Pick A Crime

'Pick a crime' that's what judge Marchan told the jury. In order to convict Trump of a felony, he had to have done the hush payoffs in conjunction to a higher crime. Taxes, campain violation or a higher crime but, the jury does not have to agree upon which crime. This Marchan is a real piece of work.

I've been seeing/hearing that from various sources most of the day today. It was pretty incredible when the jury asked the judge exactly what the crime was they were supposed to deliberate on. And then to give the jury a choice of crimes to pick from and be told it doesn't have to be unanimous? Unreal. So may serious and blatant judicial errors, there is no way a conviction won't be immediately overturned on appeal. But Bragg and Merchan aren't so stupid that they don't know that.

They don't care.

Their purpose was to get a conviction for the Biden campaign to use. Doesn't matter how bogus or short lived it might be. They know it will look really good in Biden's campaign propaganda.
I've been seeing/hearing that from various sources most of the day today. It was pretty incredible when the jury asked the judge exactly what the crime was they were supposed to deliberate on. And then to give the jury a choice of crimes to pick from and be told it doesn't have to be unanimous? Unreal. So may serious and blatant judicial errors, there is no way a conviction won't be immediately overturned on appeal. But Bragg and Merchan aren't so stupid that they don't know that.

They don't care.

Their purpose was to get a conviction for the Biden campaign to use. Doesn't matter how bogus or short lived it might be. They know it will look really good in Biden's campaign propaganda.
They're really fishing for something to tie the hush money to a 'higher crime' as yet unnamed. If they can do that, Trump gets hit with a felony and Biden gets to call him a 'convicted felon.' BTW Marchan was not on the judge circuit either, he was hand picked. Likely because he was a big Biden supporter and donated to Biden, the Democratic party and to 'stop republicans.' A more biased judge they could not have 'found.' The prosecutor Alvin Bragg got Soros funding for his campaign through a Soros created PAC. This trial is nothing but a bizarre kangaroo court.
'Pick a crime' that's what judge Marchan told the jury. In order to convict Trump of a felony, he had to have done the hush payoffs in conjunction to a higher crime. Taxes, campain violation or a higher crime but, the jury does not have to agree upon which crime. This Marchan is a real piece of work.

What the fuck are they talking about split the jury into groups ...and each group is supposed to pick a crime he's guilty of ?

What kind of kangaroo horse shit is this

I've been seeing/hearing that from various sources most of the day today. It was pretty incredible when the jury asked the judge exactly what the crime was they were supposed to deliberate on. And then to give the jury a choice of crimes to pick from and be told it doesn't have to be unanimous?
If that is what your various sources propagandists told you, they lied to you.
They're really fishing for something to tie the hush money to a 'higher crime' as yet unnamed. If they can do that, Trump gets hit with a felony and Biden gets to call him a 'convicted felon.' BTW Marchan was not on the judge circuit either, he was hand picked. Likely because he was a big Biden supporter and donated to Biden, the Democratic party and to 'stop republicans.' A more biased judge they could not have 'found.' The prosecutor Alvin Bragg got Soros funding for his campaign through a Soros created PAC. This trial is nothing but a bizarre kangaroo court.

One of the Dem cretins was on a show a few days ago gloating about that. He actually said even if it's appealed and overturned he still gets to call Trump a "convicted felon" forever.

That's the goal. They don't care.

And anymore, neither do I.
Could you cite the allegedly super relevant part of the indictment? Or are you full of shit again, as usual?
The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017,with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.

It's literally on every page.
The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017,with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.

It's literally on every page.
What crime? WTF?

You are a very low IQ and therefore easily brainwashed by fake news moron.

You are a TDS afflicted moron.
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Here are the judge's instructions to the jury: https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS...ry Instructions and Charges FINAL 5-23-24.pdf

Now you can see for your dumb selves that your propagandists are lying to you.

It will be a mystery for the ages why you tards keep going back to be fed manufactured BULLSHIT by the same makers of that bullshit.

Seriously. Why do you lend your profitable eyeballs to a company that lies to you?!?
And then to give the jury a choice of crimes to pick from and be told it doesn't have to be unanimous?

The Charged Crimes

I will now instruct you on the law applicable to the charged offenses.

That offense is Falsifying Business Records in the FirstDegree – 34 Counts.


Your verdict, on each count you consider, whether guilty or not guilty, must be unanimous.

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I can't help it if you are too stupid to understand the very simple language.
I am not a stupid moron like you. My IQ=158. Judging from a multitude of your posts that demonstrate a lack of reasoning skills it is safe to say that your IQ is way the fuck below 100.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are very slim. To me, you are practically subhuman.
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What the fuck are they talking about split the jury into groups ...and each group is supposed to pick a crime he's guilty of ?

Who is telling you this? You should never trust them again.

1. While you are here in the courthouse, deliberating on the case, you will be kept together in the jury room. You may not leave the jury room during deliberations. Lunch will of course be provided. If you have a cell phone or other electronic device, please give it to a court officer to hold for you while you are engaged in deliberations.

2. You must deliberate about the case only when you are all gathered together in the jury room. You must not, for example, discuss the case as you go to and from the courtroom. It is important that each juror have the opportunity to hear whatever another juror has to say about the case, and that by law must only be done when you are all gathered together in the jury room. Thus, if for any reason, all twelve of you are not gathered together in the jury room, please stop deliberating until you are all present.
I am not a stupid moron like you. My IQ=158. Your IQ is way the fuck below 100. The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are very slim. To me, you are practically subhuman.
You are clearly confused. Probably because the indictment is longer than a tweet and uses big legal words.

The judge speaks in his instructions in much plainer language. I must warn you, though, it is also longer than a tweet.

Let me know if you need any help with the big words, mm-kay?

I know exactly what is going to be said by you tards. You're going to say something really stupid because the instructions will contradict the bullshit your propagandists fed you to keep you confused. You won't be able to comprehend what is right in front of your face because you have been so thoroughly gaslighted.

But it is actually very simple to understand. IF you want to!
I'm so tired of dipshits not reading things for themselves, and instead relying on their known lying liars on their TV to lie to them about what it says, and then blindly parroting what they are told to parrot.

Lazy, dumb fucks BEGGING to be lied to.

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