Pilots walk out after Biden's speech and demands.

You really think you can defend yourself against the United States military?

Yeah. Stone age afghanis just sent us packing. With "leaders" like milley you think American soldiers are going to fight against us?

You're living in la la land.

It's not experimental. The anthrax vaccine was much worse, and the courts laughed hard at the few military vaccine refusers back then.
What's the lethality of anthrax compared to covid? The covid 'vaccine' is no vaccine at all. There is no evidence that the experimental covid treatment is even beneficial for the military.
Correct. You don't evolve into fascists.

You are BORN fascists.

Correct. You don't evolve into fascists.

You are BORN fascists.


Here's a definition of teump to the letter. Ironically, it is that of a fascist also.
You don't understand the meaning of the word. The herd has grabbed it out of desperation and you fell for it.

Yet you say duh???

a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Don't forget he tried to destroy democracy also.
If only the rest of the military did the same.

Never in my lifetime did I think any of us would see fascism spread like wildfire in our country. Many of us learned in high school the dictators that rose to power and took control of nations, but we could not fathom how that happened. How did these people rise to power and then were so easily able to transform a nation into total control?

It seemed farfetched and impossible at the time, but today we are seeing just how it works firsthand, and it is terrifying.

People are begging to give over their freedom just for a small snippet of security. Our friends and family are willing to turn on those they are close to just to keep their lives comfortable, and how did this occur?


The government and mainstream media worked hand in hand to create such panic and fear over this virus that people are begging for a medical takeover.

Everything our brave men and women have sacrificed for in ensuring our freedom is now for nothing and that is just not alright with me or anyone else who respects our service members.

Joe Biden’s speech yesterday crossed the line for many people in our country and for all the right reasons, and now we are seeing people stand up to medical tyranny.

Upon hearing Dictator Biden’s mandate, 12 F-22 pilots immediately walked off the job.
Keep in mind that a high percentage of illegal aliens coming across our Mexican border have COVID-19 or one of its variations. They are not required to be vaccinated against the coronavirus but are shipped all over our nation to new homes. Obviously they will spread the coronavirus in their new communities.

Illegal aliens have/ more rights and are better treated than American citizens. Why is that?

Keep in mind that a high percentage of illegal aliens coming across our Mexican border have COVID-19 or one of its variations. They are not required to be vaccinated against the coronavirus but are shipped all over our nation to new homes. Obviously they will spread the coronavirus in their new communities.

Illegal aliens have/ more rights and are better treated than American citizens. Why is that?

Phase 2. Wait for Phase 3. It will be a humdinger.
Here's a definition of teump to the letter. Ironically, it is that of a fascist also.
You don't understand the meaning of the word. The herd has grabbed it out of desperation and you fell for it.

Yet you say duh???

a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Don't forget he tried to destroy democracy also.

The Democrat Party is the party of authoritarianism.

The response to covid is asinine, not supported by science, and violates the Civil Rights of all Americans.

But you're OK with it because you're a FASCIST!
If only the rest of the military did the same.

Never in my lifetime did I think any of us would see fascism spread like wildfire in our country. Many of us learned in high school the dictators that rose to power and took control of nations, but we could not fathom how that happened. How did these people rise to power and then were so easily able to transform a nation into total control?

It seemed farfetched and impossible at the time, but today we are seeing just how it works firsthand, and it is terrifying.

People are begging to give over their freedom just for a small snippet of security. Our friends and family are willing to turn on those they are close to just to keep their lives comfortable, and how did this occur?


The government and mainstream media worked hand in hand to create such panic and fear over this virus that people are begging for a medical takeover.

Everything our brave men and women have sacrificed for in ensuring our freedom is now for nothing and that is just not alright with me or anyone else who respects our service members.

Joe Biden’s speech yesterday crossed the line for many people in our country and for all the right reasons, and now we are seeing people stand up to medical tyranny.

Upon hearing Dictator Biden’s mandate, 12 F-22 pilots immediately walked off the job.
Keep in mind that a high percentage of illegal aliens coming across our Mexican border have COVID-19 or one of its variations. They are not required to be vaccinated against the coronavirus but are shipped all over our nation to new homes. Obviously they will spread the coronavirus in their new communities.
Do they?
Are they tested and vetted?

Do you Batcat even accept the phrase 'vetted' or do you believe it is a sham?
There's an Ivermectin for humans. The horse Ivermectin is 10 times stronger and has to be used with decreased amounts. The shit they pump into humans is still experimental and has not been approved, no matter what they claim. The fucking courts are corrupt.
Yes, they do have ivermectin for humans.
For roundworm, head lice and papulopustular rosacea.
Their source?
Real Raw News............................crackpots, who also ran BS claiming:

'Military arrest Hunter Biden'.
'Adam Schiff faces firing squad'.
'Military arrest Cuomo'.
'Military hangs Susan Rice'.
'Military hangs Tom Hanks'.
'Biden body double meets with Putin'.

'Real Raw News, launched in 2020 is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page'.
They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”

Trumpaciles are so gullible.

This was written in 1989. Look familiar on what is going on NOW?
Military pilots walking off the job? Court Martial.
Turned in their commission

Great. The last thing we need is nutjob pilots flying those machines.

Oh and this is a tiny per cent of fighter pilots
Wait. You believe that was written in 1989? "5G"? "Covid-19"?

My God you are stupid
For centuries there has been a movement for this. The power acquired has been a slow and moving forward one. A true world government! Sounds good doesn't it? A lot of death has happened to get us closer to it. And we have over 8 billion people today that can not be sustained by a malevolent dictatorship. A world now controlled mostly by massive fiat currencies as the means of exchange. With massive debts to pay people off that must not be allowed to collapse. Until the elites want to. Look at reality for just pensions. Do you really believe that if you paid 50 thousand dollars in a pension funded job over many years that you are getting a couple million dollars or more after you retire for nothing?
did these people rise to power and then were so easily able to transform a nation into total control?

Because the people let them.

That's why our country is going to shit because average America loving Americans are cuckolds. We sit in the living room watching TV while our wives get fucked in the other room. The average American is allowing all the bad stuff in our country to happen, we sit and watch and let it happen. It's our fault.

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