Perry won't run for re election

Go to East Texas, Mud, Tyler to Marshall down to Orange to Beaumont to Houston, an forest of 22mm acres of pine and hardwoods, a forest the size of Indiana. South of I 20 and north of I10 live 3mm people, and the two largest towns are about 30,000 each.
Go to East Texas, Mud, Tyler to Marshall down to Orange to Beaumont to Houston, an forest of 22mm acres of pine and hardwoods, a forest the size of Indiana. South of I 20 and north of I10 live 3mm people, and the two largest towns are about 30,000 each.

Jacksonville to. Lake Palistine is nice for fishing and you can float some on the Natchez. Austin and the area around is nice. When I lived in Texas I spent lots of time in Blanco as its where I hunt. As for Dick Perry not running, I'm already looking at rentals. And I don't think Douchehurst stands a chance. Many of the local conservative radio guys hated Perry, but many hated Douchehurst more. I'll be watching Texas with intrest.
Women are finding out about all these worthless male Republicans since the last election: Perry is an antiabortionist, and even Scot Walker is an antiabortionist. One and all woman-haters.

So none of them will get to run very far for president, so good.

Perry is also running around making excuses as fast as he can about his Senior Moment when he couldn't remember how to talk for 30 seconds on stage during the debates, but that won't work. Once the voters start to laugh, it's all over.

Perry is 1) a mean woman-hater, and 2) has something seriously wrong with his brain.

Nope, he won't be running for president, not very far, anyway.

Perry is a fine man with a lot of common sense. He would be a far superior president to the scumbucket we have now!
Perry is a fine man with a lot of common sense. He would be a far superior president to the scumbucket we have now!

No problem, let him run for president now that he's alienated 55% of the population: the women.

Hey, you all don't need the majority, right? You can elect a president with 45% of the voters because they vote with FEELING, right?

Sheeeeeeeeeeesh. The guy hates women AND he has something wrong with his head. Dan Quayle had better traction than Perry.
Texas Gov. Perry Won't Seek Re-election in 2014
Liberty republicans we got anyone thinking about running?

Nope, he's going to run for POTUS. His platform is 1) to end abortions in America; 2) to end the Federal Income Tax; and 3) to, ah, ummm, try to, ah, ah ..........

Oh god no...!!!! not potus... noo!!!

He's not a republican. He's a democrat that put the republican hat on ... worst governor

Worse even than Bush was... You know no child left behind Bush. You know the guy who started a never ending war against fear.
The funny thing is that the radical left hates Perry for the simple reason that he wants to outlaw the procedure that Dr. Gosnell's horror house specialized in. If the radical left sissies ever witnessed the procedure which is horrific enough if done "legally" not to mention cutting off the heads of accidentally born babies with modified garden shears, they would be pressuring Perry to run for another term.
No problem, let him run for president now that he's alienated 55% of the population: the women.
This presupposes that 55% of the population is comprised of single minded single issue voters who vote as a block which is absurd on its face.

There you go. So no problem, right? You can elect any Republican fascist who wants to stop abortions all over the country, you don't need women to vote for him! I mean, maybe they will, right? Those people in Texas and North Carolina and all coming out by the hundreds and thousands to protest this male oppression:

They're all men, right?

Oh, wait.....they're women? Oh, never mind, I'm sure you can win elections everywhere with a minority of older white men because they are really ANGRY, and that's what counts in the vote.
Perry is a fine man with a lot of common sense. He would be a far superior president to the scumbucket we have now!

No problem, let him run for president now that he's alienated 55% of the population: the women.

Hey, you all don't need the majority, right? You can elect a president with 45% of the voters because they vote with FEELING, right?

Sheeeeeeeeeeesh. The guy hates women AND he has something wrong with his head. Dan Quayle had better traction than Perry.

Could you link to where Perry stated that he hated women. Otherwise, your baseless claims are just emotional rants.
Could you link to where Perry stated that he hated women. Otherwise, your baseless claims are just emotional rants.

Perry is leading the draconian antiabortion bills in the Texas legislature. So it's obvious he hates women. Doing things to grossly harm women is how we can tell men hate women!!!!

You think lots of women around the country are going to vote for someone like that? Shoooooooo, he can't even get approval in TEXAS.

A lot of loser pols get the bright idea that since they've failed in everything else, they should run for president. I can think of several like that. Perry already did it once. I doubt he'll even get as far as the primaries. They put a toe in the water, see it's ice cold and no one will support them, then they go do something else with their lives, like retire.
Perry is a fine man with a lot of common sense. He would be a far superior president to the scumbucket we have now!
Perry is a fine man with a lot of common sense. He would be a far superior president to the scumbucket we have now!

No problem, let him run for president now that he's alienated 55% of the population: the women.

Hey, you all don't need the majority, right? You can elect a president with 45% of the voters because they vote with FEELING, right?

Sheeeeeeeeeeesh. The guy hates women AND he has something wrong with his head. Dan Quayle had better traction than Perry.
You do realize that not all women like baby murdering? Just the irresponsible,lazy ones who just want to have sex and not accept the consequences.
Texas Gov. Perry Won't Seek Re-election in 2014
Liberty republicans we got anyone thinking about running?

Celebrations all around Texas!!!!

Whoot the socialist is leaving whooottt whoott...
As a Texan who would you like to run?

Hopefully Ron Paul will endorse a candidate between now and then.
Maybe Robert Paul? OHHHH! Maybe Ron Paul himself! Ya know the people in his district have constantly re elected him so that would be great!
Could you link to where Perry stated that he hated women. Otherwise, your baseless claims are just emotional rants.

Perry is leading the draconian antiabortion bills in the Texas legislature. So it's obvious he hates women. Doing things to grossly harm women is how we can tell men hate women!!!!

You think lots of women around the country are going to vote for someone like that? Shoooooooo, he can't even get approval in TEXAS.

A lot of loser pols get the bright idea that since they've failed in everything else, they should run for president. I can think of several like that. Perry already did it once. I doubt he'll even get as far as the primaries. They put a toe in the water, see it's ice cold and no one will support them, then they go do something else with their lives, like retire.

Draconian? I hate Perry. But where does this bill have anything to do with Perry? Why is this "draconian?"
Pregnant women in the Crossroads seeking an abortion may encounter stricter guidelines from their doctors if a proposed bill is passed in the Texas Legislature.

Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, plans to introduce legislation that would require what some call more rigid protocols for physicians administering abortion-inducing drugs, such as mifepristone, known formerly as RU-486, to pregnant women.

Patrick's SB 97 would require, among other stipulations, that physicians be required to personally administer all doses of the medication to the pregnant women, even if they occur on multiple days.

The bill also requires physicians to examine the pregnant woman and chart the gestational age and intrauterine location of the pregnancy before administering the drug, as well as execute an emergency plan for unforeseen medical problems that may arise while the woman is on the medication.

Patrick's bill also requires the pregnant woman's doctor to schedule a follow-up visit within 14 days of administering the drug whereby the doctor must determine that the pregnancy is terminated. If any drug-related emergencies occur, the bill also requires physicians to report the events within three days to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or face possible disciplinary action through the Texas Medical Board.

As a Texan who would you like to run?
I like Rand Paul. I like Rubio, though I think he tried to hard on the immigration bill.

I like constitutional conservatives.

Mr. Perry pushed too many authoritarian views of his, IMO. I believe him to be the kind of politician that tells you what he thinks you want to hear.
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