Please, if you are going to post in here, do everybody a favor

koshergrl 'debate' example:

county clerks have no right to break the law = FACT

koshergrl 'debate' = libtards hate Jesus
I've never thought of this place as a "debate" forum.

Seems like a pretty solid majority of the posts are personal insults, name calling, straw men and/or blatant partisan hyperbole.

Just sayin'.
We just need a filter that screens out all posts that contain slurs / smears / name calling / ad hominem attacks / posts that corrupt party names like Dumbocrats / Repulsives / or people's names such as callng Obama Obummer and any other corruption of their name which would also go for corrupting names of Republicans.

People think they are being oh so cute when they piss on the names of people they disagree with, but their posts almost never contain anything but personal attack / smear / innuendo etc. etc. But they think that is a " victory " for them.

All this goes for people on all sides of the political spectrum.

Anytime a person in a discussion makes an ad hominem attack they LOSE THE ARGUMENT because they are admitting they can't refute the point(s) the person made and resort to personal attacks in place of arguing from a factual position.
Loserterians do a hell of a lot of it...You don't like being called on your idiocy and that is why you're whining.
Whom are you addressing?

The idiots that want to be treated seriously even through their belief system is idiocy.

Liberterians are a joke! No fucking way should we deregulate and allow more corporate screwing of our people.

This isn't the board for professional debate. Go find somewhere else to go! This board is great because you can attack, cuss and attack some more!
Or in your case, post dumb shit day after day.
And at least do some research, not only on your topic, but on correct debate/discussion FORM.

I can't tell you how annoying it is to go into a discussion that has potential to be really interesting, and see 2 or 3 rejects doing nothing but trolling and spinning, while proclaiming their superiority.

Here's the can't win a debate purely by being an asshole. Just because people don't engage with you doesn't mean you've made a point. And just because you've derailed the thread doesn't mean you're a fabulous conversationalist. It just means you're disruptive and probably not worth talking to.

For starters:

"Two intellectually-honest tactics
There are two intellectually-honest debate tactics:

1. pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts
2. pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic
That’s it. Simple! The dishonest list is much longer."

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Point out errors in facts or logic, and that's it. Don't pose stupid questions meant to make a point that only you can decipher. Don't post repeatedly how stupid your opponent is. Don't declare victory or present a long-winded rant as *fact*. You just look like an idiot, and you bore everybody to death.
When someone obsfucates, I put them on ignore.

Its why, though I'm left wing , I won't talk to far leftists. Obsfucation sucks.
Problem is that if you put everyone on Ignore that insults you ... in about a month you got no one to post to.

This forum should be labeled " Insult Forum ".

There's hardly a message posted that doesn't contain " libtard " or some other bastardization of words intended to be an insult.
I've never thought of this place as a "debate" forum.

Seems like a pretty solid majority of the posts are personal insults, name calling, straw men and/or blatant partisan hyperbole.

Just sayin'.
We just need a filter that screens out all posts that contain slurs / smears / name calling / ad hominem attacks / posts that corrupt party names like Dumbocrats / Repulsives / or people's names such as callng Obama Obummer and any other corruption of their name which would also go for corrupting names of Republicans.

People think they are being oh so cute when they piss on the names of people they disagree with, but their posts almost never contain anything but personal attack / smear / innuendo etc. etc. But they think that is a " victory " for them.

All this goes for people on all sides of the political spectrum.

Anytime a person in a discussion makes an ad hominem attack they LOSE THE ARGUMENT because they are admitting they can't refute the point(s) the person made and resort to personal attacks in place of arguing from a factual position.
I suspect a lot of the behavior here is essentially catharsis, just blowing out the lines.

Sometimes it's actually possible to have an interesting, stimulating conversation, though.
Problem is that if you put everyone on Ignore that insults you ... in about a month you got no one to post to.
That's one option.. the other options include (but are not limited to)

Get a sense of humor
Grow a thicker skin

It's just an Internet Message Board after all. :)
Problem is that if you put everyone on Ignore that insults you ... in about a month you got no one to post to.
That's one option.. the other options include (but are not limited to)

Get a sense of humor
Grow a thicker skin

It's just an Internet Message Board after all. :)
Very true ... but many people have thin skins and they find this place and post and someone comes back and calls them a " cocksucker " because they disagree.

Most of us just laugh ... but it drives many people away and they never come back.

But just because they have thins skins and won't tolerate being verbally assaulted doesn't mean they don't have anything of value to contribute to the discussion.

I'm pretty sure Steven Hawking wouldn't stay on this board, even though he is pretty conservative and has a LOT he might contribute to discussions. But he wouldn't tolerate the pettiness and verbal assaults and even threats that get posted.
Problem is that if you put everyone on Ignore that insults you ... in about a month you got no one to post to.
That's one option.. the other options include (but are not limited to)

Get a sense of humor
Grow a thicker skin

EXACTLY what I was just thinking.

I like the atmosphere here. The back and forth is good for growing a thicker skin.

I've been on forums with enforced "civility", and the passive-aggressiveness and veiled snideness levels are much higher than here.
Problem is that if you put everyone on Ignore that insults you ... in about a month you got no one to post to.
That's one option.. the other options include (but are not limited to)

Get a sense of humor
Grow a thicker skin

It's just an Internet Message Board after all. :)
Very true ... but many people have thin skins and they find this place and post and someone comes back and calls them a " cocksucker " because they disagree.

Most of us just laugh ... but it drives many people away and they never come back.

But just because they have thins skins and won't tolerate being verbally assaulted doesn't mean they don't have anything of value to contribute to the discussion.

I'm pretty sure Steven Hawking wouldn't stay on this board, even though he is pretty conservative and has a LOT he might contribute to discussions. But he wouldn't tolerate the pettiness and verbal assaults and even threats that get posted.
I have a feeling Hawking could spar with the best of them.

Some of the nastiest debates you will ever see are on scientific forums.

"I'll shove a Mannheim slide rule up your black hole, you Copenhagen sheep!!!"
And at least do some research, not only on your topic, but on correct debate/discussion FORM.

I can't tell you how annoying it is to go into a discussion that has potential to be really interesting, and see 2 or 3 rejects doing nothing but trolling and spinning, while proclaiming their superiority.

Here's the can't win a debate purely by being an asshole..

Koshergrl threads- started by with Koshergrl being an asshole:

Which of our anti-Christian loons do you think this is?

yote's hero, Mengele, was an abortionist. New Man dresses as priest, performs lewd act at Cambridge church altar

I'm stumped, we have a few I could see doing this....AvgJoe, for example.

Obama is a fuckwit.
I don't know why we even pretend otherwise. Articles: Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

tigerred should smoke less crack
Reading her rants gives me a headache. Or maybe it's the bold font she's taken to using, as if her words aren't loud and black enough already.
Can you imagine living with that level of incoherent rage day in and day out

Progressives ignore shooting in liberal utopia of Baltimore
They're too busy screeching that the residents of Roseburg are "ignorant" for rejecting their *common sense* gun policies.

Perhaps if Koshergrl wouldn't start threads by being an asshole- we could take this thread more seriously


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