Persecuted clerk of court signs books deal.

I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.
I mean, I am QUITE sure many of you would be the first here whining if it were a Muslim practicing his or her religious views in their position as a country clerk. Lol. It is beyond ridiculous that anyone would even argue from that position to begin with.
Some hate Muslims and would do that. I don't nor do the majority of Christians.

But Romans chapter 1 settles the matter for real Christians that follow the Bible.

Your bible is fine, just not in our governmental matters. :)

Bullshit, one cannot live by the Bible without it influencing their behavior.

Please keep posting, lets show the world the mindset of a modern libtard PC Nazi.
I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

That's too bad. Yours and her religious views don't take precedence in our government, and THAT is how we want to keep it. She is free to resign and not "desecrate" her good name with her god, of course.
I mean, I am QUITE sure many of you would be the first here whining if it were a Muslim practicing his or her religious views in their position as a country clerk. Lol. It is beyond ridiculous that anyone would even argue from that position to begin with.
Some hate Muslims and would do that. I don't nor do the majority of Christians.

But Romans chapter 1 settles the matter for real Christians that follow the Bible.

Your bible is fine, just not in our governmental matters. :)

Bullshit, one cannot live by the Bible without it influencing their behavior.

Please keep posting, lets show the world the mindset of a modern libtard PC Nazi.

Well then, don't take a job as a county clerk if you feel you cannot do that job due to your religious beliefs. Sorry bud, but that's your problem and not anyone else's if you can't do your job because of your religious views. :dunno:
What is wrong with you people anyway? Don't you realize it is against the Constitution for the state to "establish" a preferred religion? WTF? :dunno: That is exactly what this woman is doing with her county clerk position in denying taxpaying citizens their marriage certificates. She is a disgrace!
I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

I can assure you that the opinion of one of cuntiest posters on this forum matters not. You're views of me and most other things went to shit the instant you said we should 'roll back' certain things in our society as to not be at an 'eternal war of Islam'. You're a scaredy cat and a pussy.

That being said, go cry some more about shit you can't change. Perhaps all your tears will bring about another flood where all the wicked perish. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

I can assure you that the opinion of one of cuntiest posters on this forum matters not. You're views of me and most other things went to shit the instant you said we should 'roll back' certain things in our society as to not be at an 'eternal war of Islam'. You're a scaredy cat and a pussy.

That being said, go cry some more about shit you can't change. Perhaps all your tears will bring about another flood where all the wicked perish. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
It is interesting that you keep repeating your lies as thought repetition might make them true.

Just another stupid Libtard trick.
I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

He's a "heathen?" I think that YOU seem much more "heathenesque." :D
I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.

I can assure you that the opinion of one of cuntiest posters on this forum matters not. You're views of me and most other things went to shit the instant you said we should 'roll back' certain things in our society as to not be at an 'eternal war of Islam'. You're a scaredy cat and a pussy.

That being said, go cry some more about shit you can't change. Perhaps all your tears will bring about another flood where all the wicked perish. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
It is interesting that you keep repeating your lies as thought repetition might make them true.

Just another stupid Libtard trick.

Why are you so hateful anyway? What have any gay people ever done to you? Why do you care so much about what the gay people are doing? Why not worry about yourself? I'm sure that YOU are not perfect and have things you could be working on yourself! :)
t is interesting that you keep repeating your lies as thought repetition might make them true.

Just another stupid Libtard trick.

It isn't my fault you cannot make peace with own stupid words.

Remember this if you remember nothing else from our exchanges: Gays are getting married in this nation and their isn't a damn thing you can do about it but cry like a little bitch on the web. :itsok:
I enjoy books on controversial subjects and people,She never broke her oath of office since there is NO LAW saying fags can get married. There WAS a law saying they couldn't and it was tossed out and the Ky legislature has YET to pass a new law saying they can so.

If she ever writes a book. I hope it is fast b/c if she doesn't get herself in front of camera soon she risks becoming old hat.

If Davis wishes to peruse that foolish/failed legal argument then she is at liberty to do so. The courts have rejected it time and time again. You can deny reality until the cows come home but the rest of us do not have to indulge your imagination.

I recognize the reality that their are enough jurists who are sodomites and sympathize with sodomite that they will ignore the plain meaning for the written law and redefine words to justify their opinions.

But Davis was objecting to putting her name of approval on an evil document that would legitimize fagotry. She refused and decided she would rather get put in jail.

There was a time when even libtards like you could see the courage in that, but now all that matters to you libtards is whether or not the person is opposed to your agenda. If they are in support then they c an do no wrong and if opposed they can do nothing right.

You have no objectivity, integrity, honesty or human decency. You are heathen, plain and simple FACT.
Equal rights wins.....superstitious fear loses. :clap:
No one in this case was persecuted, in any way, shape, or form..For anything.
Including their religious beliefs. And I still see this county clerk as a victim of slicked back, smooth talking, agenda driven lawyers preying on her deeply held beliefs. For you see, in that world, a very small world, women must be appropriately submissive to men, even while holding public office. And that's what got her in so much trouble.

So in a country filled with countless thousands of county clerks still doing the job they swore an oath to carry out, suggests that this particular county clerk lives in a very small world indeed..
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Kim Davis Signs with Christian Book Publisher: 'I'm a Survivor' to be Released in Time for Christmas
Kim Davis Signs 7 Figure Book Deal
Kim Davis Signs with Christian Book Publisher: ‘I’m a Survivor’ to be Released in Time for Christmas
Not sure if true but if it is I am certainly putting it on my to read list. Can't wait to get some behind the scenes info! Good for her as well. Persecuted for her faith,dragged through the mud,thrown in jail like so many martyrs for their causes before her she deserves this.
,it will be great to read about the ordeal our Kim had to endure at the hands of a brutal federal judge. I call upon the Senate to impeach him for unconsrutional judicial over reach.

Do your job that you were elected to do or go to jail for harming those who have a right to get a license.

Judge gave her three chances before she went to jail.

That is the equivalent of the rack and hot coals. Did she have to share a cell with a lesbian or transgender? Now that would be torture to her.

I week in an orange jump suit. Not baggy tee-shirts and overalls or sack dress.

Will it be fiction of fairy tale?
There is no law that says she must issue the licenses to queers. SC only rules on laws it does NOT make them. Persecuted for her beliefs.

Not new law, 14th amendment.

why? with all the books out there why would anyone want to read the rantings of a woman that has one claim to fame - breaking her oath of office? what insight could possibly be gained?

If breaking one's oath of office made people famous then Obama would be a legend in his own time.

No people are interested in the story from Kim's perspective because the fascist corporate owned media is not sharing her side of the story at all.

So a whole lot people will buy her book to read why she did what she did and fill in the gaps.
Her oath of office does not include committing sacrilege at the state's behest.

All save one or two people I've seen commenting on this topic know absolutely NOTHING about what it is a Court Administrator is, or does. They look as stupid blabbing about this as they did laughing at Sarah Palin for saying (correctly) that she had to deal with Russia when she was governor of Alaska, because they were close neighbors and shared waters and other things. The same people who claim superiority to this Court Administrator, and blab about her duties and her job, are the same morons who laughed at the idea of Russia and Alaska having dealings....because they didn't know that Alaska and Russia were close to each other. Fucking idiots.

Her job was to follow the laws of the country. We have a separation between church and state for good reason. Davis failed her job and the law.
If there was a conflict between her job and her faith, she should have resigned. She took an oath to follow the law and serve the people. She failed to do that on both counts.

If she had been muslims, would it be right to require all women to wear a burka before they can be served at the clerks office? Should she give four licenses, so the man can marry four wives?

Religion does not dictate the law. Davis did not have the right to pick a choose which laws or which people she will serve.

If she was a member of a white supremacy church, should she deny the rights of people of different skin color?

Supreme court ruled on the 14 amendment, they did not crate new law. Davis was obliged to follow the law and constitution of the country

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