids' though have been suspecting something like this would happen and this year over two million of them never bothered to come downstairs and sit around the Christmas tree. roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
And guess who's crying today? All the demographics who didn't show up. Blacks, the young, Latinos, Arabs and women. They all had the power to beat trump and today they're blaming the Democrats rather than the people who stayed home.

Your vote matters

The inherent problem Democrats have is you're dependent on people who want free shit. Inherent in going after people who don't want to work for what they get is getting them to go to the trouble to vote. Republicans always love bad weather in close elections because Democrats won't go out in the rain or snow or cold
They're too lazy to even go vote to get their free shit.

On the other hand, as a new Republican, I'm anxiously awaiting my payoff from the GOP now that they won. I'm assuming my taxes are going to be lowered, yes? roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
And guess who's crying today? All the demographics who didn't show up. Blacks, the young, Latinos, Arabs and women. They all had the power to beat trump and today they're blaming the Democrats rather than the people who stayed home.

Your vote matters

The inherent problem Democrats have is you're dependent on people who want free shit. Inherent in going after people who don't want to work for what they get is getting them to go to the trouble to vote. Republicans always love bad weather in close elections because Democrats won't go out in the rain or snow or cold
They're too lazy to even go vote to get their free shit.

On the other hand, as a new Republican, I'm anxiously awaiting my payoff from the GOP now that they won. I'm assuming my taxes are going to be lowered, yes?

We'll see. Republicans and credibility aren't exactly hand in hand
The negroes who voted for Obama sat on the porch.
If they had turned out like before today Hillary would be the President elect.
Go back and read my prediction that the negro 'fire wall' was a MSM LIB fantasy.
The LIBs should have clued in when the negro voters stayed home during the Primary in 2014.
But as we've all been reading for months the LIBs and their Pravda MSM are soooooooo 'educated' and politically sophisticated and "smart" they all knew better.
Shut up! LOL. We knew they weren't going to turn out like we needed.

Republicans want free shit too in the form of tax breaks. The only difference is the Republicans work and the Democrats don't. Republicans want a tax break on the money they make working. Democrats want the Republicans to pay more so the college kids can get cheaper college, so that poor people can get welfare and foodstamps, planned parenthood can get government funding for abortions so poor women don't have to pay for them, obamacare costs the middle class more so poor people can have free coverage,

And liberals and blacks in poor black neighborhoods want the rich neighborhoods to take some of their school tax money and spread it out evenly so all kids get the same amount of money. I used to argue for this but no more. If you are poor living in a poor neighborhood, get out. And don't expect middle class people to pay for your mistake. roommate and I have an agreement..................

If we want to bitch about the way the politics is going in this country, we have to vote.

If we don't vote, we can't complain.

Gives us good incentive to vote, because we both like talking about current events and politics.

And...................if you are bitching about the way politicians are screwing over the people of this country around me, the first question I'm going to ask is "did you vote?"

If the answer is yes, continue to expound upon your views.

If the answer is no, I will then politely tell you that since you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
And guess who's crying today? All the demographics who didn't show up. Blacks, the young, Latinos, Arabs and women. They all had the power to beat trump and today they're blaming the Democrats rather than the people who stayed home.

Your vote matters

The inherent problem Democrats have is you're dependent on people who want free shit. Inherent in going after people who don't want to work for what they get is getting them to go to the trouble to vote. Republicans always love bad weather in close elections because Democrats won't go out in the rain or snow or cold
They're too lazy to even go vote to get their free shit.

On the other hand, as a new Republican, I'm anxiously awaiting my payoff from the GOP now that they won. I'm assuming my taxes are going to be lowered, yes?

We'll see. Republicans and credibility aren't exactly hand in hand

Republicans never lower our tax breaks. Sure they'll show Bush lowered taxes in one place but then taxes and fees went up somewhere else. Bottom line is from 2000-2006 I didn't notice any tax breaks under Bush other than the stimulus checks he sent everyone to prevent or put off a recession. And really all he did was borrow from the debt and put that money he sent us on the debt. So now we owe that money back with interest.

When I pointed that out to Republicans back then they told me to send my check back. LOL. Back then they didn't care about debt because they were the ones racking it up.
Poor candidate choices are the problem. Get a dynamic proven leader to run and see what happens.
Poor candidate choices are the problem. Get a dynamic proven leader to run and see what happens.

I think the people who didn't vote or voted for Trump are going to see that they were wrong. There is a huge difference between the parties and it will be clear to them the GOP is not the party for them. It won't be the first or last time the GOP lets them/us down.

I'm hoping I'm wrong so nothing to do but to prove me wrong.

And it's funny Republicans know all government is corrupt but they stop admitting it the moment Republicans get into power. As if Republicans are not corrupt government. HA! How naive. LOL
Poor candidate choices are the problem. Get a dynamic proven leader to run and see what happens.
The problem is the best candidates have skeletons in their closets and they are not willing to open themselves or their families to the ridicule.

The reason Trump was the answer.

Of course all of the cliches are being used to attack him and they usually work. The world is in shock that they didnt.

As a result of the lies of Trump being a "racist" and linked to the "kkk" we have mass rioting in the streets.

All due to fucking LIES.

That is why the best candidates avoid it. Unfortunately, to the left, only a full blown capitalist hating anti-white American hating socialist will suffice.

Which, is the worst candidate.
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Know what would be good to see? Black people getting pissed about what has been going on and becoming a force in local and national elections in 2016.

Exactly! But they won't. In 2016 less than 40% of them will show up to vote.

Way too many people vote now. People who don't understand the issues or how their positions effect them shouldn't vote, and most people don't, particularly liberals and socons.

Someone who doesn't have an ID and can't follow simple procedures to get a free one don't belong in a voting booth, they have no idea what they are voting on
What good is voting if your elected official never carries out his duty? Kinda renders voting a moot point. I voted, though, for the lesser of two evils. I believe voting has a purpose, but also that not voting sends a message.

What message did blacks send by not voting? Because from what I hear they don't like Republicans. So who did they punish by not showing up for hillary like they did for Obama.

Would the message mean more if they showed up and voted for trump or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein? I think you know the smarter move is to show up and be counted.

We're you not taught how important voting is growing up? Have you ever not voted? I don't think you can call yourself a good citizen if you don't vote. It's literally the least you can do.

I stopped caring about Muslims blacks Hispanics women and young people issues. They don't matter to me anymore because they all didn't show up.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering both parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.
If the parties were the same the libs wouldn't be so outraged all the time.
It's always conservatives telling people there's no difference. They're trying to get people to not show up. Meanwhile the con saying that knows there's a difference

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