Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque

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I attack all religion while you, like most here, attack only Islam.

Because they are the problem. You realize that people are dying every day in terror attacks worldwide in the name of Islam?
Humans, guns, and religion are the problem. To not see that is to see the trees but ignore the forest.

Humans?.........as in homo sapiens? Are you not human? Minus guns and religion, than, you too, are part of the problem........idiot!

I keep telling him to go first . . . :D
Yes, and it's wrong every time of course. All, or nothing.

You will just get beat up and cry.
Where in hell do you get a pig's head in Philadelphia? You just walk into a butcher and say 'I'd like the head of a pig', and the butcher will say 'well you have a pork belly so here you go'.

This is like the drive-by version of the KKK burning a cross on someone's lawn. W...T...F is wrong with these people.
How is it worse? The pigs head caused no damage and muslims killed 14 people in San Bernardino.
Your priorities are all fucked up....
One requires paint, one requires a cleansing. Let us hope that a kind Christian helped out since pork is not a Jewish or Muslim thing...

So all the dead people in San Bernardino just need cleansing?
You're fucked in the head....
The dead, all of them, need burial.
or cremation
You didn't say that so nope
Where in hell do you get a pig's head in Philadelphia? You just walk into a butcher and say 'I'd like the head of a pig', and the butcher will say 'well you have a pork belly so here you go'.

This is like the drive-by version of the KKK burning a cross on someone's lawn. W...T...F is wrong with these people.
I agree what's with you libturds? Why do you think you can get away with this?
Where in hell do you get a pig's head in Philadelphia? You just walk into a butcher and say 'I'd like the head of a pig', and the butcher will say 'well you have a pork belly so here you go'.

This is like the drive-by version of the KKK burning a cross on someone's lawn. W...T...F is wrong with these people.
I agree what's with you libturds? Why do you think you can get away with this?

You are KKK in hiding pinky. Don't deny it. But the south got their ass kicked and the gave up. The losers.
So, if you find yourself in a terror attack, just slather yourself with bacon grease and cover yourself with slabs of bacon, put on a pig's head and start chasing them! Practice your pig calls in the meantime.
This is the definitive thread to separate the rational from the clueless. Only the PC whores cant laugh their asses off about this!!! Of course, these same PC whores talk blissfully when a statue of Christ gets pooped on and is displayed as art. Double standards are ghey.

Whoever did the pig toss.....give them a cigar.:2up:
We'll remind you of that the next time a christian church gets burned down...
There is the hate, anyway it usually a black church that get torched by a liberal.
Where in hell do you get a pig's head in Philadelphia? You just walk into a butcher and say 'I'd like the head of a pig', and the butcher will say 'well you have a pork belly so here you go'.

This is like the drive-by version of the KKK burning a cross on someone's lawn. W...T...F is wrong with these people.
And how is that different than putting a cross into a bowl of urine and calling it art? I blinked and missed the leftist outrage.
Because they are the problem. You realize that people are dying every day in terror attacks worldwide in the name of Islam?
Humans, guns, and religion are the problem. To not see that is to see the trees but ignore the forest.

Humans?.........as in homo sapiens? Are you not human? Minus guns and religion, than, you too, are part of the problem........idiot!
No, I am part of the solution, until near the end that is.

You are nothing but an internet dork. Lol. I could probably kick your arse even if you had a gun.
Nope, little one...

Yes I can.
Humans, guns, and religion are the problem. To not see that is to see the trees but ignore the forest.

Humans?.........as in homo sapiens? Are you not human? Minus guns and religion, than, you too, are part of the problem........idiot!
No, I am part of the solution, until near the end that is.

You are nothing but an internet dork. Lol. I could probably kick your arse even if you had a gun.
Nope, little one...

Yes I can.
Whatever you say, my young pretty panties. Unlike your buddies here, I don't need a gun to feel safe in the real world.
So, if you find yourself in a terror attack, just slather yourself with bacon grease and cover yourself with slabs of bacon, put on a pig's head and start chasing them! Practice your pig calls in the meantime.
That's childish, utterly, and not Islam.

No, it's funny! Sewwwwwyyyyyy! Lol.
Muslims can eat pork, if necessary. You lose, child.

Nope, it's considered "unclean." So again, you are wrong, as usual.
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