Persecuted clerk of court signs books deal.

I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

Her job and the law required her to issue those license. If she can't do the job she took and oath to, she should have resigned.
I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

Her job and the law required her to issue those license. If she can't do the job she took and oath to, she should have resigned.
What law? The marriage law in Ky was struck down. There is no law currently.

How to get rich in America??? Stand up to the militant gay or race gangs. Suffer briefly. Become famous. Sue and/or get a book deal.
I take it Kim Davis' book won't be a big seller in the LGBT community.

I'm sure the book will do well with the 'perpetually persecuted' and the 'woe is me' crowd. I wish Davis all the best of luck in her new literary endeavor. Give it a couples years and it is sure to be a Penguin Classic.
Maybe then you'll actually read it. More likely, you'll wait for the Little Golden version:


I hope if Davis ever pens a book it contains her recipe on how to make sangria in the toilet.

In all seriousness though, I used to love those books as a kid. lol.

Reading can still be fun for you! I believe in you! Pick up a book, you can do it!

And do it BEFORE you say something inutterably stupid about the information that is contained in that book, but which you have had zero exposure to...

I love you that think you are some beacon of intelligence and enlightenment around here. Get over yourself. You're just some haughty and bitter internet tart with an axe to grind.
Cross grovelers like her, who cash-in on their so-called persecution (of the majority ;) ), sicken me!!!

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I can't stand seeing this woman all over the news. They should impeach her silly arse and be done with her! She is not worth all of this hoopla.
Are you going to pay her $85,000 salary in welfare payments? Everybody has a right to work, even Christians.
I take it Kim Davis' book won't be a big seller in the LGBT community.

I'm sure the book will do well with the 'perpetually persecuted' and the 'woe is me' crowd. I wish Davis all the best of luck in her new literary endeavor. Give it a couples years and it is sure to be a Penguin Classic.
Maybe then you'll actually read it. More likely, you'll wait for the Little Golden version:


I hope if Davis ever pens a book it contains her recipe on how to make sangria in the toilet.

In all seriousness though, I used to love those books as a kid. lol.

Reading can still be fun for you! I believe in you! Pick up a book, you can do it!

And do it BEFORE you say something inutterably stupid about the information that is contained in that book, but which you have had zero exposure to...

I love you that think you are some beacon of intelligence and enlightenment around here. Get over yourself. You're just some haughty and bitter internet tart with an axe to grind.

Not so much haughty as hottie, and not bitter, but better.

I just never get over the fact that assholes online, where the world is at your fingertips, are so fucking lazy and stupid that they can't take two minutes out of their rant to actually look up the topic they're ranting about.
And all thee trailer dwelling cross grovelers will spend they money one it!!! A sucker is born again every minute!!

What is so stupid in all this, her fans, the people that will buy this pile of shit book, are the very ones, who whine about being broke because of the governmnet...go figure, eh?
why? with all the books out there why would anyone want to read the rantings of a woman that has one claim to fame - breaking her oath of office? what insight could possibly be gained?

If breaking one's oath of office made people famous then Obama would be a legend in his own time.

No people are interested in the story from Kim's perspective because the fascist corporate owned media is not sharing her side of the story at all.

So a whole lot people will buy her book to read why she did what she did and fill in the gaps.
Her oath of office does not include committing sacrilege at the state's behest.

All save one or two people I've seen commenting on this topic know absolutely NOTHING about what it is a Court Administrator is, or does. They look as stupid blabbing about this as they did laughing at Sarah Palin for saying (correctly) that she had to deal with Russia when she was governor of Alaska, because they were close neighbors and shared waters and other things. The same people who claim superiority to this Court Administrator, and blab about her duties and her job, are the same morons who laughed at the idea of Russia and Alaska having dealings....because they didn't know that Alaska and Russia were close to each other. Fucking idiots.

Her job was to follow the laws of the country. We have a separation between church and state for good reason. Davis failed her job and the law.
If there was a conflict between her job and her faith, she should have resigned. She took an oath to follow the law and serve the people. She failed to do that on both counts.

If she had been muslims, would it be right to require all women to wear a burka before they can be served at the clerks office? Should she give four licenses, so the man can marry four wives?

Religion does not dictate the law. Davis did not have the right to pick a choose which laws or which people she will serve.

If she was a member of a white supremacy church, should she deny the rights of people of different skin color?

Supreme court ruled on the 14 amendment, they did not crate new law. Davis was obliged to follow the law and constitution of the country
Total horseshit. As a STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, an elected official, it is her job to represent her constituents. All she requested was that her name be removed. A simple administrative adjustment that breaks no law and would allow faggots to have their piece of paper.

And at the end of the day, she got exactly what she requested. Because it was a reasonable accommodation to make, and hurt absolutely nobody. Except for the butthurt ignorami of usmb, who via this event have been exposed as the illiterate halfwits they are.
Her job and the law required her to issue those license. If she can't do the job she took and oath to, she should have resigned.

Not when there is a reasonable accommodation for her to keep doing her job.

You libtards are hilariously activating the Christian voters to get into politics and you don't even realize it because you are such morons.
Total horseshit. As a STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR,...

Her title is County Clerk

an elected official, it is her job to represent her constituents.

You are confusing County Clerk with a member of the Legislature.

Her job is the perform her duties in accordance with the law.

All she requested was that her name be removed.

Her name was removed from the Civil Marriage licenses issued from September 4th through September 11th. But that was not good enough for her. When she returned to work on Monday the 14th she:

1. Removed Rowan County from the document, which is not her name.

2. Removed the issuer as "Deputy County Clerk", which is not her name and ordered the form to be completed as a notary and not a Deputy County Clerk​

A simple administrative adjustment that breaks no law and would allow faggots to have their piece of paper.

Incorrect. Kentucky Statute 401.100 requires that Civil Marriage licenses use the form distributed by the State Department of Libraries and Archives and that it contain the signature of the County Clerk or the Deputy County Clerk acting in that capacity. She changed the form to be signed by a notary.

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Her job and the law required her to issue those license. If she can't do the job she took and oath to, she should have resigned.

Not when there is a reasonable accommodation for her to keep doing her job.

You libtards are hilariously activating the Christian voters to get into politics and you don't even realize it because you are such morons.
Total horseshit. As a STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR,...

Her title is County Clerk

an elected official, it is her job to represent her constituents.

You are confusing County Clerk with a member of the Legislature.

Her job is the perform her duties in accordance with the law.

All she requested was that her name be removed.

Her name was removed from the Civil Marriage licenses issued from September 4th through September 11th. But that was not good enough for her. When she returned to work on Monday the 14th she:

1. Removed Rowan County from the document, which is not her name.

2. Removed the issuer as "Deputy County Clerk", which is not her name and ordered the form to be completed as a notary and not a Deputy County Clerk​

A simple administrative adjustment that breaks no law and would allow faggots to have their piece of paper.

Incorrect. Kentucky Statute 401.100 requires that Civil Marriage licenses use the form distributed by the State Department of Libraries and Archives and that it contain the signature of the County Clerk or the Deputy County Clerk acting in that capacity. She changed the form to be signed by a notary.


So you still are not satisfied with your pound of flesh?

Good, more win for us, dumbass
So you still are not satisfied with your pound of flesh?

Good, more win for us, dumbass

I have no interest in a "pound of flesh". She was given a reasonable accommodation and her name was removed from the licenses that were issued between September 4th and September 11th.

But ohhhh nooo - that wasn't good enough for her. She got what she wanted her name was off the licenses, but when she returned to work she violated Kentucky and the Court order not to interfere with the licensing process.

She choose to violate Kentucky law and the court order through her own actions.

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I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

Her job and the law required her to issue those license. If she can't do the job she took and oath to, she should have resigned.
Wrong. Her job requires she find the most painless and cost effective way to manage the courts, and to find ways to allow the business of the court to smoothly flow while assuring that justice is served. If that means refusing to issue licenses for a few days in order to accomplish the paperwork that will allow that to happen without requiring anybody in her office to commit sacrilege, then that is exactly what her job is. Fucking morons who don't know what trial court administrators do would best be served to just stop blathering about this. It's embarrassing.
So you still are not satisfied with your pound of flesh?

Good, more win for us, dumbass

I have no interest in a "pound of flesh". She was given a reasonable accommodation and her name was removed from the licenses that were issued between September 4th and September 11th.

But ohhhh nooo - that wasn't good enough for her. She got what she wanted her name was off the licenses, but when she returned to work she violated Kentucky and the Court order not to interfere with the licensing process.

She choose to violate Kentucky law and the court order through her own actions.

So why isn't she in jail, doofus?
Wrong. Her job requires she find the most painless and cost effective way to manage the courts, and to find ways to allow the business of the court to smoothly flow while assuring that justice is served. If that means refusing to issue licenses for a few days in order to accomplish the paperwork that will allow that to happen without requiring anybody in her office to commit sacrilege, then that is exactly what her job is. Fucking morons who don't know what trial court administrators do would best be served to just stop blathering about this. It's embarrassing.

She's not a "court administrator" nor is she a "trial court administrator". She is the County Clerk.

Since Kentucky implemented the District Court system, with it's own administrators (Clerks of the District Court), County Clerks no longer have judicial duties.

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So you still are not satisfied with your pound of flesh?

Good, more win for us, dumbass

I have no interest in a "pound of flesh". She was given a reasonable accommodation and her name was removed from the licenses that were issued between September 4th and September 11th.

But ohhhh nooo - that wasn't good enough for her. She got what she wanted her name was off the licenses, but when she returned to work she violated Kentucky and the Court order not to interfere with the licensing process.

She choose to violate Kentucky law and the court order through her own actions.

So why isn't she in jail, doofus?

She was.

She still maybe.

I have no desire to see her in jail. That will be up to the Federal Court whose order she violated. That order was not to interfere with the licensing process that was providing both (a) her original request reasonable accommodation, and (b) provided that the Rowan County Clerk's office performed it's official duties for the citizens of the county.

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I doubt it's even true. How long could the book be? A paragraph? Her four marriages would make a longer story than her denying marriage licenses.
I wouldn't be surprised if things in her past are written about. After all, what happens in a person's past is how they get to where ever it is that they are now.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


She seems pretty adamant about avoiding the subject. Given that she rails on about traditional marriage, yet failed three of them.
There are 2 people in a marriage moron. Oh and anything she did or was apart of BEFORE she was baptized is washed away according to the christian religion.
Two people in a marriage is not an excuse for someone having 4 failied marriages. As well, she had a child with one man while married to another. She is pathetic excuse for a woman and a human being. A complete joke. And certainly not someone to censor others for their behavior.

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