Perhaps Trump should refuse to honor Mueller's subpoena

The President is NOT above the law
You snowflakes claimed Barry was....
Got a link for that??


It's all over this board RIGHT NOW...YOU do it EVERY DAY

Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, aiding, abetting, and dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists like Al Qaeda (who slaughtered 3,000 Americans) and ISIS
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Barry illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels, aided Human Traffickers, and helped protect the International terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug industry
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Barry illegally spied on reporters, the media, American citizens, US Senators, and even USSC Justices
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Evidence shows Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid evidence of Russian crimes in 2009 and facilitated their purchase of Uranium one along with the acquisition of 20$ of our supply of Uranium
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Evidence shows Comey, Lynch, and Obama hid evidence of Russian Hacking, PsyOps programs in the US, and interference from 2014 - 2016
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Evidence shows Hillary broke laws, committing thousands of crimes and Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Obama, the DOJ, and the FBI obstructed justice and protected her from prosecution
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'
Even a tard understands that with a Republican House, a GOP Senate and a Conservative court, if Obama had done half that, he would have been eviscerated.

But for some reason, the obvious is simply too difficult for you to comprehend. Guess you don't rise to the level of understanding the obvious. Pity.

Sergei doesn't get paid to tell the truth.
The President should simply insist on ONE THING from Mueller before he agrees to testify under oath:


That would end the investigation right there, because Mueller / Democrats have no evidence.
You only need the perception of wrongdoing to investigate.
Look at what Republicans did to Obama and Clinton.

And found nothing.

Did you take dumb pills today? Usually, you are a little more on the ball.
Desperate much/
Wrong, wild willie lied in a deposition.

Let's see, I write:
Should your orange hero be exempt because he is "really smart" and a "very stable genius" ???

.................and your half brain responds with the above????.......LOL

But you voted for the brown buffoon who despised this country.
That's a flat out lie.

Which makes you a racist creep.

OMG, you're not supposed to bow. You're supposed to be embarrassed.

Anti racism just doesn't "take" when it comes to the GOP.

Nope, not a racist. Thats about as racist as someone calling trump the orange hero. Go sob yourself to sleep you sad little bigot.
Wrong, wild willie lied in a deposition.

Let's see, I write:
Should your orange hero be exempt because he is "really smart" and a "very stable genius" ???

.................and your half brain responds with the above????.......LOL

But you voted for the brown buffoon who despised this country.
That's a flat out lie.

Which makes you a racist creep.

OMG, you're not supposed to bow. You're supposed to be embarrassed.

Anti racism just doesn't "take" when it comes to the GOP.

Nope, not a racist. Thats about as racist as someone calling trump the orange hero. Go sob yourself to sleep you sad little bigot.
Sorry racist. Doesn't work.

Trump paints himself orange.

Obama was born brown.

That makes you a racist. Yesterday, today and probably tomorrow.

The President is NOT above the law
You snowflakes claimed Barry was....
Got a link for that??


It's all over this board RIGHT NOW...YOU do it EVERY DAY

Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, aiding, abetting, and dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists like Al Qaeda (who slaughtered 3,000 Americans) and ISIS
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Barry illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels, aided Human Traffickers, and helped protect the International terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug industry
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Barry illegally spied on reporters, the media, American citizens, US Senators, and even USSC Justices
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Evidence shows Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid evidence of Russian crimes in 2009 and facilitated their purchase of Uranium one along with the acquisition of 20$ of our supply of Uranium
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Evidence shows Comey, Lynch, and Obama hid evidence of Russian Hacking, PsyOps programs in the US, and interference from 2014 - 2016
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'

Evidence shows Hillary broke laws, committing thousands of crimes and Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Obama, the DOJ, and the FBI obstructed justice and protected her from prosecution
- Snowflakes declare: 'Not Impeachable, Not treasonous, Not a crime, No Scandal there'
Even a tard understands that with a Republican House, a GOP Senate and a Conservative court, if Obama had done half that, he would have been eviscerated.

But for some reason, the obvious is simply too difficult for you to comprehend. Guess you don't rise to the level of understanding the obvious. Pity.

:blahblah: Nothing you just said disproved the FACT I just posted, that snowflakes DID and STILL DO insanely insist Barry never committed an Impeachable act, never broke laws, and that they never and still don't argue he was ever / is above the law.

I just decimated the argument of the opposite with fact / examples.

Snowflakes do the same thing with Hillary. For example...

The FBI has in it's possession over 15,000 (FIFTEEN THOUSAND) official e-mails and documents that were required by law - the FOIA and Federal Records Act - to be turned in to the Govt / State Department...which Hillary never turned in. Each document is a violation of BOTH laws, meaning each document constitutes 2 criminal charges. THAT means considering the criminal violations by Hillary of just those 2 laws - not counting all the others she can be charged with, there are over 30,000 criminal charges Hillary Clinton should have been / should be charged with. The FBI stated in its final report (before they changed it to prevent her from being indicted) that she was found to be 'grossly negligent in the handling of classified'.

Despite there being NO ARGUMENT, despite there being no 'interpretation' - the fact that she broke the law being UNDENIABLE, snowflakes on this board still to this day try to argue that she did not break the law.

Such a declaration only reinforces another thread I posted this morning: 'The Anti-Trump Movement Is Getting DUMBER!'
Trump paints himself orange.
Do you SERIOUSLY not hear (read) how incredibly immature, petty, and pathetic you sound in your butt-hurt, hate-driven, tantrum-throwing rants simply because you can not / will not accept that Donald Trump beat the 2016 DNC FELON Candidate Hillary Clinton?!

Dude..grow up.
Embrace reality.
Give up the childish 'hate'
Move On.

'You're a racist' is one of the 1st ... and last... tactics in the Liberal / Snowflake play book.

They use it as a weapon against anyone who says anything negative / points out the facts against them and as a shield to protect themselves from any negative comments / facts.

They haven't grasped the fact that calling ME, for an example, a racist has no effect because of 2 things:

1. I know I am not. Instead, snowflakes just come across as 5yos on a playground calling others names instead of actual adults attempting to debate the actual facts.

2. The accusation is coming from those whose party, through their own hacked and released personal e-mails, were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...

...not to mention primary riggers, debate cheaters, election fraud perpetrators, etc...
'You're a racist' is one of the 1st ... and last... tactics in the Liberal / Snowflake play book.

They use it as a weapon against anyone who says anything negative / points out the facts against them and as a shield to protect themselves from any negative comments / facts.

They haven't grasped the fact that calling ME, for an example, a racist has no effect because of 2 things:

1. I know I am not. Instead, snowflakes just come across as 5yos on a playground calling others names instead of actual adults attempting to debate the actual facts.

2. The accusation is coming from those whose party, through their own hacked and released personal e-mails, were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...

...not to mention primary riggers, debate cheaters, election fraud perpetrators, etc...
Yeah The tremendous % of black voters voting either for Dems or Against the racist party has no meaning? You have a racist pos in the WH and he attracted you all to the flame
Yeah The tremendous % of black voters voting either for Dems or Against the racist party has no meaning? You have a racist pos in the WH and he attracted you all to the flame

Nice opinion...again, coming from those whose party, through their own hacked and released personal e-mails, were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...who would rather childishly call people names and insult them that discuss like an adult.

Thanks for the demo proving I was right..... :p

9-11.000 - Grand Jury | USAM | Department of Justice

"While grand juries are sometimes described as performing accusatory and investigatory functions, the grand jury's principal function is to determine whether or not there is probable cause to believe that one or more persons committed a certain Federal offense within the venue of the district court. Thus, it has been said that a grand jury has but two functions—to indict or, in the alternative, to return a "no-bill." See Wright, Federal Practice and Procedure, Criminal Section 110."
Wrong, wild willie lied in a deposition.

Let's see, I write:
Should your orange hero be exempt because he is "really smart" and a "very stable genius" ???

.................and your half brain responds with the above????.......LOL

But you voted for the brown buffoon who despised this country.
That's a flat out lie.

Which makes you a racist creep.

OMG, you're not supposed to bow. You're supposed to be embarrassed.

Anti racism just doesn't "take" when it comes to the GOP.

Nope, not a racist. Thats about as racist as someone calling trump the orange hero. Go sob yourself to sleep you sad little bigot.
Sorry racist. Doesn't work.

Trump paints himself orange.

Obama was born brown.

That makes you a racist. Yesterday, today and probably tomorrow.


Nope, but I fully expect you to continue on with your bigotry, hatred, prejudice, and division.
Let's see, I write:
Should your orange hero be exempt because he is "really smart" and a "very stable genius" ???

.................and your half brain responds with the above????.......LOL

But you voted for the brown buffoon who despised this country.
That's a flat out lie.

Which makes you a racist creep.

OMG, you're not supposed to bow. You're supposed to be embarrassed.

Anti racism just doesn't "take" when it comes to the GOP.

Nope, not a racist. Thats about as racist as someone calling trump the orange hero. Go sob yourself to sleep you sad little bigot.
Sorry racist. Doesn't work.

Trump paints himself orange.

Obama was born brown.

That makes you a racist. Yesterday, today and probably tomorrow.


Nope, but I fully expect you to continue on with your bigotry, hatred, prejudice, and division.

Odd if you believe bigotry, hatred, prejudice and divisive posts are negatives, it is the grist of most posts by those on the far right, which includes you.
Thats about as racist as someone calling trump the orange hero.

Very "true".........calling Trump an orange hero must insult all those orange growers in Florida........You may have a point there, BrownNose.
The president is in charge of Mueller and can fire his ass any time and all the others right Einstein?

Trump firing Mueller???...........Now that would be FANTASTIC......(please God, make the orange clown fire Mueller and see what happens......LOL)

What would happen? The republicans despise the democrats with a passion and vise versa
But you voted for the brown buffoon who despised this country.
That's a flat out lie.

Which makes you a racist creep.

OMG, you're not supposed to bow. You're supposed to be embarrassed.

Anti racism just doesn't "take" when it comes to the GOP.

Nope, not a racist. Thats about as racist as someone calling trump the orange hero. Go sob yourself to sleep you sad little bigot.
Sorry racist. Doesn't work.

Trump paints himself orange.

Obama was born brown.

That makes you a racist. Yesterday, today and probably tomorrow.


Nope, but I fully expect you to continue on with your bigotry, hatred, prejudice, and division.

Odd if you believe bigotry, hatred, prejudice and divisive posts are negatives, it is the grist of most posts by those on the far right, which includes you.

It's precisely what the mainstream and the major networks push...racism, bigotry, prejudice, hate, division. The irony is that they perpetuate their own aforementioned behavior. These are the hypocrites, slime, and sewer that you cast your lot with as you cast down condemnations in your own self righteous indignation. Its very revolting. Sadly, you find it rewarding and appealing.
Thats about as racist as someone calling trump the orange hero.

Very "true".........calling Trump an orange hero must insult all those orange growers in Florida........You may have a point there, BrownNose.

And yet black unemployment has fallen to lowest levels in history under the organe hero. Why couldnt the brown buffoon do this? Oh yeah, he was too busy pushing his division and racisim.

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