Persecuted clerk of court signs books deal.

I doubt it's even true. How long could the book be? A paragraph? Her four marriages would make a longer story than her denying marriage licenses.
I wouldn't be surprised if things in her past are written about. After all, what happens in a person's past is how they get to where ever it is that they are now.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


She seems pretty adamant about avoiding the subject. Given that she rails on about traditional marriage, yet failed three of them.
There are 2 people in a marriage moron. Oh and anything she did or was apart of BEFORE she was baptized is washed away according to the christian religion.
Two people in a marriage is not an excuse for someone having 4 failied marriages. As well, she had a child with one man while married to another. She is pathetic excuse for a woman and a human being. A complete joke. And certainly not someone to censor others for their behavior.

Which is completely irrelevant to her current system of faith that she is willing to go to jail for, you stupid jack ass.
I doubt it's even true. How long could the book be? A paragraph? Her four marriages would make a longer story than her denying marriage licenses.
I wouldn't be surprised if things in her past are written about. After all, what happens in a person's past is how they get to where ever it is that they are now.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


She seems pretty adamant about avoiding the subject. Given that she rails on about traditional marriage, yet failed three of them.
There are 2 people in a marriage moron. Oh and anything she did or was apart of BEFORE she was baptized is washed away according to the christian religion.
Two people in a marriage is not an excuse for someone having 4 failied marriages. As well, she had a child with one man while married to another. She is pathetic excuse for a woman and a human being. A complete joke. And certainly not someone to censor others for their behavior.

Which is completely irrelevant to her current system of faith that she is willing to go to jail for, you stupid jack ass.
You stupid jackass. Her 'current faith' is just self serving BS and a way to fend off criticism for her disgusting past. She is a whore and a loser, period. She can say anything she wants now about religion, but she has proven what she is. She's like a prison convict finding religion in order to get around being held responsible for his/her true actions in life. The truth, this woman is a fake and has no business criticizing anyone on Earth for their behavior: she has behaved as badly as anyone else. Saying she is 'Christian' now is just meaningless BS.
I doubt it's even true. How long could the book be? A paragraph? Her four marriages would make a longer story than her denying marriage licenses.
I wouldn't be surprised if things in her past are written about. After all, what happens in a person's past is how they get to where ever it is that they are now.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


She seems pretty adamant about avoiding the subject. Given that she rails on about traditional marriage, yet failed three of them.
There are 2 people in a marriage moron. Oh and anything she did or was apart of BEFORE she was baptized is washed away according to the christian religion.
Two people in a marriage is not an excuse for someone having 4 failied marriages. As well, she had a child with one man while married to another. She is pathetic excuse for a woman and a human being. A complete joke. And certainly not someone to censor others for their behavior.
She isn't cenSURing their behavior. She simply maintains that marriage is a sacrament and thus refuses to commit sacrilege by endorsing it. As is her right. Her refusal is not unreasonable, nor does it prevent homos from getting married. It just prevents them from forcing her, personally, to issue the license. She was ethical and conscientious in her handling of the issue. The activist fed judge was wrong...and recanted, released her, and gave her what she originally requested as a cost effective and reasonable compromise to satisfy all aspects of the law. Which of course is her primary function as trial court administrator.
Kim Davis Signs with Christian Book Publisher: 'I'm a Survivor' to be Released in Time for Christmas
Kim Davis Signs 7 Figure Book Deal
Kim Davis Signs with Christian Book Publisher: ‘I’m a Survivor’ to be Released in Time for Christmas
Not sure if true but if it is I am certainly putting it on my to read list. Can't wait to get some behind the scenes info! Good for her as well. Persecuted for her faith,dragged through the mud,thrown in jail like so many martyrs for their causes before her she deserves this.
I said from the start that she was in it to make money.
Kim Davis Signs with Christian Book Publisher: 'I'm a Survivor' to be Released in Time for Christmas
Kim Davis Signs 7 Figure Book Deal
Kim Davis Signs with Christian Book Publisher: ‘I’m a Survivor’ to be Released in Time for Christmas
Not sure if true but if it is I am certainly putting it on my to read list. Can't wait to get some behind the scenes info! Good for her as well. Persecuted for her faith,dragged through the mud,thrown in jail like so many martyrs for their causes before her she deserves this.
I said from the start that she was in it to make money.
And right from the start you have been a stupid PC Nazi.
You stupid jackass. Her 'current faith' is just self serving BS and a way to fend off criticism for her disgusting past. She is a whore and a loser, period. She can say anything she wants now about religion, but she has proven what she is. She's like a prison convict finding religion in order to get around being held responsible for his/her true actions in life. The truth, this woman is a fake and has no business criticizing anyone on Earth for their behavior: she has behaved as badly as anyone else. Saying she is 'Christian' now is just meaningless BS.

It is not meaningless for her to say that she is Christian.

If you weren't such an ignorant wretch, you would know that forgiveness and repentance are the core of Christianity.

But instead, you are just a stupid loser who wants to believe that your 19th century world view is somehow still valid and relevant to people today.

It isn't and the joke is on you, moron.
You stupid jackass. Her 'current faith' is just self serving BS and a way to fend off criticism for her disgusting past. She is a whore and a loser, period. She can say anything she wants now about religion, but she has proven what she is. She's like a prison convict finding religion in order to get around being held responsible for his/her true actions in life. The truth, this woman is a fake and has no business criticizing anyone on Earth for their behavior: she has behaved as badly as anyone else. Saying she is 'Christian' now is just meaningless BS.

It is not meaningless for her to say that she is Christian.

If you weren't such an ignorant wretch, you would know that forgiveness and repentance are the core of Christianity.

But instead, you are just a stupid loser who wants to believe that your 19th century world view is somehow still valid and relevant to people today.

It isn't and the joke is on you, moron.
Oh, such name calling. You are to be admired about as much as I admire this useless bitch. She is a FAKE.

I was raised a Christian. I know all about Christianity. I'm not saying repentance and forgiveness are not part of Christianity; I'm saying probably most of those doing it are fakes, like convicts who suddenly become saved Christians once they are put away for murder and mayhem.

I'm not buying this woman's Christianity: it's just a phase she is going through. Five will get you ten in a few years she will again be having illegitimate babies by men who are not her husband and getting divorced repeatedly, or some such other thing that is not within the tenets of Christian philosophy.

She's a self-righteous fake; as are you if you think you are a Christian while you call me nasty names. You're a fake too. And not just calling me names. You call anyone names with whom you don't agree. The last thing you are is a Christian. You give Christianity a bad name.
You stupid jackass. Her 'current faith' is just self serving BS and a way to fend off criticism for her disgusting past. She is a whore and a loser, period. She can say anything she wants now about religion, but she has proven what she is. She's like a prison convict finding religion in order to get around being held responsible for his/her true actions in life. The truth, this woman is a fake and has no business criticizing anyone on Earth for their behavior: she has behaved as badly as anyone else. Saying she is 'Christian' now is just meaningless BS.

It is not meaningless for her to say that she is Christian.

If you weren't such an ignorant wretch, you would know that forgiveness and repentance are the core of Christianity.

But instead, you are just a stupid loser who wants to believe that your 19th century world view is somehow still valid and relevant to people today.

It isn't and the joke is on you, moron.
Oh, such name calling. You are to be admired about as much as I admire this useless bitch. She is a FAKE.

I was raised a Christian. I know all about Christianity. I'm not saying repentance and forgiveness are not part of Christianity; I'm saying probably most of those doing it are fakes, like convicts who suddenly become saved Christians once they are put away for murder and mayhem.

I'm not buying this woman's Christianity: it's just a phase she is going through. Five will get you ten in a few years she will again be having illegitimate babies by men who are not her husband and getting divorced repeatedly, or some such other thing that is not within the tenets of Christian philosophy.

She's a self-righteous fake; as are you if you think you are a Christian while you call me nasty names. You're a fake too. And not just calling me names. You call anyone names with whom you don't agree. The last thing you are is a Christian. You give Christianity a bad name.

I think she's a little old to be having any babies, but she's definitely a loser. :D
This woman definitely needs to resign. She is receiving taxpayer money for a job that she is refusing to do!!! Lol! Any other time, the cons would be up in arms about such a thing and screaming for her to be fired. Imagine if she was refusing to marry ANY one group of people?? It's stupid and we don't need crazy whacked out religious freaks interfering in our government running smoothly with their crazy paranoia. She needs to go get a job that she can actually do and stop trying to force her crazy on everyone else!

Her job is not to make or enforce laws. It's to issue certificates/licenses and to do paperwork. She is a pencil pusher! Lol.
why? with all the books out there why would anyone want to read the rantings of a woman that has one claim to fame - breaking her oath of office? what insight could possibly be gained?

If breaking one's oath of office made people famous then Obama would be a legend in his own time.

No people are interested in the story from Kim's perspective because the fascist corporate owned media is not sharing her side of the story at all.

So a whole lot people will buy her book to read why she did what she did and fill in the gaps.
Her oath of office does not include committing sacrilege at the state's behest.

All save one or two people I've seen commenting on this topic know absolutely NOTHING about what it is a Court Administrator is, or does. They look as stupid blabbing about this as they did laughing at Sarah Palin for saying (correctly) that she had to deal with Russia when she was governor of Alaska, because they were close neighbors and shared waters and other things. The same people who claim superiority to this Court Administrator, and blab about her duties and her job, are the same morons who laughed at the idea of Russia and Alaska having dealings....because they didn't know that Alaska and Russia were close to each other. Fucking idiots.

Her job was to follow the laws of the country. We have a separation between church and state for good reason. Davis failed her job and the law.
If there was a conflict between her job and her faith, she should have resigned. She took an oath to follow the law and serve the people. She failed to do that on both counts.

If she had been muslims, would it be right to require all women to wear a burka before they can be served at the clerks office? Should she give four licenses, so the man can marry four wives?

Religion does not dictate the law. Davis did not have the right to pick a choose which laws or which people she will serve.

If she was a member of a white supremacy church, should she deny the rights of people of different skin color?

Supreme court ruled on the 14 amendment, they did not crate new law. Davis was obliged to follow the law and constitution of the country
Total horseshit. As a STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, an elected official, it is her job to represent her constituents. All she requested was that her name be removed. A simple administrative adjustment that breaks no law and would allow faggots to have their piece of paper.

And at the end of the day, she got exactly what she requested. Because it was a reasonable accommodation to make, and hurt absolutely nobody. Except for the butthurt ignorami of usmb, who via this event have been exposed as the illiterate halfwits they are.

She removed her name and the clerks office. She is being sued by gays and straights for invalidating the documents
Her job and the law required her to issue those license. If she can't do the job she took and oath to, she should have resigned.

Not when there is a reasonable accommodation for her to keep doing her job.

You libtards are hilariously activating the Christian voters to get into politics and you don't even realize it because you are such morons.

She refused the accommodations till after she went to jail. Now she has removed not only her name but the clerks office as well

Two straight couples are suing her as well for invalidating the licenses.
People who think that how Kim lives her life now is meaningless considering her past, I can't help but wonder how they feel about Bruce Jenner. Is he still a guy in their eyes or the woman that he wants to be referred to as now?

God bless you and Kim always!!!


P.S. Why judge one if you are not going to judge another?
People who think that how Kim lives her life now is meaningless considering her past, I can't help but wonder how they feel about Bruce Jenner. Is he still a guy in their eyes or the woman that he wants to be referred to as now?

God bless you and Kim always!!!


P.S. Why judge one if you are not going to judge another?

Is Bruce Jenner interfering in another person's life?
People who think that how Kim lives her life now is meaningless considering her past, I can't help but wonder how they feel about Bruce Jenner. Is he still a guy in their eyes or the woman that he wants to be referred to as now?

God bless you and Kim always!!!


P.S. Why judge one if you are not going to judge another?

I wonder how you would feel if some stranger, a person you've never even seen before, told you that they don't think you should marry the person you love because they don't approve of your lifestyle or your union? What would you do and how would you feel about that?
^^^ I would say, "Well that is your opinion." What would I do? I would go back to whatever it was that I was doing because the person's opinion would only mean so much to me since the only opinion that matters to me is the one that the Lord has. :) :) :)

People who think that how Kim lives her life now is meaningless considering her past, I can't help but wonder how they feel about Bruce Jenner. Is he still a guy in their eyes or the woman that he wants to be referred to as now?

God bless you and Kim always!!!


P.S. Why judge one if you are not going to judge another?
Is Bruce Jenner interfering in another person's life?
Yes. The guy does have a family and friends doesn't he? If yes, he interferes into their lives. Also isn't he a person of interest in a someone's death?

God bless you and their family always!!!

^^^ I would say, "Well that is your opinion." What would I do? I would go back to whatever it was that I was doing because the person's opinion would only mean so much to me since the only opinion that matters to me is the one that the Lord has. :) :) :)

People who think that how Kim lives her life now is meaningless considering her past, I can't help but wonder how they feel about Bruce Jenner. Is he still a guy in their eyes or the woman that he wants to be referred to as now?

God bless you and Kim always!!!


P.S. Why judge one if you are not going to judge another?
Is Bruce Jenner interfering in another person's life?
Yes. The guy does have a family and friends doesn't he? If yes, he interferes into their lives. Also isn't he a person of interest in a someone's death?

God bless you and their family always!!!


Well, what if someone made a law saying you couldn't marry James Otto?? :D Then what?

Yes, Bruce Jenner does have friends and family, but apparently they are okay with it, and he isn't really stopping other people from doing things they want to do.
^^^ James is already married. October 1st is his ten year anniversary. Even if James wasn't married, I can't say right now that I would want to marry him because him and I do have what I believe are some major differences, but to answer your question, if there was a law that kept me from marrying who I wanted to get married to, that law would not be able to stop me from having anything to do with whoever it is that I would want to get married to which is pretty much what same gender couples did before they were able to get married. They were together in the ways that they were able to be together.

God bless you and James always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I've heard it said that Bruce may be the reason why someone isn't here anymore and if he is the reason why, then he stopped that person from doing things that they want to do.

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